
Just living is not enough... one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower. ~Hans Christian Andersen

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Shmuel Bowman
There was a burden on my heart to do something to help the people of Israel. 

After an online search for ways to bless Israel, I recalled a service I attended at Free Life Chapel in Lakeland, Fl. .... They had raised funds to purchase a bomb shelter in Israel.  I called the office of Free Life Chapel and learned that they gave through an organization called Christians United for Israel.  I contacted CUFI and was directed to the web site for Operation Life Shield. 

February 2 of this year....I received an email reply from the director of Operation Life Shield, Shmuel Bowman.  He provided information which led me to the conclusion:  this is what I am looking for. 

One small bomb shelter may cost around $15,000...and no, I can't provide the entire amount for one shelter.  My contribution is as the widow's mite....but it doesn't stop me from blessing Israel.  Their web site is constructed to receive any amount of donation / any day of the week. 

I will admit, I felt very good in my soul after my first offering.  I knew I had done something pleasing to the Lord.  I must stand before God one day - and I've done so little for the nation of Israel. 

Maybe you have wished you could bless Israel, too, but didn't know where to start - or you didn't know of a reputable ministry.  It doesn't matter if your amount is very small.  At least, I'm finally doing something....just something...to assist the people of Israel.  When we combine our meager resources, it adds up!  God can and will bless my small amount...He is keeping score. 

You can learn more by going to this web site - and you can hit the donate button if you want to help the people of Israel.   http://operationlifeshield.org/

To learn more, please click on the link below and watch a video by Shmuel Bowman, Executive Director, Operation Lifeshield.


Or call:
USA 404-909-8890 | Canada 647-728-7889

I'm sharing the email I received from the director this past February:

Here are 10 points about Operation Lifeshield. Please know that our donor recognition program is second-to-none, as we honour every single donation of any amount with a thank you note and receipt. Each Lifeshield shelter deployed is affixed with a large, elegant dedication plaque with the name of the donor or donors. Gifting an entire shelter (or co-sponsoring) is a tremendous act of giving, and a replica dedication plaque is presented to each major donor. Whenever possible, a dedication ceremony at the donated shelter is arranged with the donor or donors meeting community and security leaders and the recipients of the Lifeshield shelter. Operation Lifeshield is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation in the USA, and provides charitable tax receipts in Canada.
And now...the "top 10"...
1) Operation Lifeshield was founded as a grassroots response to the Second Lebanon War of 2006, as a practical way to save lives as Israelis carried-on with day-to-day life. The above-ground, quickly deployable protective shelters were recommended by the Home Front Command of the IDF as a needed solution that was sorely lacking in public spaces and schools;
2) Operation Lifeshield is the only NGO (non-governmental organization) fully-dedicated to providing protective shelters to Israeli citizens. Lifeshield receives no financial assistance from the Israeli Government;
3) Operation Lifeshield provides a tangible, concrete way to show support and love for the Israeli people. All donations go to a single program only - getting protective shelters to Israeli schools, kindergartens, community centers, parks and bus stop areas;
4) Stats: nearly 100 shelters deployed since 2007, 13 shelters deployed in 2011; 50 person shelter capacity, 70 tons, cost $40,000; 15 person bus stop shelter capacity, 30 tons, cost $20,000; 10 person bell-dome capacity, 10 ton shelter, cost $15,000;
5) Operation Lifeshield is a humanitarian non-profit organization, that provides life-saving protective shelters to all Israelis - Jews and Arabs;
6) Lifeshield shelters provide essential peace-of-mind, comfort and sense of security on a day-to-day basis - especially to children where shelters are placed nearby classrooms and playgrounds;
7) Lifeshield shelters can be picked up and moved to meet the changing security situation (ie, as Hamas continues to launch more sophisticated rockets, the location of shelters requires adjusting);
8) Lifeshield shelters are multi-purpose spaces, and are often used as small group classrooms, counselling rooms, play areas and art studios. At a seniors day center in Sderot, a Lifeshield shelter doubles as a fully-functioning library and reading room. All Lifeshield shelters are accessible for wheelchair, walker and baby stroller entry;
9) Lifeshield shelters are manufactured using steel-reinforced concrete, "trauma cement", and a product called "Flexdeck" - a thin metal fiber weave added to the already thick ceiling, that catches concrete debris that might be loosened by a direct hit. Lifeshield shelters protect against shrapnel spray and percussion blasts;
10) The request for Lifeshield shelters from municipal and regional leaders is overwhelming. The need for more shelters is greater than ever. Every single shelter saves many lives. The Talmud (the ancient code of rabbinic laws and wisdom) cites in Sanhedrin 37a: "Whoever saves a life, it is considered as if he saved an entire world."
Luke 21: 2,3
And he saw also a certain poor widow casting in thither two mites.   And he said, Of a truth I say unto you, that this poor widow hath cast in more than they all:

Friday, August 24, 2012

FRIDAY, the end...

It's Here!   Freedom...I mean...Friday has arrived.
The day of the week you have anticipated.
You made it.  The Monday - Friday work week is coming to a close.  School children and teachers are excited.  The weekend has finally arrived!  That ought to make you shout! 

The age we are now living in is coming to a close, also. And that should make you shout!  It's called the Church Age.  Between the 69th and 70th week of  Daniel is the church age, which has been going on for 2000 years. It is in this space of God’s timeline that He is building His church from people all over the world through faith in Jesus Christ. The 70 weeks of Daniel is another subject. There's not time or space to explain - just know that it is time now for the return of Jesus Christ.

