
Just living is not enough... one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower. ~Hans Christian Andersen

Friday, June 28, 2019

MY LITTLE PONY - Goes Lesbian

This episode of My Little Pony, titled "The Last Crusade," introduces Aunt Holiday and Auntie Lofty, a lesbian couple who take care of the character Scootaloo.  

Christian advocate Ken Ham notes, "It seems more and more companies are jumping on the bandwagon of the war against children to destroy them by drawing them into depravity.  This is a reminder to parents as you consider TV programs, purchasing books, toys etc., for children, to keep this in mind at all times."

We are in a moral, cultural war.  In every situation affecting society, the new 'myright' to sin, the call to normalize perversion, state legislation legalizing murder of children at birth and in the womb, legalize gay marriage, accepting drag queens reading to children in the libraries of our country, normalizing pedophilia.....


PERVERSION IS ATTEMPTING TO TURN MORALLY WRONG INTO A CIVIL RIGHT !  Appease the morally diseased!  Cater to the twisted minds.  Modify society's perception of behavior.  Call that which is nothing more than a mental sickness, normal.  

Today there is a strategic effort to Normalize Pedophilia by Recommending Workshops Instead of Prosecution.

The gay movement, whether we acknowledge it or not....is a moral revolution aimed at changing people's view of homosexuality. And they have moved from forcing acceptance among adults, to indoctrinating our children!  

Do we have those in our nation who will go to such extreme measures to eliminate all things having to do with God; to  denounce, deny, and destroy the natural order established by God;  to eliminate God altogether ???   Yes.  We do.  

Their goal is to do away with guilt altogether.  No guilt for sin.  No guilt for pedophiles.  No guilt for perversion.  Anything goes.  No penalties.  

We can't legislate decency into society by legalizing every sinful perversion man can imagine!  We are headed full steam down a road of destruction.  If we continue on this path, only imagine, if you will, the mental state of such confused souls as they attempt to live a normal life in an abnormal and diseased society.  Frightening to say the least.  

Decency still comes from God Almighty!  It will always come from Him.  There is no other source.  

How can we change the course America is on?  
1.  By Prayer.    
2.  By Standing up  
3.  By Speaking up.

That's what I am doing.  

Our children deserve better than allowing a minority of people with a multitude of disorders push their agenda down our throats so that they can create a monstrous, evil future, a future in which our children cannot survive.

Amen ... and ... Amen.

Friday, June 14, 2019


We were created equal as humans a very, very long time ago.  God made us all equal.  Equal: a person or thing considered to be the same as another in status or quality.  We are the same in value to our Maker..

Galatians 3:28 There is [now no distinction] neither Jew nor Greek, there is either slave nor free, there is not male and female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

God makes equality plain in this verse of scripture.  There is no distinction in His eyes between people.  He loves all of humanity just the same.  It doesn't matter the color of our skin, or our nationality, or how old, young, tall, short...whether we are male or female, Jew or Greek.  There is no distinction!!

Furthermore, Jesus Christ has removed all inequalities when he died on the cross for our sins.  We are all equal at the foot of the cross.

Today, our country is ablaze with a mission to 'make' everyone equal.  Congress just passed Equality Act H.R.S.-11.  This bill allows the Department of Justice to intervene in equal protection actions in federal court on account of sexual orientation or gender identity.

It's how they define 'gender identity' that is the problem.  What they really mean is: regardless of the individual's designated sex at birth ... and further, they define 'sexual orientation' as homosexuality, heterosexuality, or bisexuality.

Our government has within it’s walls those who are attempting to create equality by approving that which God condemns.  They want to force their twisted and perverted idea of equality on Americans.  It is senseless to create chaos and step back and view your work and call it progress.  It is impossible to bring equality into a world which rejects the Equality already provided by our Almighty God.  

God's equality provides that every person can become a child of God and receive the full inheritance of heaven.  Every man/woman already has promises of full benefits. 

Psalm 103:2-5 (King James Version)
2) Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits:
3) Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases;
4) Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies;
5) Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle's.

Equality already exists.  We all have the same Lord.  He is Lord of all.  He bestows His riches on all who call on him.  

Verse 5 "Who satisfies my life.....(He fills my life with good things)

Someone said, To be satisfied means to be so full that you need nothing else.  

No.  Congress and secular organizations are not striving for equality.  They are simply pushing anti-God behavior and liberal junk down the throat of Americans.  

We don't buy it.

Thursday, June 13, 2019


The latest trend is "Our bodies, our choice" ....   

