
Just living is not enough... one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower. ~Hans Christian Andersen

Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Truth About Halloween

I'm thankful for a pastor who speaks truth rather than follow tradition.  Pastor Scott Thomas of Without Walls Central in Lakeland, FL made the following information available regarding the Truth About Halloween.  I would be curious to know: How many other pastors revealed truth to their congregation?  Their silence speaks of fear of man or lack of interest in guiding their people to truth. "I'm aware that dashing a tradition on the rocks is unpopular...but I would be amiss if I did not speak up with the truth as opportunity is given.  This blog is my opportunity.  I am speaking up for Righteousness and for the Holy Spirit.  Portions of the handout are typed for your reading:

"Halloween was not the original name of this day.  the Pre-Christian Druids and Celts of Northern Europe held a celebration every Nov. 2nd called "The Vigil of Shamhain", lord of death.  They held the belief that Shamhain, the lord of death, was overpowering their sun god (Muck Olla), because the leaves were falling, the days were shorter and the weather was getting colder.  Their belief was that Shamhain sent the spirits of those who had deceased over the past year into animals, because of the evil they had committed while alive.  Then, on Nov. 2nd, the Vigil of Shamhain, those spirits would be released to go back and visit their homes and family members with acts of horror and evil.  Therefore, in efforts of keeping these released evil spirits from coming to their homes, a ritual of this holiday included locking up various species of animals (including humans) in wicker cages and burning them alive, all in attempts of appeasing Shamhain and preventing the visitation of these evil spirits upon their homes!

Christians, desirous of their own fall celebration, refused to participate with the Druids, and established Nov.1st, one day earlier than the Vigil of Shamhain, as "All Hallow's Day" (recognizing/honoring christian martyrs and saints).  In reaction to the Christians' action, the pagan/satanic worshippers counteracted "All Hallow's Day", preempting them by one day - October 31st, with their own celebration, "All Demon's Night."   This festival evolved into the 'high holy day' of all opposing Christ(ianity) and was celebrated via incantations, sacrifice, satanic worship/rituals and horrors for all who opposed them.  Finally in a horrid attempt to Christianize the paganistic holiday, the eve prior to "All Hallow's Day" became known as "All Hallow'en" (Oct. 31st) which was eventually shortened to "Halloween."

Keeping the pagan rituals in mind, costumes were worn in order to make the people look like evil spirits, so that the evil spirits that had been released would mistake them for other evil spirits.  However, in the event that you could not dress in a costume, you could avoid horrors in your home by appeasing the evil spirits by offering them a "treat" on your front door step.  If they liked it, you were safe; if they didn't like it...  Finally, the carved face in a pumpkin carries a depth of significance.  The World Book Encyclopedia, 1977 edition, vol 9, page 24-26, says, "The apparently harmless lighted pumpkin face of 'Jack-O-Lantern' is an ancient symbol of 'a damned soul'."  The folklore story holds that a man named Jack was banned from heaven and hell and his spirit was left to wander the earth with his lantern until Judgment Day.  History holds that people would place these 'lit pumpkins' on their porches in order to display their sympathetic nature towards the satanist - gaining mercy from the horrors that were to be released. 

It's more important to follow Christ than tradition.  The act of recognizing and participating in any of this day's festivities is, in fact, celebration.  Stand for righteousness...and please God.

Reference material: The Occult Conceit - A New Look at Astrology, Witchcraft and Sorcery, by Owen S. Rachleff

Friday, October 29, 2010

When Angels Hold Your Hand

When Angels Hold Your Hand, by all means, DON'T LET GO! It's a good day when an angel shows up at your house and takes you by the hand and says, "Come with me, I'm going to lead you away from sin and problems and walk with you to a better life." There's not a person alive who wouldn't grab their kids, their laptop, and dogs (or cats or both) and run to a safe place. Run away from destruction and problems and a world gone mad. Especially before elections!

This is the setting for my story. It's actually the story of Lot, Mrs. Lot, and their family. Two angels, not one...but two...came to Lot's house to lead them out of sinful Sodom so they wouldn't suffer death when God rained His wrath on the city. Read Genesis 19 - the angel activity was incredible. Read to believe! Literally!

Verse 16 relates the "Angels Holding Your Hand" part. Because Lot was lingering the two angels took his hand, his wife's hand, the hands of his two daughters...and led them out of the city to safety. If that had been me, I would've taken pictures of the angels...carried pen and paper and started writing about it asap. I know, I should get back to the story. Well, it continues like this: they were told not to look back. Mrs. Lot turned, and in order to see judgment on a lifestyle she loved she had to lean away from her husband's protection. She looked back from behind him.  This was a deliberate action on her part.  Physical effort was required to turn - step away from her husband who would have been blocking her view - and gaze at a city - a lifestyle - sin city.

