
Just living is not enough... one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower. ~Hans Christian Andersen

Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Flag of Israel- it's meaning.

The Flag of Israel
I sat in front of the computer scanning fb posts while sipping my usual morning cappuccino and I noticed a friend's fb post... Chrissie had clicked 'like' on a recent post by "I love Hebrew."  

This Post invited me to:

Read about the Israeli flag and how it was chosen-
what is the meaning of the blue and white colors,
 the Star of David, and more...

So I did.  And this is what I learned.

"The state of Israel was established in May 1948.  Five months later, the flag of Israel was adopted by the speaker of the Provisional Council of State.

The flag of Israel includes two blue stripes on white background with a Shield of David in the center.  It was inspired by the Ttallie (a prayer shawl) as a symbol.  The Star of David is a common symbol of the Jewish people from Biblical times.

A few scholars have claimed the the blue stripes on the flag actually represent the rivers Nile and Euphrates as the boundaries of Eretz Yisrael, the land promised to the Jews by G-d, as mentioned in the Old Testament.

The chosen colors, blue and white, symbolize trust and honesty.

Blue: represents loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith, truth, and heaven.

The white color represents light, honesty, innocence, and peace."
~ ~ ~ ~
I learned something of great value today as I read about the meaning of this beautiful flag.  I hope you have, as well.   Although I love Israel greatly... understanding the meaning of their flag has touched the depths of my heart.  I'll never view the Israeli flag the same.

Months ago I wrestled with a desire to do something for Israel.  I was bothered that I had contributed nothing...zero...to that country, save a visit to their land many years ago.  I feel the pain of their struggle to remain a nation - to secure their borders - to live in peace...and I found a way to contribute a widow's mite.  It has brought much satisfaction to my soul.  I'll share it with you in a later blog.  Perhaps the Lord will place it on your heart to do something for Israel, too.

God bless the USA and the beloved land of Israel.  And thank  you Chrissie (from Florida) for your fb input...you are always a blessing.

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