The church is the body of Christ and it is made up of born again believers from all over the world. We assemble in local congregations for the purpose of worship, the preaching and teaching of God’s word, and fellowship.  

God’s timeline of events was put on hold during the church age; just think of it as He hit the pause button.  God said, "Timeout. There's a work to be done.  I have a mission for my people, those that are called by My Name.  I want them to go into all the world and preach the gospel and build the Kingdom of God."

God is about to hit the play button and end this age.  And when He does... The Lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God and the dead in Christ will rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.  (I Thessalonians 4:16-17)
Raptureready.com says: There has never been a time in history when the return of the Lord has been so near. It is undeniable that we are seeing prophecy fulfilled at an astonishing rate. It is important to live as though we will not have another chance to get our hearts right with God. We need to act as though there never will be another opportunity to witness to our loved ones.
Believers will be removed from all distress..persecution and oppression.  It's called the "blessed hope of the redeemed."
If you are not saved, it isn't too late.  You can pray today, on this Friday, to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.  
I John 5:13  These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.
Paul the apostle tells us:
“…if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved” (Rom. 10: 9).
Just as I am, without one plea,
but that thy blood was shed for me,
and that thou bidst me come to thee,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.

Just as I am, though tossed about
with many a conflict, many a doubt,
fightings and fears within, without,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.
 Psalm 51:1-2
Have mercy upon me, O God,
According to Your lovingkindness;
According to the multitude of Your tender mercies,
Blot out my transgressions.
2 Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity,
And cleanse me from my sin.
vs. 10-13
Create in me a clean heart, O God,
And renew a steadfast spirit within me.
11 Do not cast me away from Your presence,
And do not take Your Holy Spirit from me.
12 Restore to me the joy of Your salvation,
And uphold me by Your generous Spirit.
13 Then I will teach transgressors Your ways,
And sinners shall be converted to You.
Happy Friday!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

THURSDAY, say...thank you

You're on a downhill slide...
tomorrow is Friday!  Wonderful Friday.

Thursday isn't known so much for being the
day after Wednesday as it is for being the eve of

In the Japanese language, the days of the week are named after elements of nature e.g. Sun, Water. Thursday is called mokuyoubi (木曜日), with its representative element being wood or tree.  I know...it means nothing to me, either.  I just thought it would be interesting to throw that tidbit of info in the blog!  :)

Each November, Thursday plays hosts to Thanksgiving Day, or, what we lovingly call Turkey Day.  On a weekly basis, Thursday should be declared as a day to be thankful...why wait till November? 

I'm reminded of this old chorus:

Thank you Lord, for saving my soul
Thank you Lord, for making me whole
Thank you Lord, for giving to me
So great a salvation, so rich and so free.

Thankfulness seems to be a lost art today. Warren Wiersby illustrated this problem in his commentary on Colossians. He told about a ministerial student in Evanston, Illinois, who was part of a life-saving squad. In 1860, a ship went aground on the shore of Lake Michigan near Evanston, and Edward Spencer waded again and again into the frigid waters to rescue 17 passengers. In the process, his health was permanently damaged. Some years later at his funeral, it was noted that not one of the people he rescued ever thanked him.

Jesus spent His earthly life ministering to the hurting, the oppressed, and possessed.  Why did only one cleansed leper return to thank Jesus? The following are nine suggested reasons why the nine did not return:

One waited to see if the cure was real.
One waited to see if it would last.
One said he would see Jesus later.
One decided that he had never had leprosy.
One said he would have gotten well anyway.
One gave the glory to the priests.
One said, "O, well, Jesus didn't really do anything."
One said, "Any rabbi could have done it."
One said, "I was already much improved."

Personally, I am thankful for God the Father, His Son, Jesus Christ, and the precious Holy Spirit.  One evening on Mt. Nebo (my study/prayer mountain) I wrote in my notebook:

I need to write this a hundred times:
The more I communicate/connect in prayer,
The greater the Holy Spirit involvement = BIG FAITH
The more I connect in prayer, the more the Holy Spirit reveals.
The more I connect in prayer, the more the Holy Spirit speaks.
The more I connect in prayer, the more the Holy Spirit is present.
The more I connect in prayer, the more the Holy Spirit acts.
The more I connect in prayer, the more the Holy Spirit anoints.

Tis' good to be thankful.  Especially if you are excited about Friday.

In his book FOLK PSALMS OF FAITH, Ray Stedman tells of an experience H.A. Ironside had in a crowded restaurant. Just as Ironside was about to begin his meal, a man approached and asked if he could join him. Ironside invited his to have a seat. Then, as was his custom, Ironside bowed his head in prayer. When he opened his eyes, the other man asked, "Do you have a headache?" Ironside replied, "No, I don't." The other man asked, "Well, is there something wrong with your food?" Ironside replied, "No, I was simply thanking God as I always do before I eat."

The man said, "Oh, you're one of those, are you? Well, I want you to know I never give thanks. I earn my money by the sweat of my brow and I don't have to give thanks to anybody when I eat. I just start right in!"

Ironside said, "Yes, you're just like my dog. That's what he does too!"

So, Unless you are a dog or a cat...give thanks today. 

It's Thursday.

Footprints in the Sand (to Carol, my friend)

I wrote her name in the sand...
Today is Carol Cox's birthday.  She entered heaven about 3 months ago.  We were good friends.

After moving to Florida for a season...Carol and I  kept in touch via cell phone...talking often about the things of the Lord. 

We usually talked while I was out walking or riding my bike - waiting for the sunset to paint the most incredible pictures in the sky...and when I drove alone to Vero Beach, we talked while I watched the ocean waves or walked the beach.  I remember Carol listening to the roar of the waves via my cell phone.  She loved it.  She always wished she could be there, too.

