
Just living is not enough... one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower. ~Hans Christian Andersen

Sunday, August 19, 2012

The Cracker Barrel Lantern

My table at Cracker Barrel
Suzette accompanied me to Cracker Barrel this evening.
We had a great visit.  Through conversation and google, we both learned more about dolphins and how they sleep and breathe...it was a good visit.   I feasted on CB's homestyle chicken, which is served only on Sunday, by the way.

As you are aware, each CB table has its own lantern...creating a warm, comfortable atmosphere.  I like that.  So, I snapped a picture of the lantern at my table.  It looks cozy, doesn't it? 

I asked my daughter, "Why don't we create atmosphere for our own table at home?"  I don't remember her answer.  It was probably, "I don't know."

Atmosphere is everything. 

A church has a great atmosphere.  We feel good when we are in church.  Do you remember missing a Sunday or more ...  and when you return the first thing you say is:  "Oh, it's so good to be back in church."  Why?  Because it's a good place.  The atmosphere created by musicians, singers, and the preaching of the Word minister to your soul. 

Libraries, schools, doctor's offices...they all have their own unique atmosphere. 

A home should have the best atmosphere of all.  Fortunately, this can be created, changed, or even improved.  As one woman stated:  I believe our homes are to be a visible reflection of our Lord and Creator, in whose image we are made, and are to draw first of all our families and then a lost and dying world to Christ.

Good things don't often happen by chance.  We create much of what we experience in life.  A room can be transformed by simply playing soft music or lighting a scented candle. 

In the busyness of life, the hustle and bustle of getting things done...we have forgotten to deliberately (and on purpose) take whatever steps necessary to set the atmosphere around us.

One evening a few months back, I was babysitting Chloe and Ben.  I needed something to keep her busy and entertained.  Something fun.  I changed the tv channel to music - fun music - and we created our own c r a z y dances...in the living room.  She was hesitant at first, but then she really got into it!  It was crazy.  And the best thing about it was when she asked weeks later if we could do some crazy dances again. 

How long has it been since you made up crazy dances in your living room? 

You can create a spiritual atmosphere in your house...there's much more to living than dishes and laundry and watching television.   You say, "But, you don't know how tired I am at night."   "You don't know how much I have to do before I go to bed."  And that is true!  I understand.  But, there is at least one thing we can do - on purpose - to lighten the load and make life a little better.  Find that one thing.   You are very creative.  Give yourself permission to have a good time.  It's okay to lighten the load a bit.  And it's alright with the Lord if you take time out to play and laugh. So what if the dishes stay in the sink.  It's for certain, they will be there later. 

If you don't have a lantern, then use candles.  But, do something!  Life is short.  Our world is changing fast.  Get all you can out of it.  You  pass this way but once.  Jesus came to give us an abundant life, not a miserable life.

“I regret that it takes a life to learn how to live.”
                                                     ― Jonathan Safran Foer

No, there are no pictures of me and Chloe doing crazy dances.  That remains our secret. 

Love to you,

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