
Just living is not enough... one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower. ~Hans Christian Andersen

Friday, December 10, 2010

Celebrate Christmas? Yes.

 Isaiah 9:6  For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. 
Luke 1 and 2  relates Christ's conception and birth. Vs 35 says: The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.
Luke 2:11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.

Is it okay to celebrate Christmas? 
What about the origin of Christmas?  

Christmas was originally a very pagan holiday.  SATURNALIA: The ancient Roman seven-day festival of Saturn, which began on December 17.    2)  (used with a sing. verb) A celebration marked by unrestrained revelry and often licentiousness; an orgy. - The Saturnalia celebrated Saturn as a harvest god.  Wreaths, feasts, and the lighting of candles all continue the Saturnalia of the ancient Romans, although the modern reasons are far removed from the Pagans of the Classical World.

Excerpts from Skip Moen's daily email (Today's Word) explains how the once pagan holiday turned into what we now know as Christmas:

"The Romans celebrated it as Saturnalia, a week of lawless disorder in efforts to appease the gods, culminating in the death of an innocent victim.  The Greeks observed the same sort of holiday complete with sexual immorality and torture.  The Church adopted this holiday by converting it into a Christian celebration during the 4th Century, a time when large numbers of pagans entered the fold of the official Church.  Unfortunately, the pagan masses continued to celebrate in the old way, with drunkenness, sexual license and other abuses.  There is historical evidence that some of these practices continued into the Middle Ages, aimed at humiliating Jews as the enemies of the Church.  As late at 1881, anti-Semitic brutality was still associated with “Christmas” in some areas in Europe

Historically, the reason for the season was an excuse to do whatever human lust demanded without repercussions.  Today we have been Christianized.  If Christmas was still observed in the manner of Saturnalia, no true Christian would participate.  In fact, Christians would protest.  Furthermore, for the vast majority of our culture, Christmas isn’t really about the Christ either.  It’s about presents, parties and good cheer.

Should Christians stop celebrating Christmas?  If we know the history, and we disavow any connection to the pagan origins, can we still observe such a date as a “sacred” celebration?  Or are we required to remove Christmas from our lives because it has such a terrible history behind it?  Can’t we simply take the opportunity to be with our families, enjoy giving, celebrate God’s goodness, fellowship and grace without endorsing the pagan origins?

Frankly, I’m not quite sure.  But I do recognize some interesting precedents.  Genesis is replete with pagan cultural symbols that have been “converted” by God into acceptable patterns of righteousness.  Circumcision was practiced in ancient cultures long before it became a sign of the covenant.  It was originally a rite of passage associated with sexuality.  God made it His sign by changing its context.  The pagan mythology of the creation of the world was altered by God in the Genesis account.  God adapts culture to His purposes when necessary.

 I don’t want to endorse paganism but I am not yet convinced that contemporary Christmas is now anything more than a worldwide sales campaign.  "

Much of our society has moved the celebration of Christmas far from the announcement of the birth of Jesus, the Son of God.  Could this be the reason we are miserable while celebrating?  Perhaps this is why some pounce upon paganism as a reason not to celebrate Christmas.  Our materialistic view may have provided the opposition a platform for defaming Christmas.  There's nothing wrong with gathering for the purpose of exchanging gifts or enjoying a family feast - but it would be good to recognize fully why we are participating in these activities. 

By the way: If you lack the resources to distribute a hefty bag of gifts to your loved ones... It doesn't mean you are a failure.  It only means you aren't measuring up to the expectations of retailers as they reach for their most profitable sales period of the year.  You have much love to give your family.  Give that.  That's what they need and want most.  After all, it resembles the love expressed on that first Christmas. 

I Want to Wish You a Merry Christmas! 

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

It Only Takes a Minute

"It only takes a minute."  I made this statement in conversation with my daughter this morning.  The phrase hung around in my thoughts a bit longer and I realized how true the statement is.  It actually does take only a minute.  Just a minute of your time, your attention, or your focus. 

People are hungry for attention.  They need the touch of a hand on their shoulder.  A kind word.  It doesn't take much for us to be encouraged.  It doesn't take a million dollars to make us feel loved (although that would help a lot...just sayin'....).

God placed us on this earth as social beings and we need each other. 

There's someone in your life waiting for you to give them a minute.  They aren't asking for the moon, they are only asking for 'a minute'...  

...a smile can be expressed in a minute
...it only takes a minute to open a door for someone
...it requires a minute of your time to listen to a comment
...it takes just a minute to give a big bear hug
...it takes less than a minute to wink at your spouse
...it uses less than a minute of your time to say, "I love you"
...it only takes a minute for you to pause and pat someone on the back
...it only takes a minute to wish someone a "Merry Christmas"

It only takes a minute. 

People are usually happy with 'a minute' of your attention.  They don't ask for a lot of your time, but they do need a minute...given here and there throughout the day or week.  You can encourage a child - express love to your spouse - show kindness to a clerk...all in only a minute.

Hey, have you got a minute?  Sure you do.  Now go do something good with that minute.

.....I'll be back....in a minute !    Just joking.

Old Man in the Doll house

RETARDED GRANDPARENTS:  This was just handed to me for reading.  It's one of those email stories that circles the globe every year, probably.  I'll have to admit, this one is incredibly funny.  A "must read" as they say.  It's a shame the author's name isn't listed for he/she deserves credit for this one.  Read on:

"After Christmas, a teacher asked her young pupils how they spent their holiday away from school.  One child wrote the following: 

We always used to spend the holidays with Grandma and Grandpa.  They used to live in a big brick house but Grandpa got retarded and they moved to Arizona.  Now they live in a tin box and have rocks painted green to look like grass.  They ride around on their bicycles and wear name tags because they don't know who they are anymore.

They go to a building called a wreck center, but they must have got it fixed because it is all okay now, they do exercises there, but they don't do them very well.  There is a swimming pool too, but they all jump up and down in it with hats on.  At their gate, there is a doll house with a little old man sitting in it.  He watches all day so nobody can escape.  Sometimes they sneak out and go cruising in their golf carts.

