
Just living is not enough... one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower. ~Hans Christian Andersen

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Some Days You Don't Feel Like Being a Victim

Charles Edward Parker didn't feel like being a victim that day. He said he actually wrestled the gun from his assailant and shot him in the leg.  The would-be victim said he jumped into action, wrestling the gun away from his assailant. Parker said he fired a warning shot at the ground, but that didn't deter the previously armed stranger.  So Parker put a round in Castaneda’s leg.

That's the story.  A thug with a gun intended to harm Charles Parker.  The thug soon discovered that Charles didn't want to be a victim that day!  

I don't feel like being a victim most days!       

A victim is a person who suffers from a  destructive or injurious action or agency.  It is also a person who is deceived or cheated by the dishonesty of others.  A victim is also someone who feels powerless, and is therefore unable to take appropriate action to resolve situations adversely affecting their well-being.

I was a victim one evening due to the action of a person who stole my purse.  I chased him but to no avail.  I was a victim of a purse snatcher.  My personal information was in the hands of a stranger.   (No, I don't know what would I have done if I had caught him)  It was an unforgettable experience.  

Suffering from a victim mentality can be as destructive as an encounter with a thug.  The victim mentality can be understood as a repetitive way of negative thinking ... and the victim believes that others are responsible for their experiences and fulfilling their needs.  The victim mentality is characterized by an attitude of blaming and complaining.   Blame and complain.  Blaming and complaining is one way to manipulate and control others.... making them responsible for you by rationalizations and excuses. 

In order to think like a victim you must feel like a victim.  To feel like a victim you must ignore the Truth of the Word of God.  You must abandon your faith in a living Christ.  You must fail in understanding the love that Jesus Christ has for you.

Some days I don't feel like being a victim.  To overcome this feeling I MUST stay connected to Christ.  I MUST keep the faith.  I MUST stay in the Word.  I  MUST be led by the Spirit.  

Yes, I could possibly form a victim mentality ... but it would ruin my day.  I prefer not to be a victim today or any other day!  I just don't feel like it!  
