
Just living is not enough... one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower. ~Hans Christian Andersen

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Another Civil War?

Shooting at the Family Research Council 8.15.12
Are we headed to another war within our borders?  A war between each other?   Have we become so divided that we can no longer tolerate our fellow Americans?  Is the rising tension between values escalating in our nation, just as tension once grew between the states?  I have questions!  

I remember the days when the political party was either  "Democrat or Republican" - Later the terms "Left - Right" rose to the surface. Now: it's "Conservative - Liberal" and today the line in the sand continues to be drawn.

Yesterday's shooting at the Family Research Center in Washington, D.C. is an event we need to take a good look at, rather than label it as simply another shooting...of which we are becoming accustomed to, as of late.   It has been noted that a spin was placed on liberal reporting of the incident, focusing on the bravery of the guard, and away from the shooter and what he said, nor his involvement at the DC Center for the LGBT Community. 

The article, A shot from the darkness, by Judson Phillips.  (teapartynation.com) -- will enlighten you as to the plight of conservatives, christians, and those taking a stand for biblical principles:

       "Yesterday was a day we in the conservative movement will need to remember for a very long time. It represents something we had better learn about and learn to deal with quickly.   It is soon to be the new norm.  For conservatives, the message is simple. We must be on our guard. These are dangerous times for conservatives.  I wish I could say the shooting at the FRC yesterday was an isolated incident. It is not. It is an example of growing violence against conservatives in this nation.  Before this is all over, I fear there will not only be more violence against conservatives, I fear conservatives will be killed by some of these deranged far left wing activists.

Today, those labed as conservatives, are now being further defined as hate groups

"Even after the shooting of a security guard at the Family Research Council, the Huffington Post can’t stop slamming the pro-family organization as a “hate group.”  ~ ~ ~ They are right.  We are hate groups.  We hate everything that emanates from the pits of hell.  We hate what Satan has done and is doing to our country, our families, and our children.  We hate evil.  We hate demonic oppression But, we don't hate people.  We don't hate those who oppose what we stand for.  

The National Organization for Marriage, another active campaigner against same-sex marriage, issued a statement saying “Today’s attack is the clearest sign we’ve seen that labeling pro-marriage groups as ‘hateful’ must end,"

In early 1854, the first proto-Republican Party meeting took place in Ripon, Wisconsin. On June 6, 1854 on the outskirts of Jackson, Michigan upwards of 10,000 people turned out for a mass meeting "Under the Oaks." This led to the first organizing convention in Pittsburgh on February 22, 1856.
The Republican Party was formed and was based on the principle of opposing slavery's extension into the western territories.  The irony of our day:   Republicans are defending the right to proclaim our values as Christians.  It seems as though Republicans are still opposing slavery...but this time it is not a war between the states, but it is between individual free people in every state.  It is between right and wrong.  It is between sin and righteousness.  Everything the conservatives stand for...the liberals oppose...with a vengence.

History.com:  "Though on the surface the Civil War may have seemed a lopsided conflict, with the 23 states of the Union enjoying an enormous advantage in population, manufacturing (including arms production) and railroad construction, the Confederates had a strong military tradition, along with some of the best soldiers and commanders in the nation. They also had a cause they believed in: preserving their long-held traditions and institutions, chief among these being slavery."

Emerging within our society is a group with a cause.  A very determined cause.  An angry group.  Their cause is endeavouring to establish their right in our nation to marry those of the same sex.  There is an obvious desire to flaunt their sins openly and promote their cause publicly.  They are now using violence against faith-based operations - or against anyone who promotes a lifestyle in opposition to their cause.   

When a group believes in a cause...they will stop at nothing short of war to preserve and maintain that cause. 

God help us escape the omninous threat of another war as tensions escalate in our country and among our own people.  Let the church arise with a spirit of power and might and move swiftly away from "us four and no more" - reaching outside our walls with the message of the gospel of Jesus Christ - a message that will set all people free - from all slavery - and from all influence of the enemy -  this will bring peace in our borders.  Jesus Christ is our Peace. 

~The Family Research Council (FRC) is an American conservative Christian group and lobbying organization formed in the United States in 1981 by James Dobson was fully incorporated in 1983.   The function of the FRC is to promote what it considers to be traditional family values, by advocating and lobbying for socially conservative policies. It advocates against LGBT rights, abortion, divorce, embryonic stem-cell research, and pornography.   The organization has been involved in the politics of social policy, notably in controversy concerning its position on homosexuality.

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