
Just living is not enough... one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower. ~Hans Christian Andersen

Thursday, May 26, 2011



Who's In Charge of Stupidity?

 Could someone, anyone, please tell me who is in charge of stupidity?  Please note that words in red are mine. . . . no one else will claim them.  We have a new mental disorder here...My term for it is simply "Shrimpness"..... The nonsensical and absurdity of the waste of billions of dollars on nonsensical and absurd research....has momentarily generated a mental block and I cannot procure...by unscrupulous or indirect means, a more fitting term... but shrimpness
According to Fox News article, May 26, 2011 a Senate report finds billions, BILLIONS, in waste on science foundation studies.

1.  Such as having shrimp walk on tiny treadmills to measure the impact of sickness on crustaceans. 
Personally, I don't know how we can survive without knowing this.  Really.  But, wouldn't it be great, next time around, to utilize those funds for researching a little more on cancer, diabetes, or heart disease.

2.  The Oklahoma Republican issued a new report Thursday that concludes the National Science Foundation has misspent $3 billion on "waste, fraud, duplication and mismanagement." It offers a list of research projects that could have been left as questions for the universe.  ...questions for the universe?   The universe already has it figured out.  It's people that are guilty of shrimpness.

 3.  Among them, $2 million to analyze 38 million photos on Flickr and cross-reference them against the site's social networking service. Turns out, researchers concluded, that friends generally post photos on the Internet depicting the same place at the same time.  This info is so vital.  Thank you!  :(

4.  Some other beauties: A $315,000 NSF-funded study on whether playing Facebook's FarmVille can help adults develop relationships;  You've got to be kidding me !

5.  $80,000 to examine why the same teams always end up leading March Madness;  Huh??

6.  a $1.5 million grant for scientists to design a robot that can fold laundry -- at a rate of one towel every 25 minutes.    Let me see if I can grab this:  1 Towel every 25 Minutes... Amazing what extra help around the house can do for a family!    This equals about 4 towels every 2 hours....and nevermind the cost of the robot !!  For heaven's sake!  Fold your own towel....

7.  In one instance, two "romantically involved" workers went on 47 trips during the course of more than two years, at a cost of $144,000 to NSF.  Oh, tell me it ain't so...

Senator Coburn said he's concerned the 50-year-old NSF may have strayed from its core scientific mission.   Do ya' Think??? 

Now do you understand why I asked this question at the beginning of this blog - Who's in Charge of Stupidity?  We have dire needs....we have real people in a real world with real problems!  What is wrong with the person  in charge of stupidity?  When will it be possible for people to realize that people should come first? 

As far as I'm concerned, the sickness in a shrimp can be put on the back burner!  America:  we have families in need. 

-Moms trying to feed their children
-Parents struggling to pay utilities
-Everyone feeling the pain of trying to purchase a tank of gas for their automobile
-Dads worrying about the next paycheck
-Seniors worrying because they can't afford the meds to survive

If you want to throw away billions, why not help Americans?  Or, at least use the billions to pay down the national debt.  But for goodness sake, use the money wisely and relieve some of the stress for our  people.

Anything else is nothing but shrimpness.

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