Nobody there cooks, they just eat out.  And, they eat the same thing every night -- early birds.  Some of the people can't get out...past the man in the doll house.  The ones who do get out, bring food back to the wrecked center for pot luck.

My Grandma says that Grandpa worked all his life to earn his retardment and says I should work hard so I can be retarded someday, too.  When I earn my retardment, I want to be the man in the doll house.  Then, I will let people out so they can visit their grandchildren.

Friday, November 5, 2010

But...It's Cheap!

I’m wrestling with a major decision of whether or not to keep a sale item. A hoodie that is lightweight and warm. Not a perfect fit, but it was a bargain. How can you return a less than perfect fit when it is so cheap? After all, the perfect fit could cost seven times that much. Now, I’m smart enough to know that this cute little top would be a perfect fit on a taller, slimmer body (and we won’t say much about that!)…and I’m smart enough to know that a hoodie from a higher end shop will probably fit better. But, here’s the dilemma: I like the price. I like the fact that it only cost $7. I don’t want to pay more.
Am I willing to sacrifice a slightly imperfect fit so that I don’t have to put more into the purchase? Because it cost me little, will I settle for less than perfect? Do I care enough to put ‘more’ into the purchase in order to have ‘more’…hmmmm?

We can ask the same questions regarding our spiritual walk with the Lord. Most of us like the cheap way out. My flesh says, "Don’t die out to self because it will cost too much". Crucifying the flesh sounds easy for the apostle Paul, but, he doesn’t realize how hard that is to do in my day!

What does it cost to have excellence in your sprit-life?
1.  A desire to have more…to become more...is required.
2.  A willingness to pay more.

It’s easy to settle for little from the Lord and function as though we have attained all He has to offer. It’s easy to give little of ourselves and appear anointed. We know how to make the inexpensive look good.  Decorate any simple item of clothing with stunning jewlery and we've made the inexpensive look good.  Added to our confession of Christ is a little religious jargon, a belt of bling, and a colorful shield of faith.   But when push comes to shove we are as the disciples in the boat...in the storm...and scolded by Jesus for having little faith.

When we settle for less we have little power and our prayers don’t reach beyond the ceiling. We believe in Jesus.  We believe the Word.   But we’ve taken the cheap route in our relationship with God.

I can make the choice to pay less – but I won’t have the best fit. Not in the physical realm; not in the spiritual realm. It just won’t happen. God is not cheap. He gave His only Son to come to this earth and die on the cross for my sins…Salvation was not cheap. In fact, we can’t afford to purchase salvation – not ever. God knew that. So, He made it affordable. It is free.

The quality of my Christian life depends on whether or not I am willing to pay more for that which is freely given. I pay more by giving up the things of the flesh, the world, and by practicing the things of the spirit. It’s my choice.

You know, I can afford to settle for imperfect and cheap when it comes to a hoddie…but I cannot afford to settle for imperfection in my relationship with Jesus Christ. There’s just too much at stake. Eternity is a long time and since it (eternal life with Jesus) is freely given…it would be foolish not to pay the price.

So very foolish.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Truth About Halloween

I'm thankful for a pastor who speaks truth rather than follow tradition.  Pastor Scott Thomas of Without Walls Central in Lakeland, FL made the following information available regarding the Truth About Halloween.  I would be curious to know: How many other pastors revealed truth to their congregation?  Their silence speaks of fear of man or lack of interest in guiding their people to truth. "I'm aware that dashing a tradition on the rocks is unpopular...but I would be amiss if I did not speak up with the truth as opportunity is given.  This blog is my opportunity.  I am speaking up for Righteousness and for the Holy Spirit.  Portions of the handout are typed for your reading:

"Halloween was not the original name of this day.  the Pre-Christian Druids and Celts of Northern Europe held a celebration every Nov. 2nd called "The Vigil of Shamhain", lord of death.  They held the belief that Shamhain, the lord of death, was overpowering their sun god (Muck Olla), because the leaves were falling, the days were shorter and the weather was getting colder.  Their belief was that Shamhain sent the spirits of those who had deceased over the past year into animals, because of the evil they had committed while alive.  Then, on Nov. 2nd, the Vigil of Shamhain, those spirits would be released to go back and visit their homes and family members with acts of horror and evil.  Therefore, in efforts of keeping these released evil spirits from coming to their homes, a ritual of this holiday included locking up various species of animals (including humans) in wicker cages and burning them alive, all in attempts of appeasing Shamhain and preventing the visitation of these evil spirits upon their homes!

Christians, desirous of their own fall celebration, refused to participate with the Druids, and established Nov.1st, one day earlier than the Vigil of Shamhain, as "All Hallow's Day" (recognizing/honoring christian martyrs and saints).  In reaction to the Christians' action, the pagan/satanic worshippers counteracted "All Hallow's Day", preempting them by one day - October 31st, with their own celebration, "All Demon's Night."   This festival evolved into the 'high holy day' of all opposing Christ(ianity) and was celebrated via incantations, sacrifice, satanic worship/rituals and horrors for all who opposed them.  Finally in a horrid attempt to Christianize the paganistic holiday, the eve prior to "All Hallow's Day" became known as "All Hallow'en" (Oct. 31st) which was eventually shortened to "Halloween."

Keeping the pagan rituals in mind, costumes were worn in order to make the people look like evil spirits, so that the evil spirits that had been released would mistake them for other evil spirits.  However, in the event that you could not dress in a costume, you could avoid horrors in your home by appeasing the evil spirits by offering them a "treat" on your front door step.  If they liked it, you were safe; if they didn't like it...  Finally, the carved face in a pumpkin carries a depth of significance.  The World Book Encyclopedia, 1977 edition, vol 9, page 24-26, says, "The apparently harmless lighted pumpkin face of 'Jack-O-Lantern' is an ancient symbol of 'a damned soul'."  The folklore story holds that a man named Jack was banned from heaven and hell and his spirit was left to wander the earth with his lantern until Judgment Day.  History holds that people would place these 'lit pumpkins' on their porches in order to display their sympathetic nature towards the satanist - gaining mercy from the horrors that were to be released. 