Every person has someone who believes in them.  Someone who will treasure the insignificant things that matter only to you.  Carol did that for me.

One day, while on the beach, I wrote her name in the sand and snapped a picture of it.  I sent it to her.  This photo is now the cover picture for her fb memorial page. 

I went to her fb page today in remembrance of her birthday.  When I saw the photo...I noticed the footprints underneath her name.  Mine.    I didn't notice them before because my focus was on her name. 

Seeing the footprints in the sand made me realize that the small things we do for another person makes a much larger impact than we can imagine.

That day at the beach - I would have never, in my wildest dreams, thought or expected that picture to be where it is ... for this day...her memorial day.

Small things really are big things.   Life is short. 

Don't wait until you can do Big things for someone...do the small things...for that is what will remain, even after they are gone.

You are leaving footprints, evidence you were there...touching a life.

Watch your step...

WEDNESDAY, anticipate

You made it!  You made it to Wednesday! 
The day between Tuesday and Thursday. 
You are on your way to Friday.   
You can do this.  Yes, you can.

We have come to think of Wednesday as meaning that one has made it "over the hump" towards the weekend.

On Wednesday we begin to anticipate the fact that Friday is almost here. 

 ~Emile Zola (French Novelist) said:
"If you ask me what I came into this life to do, I will tell you:  I came to live out loud."

It's time for someone to say to you: YOU CAN LIVE OUT LOUD AND IT'S OKAY!

It must be grievous to the Holy Spirit when we live defeated and sad lives.  I feel for humans...I understand their pain because I am one, too!  We all know about the struggles of life.  None are exempt.  You matter, you are important...and it's alright if you are not perfect!   Jesus Christ provided the freedom to live abundantly. He is your source of life and He is not stingy!   

While pastoring I met people suffering from such low opinions of themselves, they could hardly hold their head up.  They felt unworthy to attend church.   But, I'm here to tell you that God deems you of such value that He sent His only Son to die on the cross so that you might be set free from sin and inherit eternal life. 

Anticipate!  God has a blessing with your name on it and no man can take it from you.  Jesus Christ will bless you and cause you to become and then live up to the potential he placed inside of you.  He will bless you in order to establish your steps.  He wants you to anticipate hope and joy instead of sorrow and stress! 

Humanity needs healing.  It's way past time for us to tell people just how valuable they are to God.   True, we are unworthy, but we are not worthless.  I love the quote: Don't you dare, for one more second, surround yourself with people who are not aware of the greatness that you are.

The Bible is your greatest source of encouragement:

Isaiah 41:10 fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

1 Corinthians 10:13 No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.

Wednesday means that you are almost there.  You are almost to the end of the work week.  Rest is coming.  Time off from work is just around the corner.  Anticipate the weekend. 

You have permission to live in anticipation of something. 

Someone wrote: “Don’t tell me the sky is the limit, there are footprints on the moon!”  You do not have to remain a captive of your environment.  There are no hopeless situations; there are only people who have grown hopeless about them.  The Sprit of God knows no limits and has no boundaries, therefore, when He moves in your life it will be greater than you can think or imagine.  If God be for you, tell me, who can be against you? 

Remember, it's always too early to quit! You've made it to Wednesday. You may be in the Wednesday of a situation! Smack dab in the middle of chaos.   If so, you're on your way to the end of "not enough" - you are near the finish line of "hurts and failures" - there are possibilities waiting. Be encouraged. You are valuable. There's not another person like you. There are lives that can only be touched by you.  They are specifically your assignment!

Take courage, your dreams and hopes are not in vain.  Don't give up.  I wish I could show you, whether you are lonely or in darkness of despair....the astonishing great Light (His Name is Jesus) inside of you, waiting to shine on the path of your destiny.

 It may be Wednesday in the midst of your problems...if so:  it's a firm declaration that you are on your way out of whatever you are going through.  You are going to make it!

It's Wednesday.  Anticipate. 

I believe in you. 

You can do this.  Yes, you can.

Monday, August 20, 2012

TUESDAY...tell them

It's Tuesday. The third day of the week.  The second day of a normal work week.  You are right between Monday and Wednesday, in case you didn't notice.

Tuesday has never been an exciting day.  It's just another work day.  It isn't close to Friday, so it doesn't get much respect. 

One person said, "Tuesday isn't so bad...It's a sign that I've somehow survived Monday."

Many years ago in a period commonly known as Next Friday Afternoon, there lived a King who was very Gloomy on Tuesday mornings because he was so Sad thinking about how Unhappy he had been on Monday and how completely Mournful he would be on Wednesday.

But, hey, cheer up!  Tuesday is an important day.  Presidential elections are held on Tuesday.  Yea!!  It's an important day of the week. 

This is one day of the week that can be revitalized by sharing your testimony of how Jesus Christ saved your soul...when He brought salvation and He made you whole!  So, why aren't we testifying, why aren't we telling others what Jesus did for us?   Face it, communication has never been easier.  We have cell phones, texting, facebook, email...and yet a face to face encounter - telling someone about Jesus Christ on a one-on-one basis is difficult.   

We used to have "testimony" services in our churches. You don't hear much of them, lately.  There are stories we can tell that would cause the world to double over with laughter.  A comedian has nothing on church folks. We could write their material. 

I remember several of those times. One lady stood in the testimony service and she talked on and on and on....about her preparation H.  They left it at a house where they were visiting and had to turn around and go get it....Thank God they finally recovered that tube... so she could sit down, no pun intended!   That's all of the story that I remember - probably because I was laughing so hard!

