
Just living is not enough... one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower. ~Hans Christian Andersen

Friday, August 9, 2013

A FRIDAY PRAYER, Ephesians 1:19

and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe,
 according to the working of His mighty power
Father, Your highest desire for me is that the HOLY SPIRIT might work in me in a greater measure -- YOU want me to receive more wisdom, greater revelation, and increased knowledge of YOUR redemptive purposes...for my present life and for my future.  My salvation should reflect abundant "Power" manifested by the HOLY SPIRIT.
I AM NOT redeemed to reflect weakness.
I CAN AND WILL advance in grace.
I CAN AND WILL achieve victory over Satan and sin.
I CAN AND WILL witness effectively for Jesus Christ.
I CAN AND WILL inherit eternal life in a place called heaven... prepared for me by Jesus Christ.
This is accomplished by a continual MOVING of the HOLY SPIRIT toward me!  HOLY SPIRIT power is an ACTIVITY, MANIFESTATION, AND STRENGTH - Moving Toward Me !!
EVER Moving Toward Me !
MOVE toward me today, Holy Spirit! 
Let there be a fresh manifestation of strength, anointing, increase, Spirit activity in me, upon me...and

I love people who make me laugh. ETHEL did that.

Despite everything,
I believe that people
are really good at heart.
-Anne Frank
I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
-Audrey Hepburn 

I was working in an auto claims center for State Farm in Florida ... and ETHEL called:
Me:  The usual S F  greeting
Ethel:  I wish you’d speak up.  Is this a recording again?
Me:  No mam’, how can I help you?
Ethel:  I need to speak to Brian.
Me:  Do you have a last name for Brian?
Ethel:  No
Me:  Do you have a claim number?
Ethel: Yes, but he evidently doesn’t have it.
Me:  What is the claim #?
Ethel:  It is…………………..
By this time I was laughing so hard.  I had to put her on hold so I could enter the claim number…looking for Brian.
When I could contain myself, I picked up the call from Ethel again.
Ethel:  Oh, I finally got somebody!
It's true.  People are valuable.  Life would be empty without them.  Look for gems in the life of those around you.  They can make you laugh, weep, wonder, and love.  I saved my conversation with Ethel because she made me laugh ... and no doubt, she made my day!  
Without deep reflection
one knows from daily life
that one exists for other people.
Albert Einstein