It's more important to follow Christ than tradition.  The act of recognizing and participating in any of this day's festivities is, in fact, celebration.  Stand for righteousness...and please God.

Reference material: The Occult Conceit - A New Look at Astrology, Witchcraft and Sorcery, by Owen S. Rachleff

Friday, October 29, 2010

When Angels Hold Your Hand

When Angels Hold Your Hand, by all means, DON'T LET GO! It's a good day when an angel shows up at your house and takes you by the hand and says, "Come with me, I'm going to lead you away from sin and problems and walk with you to a better life." There's not a person alive who wouldn't grab their kids, their laptop, and dogs (or cats or both) and run to a safe place. Run away from destruction and problems and a world gone mad. Especially before elections!

This is the setting for my story. It's actually the story of Lot, Mrs. Lot, and their family. Two angels, not one...but two...came to Lot's house to lead them out of sinful Sodom so they wouldn't suffer death when God rained His wrath on the city. Read Genesis 19 - the angel activity was incredible. Read to believe! Literally!

Verse 16 relates the "Angels Holding Your Hand" part. Because Lot was lingering the two angels took his hand, his wife's hand, the hands of his two daughters...and led them out of the city to safety. If that had been me, I would've taken pictures of the angels...carried pen and paper and started writing about it asap. I know, I should get back to the story. Well, it continues like this: they were told not to look back. Mrs. Lot turned, and in order to see judgment on a lifestyle she loved she had to lean away from her husband's protection. She looked back from behind him.  This was a deliberate action on her part.  Physical effort was required to turn - step away from her husband who would have been blocking her view - and gaze at a city - a lifestyle - sin city.

She lingered and longed for Sodom. There's a danger in longing for sin at the exact time God is destroying that city of sin. You don't need what God has denounced! It will bring judgment upon you. It is not possible to return safely to a place which God is destroying. You can't rewind the past. Yearning for the past robs the future. Don't let go of angels who are leading you away from sin...do not resent a life of deliverance. You can't move forward in righteousness while grieving your deliverance from sin.

Here's the danger: It's possible to be involved in sin long enough until it appears to be a normal, permissible lifestyle...as long as one attends church on sunday. Hey! Sin is never normal! It's only normal to the world system. Mrs. Lot couldn't believe for a future - she could only see the past. Her heart was still in Sodom even though her body had been led away from the city.

If you become upset when someone tells you certain movies are bad for your spiritual health...or when you are told that curse words are not funny or acceptable...then your heart has not separated itself from the world. Mrs. Lot declined spiritually before she died physically. Here's a killer question: Which appeals most to you, fellowship dinners or prayer meetings? Does your conversation reveal your knowledge of the latest movie or your latest encounter with God?

Keep walking. In Jesus Christ you have a future of righteousness and holiness...until the day that you are changed in the twinkling of an eye (at the sound of the trumpet) and you  meet Jesus in the air...to be with Him forever.

Three points before closing:
1. It is unwise to disobey angelic messengers sent from God.
2. It takes so little effort to turn towards the rain of no return.
3. Remember Lot's wife: She held the hand of an angel...but she was lost for eternity.

Angels are messengers who do God's bidding.  If you are visited by one...obey.  

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Gum Can Be Dangerous

You should never chew gum and try to rinse your contact lens in your mouth at the same time.  Especially if you are on your way to church.  Especially on your way to church on a Wednesday night. 

Now don't tell me you have never put a hard contact lens in your mouth to rinse it when you eye feels as though it has a mountain of sand in it.  In an emergency, I've done this through the years.  I know it isn't the most sanitary thing to do - but sometimes you have to get the ox out of the ditch!

Tonight I did this.  We were on our way to church.  We hadn't driven far from the house when my right eye began feeling uncomfortable.  So, in the absence of lens solution, I do what I've done for years.  Pop the lens out...put it in my mouth to make it better. But this time I was chewing fruit flavored gum.  Not that the flavor of gum really matters. 

Here's the deal:

When you are chewing gum - and you put something else in your mouth - you automatically chew the gum . . . again. . . . without thinking. . . and when you do this . . . there is a high risk that you will also chomp down on the contact lens. . . just like I did tonight.  Thus, gum can be dangerous!

Now, my lens have served me well for some time. . . but I will tell you, that it is not wise to keep the gum in your mouth if you have a dire need to rinse your contact lens at the same time.  You will end up with a cracked contact!! 

Then. . . you have to turn around . . . rush in the house to search for that extra lens . . . hurry back to the car and head to church . . . while the other dear, compassionate saints in the same vehicle. . . laugh heartily at your, well I'll say it even though it hurts,  'stupidity' . . . there, I said it.  Stupid, stupid, stupid. 

Life has its ups and downs.  We are so human.  I would love to be perfect.  Unfortunately, I won't reach that level of living until I'm changed in the twinkling of an eye (no pun intended).  And when that time comes, I won't need contact lens!!

Whew! So Good To Know

I received this short article in my email box today.  Normally, most of us view them quickly and move on.  They are interesting, cute, often funny, and we are amused for a moment.  But, today when I skimmed over this one, I did a second glance thing - and decided this one is worth sharing.  The author is listed as "Unknown" so there's no way to give credit or ask permission for posting the encouragement which is so skillfully penned in the following twenty lines.   I pray it speaks to you, also.  We're all in the same boat, when you think about it.  Humans needing God.

Here it is:

The will of God will never take you.
Where the Grace of God cannot keep you,
Where the Arms of God cannot support you,
Where the Riches of God cannot supply your needs,
Where the Power of God cannot endow you.

The will of God will never take you,
Where the Spirit of God cannot work through you,
Where the Wisdom of God cannot teach you,
Where the Army of God cannot protect you,
Where the Hands of God cannot mold you.

The will of God will never take you,
Where the Love of God cannot enfold you,
Where the Mercies of God cannot sustain you,
Where the Peace of God cannot calm your fears,
Where the Authority of God cannot overrule for you.

The will of God will never take you,
Where the comfort of God cannot dry your tears,
Where the Word of God cannot feed you,
Where the Miracles of God cannot be done for you,
Where the Omnipresence of God cannot find you.

