I first heard about Reggie Littlejohn today. World Net Daily included an article" Fighting the real 'war on women' - written by Taylor Rose, a Washington, D.C., staff reporter for WND.
This article caught my attention.
What a difference one person can make. What a difference one woman can make! As women, once we set our minds to do something, it usually gets done. We are persistent that way!
We all know that jokes about women are too numerous to count, such as this one: A man inserted an advertisement in the classifieds: "Wife Wanted." The next day he received a hundred letters. They all said the same thing: "You can have mine."
All jokes aside, women are powerful. God can use women who have a passion and a vision to stand up for what is right. My hat is off to Reggie Littlejohn.
The article states:
The one-child policy is the biggest women’s rights violation in the world. One out of every five women on earth lives under the threat of forced abortion or involuntary sterilization. If no one else had dedicated their life to these women, I determined that I would,” said Littlejohn.
She soon founded Women’s Rights Without Frontiers and assumed the mantel of a leader of the movement in the West to raise awareness of the horrors of China’s one-child policy.
Littlejohn notes WRWF does not receive any financial support from any government and that in order to get WRWF started, she and her husband sold their home.
She now has launched the “Save a Girl” campaign.
“We are ending forced abortion and gendercide in China, one baby at a time,” Littlejohn she said.
For all of her work in Europe, Littlejohn still fights for an awakening in America.
“The problem is … the propaganda of the Chinese media that corrupts the debate and the Western media buys into it their propaganda.”
The biggest problem with America is not that anybody opposes her work “but rather the reaction is just silence.”
Her statement regarding the silence of America bothers me because she is right. We are not opposing her good work, but we are SILENT. Women, we are guilty of remaining silent about important issues. While Facebook, tweets, and emails are filled with daily yawns, broken fingernails, and opinions....we remain SILENT as hell robs humanity of hope and life ... right before our eyes!
We hear sermons about the CHURCH coming awake, alive, and alert. BUT, WOMEN!! IT'S TIME WE TAKE A STAND. WE CAN DO THIS! A nation can be turned around when WOMEN are determined! I believe it.
I'm encouraged by Reggie Littlejohn. God help each one of us (Men and Women) to STAND UP, SPEAK UP, and help us fight the good fight of faith!
My prayer: "Dear God, please put a burning passion in my heart for a cause - Open doors ... and ... windows of opportunity to be heard - Help me to make a difference while I live and breathe!"
Amen ... and amen.
Link for the WND article on Littlejohn: http://www.wnd.com/2012/12/fighting-the-real-war-on-women/