Children need you. Timothy needed his mother, Eunice, and his grandmother, Lois.
I can remember her name. Even today, after many, many years. I was a child. A young child. :) Her name was Lola Riggs. She lived in a small white house just up the road from me. How can I remember her name after all of these years? I'll admit it is amazing that her name is still prominent in my mind. The main reason that is amazing is because there are times I go from one end of the house to the other and can't recall what I was going after!! Only after retracing my steps does the purpose of going from one room to the other actually dawn on me...
Yet, I can remember this lady taking me to church. The memory is vague, and I may go years without thinking about it, but the fact that she did this has never left me. I can't tell you of anything that made an impact on me that day. All I can tell you is that I remember Lola taking me to church!
I've experienced years of ministry since then (some good times and some not so good) ... and today I still enjoy serving the Lord.
Eternity will provide the reunion I long for with Lola. That's the only way I will be able to thank her for such kindness. She went to heaven a long time ago. There's no way in this life to let her know what an impact she made on me, even as a young child.
Matthew 19:13-14 says, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
Psalm 127: 3 "Children are a heritage from the Lord..."
2 Timothy 1:15 tells us about a young man named Timothy. His mother, Eunice, and his grandmother, Lois, made a difference in his life in spite of the negative influences of living in a gentile nation and in a home with an unbeliever.
Ah, the influence of adults on children! It matters! The future of every child depends on the guidance of men and women. People like Eunice, Lois, and the "Lola's" contribute to the Kingdom sometimes by simply being examples to children. It's the "Lola's" in our life that are heroes and giants of the faith.
Are we living today as the Eunice, Lois, and Lola's of years gone by? It matters greatly that we are sincere and living a genuine Christian life before children.
A story is told of a pastor visiting one of his parishioners. After refreshments, the pastor said, "I'm glad to see the way you are living." The man replied, "If you want to know how we really live, you must come when you're not here."
1. You cannot impart what you do not possess.
2. If you possess godliness, you will impart it.
3. It will be imparted to those around you.
4. It will affect the children and their future.
5. It may affect a child's eternal destination.
6. It could determine that child's spiritual influence on others or the lack thereof.
7. Your influence will be revealed and rewarded in heaven.
Yes, I remember a lady named Lola Riggs, who lived in a small white house just up the road. And I will be forever grateful for her kindness.
Just living is not enough... one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower. ~Hans Christian Andersen
Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Have you seen children lined up at a voting site with their crayon, ready to mark the ballot "yes" or "no" pertaining to choices of abuse or indoctrination? I haven't either.
ONE of the most popular BreakPoint commentaries of 2019 is the article titled, Dragging Our Kids into It (John Stonestreet) ... you may read the entire article on the Breakpoint website. It's well worth your time.
America has fallen so low that it isn't enough to murder babies in the mother's womb - and call it Women's Rights ... now we have to torment and abuse our young children who made it out of the womb !!!
Drag queens are reading to our children in public libraries and we are silent as citizens, believers, and parents. We are allowing this type of mental derangement to be shoved on our children and we have not allowed them to vote on such perversion! They have no voice. So we murder them before they escape the womb - or set them in front of sick perverts and listen to them read words of indoctrination of evil! They have no voice, no vote, no choice.
Who will stand up for these babies? It will have to be the Christians, mainly. So,why are Christians silent on this issue? I wish I had a good answer. I don't.
Are we afraid of the minority affiliated with the LGBT or the organization that is constantly bullying every Christian activity ... the FFRF (Freedom From Religion Foundation)??? I submit to you, that we are so afraid of persecution that we have placed silencers on our conscience and vocal chords! We are numbing ourselves into oblivion and sacrificing our children at the altar of Satan.
This past October, I posted a video stating: We cannot sit quietly by and allow disturbed, deranged people destroy the future of our children and grandchildren
No organization / person, etc was mentioned in this video ... I simply stated that we need to pray for our children/grandchildren. Weeks passed and I actually forgot about it ... moving on to other things. Then a few days ago, notification revealed a comment on this video that was stunning, to say the least. I don't know the person who said this, but obviously, I struck a nerve from an enemy of prayer and decency. His comment is surprising, to say the least.