 I remember my husband telling this story about a couple in church:  the wife testified, then it was  her husband's turn.  He handed his gum to her and she chewed it while he testified!  That happened, so help me, with my hand on my heart!

And how many times have we heard:  "The devil's been after me all week, praise His Holy Righteous Name."  Of course, we knew what he meant.  The praise part was referring to the Lord, of course.  Often, you had to know the person in order to interpret the full meaning.

And we haven't even started on the foot washin' services!  That will have to wait till another time.

A grateful woman on a farm wrote to the vendors of the patent medicine:
"Four weeks ago I was so run down that I could not spank the baby. After taking three bottles of your Elegant Elixir I am now able to thrash my husband in addition to my other housework. God bless you!"   -- Hallelujah

All joking aside, Jesus loves for you to tell others about him.  He loves for you to brag on Him.  He gave us instructions in His Word to GO and make disciples...teach them...tell them!

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.  And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."  Matthew 28:19-20

Why testify?
1.  Jesus commanded it.
2.  You are the only one who can tell your story.
3.  It will help you to be an overcomer.

Revelation 12:11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb,  and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives  unto the death.

See?  Tuesday doesn't have to be a dull, nothing-happening day!  Tell someone about Jesus.  Make Tuesday pop!  It will make Monday look really bad.  :)

There was this soft-spoken man who was a commuter on the Long Island Railroad—on the five o’clock local. Every evening, after the train had left the subway, he would begin a journey through the car from front to back. At each seat he would stop and say, “Excuse me. But if any of your friends are blind, tell them to consult Dr. Garl. He restored my sight.”

Why don’t we have that same courage and conviction and boldness?

Even on a Tuesday.

MONDAY, I will rejoice...

Psalm 118:24
This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.

Monday is the day of the week between Sunday and Tuesday.  It comes from Old English Mōnandæg and Middle English Monenday, which means "moon day". 

According to Wikipedia:

1.  In the Garfield comics and shows, the title character hates Mondays, and is frequently harmed during them.
2. Monday is the most popular day to commit suicide, call in sick,  and surf the web in the Netherlands.
3.  During July 2002, the consulting firm of PriceWaterhouseCoopers Consulting announced that it would rename itself to Monday, and spend $110 million over the next year to establish that brand.
4.  In the film Office Space (1999), character Nina says to Peter "sounds like someone's got a case of the Mondays" suggesting Peter is not in a good mood.

Anonymous wrote: Just once, I would like to wake up, turn on the news, and hear..."Monday has been canceled, go back to sleep."

Anonymous also wrote: It's awful knowing that one seventh of our life will be wasted on Mondays.

Poor Monday!  It's a dreaded day because we'd rather be doing other things than going to work.  Monday has a way of casting a shadow over our soul.  A dark cloud.  As though life is over.  We can't live or enjoy anything, because it's Monday. 

I read about one person who thinks Mondays are part of a vast right-wing conspiracy.  Could it be?

In our little world, our human existence, we live according to time.  Hours, days, weeks, months, and years.  God's dimension is different.  It is timeless.  Every breath we take can be aware of and spent in His realm - rejoicing in Him - no matter the day of the week.  Perhaps that is why He told us to rejoice.

Philippians 4:4  Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice.

This is the key to Paul's theology here.  Rejoice.  He is writing to Christians, giving  specific exhortations to individuals to rejoice.  It doesn't matter what day of the week it is!  Rejoice!   For in Christ Jesus our Lord, we are able to rejoice, we have cause for rejoicing, in any and every situation. Paul is writing to Christians here.

Some people believe Monday is punishment for what they did on the weekend!  But, could it be that Monday is a test to see if Christians are still joyful as they were on Sunday?  Just sayin'.

I'm convinced that God is thinking:  "If they can rejoice on Monday - then they will fly through the rest of the week with a decent attitude!"

Rejoice defined:  To be glad, take delight in.  To feel or express great joy!

By now, you are either mad at me or convicted.  I'm not sure which.  But, we can't get away from the Word which says to express great joy!

After all,  we don't know but what the rapture might take place on a Monday!  Even before you've had your coffee! 

Here, have a cup of coffee.

Now, go and rejoice...it's Monday.  This is the day the
Lord has made...for you to enjoy.

Go ahead .....smile. 

Sunday, August 19, 2012

The Cracker Barrel Lantern

My table at Cracker Barrel
Suzette accompanied me to Cracker Barrel this evening.
We had a great visit.  Through conversation and google, we both learned more about dolphins and how they sleep and breathe...it was a good visit.   I feasted on CB's homestyle chicken, which is served only on Sunday, by the way.

As you are aware, each CB table has its own lantern...creating a warm, comfortable atmosphere.  I like that.  So, I snapped a picture of the lantern at my table.  It looks cozy, doesn't it? 

I asked my daughter, "Why don't we create atmosphere for our own table at home?"  I don't remember her answer.  It was probably, "I don't know."

Atmosphere is everything. 

A church has a great atmosphere.  We feel good when we are in church.  Do you remember missing a Sunday or more ...  and when you return the first thing you say is:  "Oh, it's so good to be back in church."  Why?  Because it's a good place.  The atmosphere created by musicians, singers, and the preaching of the Word minister to your soul. 

Libraries, schools, doctor's offices...they all have their own unique atmosphere. 

A home should have the best atmosphere of all.  Fortunately, this can be created, changed, or even improved.  As one woman stated:  I believe our homes are to be a visible reflection of our Lord and Creator, in whose image we are made, and are to draw first of all our families and then a lost and dying world to Christ.