New York legislators and advocates are pushing for a bill which will decriminalize sex work.  I typed the term sex work in italics because that's nothing more than the old term, prostitution. 

If we change the label, it's much more acceptable to the public.  The sad fact is that it is not more respectable.  

Maine and Massachusetts are among states following the same thought.  Evidently, the answer for this sin problem (for that's what it is), when you are overwhelmed in the courts and criminal justice system ... and legal attempts to crack down on crime ... fail ... just legalize it!  Problem solved!   

Julia Salazar, a sponsor for the bill, says that such people (as prostitutes, transgenders) are "having to face stigma, discrimination, and abuse in trying to advocate for their rights to be treated with dignity and to be treated like human beings."

One group pointed out that decriminalization legislation would only legalize a system that would turn mostly women and girls into "commodities to be bought and sold."  

God forbid that we spend time and money with legislation to reduce the "Our Bodies, Our Choice" movement.  This would impact the industry of Planned Parenthood.  That would curtail the work of the enemy.  God forbid.  

What's the real problem here?  We've become a nation of people who have tossed God out of the country.  Period.  No rules.  Nothing is sin.  For this type of mentality there is no answer other than legislating total freedom for perversion.  Get out of their way.  Give them free reign.  

Scriptures says this about the body:

  Mark 10:16 But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female.

 Psalm 139:14 I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made:

God created the universe by simply speaking it into existence!  But, when it came to creation of man and woman, he took much greater detail in forming man.  He was more involved.  He took his time.  He picked up some clay that He had already made and with that clay he magnificently CREATED a human BODY and then God did something amazing ... He breathed His life into man ... and after that, and not until that moment, "man became a living soul" (Genesis 2:7).

Eve was a masterpiece, as well.  He took a rib from the side of sleeping Adam and formed a woman. 

He made man in His image.  He breathed His very own life into man.  Then He planned ahead for each human to have a life of purpose, designed and ordered of Him. Think about it: we are wonderfully made.

Our bodies belong to Him, our Creator.  Our God.  

The "Our body, Our choice" movement is nothing more than a spiritual endeavor by Satan to depart from our Creator.  Have you noticed the destruction of the body and the depravity that comes with this movement?   When you remove God from the equation,  it all goes downhill.  

We have come to the place in our society where we can't fix it because we refuse to allow God back in the picture.  So we legislate.  And legislate.  But, it won't be fixed.  It will continue on a downhill slide of perversion.  Where will it end?  How many lives will suffer because of this movement?  

Satan can't create, so the only option remaining for him is to pervert what God has created.  

Take note:  "When a volcano is silent for many years people forget it's a volcano and begin to treat it like a mountain."  We have a volcano of degradation and rebellion building.  Society and legislators don't know what to do with it.  Man can't handle it.  We can only watch it form - an
d give it terms acceptable to people.  But, one day, the sinful nature of man without God, will erupt. 

One day, the mighty volcano of sin will erupt.  The mountain of legislation condoning that which is abomination to our Creator, will explode with judgment.  

"Our bodies, Our choice" is that volcano.

What's the hope for mankind?  Jesus Christ.  

There is no other hope.  

Tuesday, June 11, 2019


More than 30 cities across our country have removed or relocated Confederate statues and monuments.

One professor of law noted that removing these monuments leads to forgetting.  This is similar to a purging.

Interesting:  removing these monuments leads to forgetting.

Evangelist Scott Pauley wrote an article called, The Danger of Erasing History.   Some of his points are vital to my points for this blog:
1. ...one of Satan's greatest strategies: cause people to forget their past and you can affect their future. 
2. If anyone should be concerned with history it is God's people.
3. It seems the Lord is deeply concerned that we not forget.

Taken from the 10th chapter of I Corinthians are these words:
Moreover, brethren, I would not that ye should be ignorant ...  
Now these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.

This brings me to my points for this blog.  When I visit the headquarters of the Assemblies of God in Springfield it is obvious that we are proud of our heritage.  Our heritage is printed in magazines, books, and other periodicals for our information as to the history of this great movement.  

In April of 1914 the first A/G council was held in Hot 
Springs, AR. in what was then the Hot Springs Opera House.  We have quite a heritage and much effort has been taken to preserve that heritage.  We know when the movement began ... where we came from ... who the leaders were that paved the way ... and what brought us to this point today.

As history is being erased in our nation, I fear a part of our history is being erased in our churches.  How long has it been since you were caught up in praise and worship with words from hymns such as these:

What can wash away my sin?  Nothing but the blood of Jesus;
What can make me whole again?  Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

Or: What a Friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear!     
What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer!

