
Just living is not enough... one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower. ~Hans Christian Andersen

Saturday, February 15, 2020



  • They are grotesque hypersexualized caricatures of women. 
  • They are often bisexual, transgender, genderqueer, or otherwise part of the LGBT community.  
  • Many are convicted criminals
  • Many moonlight in strip clubs and other adult related venues. 
  • Many are pedophiles, sizing up their opportunities in the local area.  

"Drag" an abbreviation of "dressed as girl" in description of male transvestism. 


A faux queen, bio queen, diva queen, hyper queen or female queen is a female performance artist who adopts the style typical of male drag queens. A faux queen may be playfully described as "a drag queen trapped in a woman's body".

Drag kings are mostly female performance artists who dress in masculine drag and personify male gender stereotypes as part of an individual or group routine. They are often lesbian, bisexual, transgender, genderqueer, or otherwise part of the LGBT community. They may also be straight.

Tucking is a technique whereby an individual hides the crotch bulge of the male parts so that they are not conspicuous through clothing. The practice is most commonly employed by transgender women in order to pass as cisgender female, as well as cisgender men that do drag.

Now, that you are a bit nauseous let's look into the history of DQST:


Michelle Tea created the Drag Queens Story Hour in 2015, in San Francisco.  She was born Michelle Tomasik, in 1971. She's an author and founder of several groups.  From 2012 to 2015 she wrote for XOJane (?) documenting the stress the difficulties she faced while trying to have a baby with her partner, Dashiell.   The stress of fertility treatments and artificial insemination..... including the gaps, or problems, existing for queer couples...because they live in a system which was established with heterosexual couples in  mind.    

This should explain her character, her morals, and her purpose.  Her work extends beyond writing.  You can read more about her on Wikipedia or other web sites.  If ... and only if ... you are interested.  Let's say this about her, she has contributed to the confusion and demise of a normal, healthy lifestyle for many. DQSH is now found all over the nation.  They have their own website.  
This is one example of what has gone wrong in America.   The far-left American Library Association (ALA) sponsored a workshop for librarians on how to stage the story hour for local libraries.  Thus, we may conclude that the ALA is aiding and abetting perverted presentations intended to indoctrinate our children in an environment that should be wholesome and safe.  Michelle Tea started a movement that is as dangerous as the atheist, Madalyn Murry O'Hair.


1.  Is to capture the imagination and play of the gender fluidity of childhood and give kids a glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models.

2.  To instill into our children, inclusivity and diversity of identity.  Nonsense.  Their want to subvert the young with their gender and sexual ideology.  If less than 2% of our population are homosexuals, this proves their need to capture children and indoctrinate them quickly.  This is their only method to keep the demonic movement alive.  And parents are cooperating.  

3. To teach tolerance. No. They are attempting to transform society into a deranged state of existence.  Tolerance for perversion is the best way to describe their actions.

4.  They desire to become role models for children.  Rather than promote their sick agenda, parents should advocate mental and spiritual help for these delusional people.  Why are parents and library officials celebrating such immoral and insane performances in an environment which totally affects our innocent children??

5.  They deny their indoctrination program of children, but rather declare the intent of providing a much-needed corrective to the gender norm pushed on kids from birth!

6.  The DQSH believe that children deserve to be exposed ...  and that children should follow their passions and embrace gender diversity for themselves!  

7. They label you and me, the normal ones, as guilty of misunderstanding LGBTQ experiences and we are the guilty ones.  We are guilty of homophobia and transphobia.

According to the LGBTQ, WE, the normal ones, should be ashamed for condemning their perversion.  WE should be punished for interfering with their agenda!!   We are guilty!!  Bad!! This contributes to their success....just pass their guilt from them, to you and to me.  


We understand that one small foot in the door by the LGBTQ only means they will shove the door open much wider.  Now the LGBTQ effort is espousing chemical and surgical castration of children ... and grooming them, effectively, with their DQSH held across our country.