Good things don't often happen by chance.  We create much of what we experience in life.  A room can be transformed by simply playing soft music or lighting a scented candle. 

In the busyness of life, the hustle and bustle of getting things done...we have forgotten to deliberately (and on purpose) take whatever steps necessary to set the atmosphere around us.

One evening a few months back, I was babysitting Chloe and Ben.  I needed something to keep her busy and entertained.  Something fun.  I changed the tv channel to music - fun music - and we created our own c r a z y dances...in the living room.  She was hesitant at first, but then she really got into it!  It was crazy.  And the best thing about it was when she asked weeks later if we could do some crazy dances again. 

How long has it been since you made up crazy dances in your living room? 

You can create a spiritual atmosphere in your house...there's much more to living than dishes and laundry and watching television.   You say, "But, you don't know how tired I am at night."   "You don't know how much I have to do before I go to bed."  And that is true!  I understand.  But, there is at least one thing we can do - on purpose - to lighten the load and make life a little better.  Find that one thing.   You are very creative.  Give yourself permission to have a good time.  It's okay to lighten the load a bit.  And it's alright with the Lord if you take time out to play and laugh. So what if the dishes stay in the sink.  It's for certain, they will be there later. 

If you don't have a lantern, then use candles.  But, do something!  Life is short.  Our world is changing fast.  Get all you can out of it.  You  pass this way but once.  Jesus came to give us an abundant life, not a miserable life.

“I regret that it takes a life to learn how to live.”
                                                     ― Jonathan Safran Foer

No, there are no pictures of me and Chloe doing crazy dances.  That remains our secret. 

Love to you,

Meet Chloe's New Bird

Chloe's Bird
Chloe has a new pet.  Her name is: Sally, or Sunny, or maybe, Tweety.  We don't know for sure just yet.  It's hard to decide on just the right name for a new friend. 

Even harder is deciding what kind of bird she is.   Chloe told me yesterday that she is a parrot...but her mom says she's a parakeet. 

Last night was her (whatsername's) first night in Chloe's room.  I had to go in there this morning and greet her...

Whatever her name will be - she will be great company for a little 5 year old girl.  Chloe starts school (K) tomorrow and this little yellow whatsername will be waiting daily for her to come home.

I included a picture of Chloe in this blog.  We visited her classroom a few nights ago - it was her first time to see her room and sit in her chair.

Of course, being the grandmother, I am all kinds of excited about this.  She has lots of years ahead.  She will learn, grow and change. 

I pray blessings on her and all of the children
as they begin a new school year! 

   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
God bless them as they rise each day
Touch their little minds
Form them, every step of the way

By the Holy Spirit, let them learn
Guard their minds and
Give them grace also to discern

To know what is right and wrong
What is good and bad
Dear God, make them strong

All children are precious in Your sight
Not one is less than another
Guard them, Lord, with your Might

And we will shout from our heart
Thank You, God
For blessing their start
        -- grandmother

Blessings on my grandchildren:
Brooke, Scott,  Chloe, Ben
G-grands: Noah and Lexie


Saturday, August 18, 2012

Mr. Ahmadinejad, where are you?

Mr. Ahmadinejad, where have you gone?

He is a man driven to destroy the nation of Israel, so much so that he is forsaking his own country in a time of crisis. 

Ahmadinejad resembles a crazed Herod - with no focus or concern outside of an insane, demonic drive to wipe God's people from the face of the earth. 

He is busy creating headlines and spewing hatred toward Israel...such as:  Iran calls Israel's existence an 'insult to all of humanity'  - or how about: Israel is a cancerous tumor that must be wiped out.  Ahmadinejad called Israel "a corrupt, anti-human organized minority group standing up to all divine values."

Israel says:  The comments being made by Mr. Ahmadinejad are "reminiscent" of a letter written about the Jews and signed by Adolf Hitler in 1919.   Hitler’s letter  was referencing the "removal of Jews all together.  Twenty-two years later he implemented everything. 

How can Israel ignore the current statements made by Ahmadinejad of his desire to annihilate the Jews in light of Hitler's holocaust - the genocide of approximately six million European Jews during World War II, a systematic state-sponsored murder?  It happened to them once, it can happen again.  The Jews remember.  Ahmadinejad describes the Holocaust as nothing more than a myth.  Six million Jews were killed by German Nazis during World War II, and he calls it just a "myth."

While spewing hatred towards Israel, his own people are suffering from 6.3 and 6.4 earthquakes that rattled Iran’s northwest East Azerbaijan province this past Saturday.  The death toll is now 306, with 3,037 injured, the semi-official Fars news agency reported. The quake mostly affected women and children, who were home in the afternoon. An estimated 16,000 people are homeless and no one trusts the government to help them.

Iran's leadership will pay dearly for cursing Israel.  Genesis 12:3 I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse...

Ahmadinejad seeks an Islamic government in Iran that is free from democratic pretenses and devoid of modern concepts of human rights and the equality of the sexes; that seeks the acquisition of nuclear weapons, the elimination of Israel, the destruction of liberal democratic states and Western capitalism, and an end to the United States as a superpower, which is perceived as the greatest threat to the Islamic Republic's survival and the main obstacle to the accomplishment of its objectives.

The Iranian President has expressed public prayers for the Mahdi to return...even in the larger Sunni Islamic world, by claims that Usamah bin Ladin might be the (now occulted Mahdi)....  the Mahdi is the messiah for Islam, their rightly-guided one, who they say will come in a time of bloody chaos, before the end of time, and make the entire world Muslim.  In a conference Ahmadinejad said that the "Islamic Republic and the system of velayat-e faqih have no other mission but to prepare for the establishment of a world government . . . as the Imam [Mahdi] runs and manages the universe."