See?  I told you it was good.  It might be a good idea to copy/paste this and carry it with you.  Read it often.  You will need it from time to time.  And when you do need it, it's good to know God is still God and He knows just where you are.

Amen?  Yes.  Amen.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010





            GOD CLOTHED THEM

ADAM AND EVE sinned in the Garden of Eden when they ate of the forbidden fruit. Both were guilty. (Genesis 3)

God knew they were:
in distress
in a situation without a solution

God knew they:
had no way out
were void of means
had nothing
had only one set of clothes
had no friends
lacked provision
attempted to clothe themselves

there was nowhere to go

After reading a short article by Reinhard Bonnke on this subject, I was impacted by the fact that God went to Adam and Eve.  Their sin was the beginning of all sin.  I can't think of anyone more guilty than Adam and Eve!  If they hadn't sinned, we would all be living in paradise on earth!  No problems.  No pain.  No stress.  And yet, God sought them!  Of course, there were consequences for their actions...but still...God sought them...God went to where they were...God called out Adam's name.

I'm amazed!  We search, seek, struggle, and flail around in our situations...doubting God, thinking He doesn't care or that He doesn't know where we are!  My brain is still processing this revelation of the 'God going to Adam' thing.  In the midst of hiding...trying to solve their 'naked' problem with fig leaves...God goes to them!  In the middle of human effort...God shows up! I don't know about you, but I spend a lot of time trying to figure things out. Thousands and thousands of words fly through my mind on a daily basis...mostly condemning me for not being spiritual enough to hear from God...

God went to them.  God sought out Adam.  God walked to the exact spot where Adam stood.  Can you grab hold of this?  Think about the time we've spent wrestling, reasoning, worrying...and now to realize that He wants come to us??  That deserves a "Wow" moment.

Realizing God wants to come to me, where I am, and in my current state, that expectancy alone replaces many negative emotions - in fact - it sets me free.  This will cause a shift in our spirit from 'not good enough' or 'not spiritual enough' to 'I will be okay', 'I'm going to make it'......I'm trying to say:  we can be set free from human stuff and expect God, by the grace of His Son, Jesus, via the Holy Spirit...to show up!  Why haven't I realized that God might desire to come to me??  OK.  Here's another "Wow" moment.  

Why hasn't someone shared with me the simple fact that God wants to come to me, instead of allowing me to continue carrying the heavy load of laboring and struggling to find Him, as though my efforts alone would bring Him near?  I don't know.  But, I want to tell you...this could be the day...the hour...that God will visit you.  Expect Him! Be free in your spirit.  Go ahead and live!  He knows where you are and He will come to you.

Oh, I forgot.  Reinhard Bonnke told me.  That news birthed this post. 

See ya!


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Laying in His lap, sobbing...


“What about if you are laying in His lap sobbing….” she asked.  

That's a good question….and I was challenged to provide a better answer than space allowed in the comment section to a FB post.  Life is not fair. There are times when we don’t just lean on Jesus, we literally need to crawl up in His lap and lay our head against Him and sob our hearts out. 

Laying in the lap of Jesus Christ and sobbing presents the picture of one who is in much pain and distress.  When our heart is overwhelmed, we are overpowered with an excessive amount of concern, fear, grief, or pain … we can’t handle life ... we just want to curl up and cry….and we do.

There is no better place to find ourselves than near to Jesus.  There is no one who feels our pain or knows our heartache better than Jesus does. 

If your heart is broken, bruised, or wounded, regardless of the cause, Jesus is the Healer.  A condemned heart means you are away from God and living in sin, Jesus is still the answer.  Repentance and cleansing for the soul heals a condemned heart.

I believe one of the hardest moments in the life of Jesus was while He was praying in the Garden of Gethsemane. .  He was going to Calvary to give His life on the cross to shed His blood for our sins.  His humanity was overwhelmed.  The agony was greater than He could endure.  He placed His head in the lap of the Father, so to speak, and submitted Hs will to the Father so that we could be redeemed.  God gave Jesus, His Son, the grace and strength to be the perfect sacrifice for our sins.  He did it so that you can lay your head in His lap and sob your heart out.  He will reach out to you now, stroke your cheek and tell you how valuable you are to Him.  He will hold you close till the sobbing ceases and you are calm…

The Bible says that He is particularly close to the brokenhearted, that He rescues those whose spirits are crushed. We must let Him into our personal space so that He can minister to us, and heal us.  He won’t hurt you.  You don’t have to put up a wall to keep from being hurt again…Just let Him in...

As the song says:
"I want to sit at your feet, drink from the cup in your hand, 
lay back against you and breathe...feel your heartbeat." - Kari Jobi.

You can do that today.  

Saturday, August 7, 2010


Matthew 11:28-30 (Amplified Bible)

28Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened, and I will cause you to rest. [I will ease and relieve and refresh your souls.]

    29Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me, for I am gentle (meek) and humble (lowly) in heart, and you will find rest (relief and ease and refreshment and recreation and blessed quiet) for your souls.

    30For My yoke is wholesome (useful, good--not harsh, hard, sharp, or pressing, but comfortable, gracious, and pleasant), and My burden is light and easy to be borne.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

A Marmaduke Moment...

"Why is everyone always having more fun than us?"  "Cause they aren't afraid to live!"  

Just when you think there's not much going for the movie, a line grabs your attention and you search for pen and paper (in the dark)...at least you're taking something of value away for the dollars you spent to see the movie.

Why does it seem that everyone is having more fun than you?  Have you noticed many of  the quotes on fb (fb is short for facebook, in case you were wondering)?   "I'm so tired...I'm sick...I'm sick and tired."  "I'm bored."   "Woe is me.."   Why aren't people having fun?  Why am I not having fun?  Hey,  I know we've been ousted from the Garden of Eden...but there should be something about life that is enjoyable.  Life is way too short to be miserable all of the time.

I wonder of the writers of Marmaduke realize they added a tidbit of wisdom here.  How much fun are you having in life?  What a shame to be alive and not really living.  We were created in the express image of God.  Genesis 1:27  "So God created man in His own image, in the image of God he created him..."  One more:  John 10:10 "The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy.  I (Jesus) came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows." I love the overflow part!  That means we aren't afraid to have fun.  It means that in spite of circumstances, people, and problems...we can laugh, enjoy life, and have a good time while on this earth.  Stop feeling guilty for being happy!  Deliberately - On Purpose... do something to create fun!  