I didn't become upset or offended. Neither did I entertain the thought of backing down. Actually, I laughed. This type of accusation is expected when we take a stand against the hordes of hell. I have to wonder how a one minute video from me could provoke such a comment.
But, here's the point!!! Our children don't get to vote on whether they want to be subjected to pedophiles, drag queens, homosexuals, or other anti-godly principles. They don't have a voice as to the vile movement of gender identity which is being launched upon them like a missile from every demonic source.
Who will speak up? Will the Christians? Will the Churches? Will pastors preach against the de-civilizing of our society?
I like the conclusion of the article mentioned above:
ONE of the most popular BreakPoint commentaries of 2019 is the article titled, Dragging Our Kids into It (John Stonestreet) ... you may read the entire article on the Breakpoint website. It's well worth your time.
America has fallen so low that it isn't enough to murder babies in the mother's womb - and call it Women's Rights ... now we have to torment and abuse our young children who made it out of the womb !!!
Drag queens are reading to our children in public libraries and we are silent as citizens, believers, and parents. We are allowing this type of mental derangement to be shoved on our children and we have not allowed them to vote on such perversion! They have no voice. So we murder them before they escape the womb - or set them in front of sick perverts and listen to them read words of indoctrination of evil! They have no voice, no vote, no choice.
Who will stand up for these babies? It will have to be the Christians, mainly. So,why are Christians silent on this issue? I wish I had a good answer. I don't.
Are we afraid of the minority affiliated with the LGBT or the organization that is constantly bullying every Christian activity ... the FFRF (Freedom From Religion Foundation)??? I submit to you, that we are so afraid of persecution that we have placed silencers on our conscience and vocal chords! We are numbing ourselves into oblivion and sacrificing our children at the altar of Satan.
This past October, I posted a video stating: We cannot sit quietly by and allow disturbed, deranged people destroy the future of our children and grandchildren
No organization / person, etc was mentioned in this video ... I simply stated that we need to pray for our children/grandchildren. Weeks passed and I actually forgot about it ... moving on to other things. Then a few days ago, notification revealed a comment on this video that was stunning, to say the least. I don't know the person who said this, but obviously, I struck a nerve from an enemy of prayer and decency. His comment is surprising, to say the least.
"Satan is in your eyes and in your words"
I didn't become upset or offended. Neither did I entertain the thought of backing down. Actually, I laughed. This type of accusation is expected when we take a stand against the hordes of hell. I have to wonder how a one minute video from me could provoke such a comment.
But, here's the point!!! Our children don't get to vote on whether they want to be subjected to pedophiles, drag queens, homosexuals, or other anti-godly principles. They don't have a voice as to the vile movement of gender identity which is being launched upon them like a missile from every demonic source.
Who will speak up? Will the Christians? Will the Churches? Will pastors preach against the de-civilizing of our society?
I like the conclusion of the article mentioned above:
...the decades-long process of re-defining human beings according to our sexual ideologies rather than their God-designed dignity is what brought us here.
In the decades to come it will likely fall to Christians, as it did in ancient times, to be the ones who protect children.
I am reminded of these ten well known words: IF IT IS TO BE IT IS UP TO ME.
... because The Kids Don't Get to Vote.
Sunday, December 22, 2019
ATHEISM: A Core Doctrine of Communism
In Marxist theory, socialism is the stage following capitalism in the transition of a society ... to ... communism.
"Under communism, there is no such thing as private property. All property is communally owned, and each person receives a portion based on what they need. A strong central government—the state—controls all aspects of economic production, and provides citizens with their basic necessities, including food, housing, medical care and education... socialism, focuses on achieving social reforms and redistribution of wealth through democratic processes. Democratic socialism, a growing U.S. political movement in recent years, lands somewhere in between social democracy and communism ... they believe their vision of socialism must be achieved through democratic processes, rather than revolution." (From,
But achieve it, they must! The last sentence is worth repeating.
...they believe their vision of socialism must be achieved through democratic processes, rather than revolution."
Atheism is also one of the core doctrines of communism, which consistently devalues individual lives, often to the point of committing mass murder under the banner of amoral necessity. In the 20th century alone, atheist communist governments killed over 100 million individuals, and when adding non-Judeo-Christian beliefs (such as those of Hitler, Tojo, and scores more like them), the numbers killed soar to many times more.
