
Just living is not enough... one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower. ~Hans Christian Andersen

Saturday, February 8, 2020


It started in the Garden of Eden.  The battle between good and evil did not exist until Eve was tempted of the serpent (Satan) and, believing his lies, she succumbed to eating the forbidden fruit.  Eve then shared that piece of fruit with Adam.  This is what we refer to as "the fall of man" - it's the moment when sin entered the world...and into the hearts of humanity.

We have arrived at a place in the United States where we now call evil good and good evil.  Good and evil in our society is a battle that is rapidly rising.  Evil has a loud voice ... to convert good to evil these voices must distort and twist the Word of God.  Evil declares that God doesn't mean what He says.  Evil denounces the Word as Truth.  Evil says you can do as you please ... you have 'rights' after all.  

Immense pressure to conform to these worldly standards openly emanate from the Liberal political party.  The Democrats.   

I'm watching disturbing scenes happening in our country.  Today, we have a homosexual candidate seeking the highest office in our nation.  He stated that his husband would be the future first gentleman of the United States Yet, crowds follow and cheer him at rallies.  No one denounces his sin.  We are told to accept this lifestyle or we will be labeled as haters.  

Hate is the norm for responding to opposite views.  Let's call it what it is,  extreme hate, with violent voices preferring death and pain to conservative voices.  Here is what one teacher tweeted upon hearing of Rush Limbaugh's announcement of advanced cancer: "Limbaugh absolutely should have to suffer from cancer.  It's awesome that he's dying, and hopefully it is as quick as it is painful"  says Travis Sarandos, who teaches in Milwaukee. 

A recent poll was taken of primary Democrat voters in New Hampshire ... they were asked a question regarding preferred outcomes at the upcoming November 3rd election ... below lists the percentages to each answer:

38% Donald Trump winds re-election
62% A giant meteor strikes the earth, extinguishing all human life.

The majority of Democrat primary voters in New Hampshire prefer to see everybody on earth die -- than see Trump re-elected president in November.  That's extreme hate.  That's not just political preference - we've gone beyond political preference ... we've moved into a fight between good and evil.  

HATE was on display this week as Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, literally showed her backside --  her rear -- as the President delivered a constitutionally required address to the nation.  Nancy the Ripper premeditated her performance as she ripped the pages of the speech in front of the camera and the world. She demeaned her office - she lost all dignity and respect as a leader - she should be censored, better yet removed from office.  But, then again, she does not fear consequences for her actions.  

AS THE WORLD TURNS to wickedness - we pacify our actions, and any guilt associated with our behavior, by convincing ourselves that there will be no consequences for our disobedience.  People are deceived and blinded by an anti-christ spirit.  

Tony Compollo, professor of sociology at Eastern College said this regarding homosexuality:  "Evangelicals have been undeniably cruel and mean.  I feel that the way the Church is behaving toward gays is an embarrassment to Jesus."

Liberal agenda requires destroying Truth ... believing a lie, just as in the Garden of Eden ... and quenching the Church from speaking Truth.

It's a battle between good and evil.  It is raging.  It is gaining momentum.  For the Liberal platform to rise to control, they must push the opposite platform (conservatives) down to the dirt.   And they will stop at nothing to accomplish this goal.

They won't admit it, but HATE is their theme.  HATE has become norm.  SIN is abolished.  That which is an abomination to God has become that which is now worshiped. Abortion, homosexuality, transgender ... all have become the 'forgotton sin'.

I wish I could say we are only in a political battle in the U.S. - but that is no longer the issue.  We are in a spiritual battle.  A battle between evil and good, right and wrong.  A battle with spiritual influences ... Jesus Christ vs. the anti-christ spirit.  

Watch which political party promotes evil - or good.  Watch closely.  That should determine your stance, your vote, your desired outcome for our nation.

It's a battle between good and evil.  

I choose 'good' for my children and grands/greats.....I choose a decent America for my babies.  I choose decency, biblical standards, and right over wrong.

Where do you stand?  Your vote come November will clearly reveal your choice in the battle between good and evil.


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