
Just living is not enough... one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower. ~Hans Christian Andersen

Saturday, January 6, 2018

How to Ignore a Sermon in 3 Simple Steps...

Googling opens a vast world right before our eyes.  You never know what will appear on the screen.  Clicking away, I happened upon a blog written by a woman.  I was intrigued as she related her views about attending church and listening (or not) to the sermon.

I discovered from reading her rantings:  three simple steps on how to NOT listen to a sermon.

First, She thought it was USELESS to listen.

She determined ahead of time that the minister really had nothing to say that would benefit her.  Her reasoning was that the minister most assuredly was not an original thinker.  

Second, she SWITCHED OFF to what the pastor had to say.

As soon as the pastor approached the pulpit, she became dull of hearing!  In the brief time he/she walked from the chair to the pulpit....she turned her brain off to what would be spoken in the  message.  

Third,  she had UNREALISTIC expectations.

Her expectation was that in thirty minutes the minister's message should inspire her and make her act differently.  One message alone was expected to totally create a new person and change the direction of her actions or she considered it a total loss.  No doubt, very little responsibility for change rested upon her.

Now, I do remember one person making the comment that she knew more than the preacher.  While that may be true... or not ... the point is that the minister is appointed by God to deliver the Word and we owe respect to the pulpit and the Word of God.

It is the Holy Spirit who teaches us and speaks to our spirit as we listen to a message.  All guidance and direction come from Him.  The Word is living - therefore, we absorb from the Spirit more than the preacher says, actually.  THAT is the goal of any minister when the message is preached.  YOU should receive thoughts, nuggets of truth, and inspiration from the Holy Spirit as the message is going forth.  DO NOT leave it all up to the minister.

As one article stated:
The mark of a good sermon listener, is one who listens to learn and to know the truth which they are diligently seeking to confirm in Scripture.

Listening today is rivaled by the desire to be entertained.  My attitude in a worship service determines my ability to receive.  Am I hungry, thirsty, and eager to hear what God has to say?

Psalm 119:18:
Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in Your law.

1.  You are not there just to argue your opinion
2.  You are there to grow
3.  Yes, you can grow, even if you are listening to a bad sermon


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