
Just living is not enough... one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower. ~Hans Christian Andersen

Thursday, April 14, 2011


The ceiling of my prayer closet...just one of many changing views.

Tonight was special.  The breeze was refreshing.  I left early enough to get an hour of walking in before dusk.  It's the same place where I always go...around the corner to the vacant area - a paved street, but there are no houses built around that quarter mile loop...so far.  There are lakes on two sides...with a wide open space above and a beautiful sunset in the west.  It speaks of privacy, peace, and prayer.  That's my prayer closet.  It's been some time now since I've mentioned it. 

But tonight was special.  No rush - few golf carts passed on their way to the clubhouse - not too hot, not too cool - and plenty of time to walk and walk and walk.  And talk and talk and talk!  Listening to heavenly music (mp3 player) and viewing the handiwork of God....gotta love it.

The pictures in this blog are of my prayer closet ceiling. I remember riding my bike there one particular evening last year.  The skies were rich in color and the clouds were low, closer than usual, it seems.  I looked up and saw an opening and in that circular opening the lighter blue heavens appeared with a brilliance of light edging the clouds.  I felt certain that with a very tall ladder I could ascend through that opening and walk right up into the heavens with ease.  And I would have, too, if possible.  Genesis 28:12 gives the account of Jacob...he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it.  Only I didn't have a ladder...or even see one.  I only wished for one.  Tonight, I wished for angels, too.  Maybe another time.

But tonight was special.  There was a freedom to pray for those relatives needing a salvation experience with Jesus Christ.   As I walked, I called the name of some who are battling serious physical problems, asking God to touch them with healing and strength.  Ah, the freedom of prayer while gazing into the heavens is priceless.  No wonder Jesus went into the mountains to spend the night in prayer.

The street and ceiling of my prayer closet.
After starting this blog I asked myself why I chose to write about this.  I think it is on my heart because there are so many people needing prayer...and because it just felt good to be outdoors and pray aloud, with openess and honesty, to a loving Saviour. 

Our world is a mess - security escapes us - people are hurting and we are in need of Divine Assistance.  We need the Almighty God to manifest His Presence on this earth.  What a difference a day makes when Jesus Christ touches us - when the Holy Spirit of God breathes His life into us - when He walks beside us, giving comfort and guidance.  We are desperate for someone to tell us that everything is going to be alright.

I don't know if you have a closet of prayer...I don't know if you have tried the outdoors...with the handiwork of God being your prayer closet ceiling - but one thing is for sure - we all need to be praying for each other...and for our world.  It matters little where your prayer closet is....just as long as you have one.

Matthew 21:22
And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.


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