
Just living is not enough... one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower. ~Hans Christian Andersen

Friday, October 3, 2014

UNTIL THESE THINGS HAPPEN...I can't believe Islam is peaceful

When I see these things cease, only then will I believe Islam is a religion of peace:
1.  Beheadings and Executions
2.  Bombings
3.  Threats
4.  Murders
5.  Wars
6.  Moderate (?) Muslims rising to stop and oppose the radicals
7.  Inhumane treatment of women and children
8.  Cease implementation of Sharia Law
9.  Repent
10.  Accept  Jesus Christ as Messiah and the Word of God as Truth
11.  Renounce Muhammad as prophet
12. Cease looking for Mahdi to come and take over the world and  instead, look for the return of Jesus Christ as Messiah.
Make no mistake:  I want all Muslims to be saved!!  They are in need of a Savior.  But, make no mistake in that they DO follow the Koran.  They will follow their imams - they will follow their Mahdi when he arises.  Until they are converted - we face the threat of their loyalty to Islam!  Yes, many have excellent friends and business associates who are muslims - and they have great relationships with many of them!  But, in the end, never take for granted where their loyalty lies!
FROM ISLAM-WATCH.ORG:  "ISLAM is not a religion of peace - the core of Islam is filled with unbounded hatred of the unbelievers - is unbelievably intolerant toward them, and is extremely cruel and merciless to Muslims who dare to deviate from its doctrine.
ISLAM is beyond alteration, because Muslims- who attempt to modernize and reform its unremitting bigotry, irrational rituals and its cruel and draconian punitive measures - are targeted for annihilation.
We tell the world that the ongoing terrorism, unleashed by Islamic militants, is not an aberration from the so-called 'peaceful religion of Islam'' instead, it is the real Islam preached and practiced by its founder, Prophet Muhammad.  A thorough study of the Qur'an and prophetic tradition (Hadith, Sunnah) makes that obvious.  We, therefore, have launched this website to expose the "real Islam" - the Islam that is determined to replace the modern civilization with the 7th century Bedouin barbarism, peddled by Muslims as the true Islamic Civilization.  Let the world watch Islam through www.islam-watch.org and be warned."
I would like to believe Islam is a religion of peace - but they can't have peace 
or bring peace until they know the Peacemaker!  
Never forget that Islam is a man-formed religion expanded via military efforts.  
Every point about Islam is in direct contrast (copycat) of the Word of God and Jesus Christ!  
So, now ... where does that leave me ... and other believers ... other christians ... other church-goers?   The following article gives wise counsel - read and take heed:
EXCERPT FROM a 10/2/14 ARTICLE by James Robison: 

When Beheading Comes to the Heartland of America

God have mercy on us! If Christians don't wake up, it will be devastating to everything sacred. Terror will win when our God should be reigning through His people. Wake up, believers, before you meet the horror intended for those who love faith and freedom! Stand up! Choose His righteousness and shelter from this terrible storm. Don't give the enemy an inch, much less your mind, family, freedom, children and future! Christians who love God and their neighbor as commanded are the only ones who can lead the charge against the enemy of life and liberty. We need God's wisdom. In our own power, we lack the insight and strength necessary to stand against the gates of hell.
The trend can be reversed if Christians, prophets and priests sound the alarm and lead the charge. Crises and catastrophic events always bring together caring, faith-filled people to make the necessary difference. I'm praying that all Christians who have been on the sidelines will come to the aid of the family, country and freedom. In faith and courage, we can crush the enemy's head—the old serpent that makes people mindless and heartless. It's not too late, but soon it will be. Freedom will be lost if believers don't join together on common ground to correct our course.
"Therefore, thus says the Lord, 'If you return, then I will restore you—before Me you will stand; and if you extract the precious from the worthless, you will become My spokesman. They for their part may turn to you, but as for you, you must not turn to them.
"'Then I will make you to this people a fortified wall of bronze; and though they fight against you, they will not prevail over you; for I am with you to save you and deliver you,' declares the Lord.
"'So I will deliver you from the hand of the wicked, and I will redeem you from the grasp of the violent"(Jer. 15:19-21, NASB).
James Robison is the founder and president of LIFE Outreach International.

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