
Just living is not enough... one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower. ~Hans Christian Andersen

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Now, I can tolerate a lot, but there are times when people borderline on stupidity. This is one of them.

Dina Kourda, a local volunteer with People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (Irvine, CA), wrote the head of street maintenance requesting a sign at the intersection to honor the fish.

 A container truck was in a crash - about 1600 salt water fish died.    She says while roadside memorials traditionally honor human beings, she hopes an exception will be made to remind drivers that all animals -- in her words -- "value their lives and feel pain."

 ..."value their lives and feel pain"...... let me type that again,  "value their lives and feel pain"......
I'm still thinking about this.

Why is it that a woman wants to erect a memorial in honor of fish - but babies who lose their lives every day in abortion clinics go unnoticed?  

I'm sorry about the fish...but I  grieve deeply over abortions.  They are innocent babies who are murdered and can't defend themselves.  Murdered because they are an inconvenience. 

Tell me who writes the head of 'anybody' wanting to erect a memorial to aborted babies??  Nobody!

Fish?  I don't think so. 

Babies?  Stop murdering them.  Let them live.  Cherish them and hold them close. 

End of story.

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