How about:
They were in an upper chamber, They were all with one accord,
When the Holy Ghost descended, As was promised by the Lord.
O, Lord, send the power just now, O, Lord send the power just now.
O, Lord send the power just now, and baptize every one.

At the conclusion of a powerful sermon, how long has it been since you heard the words to an invitation song such as:
Just as I am, without one plea, 
But that Thy blood was shed for me,
And that Thou bidst me come to Thee,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.

I am not a proponent for hymns only, or choruses only.  I am concerned that our worship is lacking in the heritage of anointed songs.  If we continue to purge our services of these songs, obviously our children and grandchildren will have no knowledge of them.  They will not know of the anointing behind songs such as "Supper Time" -  Come home, come home, it's supper time -  They won't comprehend the conviction which used to come upon that lost soul in the congregation.

While there are choruses with depth and meaning, there are far too many lacking in everything.  I'm watching congregations stand for the worship service and basically, that's what they are doing, standing.   Just standing.  And watching.

Where have the songs/choruses gone that are intense and ripe with  melodies and lyrics that grasped our very soul, launching us, setting us into motion as we lifted our hands to heaven, longing for a personal encounter with the Almighty God?  Should only the praise team enjoy themselves?  Are we purging our worship history?  Are we erasing our Pentecostal history?  Are we losing conviction in our services because we are erasing our praise and worship history?

Remember:  Removing leads to Forgetting.


Sunday, June 9, 2019


Yesterday, as I was driving on one of our Arkansas highways, I did a double-take to make sure that I saw "what I saw" .... A NAZI FLAG FLYING HIGH.  I quickly turned around and drove past the house again and snapped a few pictures.  Once more I turned my car around to head in my original direction and slowed to take pictures from the driver's side.  

A lady was walking on the side of the road ... watching me, waiting for me.  I stopped and she approached my side of the car ...  I asked if she lived in the house across the street, thinking she might be upset because I was taking pictures.  She said, "No, I was wondering if you were taking mail from my mailbox because someone has been stealing our mail."  I assured her quickly that I wasn't interested in mailboxes, but I was interested in the flags.  She invited me to pull into her driveway.  From there I had a direct view of the house across the highway.  We visited for a bit - about that house, and she mentioned her desire to move from there.  I don't blame her.  

She said the inhabitants moved in a few months ago.  One incident she noted involved the burning of a large white cross which brought several police cars to the scene.  There was stress and concern in her voice as she related her question, wondering why the landlord didn't evict the tenants.  

I saw a Nazi flag flying boldly underneath a Christian flag.  Why?  I was stunned to say the least.  I couldn't understand.  The Nazi flag has become one of the most potent hate symbols worldwide.  Several photos reveal a different flag hanging in each window of the house.  

I spent time today researching.  This house is evidently inhabited by members of The New Aryan Empire, an Arkansas-based white supremacist prison gang.  Neo-Nazi.  They use various markings, among them swastikas (which are displayed in their windows).  

Why the Christian Flag flying with the Nazi flag?  There is a theology known as Christian Identity (not an organized religion or connected with Christian denominations) that is practiced by individuals, and some prison gangs.  It's theology promotes a racial interpretation of Christianity.  Christian Identity is a racist anti-Semitic, and white supremacist interpretation of Christianity ... which holds that only some ...including Aryan people ... are the descendants of Abraham ...

Wesley A Swift formulated the doctrine that non-Caucasian peoples have no souls, therefore can never earn God's favor or be saved.  The theology was promoted by George Lincoln Rockwell, the founder of the American Nazi Party.  Bingo!  The connection between the two flags. 

A February, '19 article about this Arkansas movement (U.S. indicts 54 in investigation targeting Arkansas-based white supremacist group) quoted the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives district office in Little Rock as stating:  "we have effectively dismantled this violent, drug-dealing organization."

If that is true, then tell me why these tenants are not evicted?  Why are they free to fly a flag of hate?  Why is the House of Hate allowed to flaunt terrorism on a highway in America ... in the Bible Belt of America?  

Before writing this blog, I asked my husband the following questions:
1.  How many people drive by that house daily?
2.  How many people notice the Nazi flag?
3.  How many people are concerned about the Nazi flag?
4.  How many just don't care?

I care.  I don't like it.  This is still a nation that was founded on Christian principles.  We are the land of the free and the brave.  Believe me, it takes a brave citizen of our country to take a stand against those who have pulled out all the stops to destroy our great nation! 

