
Just living is not enough... one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower. ~Hans Christian Andersen

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

SOLEIMANI and ....

BOOM!  What now?  What does tomorrow hold?  

Why the division in our government?  Why are the DEMS defending Iran?  Why do they hate Trump so much?  Why?  Why?  Why not unite for the good of our nation?  Why are they defending Soleimani through his death?  Why are they calling Soleimani a national official  instead of the terrorist leader that he was?  Why doesn't someone reveal the acts of Soleimani to the world?   What about the pain and suffering caused to families from the murderous actions emanating from his leadership?  

I have questions.   Perhaps, you have questions.  I don't have the answers.  But, this one thing I know.  Out of the chaos of the world - the confusion and division of our nation - I do know Who holds tomorrow!  

I know there is a God in heaven.  I know His Son, Jesus Christ, is the Savior of the world.  I know He hears me when I pray.  I know that His blood saved me from my sins.  I know He is coming soon.  And I know that He has the whole world in His hands!  

I know there is a plan.  His plan.  

We are living in the last days.  Matthew 24 and Daniel, and the book of Revelation make it plain.  These books have answers to what is happening in our world.  Hallelujah!!  I can turn to the Word of God and find the answers I need.  

If you are feeling stressed over current events - let me encourage you to read the story that gives the ending in full detail !   It's awesome.  No one but the Hand of God could write the past, present, and future in such detail ...  and each step of the plan happens on schedule whether we believe it or not.  Ok.  Let's raise a Hallelujah!  again.  God's got this!!

This is where I must insert the words to a great hymn, I Know Who Holds Tomorrow.

I don't worry o'er the future
For I know what Jesus said
And today I'll walk beside Him
For He knows what lies ahead

Many things about tomorrow
I don't seem to understand
But I know Who holds tomorrow
And I know Who holds my hand

I'll walk beside Him!  I'll hold His Hand.  I will find shelter In the Arms of God.  I will enter His presence through His Courts of Praise.  I will find rest for my soul.

Isaiah 41:10  "Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God:  I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness."

What does tomorrow hold?  Who will rise up to replace Soleimani?  What will happen in our divided country of America?  I don't need the answers ...  but I do need to walk beside the One who does have answers.

I pray you will do the same.  I pray your mind knows peace, that your body is in health, and that your spirit is connected to the Holy Spirit as we walk this road together.

....Once more,  Let's Raise a Hallelujah!  God's got this.

Many things about tomorrow
I don't seem to understand
But I know Who holds tomorrow
And I know Who holds my hand

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