For many people, life isn't what they would like it to be.  It's true: Life isn't fair.  And when Jesus was talking about giving us abundant life, He wasn't just referring to 'things'.  He was talking about the real things of life such as peace, love, joy and hope. He was talking about a quality of life that flows through your soul as you stay connected with Him.  Few people can actually say they are living an abundant life.  We fall far short of what Jesus Christ intended and it's our own fault.  No one can take your joy.  No one can stop you from having fun.

From a sermon: The Abundant Life does not always make everything that is around us peaceful, but it does give us the ability to be at peace even during times of hardship and tragedy.  Our living the Abundant Life will not change the way OTHER PEOPLE live.  Our enemy will still be our enemy, mistreating us, and giving us a hard time. But it will help us to love them and to be at peace with them.

A novel I read recently included a powerful statement:  "I almost ruined my life by allowing things to happen to me, rather than making things happen for me!"  Ouch!  Making things happen will require mental and physical energy on our part.  It includes taking responsibility for our own life.  Jesus gave you life, so choose to live an abundant one!  You can choose to be happy...you can choose to have fun.  It's that simple.  You just make a choice.  Remember that life is the sum total of your choices.  

"Why is everyone always having more fun than us?"  
 Answer: "Cause they aren't afraid to live!"

"I almost ruined my life by allowing things to happen to me, rather than making things happen for me!" 

Now, go make your life a good one!!  Have fun.  

Friday, July 16, 2010

Now What?

I positioned my laptop for the nightly facebook visit and...feeling a little lonely, I didn’t know what to do or where to go on the web, so I typed in the search box two words describing my mood, "Now What?"   I clicked the search button and a found a web site by Scott B. and his article, “So, Now What?” - Here’s the first sentence on his page:

Whenever you aren't sure what to do it means only one thing, you have not found yourself. It is as simple as that. 

He continued to explain that we are happy and satisfied when we find ourselves, and we live a life that has a passion and a focus.

I agree with that! Now, make no mistake about it. I am not physically lost nor am I spiritually lost. I know where I am…geographically and spiritually…most of the time. But emotionally? Maybe there’s room for improvement there. There are times we could all join the “Now What” club, if only for a moment. Perhaps as parents you are coping with the empty nest syndrome. Or, that secure-for the rest of your life-job just turned into not for the rest of your life….but only for the rest of the week! Whatever the reason, you experienced a “Now What” moment.

now what moment loomed before me when my husband went to be with the Lord.   Now What?   Now Where? In my searching and talking to the Lord I remember asking Him for three things, Purpose, Place and Provision.

If you recall, Adam and Eve had Purpose, Place, and Provision

Adam had Purpose: God is all about purpose. He created the world and the heavens just to manifest His glory and His power. His creation exists to shout praise to Him. He gave Adam purpose. Adam was to keep the garden, name the animals, have dominion and the greatest purpose was fulfilled each evening when he walked with God. Adam and Eve had purpose. They were to be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth.

Adam had Place:  Genesis 2:8, The Lord planted a garden in Eden just for man. He placed Adam in that beautiful garden. A river watered the garden, Gen 2:10. Gold was found in the land. Listen, God knows how to provide a Place!

Adam had Provision:  In Genesis 2:16, 17 we read of the tree of life. They could eat all they desired from that tree. One study note explains the tree of life as provision for a kind of life which made death impossible. There were many trees in the garden and God told Adam to eat freely from the trees, except of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

In the beginning, God gave Purpose, Place, and Provision to humanity. Those three areas were met in the first couple's life and nothing was lacking. Adam and Eve knew what it was like to jump up every morning  and have Purpose. They were in the Place chosen by God. Their Provision was from the Hand of God.

Why do we have moments or days when we say, “Now What?” We have those times because of the fall of man. Adam and Eve sinned in the garden…they relinquished Purpose, Place, and Provision when they made a bad choice. They lost what they had for or something they did not need. They failed the test.

Now What? I know I need Purpose. With purpose, I will have focus. All of that is to bring fulfillment and lessen my ‘Now What’ moments. Purpose, Place, and Provision. Adam blew it for us – Now What?

In John 10:10 Jesus said that He came that we might have life and that we might have life more abundantly. The Message Bible states verse 10 like this: I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of.

Real and eternal life. More and better than we ever dreamed of. Jesus is the answer to Now What. Find Jesus and you will find yourself.  Find Jesus and you find Purpose, Place, and Provision. The old hymn, Try Jesus, says it all.

Try Jesus, He never fails
O’er evil, His love prevails
In sunshine, or stormy gale
Try Jesus, He never fails

Crossfire in Canberra

A street in Canberra
A very short story
written very late at night
simply to entertain
my very bored self...

Bullets cracked through the silence of the calm mid-day crowd on a street in Canberra. Marcie collapsed on the concrete with a thud as one of the bullets struck her. The pain shooting through her body was just as startling as the shock of the attack. Shouts of panic escalated from people all around her. Chaos marked the moment as fear registered on each face. She lay stunned on the sidewalk. Every fiber of her being was summoned in that split second of time; attempting to understand what had happened and in that same moment, grasping with reality, telling herself this couldn’t be…it couldn’t be real…and knowing she must survive…she had to survive. This should not be happening to her. Not to Marcie.

Springtime in Canberra stimulates the city - reviving it with colorful signs of life. Blossoms throughout the capital announce the change from colder air to more tolerable temperatures. The days are bright and vineyards bloom with vitality. Marcie chose to walk to the market today. It was only a few blocks from her apartment and she was anxious to pick up the few items on her  grocery list. Her dinner guest would be arriving later this evening. It would be a perfect dinner. Baked chicken with all the trimmings. It was his favorite. The trimmings didn’t matter all that much to him. Veggies or salads were only extras and were meant to enhance the luscious, moist, tender baked chicken. He preferred his portion served with a side of melted butter for dipping.

