
Just living is not enough... one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower. ~Hans Christian Andersen

Friday, January 5, 2018

Letter: What to expect after the rapture

Today after posting my blog (which I've neglected to write for way too long) I found a letter online (RaptureForums.com)  written by someone named "Cireth" in 2015.  He called it:

"This is my 'We've been raptured here's what to expect" letter.

I'm sure he wouldn't mind if I share it with you.  It just seems fitting after the blog I posted a few minutes ago titled The Most Unbelievable Event.  

The Greatest Blessing would be if ALL people were ready for the Rapture. But, we know that is not the case, considering the actions of many people today.   Well, anyway, let me share his letter now.  It's well written and something to think about.  There will be some left behind at the coming of Jesus...and they need to know what on earth/heaven happened !

Here it is:


I don't know who is reading this right now but I know that you're probably frightened and confused; grieving and angry right now. You're reading this letter because I and many thousands of other people have vanished off the face of the planet. You probably don't know what's going on but that's okay because I can tell you.

Don't be afraid because all is not lost. You have a second chance although most of the news from here on is pretty bad.

The Rapture is what's happened. The God of the Bible is real. Jesus Christ returned for all those who put their trust in Him and took us home to Heaven with Him. Before you say that that can't be because there are still Christians here that's not strictly true.

The Christians who are still here are the ones who never really put their trust in Jesus or really believed in Him. They probably do believe and are Christians now.

You've been left behind because you did not put your trust in Christ for your salvation.

Now to prove to you that what I've said is true because you probably think this is rubbish right now.

In this time of confusion and chaos, I don't know how long it will last, a man will come to power. He will seem like Jesus Christ himself. He'll seem to have all the answers and will seem to usher in peace and prosperity. Do NOT trust him. He is the Anti-Christ.

You will know who he is for certain when he signs a peace treaty with Israel for Seven Years. You won't miss this. Given the state of the middle east at the time I am writing this I know it's going to be the biggest news after the Rapture.

There is a Seven Year period called the Tribulation coming. It will begin when Anti-Christ signs the treaty with Israel. You can read about in the Bible in the Old Testament book Daniel and the last book in the Bible Revelation. 

You will no longer be able to doubt the reality of God. Read the prophecies of Revelation. You'll see them all come true as though you're reading the news in advance. Three quarters of the remaining world population will not survive the Tribulation.

So this is what you should and shouldn't do. When the Anti-Christ insists on everyone taking the Mark to buy and sell don't get it. If you take the Mark that's it. You're done; you'll spend eternity after you die in Hell. There is no turning back from taking the Mark. To do so is to declare yourself an enemy of God.

Get hold of a Bible and read it. Give your life to Jesus Christ. You know you've done wrong (sinned). There isn't a single human being in all of history who hasn't sinned. All you have to do is confess that to Him and ask Him for his forgiveness. His death on the Cross paid for all our sins.

You're going to have a tough time but he will be with you till the end whether that's your death or his return at the end of the Tribulation.

I hope to see you among my new family in Christ, in roughly seven years. God bless you and keep you.


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