He must create this chaos in order for his prayers to be answered.  And he intends to destroy Israel in the process.  Even if it means ignoring his own people...as they attempt to dig their dead out of the rubble of a devastating earthquake.  One Iranian newspaper criticized his choice to abandon the country less than 48 hours after the quakes.

The Iranian president has a bloody chaos, just as he wanted, but it is not in Israel, it is in his own country.  It is his people who are hurting.  It is his citizens who are criticizing the minimal rescue efforts.  It is his people who are crying out for assistance. 

With At least 12 villages destroyed, and in 425 others, more than half to 80 percent of buildings   damaged - Mr. A. you should take a good long look at what is happening in your country - for God said that He will curse those who curse Israel.

My heart hurts for the innocent, the children...who have not asked for such pain.  God help us all.

God help us...all. 

My blog, now completed at 4:30am on a Saturday morning, will not be read by hundreds...I realize this.  But, in sharing my heart in the only platform available to me...I will know and God will know...that I see and I care....

I will bless the God of Israel.  I will bless Israel.


Friday, August 17, 2012

STOP...working for poverty

I posted this blog on 5.30.11.  Today I read the saved document and was encouraged by my own blog! I needed to be reminded that God can and will take the negative and the lack in a life and turn it around.  How like Him to stir us, lift us, and turn taunting, tormenting lack into plenty. 

Haggai 1:1-13 God’s people were not blessed. Due to a state of discouragement they had stopped their efforts in rebuilding the temple, and that’s another story. At this time they were living in nice houses while the house of God lay in ruin. They were self-seeking, trying to survive on their own strength and yet neglecting their spiritual life. The Kingdom didn’t come first. Therefore, everything for which they labored was perishing.

TRUTH: Opposition comes to stop you from receiving God’s blessings!

The people were so weighed down by the negatives of the situation that they couldn't rebuild God's temple, even though they had permission. They were discouraged because of the opposition of the Samaritans. This caused a sixteen year delay in rebuilding the temple and now it was lying in ruins. They continued to build their homes while the temple had a foundation, nothing more. When opposition hinders your efforts to fulfill the purpose of God in your life, your blessings are stifled, as well. The enemy's purpose goes far beyond 'you' and 'me' - the full picture of opposition's purpose is to block God from being glorified on this earth.

TRUTH: Our priorities reveal our dedication and love for spiritual things.

God is aware that you are not blessed! God knows that seeking Him has not been your priority. He realizes the cause behind your diminished zeal for spiritual things. He has full knowledge of the person, event, or situation responsible for the struggle in your life. Often, the struggle takes such a toll on you, physically and spiritually, until there’s no energy left to express your love for God. God knows that…and He is merciful.

TRUTH: It is disheartening to work hard and reap poverty!

You have worked hard to put food on the table, pay the rent, car payment, utilities, buy clothes, gas for the car…rest assured in the fact that God knows how hard it is on you and your family. He knows there’s not enough money left over at the end of the month.

God is love. Because of that love, grace abounds. Grace, God’s unmerited favor, flows out of love.

Verse 5 - “Now therefore thus saith the LORD of hosts; consider your ways.”  God instructs them to consider their ways - then He proceeds to tell them how bad their situation is! Look at verse 6.

1. You’ve worked hard and have nothing to show for it.
2. You eat; but you don’t have enough.
3. You drink; but you don’t have your fill.
4. You clothe yourselves, but you are still cold.
5. When you earn money, you’ve only earned it in order to put the money into a bag which has holes.

TRUTH: Opposition emptied you of all hope that things will one day be better.

Nothing changes. Week after week and month after month, you go to work, bring home the paycheck and still there’s not enough. Your thoughts are filled with 'not enough'. Guilt has taken up residence in your mind. “You aren’t good enough. You should make more money. You aren’t smart enough. You will never make it.” Opposition places the spotlight on you. Opposition wants to bring you down so that you can’t enjoy God’s blessings. Opposition knows that with a whipped mentality you are less powerful for the Kingdom. Yes, you love the Lord! But the fire shut up in your bones has just about gone out.

TRUTH: When you are in difficult situations, and your life is not pleasing to God…thus you are not blessed…
but God comes with the answer!

Be encouraged! God sees your situation. He knows where you are. Haggai had a word from the LORD and he spoke that word to Zerubbabel, the governor of Judah and to Joshua, the high priest. (verse 3-6)

God has the answer. Leave the wilderness of “me” - lay “me” aside and move your mental focus to Him. It’s not about me, it’s all about Him. It’s not about you, it’s about Him. He will make a way where there seems to be no way. Let God talk to you. Believe what He has to say to you. Turn the spotlight off of you and on to Him. That alone will lift a huge burden from your heart. Turn to His Word - answers are inside that life-giving Word!

TRUTH: When God gives you the answer it will come with an assignment:

Haggai 1: 8 The answer to your situation is an assignment from Him. An assignment from God takes you from your situation of want into the state of being blessed. If the poverty listed in verse six was important enough for the Lord to talk about, then we can believe that the poverty points mentioned will be turned into plenty.

The assignment is to resume the work of the Lord! The assignment is to put Him first. Until you do, he will blow on your 'much' when you bring it home (verse 9)! God did this because they were taking care of themselves and ignoring His agenda! After blowing on their 'much', He also halted the dew and the fruit and then He called for a drought on the land!

God means business when He says.....Don't ignore me! When there is a drought, nothing comes forth from our labor! Carefully read verses 9-11.