~ Foundations of Truth - Article, December 3, 2019, No God to Live For
The last Democratic debate aired an advertisement during it's break. We need to pay attention to this ad. Ron Reagan is an atheist. He proudly said that he is not afraid of burning in Hell. That's his right. But, note that the ad was from Freedom From Religion Foundation, which is active in our country today, bullying their way into our freedom FOR all things our nation was founded upon.
WHY was this ad run at this time? At this debate?
BECAUSE, you and I, as believers, are standing in the way of the process socialism to communism which is headed up by Democrat leaders.
As the title of this blog states: Atheism is a core doctrine of communism.
For the Democratic party to accept this ad from FFRF is telling. They must embrace the bullying tactics of atheism, gays, perversion, and abortion organizations in order to take us from capitalism to socialism ... and on to communism.
Did you know that the Democrat Party passed a resolution recently? And you thought they had been busy only with impeaching the president!! Not so. They celebrated their largest constituency: the 'no-religious faith - the anti-religious constituency! In other words, atheism.
I doubt the socialist Dems will admit this publicly, but in order to gain their glorious socialist achievement, they must silence the Christians. Biblical standards are in direct contrast to the standards put forth by the democrats today.
Biblical standards oppose homosexuality, abortion, perversion, and atheism. These standards have to be abolished in society so that socialism / communism may arise in our nation. They have been cutting these standards out of society for some time. It's nothing new. It's just that we have been asleep during the surgery.
Now, ask yourself again, WHY was this ad by FFRF run during a break of the democrat debate recently?
It's a good question.
I think you know the answer.
"Under communism, there is no such thing as private property. All property is communally owned, and each person receives a portion based on what they need. A strong central government—the state—controls all aspects of economic production, and provides citizens with their basic necessities, including food, housing, medical care and education... socialism, focuses on achieving social reforms and redistribution of wealth through democratic processes. Democratic socialism, a growing U.S. political movement in recent years, lands somewhere in between social democracy and communism ... they believe their vision of socialism must be achieved through democratic processes, rather than revolution." (From,
But achieve it, they must! The last sentence is worth repeating.
...they believe their vision of socialism must be achieved through democratic processes, rather than revolution."
Atheism is also one of the core doctrines of communism, which consistently devalues individual lives, often to the point of committing mass murder under the banner of amoral necessity. In the 20th century alone, atheist communist governments killed over 100 million individuals, and when adding non-Judeo-Christian beliefs (such as those of Hitler, Tojo, and scores more like them), the numbers killed soar to many times more.
~ Foundations of Truth - Article, December 3, 2019, No God to Live For
The last Democratic debate aired an advertisement during it's break. We need to pay attention to this ad. Ron Reagan is an atheist. He proudly said that he is not afraid of burning in Hell. That's his right. But, note that the ad was from Freedom From Religion Foundation, which is active in our country today, bullying their way into our freedom FOR all things our nation was founded upon.
WHY was this ad run at this time? At this debate?
BECAUSE, you and I, as believers, are standing in the way of the process socialism to communism which is headed up by Democrat leaders.
As the title of this blog states: Atheism is a core doctrine of communism.
For the Democratic party to accept this ad from FFRF is telling. They must embrace the bullying tactics of atheism, gays, perversion, and abortion organizations in order to take us from capitalism to socialism ... and on to communism.
Did you know that the Democrat Party passed a resolution recently? And you thought they had been busy only with impeaching the president!! Not so. They celebrated their largest constituency: the 'no-religious faith - the anti-religious constituency! In other words, atheism.
I doubt the socialist Dems will admit this publicly, but in order to gain their glorious socialist achievement, they must silence the Christians. Biblical standards are in direct contrast to the standards put forth by the democrats today.
Biblical standards oppose homosexuality, abortion, perversion, and atheism. These standards have to be abolished in society so that socialism / communism may arise in our nation. They have been cutting these standards out of society for some time. It's nothing new. It's just that we have been asleep during the surgery.
Now, ask yourself again, WHY was this ad by FFRF run during a break of the democrat debate recently?
It's a good question.
I think you know the answer.