Edie Pasek,  organizes story hour events in and around Milwaukee, Ms. Pasek said her group holds about a third of its events in libraries and a third in churches, where dozens of children sometimes show up.   They said that in the Midwest, "we do drag in churches."  

  • In a suburb of Seattle, June, 2019, a drag event was held for teens ... with the intent to raffle off a breast binder for young women who believe they are men. 
  • April 2019, Houston, TX one public library allowed a draq queen to assist during story hour.  This person was a convicted sex offender.  
And the list goes on.

500 Mom Strong is a group of women who "HAVE HAD ENOUGH" with the sexualization of our children and the mockery of our femininity.   On their web site you will find an article called, SATANIC DRAQ QUEENS ARE AFTER YOUR CHILDREN....

Look them up:  500momstrong.org.   Yes, there are women who have had enough.  Enough is Enough.     If you think the DRAG QUEEN STORY HOUR is just a phase, or simply a small movement making a lot of noise, think again.  This is a demonic movement from the pits of hell and they are after your children!  They intend to "groom" your babies into an unhealthy lifestyle ... which will eventually include HIV and AIDS.   

God forbid that we 'right-winged', morally decent, biblically based citizens reveal that these deranged draq queens/kings are actually sexual predators and pedophiles.  Any exposure or opposition to their agenda is labeled as HATE, AND RIGHT-WINGED FEARMONGERING.

Read this paragraph from the above blog posted on 500 Mom Strong:  

Researching the Drag Queens who read to the children at libraries has revealed that many of them are sexual predators and their “art” is full of blood and fecal play and many of them declare “Hail Satan” on their social media profiles.  At the DQSH and tween/teen Drag 101 events being held at libraries across the country, the children are encouraged to follow the Drag Queen’s social media profiles which are filled with Satanic pornography.  Drag was born out of sexism and racism and was raised in satanic pornography and it feeds on mocking and dehumanizing women and destroying the innocence of children. 


1.  WE HAVE FORSAKEN THE BIBLICAL VIEW OF HUMANITY.  Face it, the government won't help.  One political party is actively pursuing a Marxist-LBGT ideology.  They don't dare call out demonic activity because they are deep in it themselves.  We have an anti-christ spirit going full speed ahead with rapid growth aiming destroying all things biblical in our society.  It seems our government has become cowards in opposing the demands of this small percentage who have declared war on Christianity and the values we hold dear.

How disgusting and sad that their main objective is in destroying children.  Abortion is their first objective.  If children happen to actually be born in our country - then their next objective is to indoctrinate them into a lifestyle void of being made in the image of God.  

We have arrive at a place in America where any defense of our children's innocence ... results in death threats and obscene slander from those promoting a degrading lifestyle.


VOTE.  Vote from office those who promote/allow/congratulate such activity.

One Republican lawmaker introduced a bill which would jail librarians who host a Drag Queen Story Hour or let kids check out 'inappropriate' books.  Ben Baker's bill is called: Parental Oversight of Public Libraries Act.  

Of course, a Washington Post article  has come out against this Act.  This is what they say about it:

"A conservative Republican legislator in Missouri has introduced legislation that would create "parental library review boards: with the power to decide whether books in pubic libraries are too sexually explicit for young people.  The five-member panels - elected by community members - would hold hearings to gather suggestions from the public on what books are inappropriate for minors.   Also, Library personnel could be fined up to $500 or jailed for up to a year if they 'willfully' violate any provision of the legislation, should it become law, and libraries could lose all of their funding."

What they are actually saying is: they do not want responsible adults in a community to have any say about their liberal/LGBTQ agenda.  They fear suggestions (a voice) from the public, knowing that they are a minority and that they would be kicked out by the larger percentage of decent Americans!

Now you know.  Hopefully, you are better informed about the DRAG QUEEN STORY HOUR.    

Call your congressmen, senators, community officials, and your local library. 

Guard our nation.  Guard our families.  Guard our children.

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