TRUTH: Verse 13 is the key. When God says, I am with you, your spirit will be stirred and you will begin to work for the Kingdom and blessings will come.

Haggai 1 is a perfect example of Matthew 6:3 “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Without a stirring in our spirit issuing from the Spirit of God, we become weary. When God stirs our spirit then hope comes alive again...we have a new vision! We have renewed energy because of hope.

TRUTH: God blessings are always the opposite of negative; the opposite of lack.

Here are five opposites of the negatives listed in verse 6:

1. There will be plenty to show for your labor.
2. You will eat and be satisfied.
3. You will drink and be filled.
4. You will clothe yourself - you will not be cold in winter.
5. When you earn money there will be enough to pay your bills and some to save.

TRUTH: The Lord takes pleasure in resumed spiritual activity. It makes Him happy. He is smiling because of the blessings that are to come upon you.

1. Look at your situation.
2. List the negatives on paper.
3. Note the percentage of your effort spent on survival vs. seeking the Kingdom?
4. List all actions necessary to turn you from survival to seeking.
5. List opposites for the negatives created in step one.

Now, by faith, see the blessings in the unseen realm as coming into your natural realm. Call those things that are not…as though they are.


Thursday, August 16, 2012

Another Civil War?

Shooting at the Family Research Council 8.15.12
Are we headed to another war within our borders?  A war between each other?   Have we become so divided that we can no longer tolerate our fellow Americans?  Is the rising tension between values escalating in our nation, just as tension once grew between the states?  I have questions!  

I remember the days when the political party was either  "Democrat or Republican" - Later the terms "Left - Right" rose to the surface. Now: it's "Conservative - Liberal" and today the line in the sand continues to be drawn.

Yesterday's shooting at the Family Research Center in Washington, D.C. is an event we need to take a good look at, rather than label it as simply another shooting...of which we are becoming accustomed to, as of late.   It has been noted that a spin was placed on liberal reporting of the incident, focusing on the bravery of the guard, and away from the shooter and what he said, nor his involvement at the DC Center for the LGBT Community. 

The article, A shot from the darkness, by Judson Phillips.  (teapartynation.com) -- will enlighten you as to the plight of conservatives, christians, and those taking a stand for biblical principles:

       "Yesterday was a day we in the conservative movement will need to remember for a very long time. It represents something we had better learn about and learn to deal with quickly.   It is soon to be the new norm.  For conservatives, the message is simple. We must be on our guard. These are dangerous times for conservatives.  I wish I could say the shooting at the FRC yesterday was an isolated incident. It is not. It is an example of growing violence against conservatives in this nation.  Before this is all over, I fear there will not only be more violence against conservatives, I fear conservatives will be killed by some of these deranged far left wing activists.

Today, those labed as conservatives, are now being further defined as hate groups

"Even after the shooting of a security guard at the Family Research Council, the Huffington Post can’t stop slamming the pro-family organization as a “hate group.”  ~ ~ ~ They are right.  We are hate groups.  We hate everything that emanates from the pits of hell.  We hate what Satan has done and is doing to our country, our families, and our children.  We hate evil.  We hate demonic oppression But, we don't hate people.  We don't hate those who oppose what we stand for.  

The National Organization for Marriage, another active campaigner against same-sex marriage, issued a statement saying “Today’s attack is the clearest sign we’ve seen that labeling pro-marriage groups as ‘hateful’ must end,"

In early 1854, the first proto-Republican Party meeting took place in Ripon, Wisconsin. On June 6, 1854 on the outskirts of Jackson, Michigan upwards of 10,000 people turned out for a mass meeting "Under the Oaks." This led to the first organizing convention in Pittsburgh on February 22, 1856.
The Republican Party was formed and was based on the principle of opposing slavery's extension into the western territories.  The irony of our day:   Republicans are defending the right to proclaim our values as Christians.  It seems as though Republicans are still opposing slavery...but this time it is not a war between the states, but it is between individual free people in every state.  It is between right and wrong.  It is between sin and righteousness.  Everything the conservatives stand for...the liberals oppose...with a vengence.

History.com:  "Though on the surface the Civil War may have seemed a lopsided conflict, with the 23 states of the Union enjoying an enormous advantage in population, manufacturing (including arms production) and railroad construction, the Confederates had a strong military tradition, along with some of the best soldiers and commanders in the nation. They also had a cause they believed in: preserving their long-held traditions and institutions, chief among these being slavery."

Emerging within our society is a group with a cause.  A very determined cause.  An angry group.  Their cause is endeavouring to establish their right in our nation to marry those of the same sex.  There is an obvious desire to flaunt their sins openly and promote their cause publicly.  They are now using violence against faith-based operations - or against anyone who promotes a lifestyle in opposition to their cause.   

When a group believes in a cause...they will stop at nothing short of war to preserve and maintain that cause. 

God help us escape the omninous threat of another war as tensions escalate in our country and among our own people.  Let the church arise with a spirit of power and might and move swiftly away from "us four and no more" - reaching outside our walls with the message of the gospel of Jesus Christ - a message that will set all people free - from all slavery - and from all influence of the enemy -  this will bring peace in our borders.  Jesus Christ is our Peace. 

~The Family Research Council (FRC) is an American conservative Christian group and lobbying organization formed in the United States in 1981 by James Dobson was fully incorporated in 1983.   The function of the FRC is to promote what it considers to be traditional family values, by advocating and lobbying for socially conservative policies. It advocates against LGBT rights, abortion, divorce, embryonic stem-cell research, and pornography.   The organization has been involved in the politics of social policy, notably in controversy concerning its position on homosexuality.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

IS the CHURCH coming ALIVE?