Eight months had passed since Marcie started attending a Bible study with her coworker. She knew in her heart that there was a God, somewhere. Her problem was that she didn’t know how to find Him. The leader of the cell group who lovingly shared the gospel with the faithful ten or twelve each week was Brother Mike, an associate at the fast growing training center located in the middle of Canberra. It was this plan of salvation presented weekly by Brother Mike that finally supplied all the missing pieces in Marcie’s mind, and she, at long last, had found her way to God. The night Marcie received Christ as her Savior she not only found freedom from sin, she also found the freedom to live. The Holy Spirit cleansed her innermost being…washing every nook and cranny of her soul.

Marcie found God. Stephen found Marcie. A dark haired, stocky built, full of life, full of God kind of young man.  As he walked in the building, he once again felt the bulge in his inside jacket pocket. It was the box containing the single diamond engagement ring which he had intended to present to Marcie on this night. The waiting room of Memorial Hospital was not where he had planned to spend the evening. His cell phone was ringing constantly with inquiries about Marcie’s condition. The city was buzzing with the news. Marcie, along with other innocent pedestrians, had been caught in the crossfire of two rival gangs. The local news channel had labeled the afternoon shootings as Crossfire in Canberra.

Out of the corner of his eye, Stephen noticed Brother Mike hurrying up the hallway, making his way to the critical care waiting room and to Stephen's side. A sight for sore eyes.  “Brother Mike. Am I glad to see you! Thank God you are here,” Stephen said. “Stephen, the Lord sent me with a message for you. Let’s sit over here in the corner where we can have some privacy.” Brother Mike led a rather shaken Stephen to the opposite side of the room where two chairs were pushed against the wall. After taking their seats, he spoke quietly, with a voice meant only for the ears of Stephen.

“Stephen, God has a plan for you and Marcie. The enemy has pulled out all the stops in an attempt to hinder that plan. But know this: Today, you will see the Hand of the Lord at work. He will perform that which no man can perform. What the enemy meant for evil, the Lord will restore for good. She shall not die, but live. You will say of the Lord, He is your refuge and your fortress…He is your God and in Him will you trust. You shall not be afraid for the terror by night, nor for the arrow that flieth by day…You will not fear the destruction that wasteth at noon day. There shall no evil rise up for destruction against you. Crossfire in Canberra shall be known as Christ in Canberra for I will manifest my glory in the midst of the storm.”

After giving praise to their loving Savior, Stephen and Brother Mike rose from the privacy of their corner of the large room. Stephen bade the messenger goodbye and slowly made his way back to room number three and to Marcie’s bedside. She greeted him with a weak, but loving, smile. Stephen reached for her hand, leaned over the bed, lowered his head and whispered softly, “Marcie, I love you.” Marcie looked deeply into Stephen’s eyes, her heart filled with gratitude to be alive and with a longing to spend the rest of her life with the one she had grown to love. With ever so much passion she spoke the words he was waiting to hear, “I love you, Stephen.”

Some time later, on a warm summer day in Canberra, a dark haired young man walked up to the apartment located just a few blocks from the market.  As he approached the door the aroma of baked chicken tantalized his sense of smell.   As he raised his right hand in preparation to knock on the door, he checked his inside jacket pocket just once more.  He felt the bulge inside the coat and he smiled.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

STORM STRESS - From my book: Trial Travels


Matthew 14:23-33 In the night Jesus walked on the water to get to the disciples.  Their boat was now in the midst of the sea.  The high winds were whipping the waves and the ship was tossing greatly.  Peter said loudly, "Lord, if it's really you, allow me to come where you are, let me walk on the water, also."  Jesus gave a one word command, "Come".  Peter made it over the side of the boat, placed his feet on the turbulent water and walked...he was performing a supernatural feat...he was walking on water...he was going to Jesus!

Peter was doing something no other man had done and...at the simple command of Jesus!  It wasn't Jesus' idea.  Peter asked if he could "come".  Perhaps others in the boat could've walked on water, but they didn't ask.

TRIAL TRUTH:  Going to Jesus is a supernatural event. 
Boat stats:  one out of twelve attempt supernatural involvement! 

 Peter was fully engaged in a supernatural happening until he looked at natural circumstances!  He felt the strength of the problem and fear entered!  When he saw the strong wind, he became fearful. 

TRIAL TRUTH:  Man nor devil could stop Peter
 from getting out of the boat and going to Jesus,
 even if it meant walking on water to get to Him! 
....this is the ultimate mode of trial travel.... 

Regardless of your mode of travel, if you are in a trial...you must get to Jesus.  You must reach Him.  He is your only hope.

Satan is hindered when there's a supernatural encounter going on between you and Jesus.  You are looking at Jesus and He's looking at you.  You are talking to Jesus in the midst of the storm.  You've got a dialogue going with the Son of God!  You are doing things you've never done before!

Thus, the enemy uses the natural realm to interfere with the supernatural realm!

The devil uses emotional and mental strongholds to divert your attention.  There's only one reason for fear and it is:  to divert your attention from Jesus to the circumstances of your storm.  The enemy attempts to block, intercept, hinder, restrain, or literally cut you off from walking in the supernatural in order to keep you from reaching Jesus!!   Knowing that....

Once you get there, you will touch Him.   Once  you get into His presence ...you put your hand in His,  It's too late for the spirit of  fear to control you!

Peter felt the force of the elements and began to sink.  He shouted through the voluminous onslaught of obstacles.   "Lord, save me!"  Immediately Jesus stretched forth His Hand and caught Peter and said, "Oh, you fellow of little faith, why did you doubt?"  The wind didn't stop because Jesus caught Peter by the hand!  It continued to rage.  They walked through the storm together...back to the boat.  Then the wind ceased.

TRIAL TRUTH:  Don't worry about the storm,
walk through it, hand in hand with Jesus. 
The storm will cease when you arrive at your destination.

Author's afterthought:  We would have not been so impressed if Peter had tried to swim in the stormy waters.  That's what we would have done.  That's what we do!  Greater effort and energy is required to struggle against the powerful waves if you are "in" the water.  The storm demands your focus.  Your storm is narcissistic, self-centered and desires dominance.  It has a huge ego.  It says, "It's all about me.  I want all of the attention."  

