
Just living is not enough... one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower. ~Hans Christian Andersen

Friday, May 23, 2014



I'm still American.  I still believe the American way.  Such as going to church - freedom to live - believing in good morals -  you know....the way we were raised.

My mother wouldn't let me use slang words such as:  gosh, golly, darn... those really bad words.  Because of my raisin' I still don't use those words.  I remember growing up in the days when my world was small.  We felt the pain when a relative moved out of state.  Yes, I recall those times when we cried with grief when the time came for them to leave after their brief visit. 

My playground was the few blocks near the house.  Neighborhood kids gathered to play Cowboys and Indians.  And as the years passed we outgrew such play time and moved into maturity (somewhat) ... and our world was still small.  In my early teen years, my world became 'church' - with a group of young folks.  The greatest times were when we all just hung out together, usually on those many steps leading up to the door of the church.  Or, going to Al's Snack Bar (drive-in) and ordering their delicious cheeseburgers after church!  Driving around town was our entertainment, basically.  Gas was cheaper, but wages were smaller, too.

Still ... THE REALITY OF BEING AN AMERICAN ... remains unique to all civilization, to this day.  Our heritage of safety, decency, and correct Bible-belt teaching stands tall above all other countries.  (I was always scared of Russians, communists)

Early American morals included decency, common sense, and were Bible-based.  So,  my question today is:  How can I change now, to be politically correct?  I can't.

Today, I'm expected to: 
Shake  off my parents standards of decency, morals and rules
Develop a more "modern" interpretation of Scripture
Accept wide tolerance of all religions which stomp my beliefs in the ground
Keep my beliefs and thoughts to myself as to not offend the anti-Christ system
Disrespect the American flag
Hide my Christian behavior and cease from talking about the gospel
Accept liberalism which includes abortion, gay and lesbian lifestyle
Turn a blind eye to sin and allow it to become the norm

Most of all, I'm supposed to accept the fact that my grandchildren could be brainwashed by our public schools into believing that THE REALITY OF BEING AN AMERICAN means to be ungodly and in opposition to all that is decent.

But, I can't do that.  THE REALITY OF BEING AN AMERICAN IS so engrained in my soul that I cannot become like the current world system demands.  It grates against my spirit when I read of the unjust attacks against our children in school and the strong push from our government to remove our God-given rights in freedom of speech and love for our country!    

As Lucas Cherry stated in his Charisma article (I Am a Millennial, and I Am Not Leaving the Church ):  I will not move off course, even when everyone predicts that is what I will do. You see, I care enough about my friends to share the truth with them. I love them enough to not let a watered-down gospel deceive them. I love Christ enough to not try to give Him a marketing makeover in order to get people to like Him—and me—more. I think the way He represented Himself in the Bible is just fine, and I am even realizing that just because something is not popular, it is not necessarily wrong. 

I remain steadfast in proclaiming that the way of the cross is the only way.  Jesus is our Savior and Healer.  He is our soon-coming King. 

THE REALITY OF BEING AN AMERICAN still resounds with a message of decency!

I'm proud to be an American - and I'm very proud to know Jesus Christ as Lord!

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