
Just living is not enough... one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower. ~Hans Christian Andersen

Monday, March 18, 2013

Promise me you'll always remember...

Christopher Robin to Pooh:

Christopher Robin:  Pooh Bear, what if there came a tomorrow when we were apart.

Pooh Bear:  As long as we’re apart together we shall certainly be fine. 
CR:  If we weren’t together, if I were somewhere else...
PB:  But you really couldn’t be – and I would be quite lost without you.  Who would I call on those days when I'm just not strong enough...or ...brave enough?    
CR: Well,  actually...
PB:  And, who would I ask for advice when I didn’t know which way to turn?
CR: Pooh, we...
PB:  We?  We simply wouldn’t be...
CR:  Oh, Pooh.  If ever there’s a tomorrow when we’re not together, there’s something you must always remember...
PB:  And what might that be, Christopher Robin?
CR:  You’re braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But even if we’re apart, I’ll always be with you.  Always.
I printed this quote " You're braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think" in large font and taped it to my refrigerator.  I had just brought my husband home from rehab and as a caregiver, this time I was overwhelmed!  Overwhelmed and scared. 
I don't know where I found the quote, but it fell in my sight at just the time I needed it.  I was grasping for encouragement and strength - from any source! 
Who knew such depth existed in this clip of dialogue between Pooh Bear and Christopher Robin? 
I was braver than I believed, stronger than I seemed, and smarter than I thought... and we made it through that trial.
That's how Jesus Christ works in us.  He is our strength.  In His silence I found Him faithful.   I could do that which I didn't know I could do.  .  .  because it was His strength working through me. 
You may be in a challenging season and in need of strength!  Jesus Christ will not fail you.  Lean on Him. . . and . . .
Promise me you'll always remember. . .
You're braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think!
. . .