
Just living is not enough... one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower. ~Hans Christian Andersen

Sunday, August 21, 2011


I haven't met him yet.  But, I know his name.  It's Benjamin.  I can't wait to see him.  He's due to arrive around Thanksgiving.  No, he's never been here before....He's never been anywhere before, actually.  But he will make his first appearance in Arkansas.  Now, I fully intend to be there, although he won't remember who is present at his debut of life...

I prayed for him the other day.  Prayed that he will be a man of God...with a heart for God. He doesn't know about homework...or the fun he will have, or the girl that will one day steal his heart.   He's just a baby.   Sleeping and nourishment will be his focus and he will cry about both of them any time, any place, day or night.

His name is from the Hebrew name בִּנְיָמִין (Binyamin) which means "son of the south" or "son of the right hand". Benjamin in the Old Testament was the twelfth and youngest son of Jacob and the founder of one of the southern tribes of the Hebrews.

Benjamin will be my fourth grandchild.  I have Brooke, Scott, Chloe and now Benjamin.  Great-G-children are Lexie, and Noah.  I am blessed! They are all beautiful.  Absolutely, I'm prejudice!  Each of them won my heart the moment they arrived!   

Bank on it.  This will be a great holiday season and I'll certainly post pictures of all my babies - even the grown ones!

Children really are a gift from God.
I know you feel the same about yours...

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Favorite Photos, by me...

Taking photos has been a source of pleasure for me...I'm sharing a handful of them on this particular blog.   They say a picture is worth a thousand words.  So I've just saved lots of writing time and you won't have to take time to read!

Just enjoy the view!


Sunday, August 7, 2011

An Open Gate...

Psalm 118:19 "Open to me the (temple) gates of righteousness; I
 will enter through them and I will confess and praise the LORD."

I Come Before You, Lord

Into Your Presence

I Come Before You, Lord

Through temple Gates

of Righteousness

I Come Before You, Lord

In the Holy Name of Jesus

With Hands Lifted High

In Worship and In Praise
          - - - Jane Powell