Friday, December 20, 2019
It's shocking. It's disappointing. Today's revealing is a bit unnerving, even. The grey area is dimming quickly. Never has that fact been clearer than it is today. Until recently (and I mean, recently) we gleaned from ministries of sorts - using them in our personal devotionals, our guide for spiritual food and growth. Books, magazines, videos, bible studies for groups, etc. . . . . . and accepted them with gratitude for their insight, wisdom, and even the authority which they portrayed.
In just this week alone, evidence is before us of ministry sources proclaiming their very open slant towards liberalism; portraying their acceptance of an agenda opposite of biblical standards.
Two obvious ministries are before us in the news.
1. Beth Moore
In all honesty, I never purchased a Beth Moore book. I have not attended Bible studies using her materials. I haven't followed her closely as others ... and I don't know why. I just never went down that path. When I heard of groups using her materials for study, I always thought, 'Thats nice', but nothing more. Not sure why I had no incentive to rush out and get her books or follow her ministry ... because I LOVE to study and learn. While I admired her accomplishments, I just never jumped on that bandwagon.
Moore's tweet regarding the article written by Mark Galli, published in Christianity Today's magazine, yesterday, the 19th of this month of December, is an eye opener!
Beth Moore
Replying to
My hat’s off to you,
. Respect.
Replying to
My hat’s off to you,
. Respect.
Well, How about that sports fans ... or rather, those of us in the believer's category....
So, why is her tweet a surprise?? We will discover in the next point.
2. Christianity Today:
If you haven't read Mark Galli's article in Christianity Today, let me share a few highlights with you.
"But the facts in this instance are unambiguous: The president of the United States attempted to use his political power to coerce a foreign leader to harass and discredit one of the president’s political opponents. That is not only a violation of the Constitution; more importantly, it is profoundly immoral.
To the many evangelicals who continue to support Mr. Trump in spite of his blackened moral record, we might say this: Remember who you are and whom you serve. Consider how your justification of Mr. Trump influences your witness to your Lord and Savior. Consider what an unbelieving world will say if you continue to brush off Mr. Trump’s immoral words and behavior in the cause of political expediency."
Galli said: To use an old cliché, it’s time to call a spade a spade
That's one statement Galli rightly spoke. It is time to call a spade a spade. The great Billy Graham founded Christianity Today. Galli used Graham's name at the beginning of the article. As Franklin Graham wrote: they invoked my father's name (I suppose to try to bring legitimacy to their statements).
So, let's be fair. Here is an excerpt from Franklin Graham's response to this article:
Christianity Today said it’s time to call a spade a spade. The spade is this—Christianity Today has been used by the left for their political agenda. It’s obvious that Christianity Today has moved to the left and is representing the elitist liberal wing of evangelicalism.
You can read the entire response by Graham on his Facebook page. It's interesting, and truthful.
Now you know why I say that it's becoming black and white. No more grey shades as to where people stand spiritually.
Today? It's a different day. Ideology, agendas, and preferences, both spiritual and political, are suddenly being revealed and the revealing launches us from the 'they are all good and profitable' to an 'oops, I thought they were ok' kind of thought. Our eyes are being opened. We see a side of these folks that we didn't know existed. We thought they were on the same page of the book as we are on.
This brings me to the question:
Will believers be shaken to the point they lose their footing? I hope not. Remember, we serve a Risen Savior, not speakers or authors. As we have heard before, it's time to take a reality check!
Maybe it's time to stand up and sing all the verses and chorus from the great hymn:
1. My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus Christ, my righteousness;
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
But wholly lean on Jesus' name.
On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand,
All other ground is sinking sand.
2. When darkness veils His lovely face,
I rest on His unchanging grace;
In every high and stormy gale,
My anchor holds within the veil.
3. His oath, His covenant, His blood,
Support me in the whelming flood;
When all around my soul gives way,
He then is all my hope and stay.
4. When he shall come with trumpet sound,
Oh, may I then in Him be found;
In Him, my righteousness, alone,
Faultless to stand before the throne.
On Christ the solid rock I stand ...
... All other ground is sinking sand.
Amen. and..... amen.
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
It's a cold morning in Arkansas. The front yard has scattered bunches of leaves here and there. Some mornings I open the front door and just stand there - breathing in the cool air. It's refreshing.
