
Just living is not enough... one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower. ~Hans Christian Andersen

Saturday, July 7, 2012

STARBUCKS, 2 Thumbs Up

Fox News Online:
"CEO Howard Schultz at Starbucks wanted an American manufacturer to produce the mugs."

Thus, the story begins.

Starbucks has a new campaign: Create Jobs for USA. The campaign is branded with the word "indivisible" stamped on mugs, wristbands and bags of coffee. For all the obvious reasons, CEO Howard Schultz at Starbucks wanted an American manufacturer to produce the mugs.

Finally, a news article that makes me proud!  Starbucks offered the job of producing ceramic mugs  to an American company instead of China.  Clyde McClellan at American Mug and Stein in East Liverpool, Ohio, was approached by a representative of Starbucks.   That's just the first thing that made me proud.

The second thing is that when the banks refused a consolidation debt loan for the American company (the need generated because foreign made meant cheaper foreign labor, which meant cheaper production) the Create Jobs for USA program, which is coupled with the Opportunity Finance Network, stepped up to the plate (sorry, I meant cup) and helped with the consolidation loan!!!

This reminds me of the scripture in Exodus 14:1-31 - The Red Sea Situation.  The Impossible Situation.  The one where you are caught between the Devil and the Deep Blue (Red) Sea Situation. The Situation where you feel boxed in - no way out - abandoned - look at the mess I'm in .... situation.   You need a recipe for rescue. 

Charles Tindley was an African-American pastor wrote the immortal hymn, “Stand By Me."

"When the storms of life are raging, stand by me.  When the world is tossing me, like a ship upon the sea, Thou who rulest wind and water, stand by me.  When the hosts of hell assail, and my strength begins to fail, Thou who never lost a battle, stand by me."

"Stand by me" is exactly what happened for this American comany.  Now they are up and running. Layoffs prevented and eight new employees added.  Way to go, Starbucks!  This is what America can do if given a chance!  The article concludes with: Now the kilns are fired up and people scurry about American Mug and Stein carrying loads, carving away imperfections in the clay and preparing an American product to be sold on American store shelves.

That's enough to make you want to do the happy dance!  God makes a way where there seems to be no way! 

Whatever the “Red Sea” situation is that you are facing today, remember this, there is a Jesus waiting for you to trust Him to “Deliver” you.

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