
Just living is not enough... one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower. ~Hans Christian Andersen

Friday, August 17, 2018


There is an interesting story found in I Samuel 5.  The Philistines had captured the Ark of the Covenant,  and they "carried the ark" into Dagon's temple and set it beside Dagon.
Dagon was the chief deity of the Philistines.  For this tabernacled-centered culture of Israel, the ark conveyed divine presence, which meant the servants of Dagon had defeated Yahweh on the field, demonstrating which of the two gods reigned supreme.  Now the ark sat at Dagon's right hand.  It appeared that the glory was lost. The ark at Dagon's right hand? Unthinkable.  Where was the God of Israel?  Why did He allow this to happen?  Who would rescue the ark and bring back the presence of God in the nation?

This is where we find ourselves today.  On August 16, 2018:Satanic Temple Unveils Baphomet Statue at Arkansas Capitol - The Satanic Temple has unveiled its statue of a goat-headed winged creature called Baphomet in a rally at the Arkansas  State Capitol to protest a Ten Commandment monument already on the Capitol grounds.  The statue of Baphomet is seated and accompanied by two smiling children. There is quite a history of the idol, Baphomet. Space doesn't allow for full disclosure on this blog.

A LITTLE HISTORY:  In order to survive his debts owed to the Knights Templar (and fear of their military might), King Philip accused the Knights Templar of spitting and urinating on the cross, engaging in homosexuality, and worshipping Baphomet as an idol.  Baphomet, presumably a reference to Mohammed was allegedly incorporated into the Templar practice during their time, mingling with Islamic culture in the Middle East.  In 1854, French magician Elphias Levi reimagined Baphomet into a figure he named the Sabbatic Goat.  Baphomet was also adopted by Aleister Crowley.  It is said of Crowley: His name is whispered with horror amongst devout Christians, with skepticism amongst conspiracy theorists, and with awe amongst the occultists and pagans, though ultimately Crowley's goal was achieved - with whatever they whisper his name, it's still being whispered today.

The Sigil of Baphomet, depicting the Sabbatic Goat within an inverted Pentagram has been adopted as the modern Church of Satan's logo.  Now, Satanists are using this large built idol as a tool to challenge the ten commandments which are placed near a capitol of any state.  It happened in Oklahoma.  Yesterday it happened in Arkansas.  Was I upset? YES!  I am a believer in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.  I worship Jesus Christ, the Son of God.  So yes, I am aggravated and disgusted at the action of this satanic presence in our town ... and my home state.  But, I must remember the story of Dagon and the Ark of God.

When the people of [the city of] Ashdod rose early the next day, there was Dagon, fallen on his face on the ground before the ark of the Lord!  They took Dagon and put him back in his place.  But the following morning when they rose, there was Dagon, fallen on his face on the ground before the ark of the Lord!  His head and hands had been broken off and were lhing on the threshold; only his body remained.  That is why to this day neither the priests of Dagon nor any others who enter Dagon's temple at Ashdod step on the threshold.

The Lord's hand was heavy on the people of Ashdod and its vicinity;  He brought devastation on them and afflicted them with tumors.  When the people os Ashdod saw what was happening, they said, "The ark of the god of Israel must not stay here with us, because his hand is heavy on us and on Dagon our god" (verses 2-7).  Who says God does not have a sense of humor?  This has to be one of the more funny passages in the entire Bible.

What can I take from this biblical account of a piece of stone claiming equal rights and existence with a symbol of the Almighty God?  This:  IF the Satanists sue the state, and IF they were to win, resulting in their statue being placed beside the ten commandments,  IF this happens ... then I can rest assured in three things:

1.  The power of God to defend HIMSELF!  He needs no other power or assistance.  He can steady the load.  He can stand alone.  He will not be overwhelmed by any other symbol.  He is all-powerful.

2.  He will deal with the Satanic statue.  He will deal with that evil presence.  He can bring a curse on those who establish the presence of such a false deity.  He (God) is not intimidated by satan or those who promote his presence in our world.  He will cause that idol to fear nightfall ... lest he find himself
face down to the ground by dawn!  Should they set Baphomet aright, they will come another dawn to find him face down on the ground again ... but this time with his head and hands lying several feet away from his pre-fab body.

3.  Cast down twice means:  Don't get up again !    No man-made idol from hell will stand in the presence of my Almighty,  all-powerful, God.  My fretting won't hinder this sort of activity.  My words are not powerful enough to sway the force coming against Christianity.  But, my God is powerful ...

Final note:  It is an uphill battle for this organization to obtain legal rights to place such a monstrosity of evil on our capitol grounds.  No politician (in Arkansas) will introduce this bill - no legislative body will pass such a bill - and no governor will sign the bill allowing this to happen ... yet!  But, this is demonic activity rising in the last days!  Be aware and come awake to the spiritual activity around us ... and in our nation.   Be steadfast.  Endure to the end.  And pray,

Come Quickly, Lord Jesus!

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