She lingered and longed for Sodom. There's a danger in longing for sin at the exact time God is destroying that city of sin. You don't need what God has denounced! It will bring judgment upon you. It is not possible to return safely to a place which God is destroying. You can't rewind the past. Yearning for the past robs the future. Don't let go of angels who are leading you away from sin...do not resent a life of deliverance. You can't move forward in righteousness while grieving your deliverance from sin.

Here's the danger: It's possible to be involved in sin long enough until it appears to be a normal, permissible lifestyle...as long as one attends church on sunday. Hey! Sin is never normal! It's only normal to the world system. Mrs. Lot couldn't believe for a future - she could only see the past. Her heart was still in Sodom even though her body had been led away from the city.

If you become upset when someone tells you certain movies are bad for your spiritual health...or when you are told that curse words are not funny or acceptable...then your heart has not separated itself from the world. Mrs. Lot declined spiritually before she died physically. Here's a killer question: Which appeals most to you, fellowship dinners or prayer meetings? Does your conversation reveal your knowledge of the latest movie or your latest encounter with God?

Keep walking. In Jesus Christ you have a future of righteousness and holiness...until the day that you are changed in the twinkling of an eye (at the sound of the trumpet) and you  meet Jesus in the air...to be with Him forever.

Three points before closing:
1. It is unwise to disobey angelic messengers sent from God.
2. It takes so little effort to turn towards the rain of no return.
3. Remember Lot's wife: She held the hand of an angel...but she was lost for eternity.

Angels are messengers who do God's bidding.  If you are visited by one...obey.  

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Gum Can Be Dangerous

You should never chew gum and try to rinse your contact lens in your mouth at the same time.  Especially if you are on your way to church.  Especially on your way to church on a Wednesday night. 

Now don't tell me you have never put a hard contact lens in your mouth to rinse it when you eye feels as though it has a mountain of sand in it.  In an emergency, I've done this through the years.  I know it isn't the most sanitary thing to do - but sometimes you have to get the ox out of the ditch!

Tonight I did this.  We were on our way to church.  We hadn't driven far from the house when my right eye began feeling uncomfortable.  So, in the absence of lens solution, I do what I've done for years.  Pop the lens out...put it in my mouth to make it better. But this time I was chewing fruit flavored gum.  Not that the flavor of gum really matters. 

Here's the deal:

When you are chewing gum - and you put something else in your mouth - you automatically chew the gum . . . again. . . . without thinking. . . and when you do this . . . there is a high risk that you will also chomp down on the contact lens. . . just like I did tonight.  Thus, gum can be dangerous!

Now, my lens have served me well for some time. . . but I will tell you, that it is not wise to keep the gum in your mouth if you have a dire need to rinse your contact lens at the same time.  You will end up with a cracked contact!! 

Then. . . you have to turn around . . . rush in the house to search for that extra lens . . . hurry back to the car and head to church . . . while the other dear, compassionate saints in the same vehicle. . . laugh heartily at your, well I'll say it even though it hurts,  'stupidity' . . . there, I said it.  Stupid, stupid, stupid. 

Life has its ups and downs.  We are so human.  I would love to be perfect.  Unfortunately, I won't reach that level of living until I'm changed in the twinkling of an eye (no pun intended).  And when that time comes, I won't need contact lens!!

Whew! So Good To Know

I received this short article in my email box today.  Normally, most of us view them quickly and move on.  They are interesting, cute, often funny, and we are amused for a moment.  But, today when I skimmed over this one, I did a second glance thing - and decided this one is worth sharing.  The author is listed as "Unknown" so there's no way to give credit or ask permission for posting the encouragement which is so skillfully penned in the following twenty lines.   I pray it speaks to you, also.  We're all in the same boat, when you think about it.  Humans needing God.

Here it is:

The will of God will never take you.
Where the Grace of God cannot keep you,
Where the Arms of God cannot support you,
Where the Riches of God cannot supply your needs,
Where the Power of God cannot endow you.

The will of God will never take you,
Where the Spirit of God cannot work through you,
Where the Wisdom of God cannot teach you,
Where the Army of God cannot protect you,
Where the Hands of God cannot mold you.

The will of God will never take you,
Where the Love of God cannot enfold you,
Where the Mercies of God cannot sustain you,
Where the Peace of God cannot calm your fears,
Where the Authority of God cannot overrule for you.

The will of God will never take you,
Where the comfort of God cannot dry your tears,
Where the Word of God cannot feed you,
Where the Miracles of God cannot be done for you,
Where the Omnipresence of God cannot find you.

See?  I told you it was good.  It might be a good idea to copy/paste this and carry it with you.  Read it often.  You will need it from time to time.  And when you do need it, it's good to know God is still God and He knows just where you are.

Amen?  Yes.  Amen.