We get into a shopping mode best when the weather is cold. Christmas must have cold weather to be realistic! At least, for us in Arkansas! Shopping for others comes easy to some. It's hard for me. I overthink it, struggle with: Will they like this? or I wonder what they want for Christmas? I overwork the giving thing ... I can wonder around a mall for hours and not know what gifts to purchase. It's much easier if they tell me what they want!!!
I wonder if the Lord feels the same way. He probably would love it if we would be specific when presenting our wants and needs to Him. But, then, He already KNOWS WHAT WE NEED. Always. No doubt, He would be impressed if WE KNEW WHAT WE NEEDED.
Our prayers often lack clear direction. They can be clouded with emotions. Hurt, anger, inferiority, lack of self-esteem, etc. God sees past the emotions. He knows the underlying cause of our emotions ... He sees deep inside our soul ... and He knows just what we need.
While we have a generous heart to give at this season, let's remember the generous heart of our Heavenly Father. He loves to give gifts. The greatest Gift to mankind was that of His Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ. That is what makes it a Merry Christmas!
Luke 2:8-11 That night there were shepherds staying in the fields nearby, guarding their flocks of sheep. 9) Suddenly, an angel of the Lord appeared among them. They were terrified, 10) But the angel reassured them. "Don't be afraid!" he said. "I bring you good news that will bring great joy to all people. 11) The Savior - yes, the Messiah, the Lord - has been born today in Bethlehem, the city of David!
Have you noticed that:
God loves to give.
God knows how to give.
God knows what to give.
God knows when to give.
The announcement of the birth of a baby might not have been the gift they were expecting that day in Bethlehem. But God knows the need! The world needed a Savior. The greatest gift that Heaven could have EVER given to a fallen world was a Savior!
A store's Santa gave a little girl a candy cane. Her mother said, "What do you say, Jeanie?" Jeanie looks up at Santa and says, "Charge it!" When God gave His gift, He gave it to us freely. Paid in Full.
HIS gift places HIS peace in our hearts while we live on this earth. And, HIS gift will provide eternal life in Heaven ... if you will accept it.
So, I ask you this question. What do you NEED for Christmas? There's ONE GIFT that will meet every NEED of your spirit, soul, and body. That is the greatest package you will ever receive.
We get into a shopping mode best when the weather is cold. Christmas must have cold weather to be realistic! At least, for us in Arkansas! Shopping for others comes easy to some. It's hard for me. I overthink it, struggle with: Will they like this? or I wonder what they want for Christmas? I overwork the giving thing ... I can wonder around a mall for hours and not know what gifts to purchase. It's much easier if they tell me what they want!!!
I wonder if the Lord feels the same way. He probably would love it if we would be specific when presenting our wants and needs to Him. But, then, He already KNOWS WHAT WE NEED. Always. No doubt, He would be impressed if WE KNEW WHAT WE NEEDED.
Our prayers often lack clear direction. They can be clouded with emotions. Hurt, anger, inferiority, lack of self-esteem, etc. God sees past the emotions. He knows the underlying cause of our emotions ... He sees deep inside our soul ... and He knows just what we need.
While we have a generous heart to give at this season, let's remember the generous heart of our Heavenly Father. He loves to give gifts. The greatest Gift to mankind was that of His Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ. That is what makes it a Merry Christmas!
Luke 2:8-11 That night there were shepherds staying in the fields nearby, guarding their flocks of sheep. 9) Suddenly, an angel of the Lord appeared among them. They were terrified, 10) But the angel reassured them. "Don't be afraid!" he said. "I bring you good news that will bring great joy to all people. 11) The Savior - yes, the Messiah, the Lord - has been born today in Bethlehem, the city of David!
Have you noticed that:
God loves to give.
God knows how to give.
God knows what to give.
God knows when to give.
The announcement of the birth of a baby might not have been the gift they were expecting that day in Bethlehem. But God knows the need! The world needed a Savior. The greatest gift that Heaven could have EVER given to a fallen world was a Savior!
A store's Santa gave a little girl a candy cane. Her mother said, "What do you say, Jeanie?" Jeanie looks up at Santa and says, "Charge it!" When God gave His gift, He gave it to us freely. Paid in Full.
