
Just living is not enough... one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower. ~Hans Christian Andersen

Thursday, June 13, 2019


The latest trend is "Our bodies, our choice" ....   

New York legislators and advocates are pushing for a bill which will decriminalize sex work.  I typed the term sex work in italics because that's nothing more than the old term, prostitution. 

If we change the label, it's much more acceptable to the public.  The sad fact is that it is not more respectable.  

Maine and Massachusetts are among states following the same thought.  Evidently, the answer for this sin problem (for that's what it is), when you are overwhelmed in the courts and criminal justice system ... and legal attempts to crack down on crime ... fail ... just legalize it!  Problem solved!   

Julia Salazar, a sponsor for the bill, says that such people (as prostitutes, transgenders) are "having to face stigma, discrimination, and abuse in trying to advocate for their rights to be treated with dignity and to be treated like human beings."

One group pointed out that decriminalization legislation would only legalize a system that would turn mostly women and girls into "commodities to be bought and sold."  

God forbid that we spend time and money with legislation to reduce the "Our Bodies, Our Choice" movement.  This would impact the industry of Planned Parenthood.  That would curtail the work of the enemy.  God forbid.  

What's the real problem here?  We've become a nation of people who have tossed God out of the country.  Period.  No rules.  Nothing is sin.  For this type of mentality there is no answer other than legislating total freedom for perversion.  Get out of their way.  Give them free reign.  

Scriptures says this about the body:

  Mark 10:16 But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female.

 Psalm 139:14 I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made:

God created the universe by simply speaking it into existence!  But, when it came to creation of man and woman, he took much greater detail in forming man.  He was more involved.  He took his time.  He picked up some clay that He had already made and with that clay he magnificently CREATED a human BODY and then God did something amazing ... He breathed His life into man ... and after that, and not until that moment, "man became a living soul" (Genesis 2:7).

Eve was a masterpiece, as well.  He took a rib from the side of sleeping Adam and formed a woman. 

He made man in His image.  He breathed His very own life into man.  Then He planned ahead for each human to have a life of purpose, designed and ordered of Him. Think about it: we are wonderfully made.

Our bodies belong to Him, our Creator.  Our God.  

The "Our body, Our choice" movement is nothing more than a spiritual endeavor by Satan to depart from our Creator.  Have you noticed the destruction of the body and the depravity that comes with this movement?   When you remove God from the equation,  it all goes downhill.  

We have come to the place in our society where we can't fix it because we refuse to allow God back in the picture.  So we legislate.  And legislate.  But, it won't be fixed.  It will continue on a downhill slide of perversion.  Where will it end?  How many lives will suffer because of this movement?  

Satan can't create, so the only option remaining for him is to pervert what God has created.  

Take note:  "When a volcano is silent for many years people forget it's a volcano and begin to treat it like a mountain."  We have a volcano of degradation and rebellion building.  Society and legislators don't know what to do with it.  Man can't handle it.  We can only watch it form - an
d give it terms acceptable to people.  But, one day, the sinful nature of man without God, will erupt. 

One day, the mighty volcano of sin will erupt.  The mountain of legislation condoning that which is abomination to our Creator, will explode with judgment.  

"Our bodies, Our choice" is that volcano.

What's the hope for mankind?  Jesus Christ.  

There is no other hope.  

1 comment:

  1. Excellent article and observation! Common sense has given way to nonsense! We are asked to give in to those who suffer from mental delusion and give up common wisdom of knowing the differerence between sexes, between wrong and right. The Prophet Isaiah spoke of them, saying, "Woe unto them who call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" (Isaiah 5:20). Why should we acquiesce to their mental delusional craziness!