NOTE:  It is much less stressful to walk on water than it is to swim in it. 

So, today...get out of your boat of troubles
and walk (don't swim) to Jesus...
you will find great relief!

Enhanced by Zemanta

Monday, July 12, 2010

Run To The Sea

"Tell the people to go forward, to the sea..."  Exodus 14:15

Run to the sea, Run hard, Run fast
The trouble you now face, It's not going to last.

God said He would toughen, by way of difficulties
So, led by His own plan, I faced a deep, red sea.

They came as waves, In places hard and dry
A sea in a desert, My soul was surely tried.

I looked for refuge, Found not in a man
Then I picked up the Word, It came alive in my hand.

I feasted as one starving, Seeking...chasing God.
Prayer was more than ritual, Deliverance was the cause.

Life came from the Book, Presence listened as I prayed.
Faith arose, gave strength within, I can run...run...and not afraid.

Fear is not a part, of what I'm to believe
It's faith alive in me, Determining what I receive.

See me run - I'm going through, This trial won't destroy
My God has a plan, For me to count it joy.

I can run to the sea, I know I'm not alone.
There's power in the Word, It comes from God's own throne.

I know there's a victory, Over every war I face
To give up when I will win, Would be to my disgrace.

Yes, Lord, Your Voice is clear,  I'll do just as you say
With the Word in my hand, I will, I will obey.

I'll run to the sea, As quickly as I can
Victory awaits me there, Through the power of Your Hand!
                                                              -  Jane, 1999

Message to a Friend

Composed in 1994 for a precious person...

There's Coming
A Deliverance Day
And It's Not
So Very Far Away.    

You Are Counted
Among My Jewels
Among The Diamonds,
Gems And Pearls.

I See You As Pure
And All Delight
As I watch You
Both Day and Night

Hope Thou
In Me
For Soon
You'll See

There's Coming
A Deliverance Day
And It's Not
So Very Far Away

Monday, July 5, 2010

Table Texting

We will turn around and go back to the house to get it…..we are lost, naked, and insecure without it….it must always be near our hand, within our hearing, and it must be attached to us when we leave the house. It’s our cell phone.

7/5. Fox News: Families have a hard time getting kids to enjoy dinner time without the need to have cell phone at hand and text at the table. An online article, Fox website, this same date, reads : Tech Companies Address Dangers of Texting While Walking. Experts say pedestrians are also suffering the consequences of mobile distraction. They're tripping on curbs, walking into traffic, even stepping into manholes as they chat or type while walking. So, to assist these stumbling, bumbling texters (my term)…they have tools, including earpieces, that allow the user to talk their message. The article includes a finding by a Stanford University communications professor who states that the fundamental problem is...our brains can’t concentrate on so many things at once. I knew that. I’ve known that a long time. It’s hard for many of us to chew gum and walk at the same time, much less type a message on a screen barely larger than a club cracker.

Here’s the issue. We are becoming dysfunctional people. Our need for social communication is being satisfied with facebook, texting, and email. While these methods are not bad, in fact, they are incredible…they can become addictive… replacing family, God, and close friends. How is this happening? Let’s go back to the professor who said: “Our brains can’t concentrate on so many things at once.” So…if you text while driving, you can veer off the road. If you text while walking, you can trip and fall. If you text while enjoying dinner with your family, you will not focus on them. If you prefer human contact via facebook, email, texting…to spending time with God, you will have little focus on spiritual matters. Spiritually speaking, you will veer off the road or you may trip and fall.

Because our brain can’t concentrate on many things at once, perhaps we should bring our tech toys into perspective. Ask yourself why social tech communication takes priority over God, family and close friends? Could it be that it takes less effort? Could it be an addiction? Could it be nothing more than a mental distraction which has the ability to rob us of valuable communication with God and family? Mobile distraction? Could be. Oh yes, watch out for manholes.

Saturday, June 19, 2010


The other day I was hungry for corn on the cob. I remembered the tasty corn on the cob at Chili's, and naturally, I thought of the chicken strips and fries that go with it. So, I drive up to the side of the building - enter the "to go" door - place my order (corn on the cob, with a side of chicken strips and fries) - sit and wait. I don't sit and wait very well unless there is something to do or read. When I go to a restaurant alone, I always take a book to read. I'm not going to sit in a booth and stare into space or introduce myself to strangers, so, here I sit, waiting for my "to go" corn (plus, the sides) and then the sign on the door caught my attention.

Crave It - Click It - Come N Get It
"It's that easy with new online ordering"

Since I don't sit and wait very well - I focused on the Crave It, Click It, Come N Get It flyer taped to the door. How easy...crave, click and come. Ok. There are things in life I need, other than corn on the cob, such as miracles and stuff, and I'm told in the Word to ask, believe, and receive. Ahhh....that sounds as easy as crave it, click it, come n get it. Why can't receiving from God, our Heavenly Father, be as simple as the crave it, click it method? I'm not making light of this at all, but our lack of faith really does make life more difficult than it ought to be. Scripture says to simply ask and receive. Most of us have never made anything in simple in our entire life. We add a dab of doubt, a lot of human reasoning, and of course, a few negative comments here and there.

Can you imagine going online to place an order at your local Chili's restaurant? You click "Online Ordering" at the top of the web site - this takes you to "Find a Chili's Location" - type in the name of your city and click on "Order from this Chili's". The menu pops up - click on steak, of course - pictures appear (along with the price) - Flamed Grilled Ribeye - Sirloin - Country Fried Steak (served with corn on the cob, by the way) - and, there's a red box under each picture that says, "Select". Just for fun I clicked Flamed Grilled Ribeye. Then I had the option to select the temp - sides, etc. - check out - fill in my information for pick up ... but what if I added a comment such as: "I believe you have steaks, but I'm not sure there's one for me. I don't know if I will actually receive it when I go to pick it up". Ah, you say, "This is silly". Is it really? Isn't this what we do in response to the promises in the Word? Hasn't Jesus Christ made it this simple for us? Didn't He pay the price on the cross for our sins? Didn't Jesus send the Holy Spirit to us as our Comforter, Guide, Helper...Doesn't the Spirit of God live within us? Isn't His Word true?