I am a proud, patriotic, Bible-believing American.  I love our flag, the beautiful red, white, and blue.

Oh! thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand
Between their loved home and the war's desolation!
Blest with victory and peace, may the heav'n rescued land
Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation.
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: "In God is our trust."
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O're the land of the free and the home of the brave! 

Tuesday, June 4, 2019


It's been thirty years.  We still don't know the identity of the lone man who stood in front of the foreboding Chinese tanks.  He boldly confronted a convoy of tanks barreling down a Beijing avenue.

Regarding that day one activist said: "It was like a war against the people.  There was a lot of blood.  I looked at the tanks and I saw they crushed some people.  Looking on the road, there were human bodies, just like very thin human bodies."

As the tanks left the square, one lone man .... with shopping bags in his hands, stood blocking tanks.  He still remains today as an unknown man.  A man of courage.  A man defying murder in the streets.  Just one man.  As much as China would like to erase the memory of that photo from society - it remains.  He is a symbol of the pro-democracy protest.

Did you know that in California's largest Chinese American community, there is a 62 year old sculptor named Chen Weiming is building a tribute to "Tank Man."  The lone man who stared down the line of Chinese tanks.   

While anti-everything rises it's head in our nation of America, we, too, must see courage in action.  Courage is having the mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty.  THAT is courage.  

THAT kind of courage is what it will take to take a stand as Americans and as Christians in our country!  

While we  do not know the name of the "Tank Man"  you can bet your sweet biffy that there are records in Heaven noting our courage or lack thereof.  Will we take a stand for righteousness, or not?  Will we stand in front of a line of Abortion Tanks, Anti-God movements, Indoctrination movements aimed toward our children ...  will we proclaim (while our hands hold signs of everyday living) with courage that the liberty we once knew is something to fight for?

General George Patton said, "Courage is fear holding on a minute longer."  

Christians, you are not alone in this battle.  Keep holding on.  Stay steadfast.  Hold on, child of God, hold on !  

Jesus Christ was One Lone Man who stood in the face of Satan and with His blood on the cross, defeated death, sin, hell, and the grave. 

He was COURAGE.  
He was DIVINE.

He IS our hope.  He IS our Savior.  He IS our soon coming King.

I admire the "Tank Man".  His image is real today as we, too, stand against evil.  The "Tank Man" is an inspiration to us all.  Even if we don't know his name.

Jesus Christ is our ultimate inspiration.  Because He died for me, I choose to stand.  

I do know His Name.

Saturday, June 1, 2019


I bought this notebook last fall, just before a milestone of a birthday. My intent was to start writing on my birthday (November 18) and fill the notebook daily with life stuff for my girls.  You know, a keeper for them to read when I'm gone!  A keeper because it would have great writings from daily living (mine) which would ooze with wisdom.  :-0   I just knew they would treasure this book one day!   of course...

Would you believe, the notebook is blank.  It's been sitting in plain view since last November.  I don't have an explanation for this, either.  I just didn't follow through with my brilliant idea! 

We've all heard the phrase, "hell is paved with good intentions" ... thankfully, another phrase rather softens this statement:  "But remember that good intentions pave many roads.  Not all of them lead to hell."

There's another one that goes, "Hell is full of good meanings, but heaven is full of good works."   

I also read that "One kind deed is more beautiful than a thousand good intentions."   

Scripture tells us that faith without works is dead.  Three verses in James chapter 2 states this fact.  

James (the author of the book in the Bible) makes it very plain.  If I have intent,  I need to get up and do something about it or that intent amounts to nothing.   Just as there's no correspondence course for swimming - there's no other way to see results with my Notebook of Wisdom other than actively moving beyond intent and adding works along with my intent.

So... I should pick up the notebook, grab a pen, and get to work.  A blank piece of paper is the best place to start.  It is true that 50% of result is better than 100% of intention.  Besides, it keeps me out of trouble.

A story is told of a town where all the residents are ducks.  Every Sunday the ducks waddle out of their houses and waddle down Main Street to their church.  They waddle into the sanctuary and squat in their pews.  The duck choir waddles in and takes it place, and then the duck minister comes forward and opens the duck Bible.  He reads to them:  "Ducks!  God has given you wings!  With wings you can mount up and soar like eagles.  No walls can confine you!  No fences can hold you!  You have wings.  God has given you wings, and you can fly like birds!"

All the ducks shout, "Amen!"

And then they all waddle home.

Lesson learned.