
Just living is not enough... one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower. ~Hans Christian Andersen

Saturday, February 8, 2020


While politically correct schools are shoving their agenda down the throats of our youth ...  there are some who will not be shoved !!!  

A high school in Virginia told the students that they could not fly the American flag from their vehicles because it might be offensive to some.   SO... they did what every Red-Blooded American should do.  THEY FLEW THE FLAGS.  


They drove through town with OLD GLORY flying in the breeze.  Ah, I wish I could have been there!  My heart would have been proud!    

Thank the Lord for students with a backbone who will not be pushed around by some meathead, snowflake of a idiot.  Yes, that's what I said.  

It's HIGH TIME we stood up to these anti-American and take our country back.


Hear me, if we don't stand up to them, there soon won't be an America.  

I've seen some of the weirdest people in the past few years.  They parade down our streets in protest of decency.  Honestly, they look like something from outer space ... a realm not recognizable.  

You may not know it --  but -- there are some really great youth in this nation.  They honor their parents.  They go to school.  And many of them attend church.  Believe it or not, some of these good old boys would knock the block off of a sissy boy if approached to join the 'gay' activity.  

I discovered an article on Youth and Patriotism.  Here is an excerpt from that article:
When it comes to the flag as a symbol, a public opinion poll conducted by the Foundation for Liberty and American Greatness suggests that young people see the flag less as a symbol to be proud of and more as a symbol of what is wrong with the country. If more students are associating the flag with flaws in the system, it would explain why some students opt out of standing for the pledge of allegiance or other celebratory acts.
I don't know how the author came to this conclusion!  But what I do know, is that if youth see the flag less as a symbol to be proud of and more of what is wrong with our country - it is because some liberal nut has indoctrinated their minds!  Parents, take your young people back and redeem them from this devastating influence and send that nonsense back to hell ... where it came from! 
The missive has another paragraph worth noting:  It’s likely that the very students who are refusing to stand for the pledge are exhibiting their patriotism by demanding a better tomorrow...  MY ANSWER TO THIS IS:  HOGWASH.
AMERICA has been a GREAT Country for all these years  - WHY DO SOME LIBERALS THINK IT NEEDS TO BE CHANGED NOW?  I wish some of them would go and get a decent job and enjoy the blessings we have in this country!!  
Let me say it again, we have some really great youth in our country.  You just don't see them on tv.  Why?  Because they are not out there trying to promote stupidity and anti-God agendas!

I APPLAUD these great young people.  I WISH YOU GREAT SUCCESS IN LIFE.

AND.... I pray you can remain strong during these crazy government days.

If I see you driving through town with your American flags you can bank on it - I will wave back and take your picture and put it on Facebook and tell the world how proud I am of you!!!

Go and take a stand ... you strong, patriotic young folks!  We older ones are behind you all the way!

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