Crave it - Click it - Come N Get it. Simple. Oh, here's the difference between ordering online from Chili's and making your requests known to God. When you click "select" in your prayers, you will find there is no charge. It's already been paid for. What do you need from Jesus? Salvation, healing, peace, finances, love, friends? It's all available. Heaven is waiting. If you crave it - believe you will receive it. God is good. It's His pleasure to give you the Kingdom. It's really easier than placing an order online.

Monday, May 31, 2010


I don't remember where I found this...but it's powerful and we need to read it often:

You will never meet a fear He cannot conquer.
You will never face an enemy He cannot defeat.
You will never enter a battle He cannot win.
You will never have a need He cannot meet.
You will never face a temptation He cannot overcome.
You will never have a burden He cannot lift.
You will never face a problem He cannot solve.
You will never have a bondage He cannot break.
You will never have a moment when He does not care.
You will never have a time when He is not there.

Philippians 4:13 "I have strength for all things in Christ Who empowers me [I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him Who infuses inner strength into me; I am self-sufficient in Christ's sufficiency]. -Amplified

Thursday, March 25, 2010


It doesn't take much to keep me occupied. Just a computer and internet access. I've warned my girls - If you ever take me to a 'home' - they'd better have internet! I can just visualize what I will look like...sitting in a rocking chair, 105 years old, with my laptop in my lap...of course...surfing the web. Hopefully, I'll have decent vision at 105 - oh well, I'll cross that bridge when I come to it...if I'm able to get up out of the rocking chair, that is.

Tonight, I'm propped up in bed and entertaining myself a bit by searching the web for christian humor. Have you ever done that? You should try it. It's healthy to laugh. We don't laugh enough. And naturally, when you find something interesting - you post it on facebook. I have a feeling the bulletin bloopers I posted tonight are rather old...but that's alright. I found a joke I want to share, but since I've wearied facebook friends with my multiple entries for the night, I decided to post it here:

On a street, where the speed is limited to 30 mph the police stop a driver.

"Not only have you been driving too fast, you've been passing cars where it is not allowed. Your lights don't work, your tires all completely worn out. This is surely going to cost you a lot. What's your name?"

"Schtrathewisizeski Vocgefastilongchinic."

"Well, I'll let you go this time but don't do it again."

I don't know who wrote the following, but I'm in total agreement:

I don't wanna . . .

I don't wanna do the dishes
I don't wanna do the wash
I sprinkled clothes a week ago
And now my iron is lost!!

I don't wanna rattle pots
I don't wanna rattle pans
I see the mail light flashin'
I wanna chat with friends!!

Oh the tables need some dustin'
and the floor could sure be mopped

But I know if I get started
there'll be no place to stop.

The closets are so full things are falling off the shelves
I wish for cleaning fairies and magic little elves.
They could sprinkle fairy dust and twitch their little nose
The windows would be sparkling I would have no dirty clothes

Oh I know that I'm just dreamin', My head is in the sky
I must cook that meat that's graying and bake that apple pie

The Hubby needs a bath Doggy needs attention
Oh.. the other way around I mean my brain is in suspension

I am runnin' round in circles,
I am gettin' nothin' done,
I keep thinking of my web,

I am missing all the fun!!!

Well I know I'm not addicted
though I hear that all the time
But I guess this stuff can wait on me
Cause Today I'll Be On Line!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


While studying today I went to dictionary.com to look up a normal, human word…and this word of the day pops up. It is a perfect description of my morning.

phantasmagoria: fan-taz-muh-GOR-ee-uh\ , noun;
1. A shifting series or succession of things seen or imagined, as in a dream.
2. Any constantly changing scene.

Life is like this. You think you get things figured out and…boom…it all changes. Depending on your inner stability, handling pop-ups in life can be a source of minor irritation or a source of anxiety. I’m not sure why we feel the need to create a perfectly serene, fantasy life…in our mind, but we do...we all dream of perfection and peace. No ripples allowed. Just let me take pleasure in life – laugh heartily – possess plenty – enjoy good health – experience great times with friends….that’s all I want. Sound like you, too?

But what happens when it doesn’t work this way? What happens when your fantasy falls flat? Each situation seems to yell, “Now, let’s see you handle this one!” For one thing, we recognize the source. We have an enemy. He’s made it his focus to destroy God’s creation and to rob us of happiness by foiling our fantasies and destroying our dreams.

This morning, I attempted to capture another session of spirituality, as I did yesterday. I posted the result on fb:

It can't get any better than this...A challenging book of studies uncovering ancient hidden truths under the sands of Greek thinking, laptop geared for Perry Stone video of the week, cappuccino in my favorite yellow mug...cell ph. near (of course)...then it gets worse than this...the laptop decides to shut down and update ‘stuff’, the weekly lawn maintenance megamower roars next to the lanai, and Kringle wants to go outside. That’s life. Not perfect. Plans change. But we go with the flow….God is still holy.

Amazing…my life doesn’t hinder the holiness of God. It does not weaken His power. Earthly things have zero affect on the might or majesty of God. Jesus still died on the cross for my sins. He still sits at the right Hand of God, making intercession for me. Jesus Christ loves me the same…day in and day out. The Word says that He is coming for me one day. When the trumpet sounds, the dead in Christ will rise…then those who remain will be caught up together with them, to meet the Lord in the air…and we will forever be with Him. Wow.

Philippians 4:6,7 (The Message Bible) Don't fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God's wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It's wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life.

Christians, we’re leaving here soon. Don’t sweat the small stuff…and it’s all small stuff when compared to the glory we will inherit shortly. The Word instructs us to be anxious for nothing….just give Him glory and praise. The devil hates it…God loves it…and we gain control of a phantasmagoria of broken appliances, stalled cars, bursting pipes, fender benders, burned biscuits…and whatever else life tosses our way. It’s a big word, phantasmagoria. I’ll never remember it. But, then I don’t need to. My God has everything in control. Including me.