In the dark of night and under tight security, men worked secretly to remove the Ten Commandments from the Oklahoma state capitol grounds. According to the AP, the state paid a contractor $4,700 to remove 10 "Thou Shalt Nots", which were given to Moses by God. Obviously, our society now has a huge disdain for anything written by God.
A 4,800 pound piece of granite, 6 feet tall and 3 feet wide, costs about $1 per pound to remove from state grounds to a conservative think tank, The Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs offices, just blocks away.
Why does our society hate the Ten Commandments?
The answer to this question is best described from a Feb. '07 article: "Why liberals are right to hate the Ten Commandments" by, Michael Medved. Go to townhall.com and search for the article. You will appreciate his view on each of the Commandments.
Medved states that in the last five years alone, the tireless fanatics of ACLU invested tens of millions of dollars and countless hours of legal time in lawsuits to rid states of the Commandments. States as: Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Montana, Georgia, Iowa, Washington State, Nebraska, Texas, Pennsylvania, and Florida. Recently Dixie County, Florida was not cooperative. The ACLU failed to proceed with litigation because they couldn't find a single (not even one) resident to lend their name as plaintiff in the law suit!
I am listing three of my own reasons the Ten Commandments are so despised by our society.
1. These are God's Laws.
The Ten Commandments reveals sin, shows us that we are all guilty, stops us in our tracks as we justify a sinful life and lastly, these 10 laws will lead us to Jesus Christ, our Redeemer and Savior.
2. Our society refuses to hear that they are sinners.
This could prove they are guilty of abortion/murder. They would have to hear that homosexuality is a sin. Idolatry would convict them. Taking God's Name in vain hits between the eyes. Adultery, stealing, liars, coveting.... ah, this is hard to digest for a sinful society!
America is busy protecting and promoting the Gay society, even to the point of punishing businesses who refuse them service. Schools are beginning to indoctrinate our children with Islam and deny everything Christian. Allegiance to our country, our military is a reproach to liberals. Our freedom of expression is in danger.
3. Our CHURCHES have replaced the Ten Commandments with HYPER-GRACE.
a. "Sin" is a rare word from the pulpit. If listeners are offended with sermons on sin - they might withhold tithes and even leave the church! Heaven forbid!
b. "Righteousness" isn't popular. Leaders/workers in the church are not called to accountability and are leading carnal lives.
c. "Hell" is not a popular subject. Yet, Jesus taught on hell more than on heaven. If you teach on hell - then you could be in a position to lead them in repentance. This makes the people uncomfortable! Stay away from this topic!
d. Sexual immorality / drunkenness - and loose living is preferred.
Preachers deliver sermons 'to please the listener' and not offend their sinful lifestyle. So, sermons are designed to make people feel good about themselves, comfortable in church, give them a present/future of wealth, health, and prosperity. Just leave out the Ten Commandments when you mention the blessings of God!
e. Repentance / deep conviction is a no-no.
How long has it been since "conviction" swept over a congregation, bringing people to their knees before a Holy God? How long?
SADLY, our society wants everything to do with Jesus Christ removed from our nation. BUT THE GREATER TRAGEDY is that many of our churches are following their leading.
Matthew 3:1, 2 - In those days John the Baptist came to the Judean wilderness and began preaching. His message was, Repent of your sins and turn to God, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near. (New Living Translation)
The Mission and Message of John the Baptist as he came from the wilderness was to Repent and Turn. Have we lost the Mission and Message of John the Baptist? Yes.
The Ten Commandments... one by one...exposes an irreconcilable conflict with the deranged, anti-christ, dysfunctional philosophy/choices of those in America who choose socialism and accept Satan's lies over Truth of the Word and Righteousness of God. Their hostility makes perfect sense to them.
God help America, please!