
Just living is not enough... one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower. ~Hans Christian Andersen

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Footprints in the Sand (to Carol, my friend)

I wrote her name in the sand...
Today is Carol Cox's birthday.  She entered heaven about 3 months ago.  We were good friends.

After moving to Florida for a season...Carol and I  kept in touch via cell phone...talking often about the things of the Lord. 

We usually talked while I was out walking or riding my bike - waiting for the sunset to paint the most incredible pictures in the sky...and when I drove alone to Vero Beach, we talked while I watched the ocean waves or walked the beach.  I remember Carol listening to the roar of the waves via my cell phone.  She loved it.  She always wished she could be there, too.

Every person has someone who believes in them.  Someone who will treasure the insignificant things that matter only to you.  Carol did that for me.

One day, while on the beach, I wrote her name in the sand and snapped a picture of it.  I sent it to her.  This photo is now the cover picture for her fb memorial page. 

I went to her fb page today in remembrance of her birthday.  When I saw the photo...I noticed the footprints underneath her name.  Mine.    I didn't notice them before because my focus was on her name. 

Seeing the footprints in the sand made me realize that the small things we do for another person makes a much larger impact than we can imagine.

That day at the beach - I would have never, in my wildest dreams, thought or expected that picture to be where it is ... for this day...her memorial day.

Small things really are big things.   Life is short. 

Don't wait until you can do Big things for someone...do the small things...for that is what will remain, even after they are gone.

You are leaving footprints, evidence you were there...touching a life.

Watch your step...

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