I shot this photo on Crow Mt.
This morning I listened to a portion of Perry Stone's weekly Manna-fest Online, The Spirit of Confusion and the Curse of Madness.

Click on this link to watch:  http://www.voe.org/component/youtube/?v=aaNni1kL8bQ

Leading into the program Stone related:
About every 4 years in the United States we go through a major transition of some kind with Washington, D.C. and our leadership.  It seems like there is an additional spirit of heaviness, and almost a confusion, that blankets the entire nation...almost during the entire year.  Based on Daniel 10, when there are transitions in nations, there is also a release of what is called a principalities of spirits.

Stone named three spirits (demonic warfare) that exist in the process of the spiritual warfare that we go through.  And these spirits create a general confusion.

1.  Lying spirit - 2 Chronicles 18:21
2.  Jealous spirit - Numbers 5:14
3.  Seducing spirit - I Timothy 4:1

I agree with his next statement, even though it is hard to swallow:   "Where is America and what is our problem?  Can I tell you?  Our problem is with the church.  Our problem is not with politics.  The politics are simply the fruit.  It's the church that's the root....because in the old days of the 1700-1800's the ministers were so involved with the nation and what was happening in the nation, that the pulpits were used to speak forth, and now the enemy is either trying to silence the voices or dull the voices of the people of God in America."

Due to the recent attack by Chicago politicians on Chick-fil-A because the owner stood for marriage according to biblical principles, we now see ministers taking a stand against demonic spirits that have silenced the churches far too long.   

Days after the big city boss blasted the chicken chain over its president's stance on same-sex marriage, an influential Baptist minister and Cardinal Francis George of the Archdiocese of Chicago struck back. The religious leaders, who support the traditional view of marriage, were incensed at Emanuel's claim that "Chick-fil-A's values are not Chicago's values."

"Do not disrespect us...We, too, are Chicago," the Rev. Charles Lyons of the Armitage Baptist Church thundered from the pulpit Sunday.

Lyons also had a warning for anyone trying to impose their values on his congregation.  "...if the thought police come to Armitage Baptist church, we will meet them at the door respectfully, unflinchingly, willing to die on this hill, holding a copy of the Sacred Scriptures in one hand and a copy of the U.S. Constitution in the other. (Lyons said in a sermon)

Three major events are happening.

1.  There is an open and blatant attack on anyone speaking up for Christian values.
2.  Demonic spirits are active in our country - especially this year.  (The lying spirit is evident:  Remember Reid's comments about Romney and his failure to pay taxes for 10 years:  The word is out...)
3.  Churches are coming alive!

The third point is obvious.  Read  Pastor Lyons remarks once more:
 "if the thought police come to Armitage Baptist church, we will meet them at the door respectfully, unflinchingly, willing to die on this hill, holding a copy of the Sacred Scriptures in one hand and a copy of the U.S. Constitution in the other.

Thank God for a pastor with backbone! 

Romans 13:11  And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.

 One pastor wrote:  It’s time to wake up! I don’t think that I need to take too much time to convince you that the Church, the Body of Christ, is sleepwalking through this present time. I see lots of activity, but is it the work that we have been given to do? I see tons of church buildings, but is what takes place in church buildings any different than the buildings of the Masonic Lodge, Kiwanis’ Club, or Country Club?

The apostle Paul said it is time to wake up because the clock is running out...we have less time to reach our world with the gospel  - - actually, you and I have less time now, than when we first clicked on this blog. 

"Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel has ticked off the flocks by criticizing Chick-fil-A."  Emanuel did more than tick off the church.  He and others are shaking us and causing us to wake up from our slumbering state of ease. 

An article found on churchleaders.com lists 11 ways to wake up a church. I especially like #2: Eliminate committees and multiply the ministries.

I think the church is coming alive.  We must come alive.  Wake up. Suit up.  Our nation, our world, our children...all depend on the church to make a difference.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

People and T-Shirt Advice

I snapped this photo in Celebration City, Fl - 2/2011
If there's little excitement in your life then you need to get out of the house more often and be with people.  People will entertain you. They won't know they are entertaining you...because they are just being normal people, doing what normal people do!

It (or rather, we) all started with just a little dirt. 

Genesis 2:7
And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

We came from dirt.  But, oh...when God breathed in us...we were never the same!  Ever felt like nothing more than dirt?  All you need is the breath of God to blow on you - and in you - and you become vibrant with life!  Well, that's not my subject for this blog, so let me get off this trail and back on to normal people and the entertainment they provide (without realizing it, of course).

2011, in the month of February, I was browsing in a small shop in Celebration City, Florida.  Oh, I love that little town!  Beautiful, unique - on the edge of Orlando. 

Anyway, in that little store a bubbly, outgoing lady was talking on her cell phone.  Obviously, she was giving advice to another female on the other end of the line.  She spoke these words of wisdom:

"Tell him your dream is to live happy, tired, and within your means."  

Now, I can't speculate as to what this conversation entailed.  Fully.  From both sides.  Nah...not a clue.  But, I did hurry to find pen and scrap paper to scribble that noteworthy phrase, lest I forget it within two minutes. 

The same shop provided another avenue of interest as one particular t-shirt caught my eye.  I should have bought one of them.  With the same pen and scrap paper I jotted down more advice: 
"Quit your job, buy a ticket, get a tan, fall in love, and never return."

I love t-shirt philosophy.  T-shirts deliver messages which can never be voiced...lest there is a blast of backlash! 

It's true.  People can entertain you.  See?  I've written a blog about my brief visit to a small shop in Celebration City. 

Now, go ... find a story. 