HIS gift places HIS peace in our hearts while we live on this earth. And, HIS gift will provide eternal life in Heaven ... if you will accept it.
So, I ask you this question. What do you NEED for Christmas? There's ONE GIFT that will meet every NEED of your spirit, soul, and body. That is the greatest package you will ever receive.
Sunday, December 8, 2019
My years have afforded the memories of good times - when there was work, school, and church. Church was our social life. Church provided our good friends, and the congregation became our family.
Ministry was easier, somewhat, as to compiling the message. Sermons included topics such as: salvation, healing, the Holy Spirit, and the Rapture of the Church.
Life in our country was simple. We rarely heard of happenings in other nations around the world. I remember as a young girl feeling scared of Russia, communists, etc. even though they were far away and I'd never met anyone from that country.
Cable news now brings all things shocking right into our living room. We are watching people behave in such shocking ways that NEVER would have been done or said in our younger years. Ministry is challenged. Some have succumbed to easy-friendly-seeking-sermons. SIN can no longer be at the forefront because it will offend much of the congregation and they will withhold tithes! We must not offend them! Heaven forbid!
So, what is the answer for ministers today?
Rick Renner says it best. Here is a snippet from his email, titled: End Time Advice.
Then Paul wrote in 2 Timothy, verse 5, “…Make full proof of thy ministry.” The Greek word for “full proof ” is plerophoreo, which simply means fulfill. Paul was urging Timothy to complete his ministry and bring it to its fullness. Although Paul was addressing Timothy directly, he was also talking very specifically to us — to those who would be alive at the end of the age. I believe this refers to our generation, and it certainly explains why we see so much nonsense going on in the world around us concerning the way people think and believe. This kind of deluded thinking and believing has even crept into the Church.
My years have afforded the memories of good times - when there was work, school, and church. Church was our social life. Church provided our good friends, and the congregation became our family.
Ministry was easier, somewhat, as to compiling the message. Sermons included topics such as: salvation, healing, the Holy Spirit, and the Rapture of the Church.
Life in our country was simple. We rarely heard of happenings in other nations around the world. I remember as a young girl feeling scared of Russia, communists, etc. even though they were far away and I'd never met anyone from that country.
Cable news now brings all things shocking right into our living room. We are watching people behave in such shocking ways that NEVER would have been done or said in our younger years. Ministry is challenged. Some have succumbed to easy-friendly-seeking-sermons. SIN can no longer be at the forefront because it will offend much of the congregation and they will withhold tithes! We must not offend them! Heaven forbid!
So, what is the answer for ministers today?
Rick Renner says it best. Here is a snippet from his email, titled: End Time Advice.
Then Paul wrote in 2 Timothy, verse 5, “…Make full proof of thy ministry.” The Greek word for “full proof ” is plerophoreo, which simply means fulfill. Paul was urging Timothy to complete his ministry and bring it to its fullness. Although Paul was addressing Timothy directly, he was also talking very specifically to us — to those who would be alive at the end of the age. I believe this refers to our generation, and it certainly explains why we see so much nonsense going on in the world around us concerning the way people think and believe. This kind of deluded thinking and believing has even crept into the Church.
The pure preaching of doctrine is often replaced today with motivational speaking — nice, uplifting messages. In fact, the majority of people in modern congregations are ignorant of the most elementary aspects of New Testament doctrine. And very often, those who occupy the pulpits — although they may be masterful communicators and rate highly among motivational speakers — are equally uneducated in basic Bible principles. Many of those who do know the Bible don’t preach it as strongly as they once did because it’s not as popular as other types of messages. The result of this compromise is a drift from the Holy Scriptures. And this drift continues, seemingly unabated, while the doctrinal vacuum in the Church is being filled with motivational messages and “new-and-improved” church-growth programs. Yet when everything is said and done, only the Bible has the power to permanently transform a life.
Well, folks. Here's the answer.
Hold on. Keep the faith. Be steadfast. Walk in the power of the Spirit.
Jesus is Coming. He is with you. He will never leave you nor forsake you.
He's all we need.
Preach it. Love it. Live it.
Hold on. Keep the faith. Be steadfast. Walk in the power of the Spirit.
Jesus is Coming. He is with you. He will never leave you nor forsake you.
He's all we need.
Preach it. Love it. Live it.
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