Psalms 139:16 (New Living Translation)
You saw me before I was born.
Every day of my life was recorded in your book.
Every moment was laid out
before a single day had passed.
Acts 17:28 "in him we live and move and exist." The key to flowing with God is found in Galatians 5:18, "...if you are led by the Spirit."
Romans 8:14, ...for all who are led by the spirit of God are children of God."
God has great plans for you but in order to experience His provision, you must flow with Him. You do this by "Yielding". Yielding means: To give up, as to supserior power or authority - Yield to the promptings of the Spirit of God.
Philippians 4:7 ...then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus."
If you have that peace that passes all understanding, there will be a lack of strife in your life. Can you imagine the change in your home, in your job, in your own spirit if there is a peace that passes all understanding?
I'm going to Live inside of God's plan.
I'm going to be Led by the Spirit of God.
I'm going to Follow the life plan God has for me.
Maintaining an active flow with the Holy Spirit will relieve stress, calm fears and lessen anxiety. How you start your day will determine your flow for that day. To flow in the Spirit we must make quick adjustments, moves, or shift our weight in order to follow the flow of the river...as a boater in the rapids. When an obstacle arises, it can block your flow. That means it's time to make that shift - or adjustment in your thought process.
Here are three points to use in maintaining a flow in the Spirit:
1. Start the day by praying in the spirit...
2. Take checkpoints every couple of hours....say..."Lord, all I want is your will today...all I want is to flow with you today."
3. Maintain that spirit of meditation and prayer so that you can listen to the voice of the Lord and he can direct you.
The greatest change will be in you and around you as the Spirit of God helps you to flow with what He is doing.
When God opens the heaven, when He starts creating, it is always in abundance because He can do exceedingly, abundantly above what we can ask or think. In fact, everything about God is continuous action, continous creation. There can be a continuous flow of strength inside of you simply because you have been designed by Him to Flow in His Spirit.
Search these examples from the Word and you will gain great understanding of the flow of creative energy:
...The multiplying of bread and fish
...The continuous flow of oil in the widow's vessel
...The Universe is continously in existence
...The sands on the sea are placed for a perpetual decree as a boundary to the oceans
...In tithing, God says that he will pour out a blessing you cannot contain, coming from the open windows of heaven...
There is a beautiful, consistent flow of the Spirit of God...in creativity, in sustaining creation, and in guiding you toward a rich life...yes,even while you are on this earth.
Jeremiah 31:12 The Message Bible:
...the people will climb up Zion's slopes shouting with joy,
their faces beaming because of God's bounty --
Grain and wine and oil,
flocks of sheep, herds of cattle.
Their lives will be like a well-watered garden,
never again left to dry up.
Young women will dance and be happy,
young men and old men will join in.
I'll convert their weeping into laughter,
lavishing comfort, invading their grief with joy.
I'll make sure that their priests get three square meals a day...
and that my people have more than enough. God's decree.
You can flow in the Holy Spirit. Your life can be better. You can change. You can become all that you long to become. God is closer than you believe - and He does want to connect with you. Nothing would please Him more than to be your constant companion....flowing in the anointing of His Holy Spirit.
Jump into that river.
Make adjustments as needed during the day.
Move and exist in Him....and flow.
Do it.
(Portions of this study was found many moons ago - not a clue as to the author of a few points mentioned here...not a clue...therefore, it is not possible to give credit where credit is due)
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