
Just living is not enough... one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower. ~Hans Christian Andersen

Friday, July 16, 2010

Now What?

I positioned my laptop for the nightly facebook visit and...feeling a little lonely, I didn’t know what to do or where to go on the web, so I typed in the search box two words describing my mood, "Now What?"   I clicked the search button and a found a web site by Scott B. and his article, “So, Now What?” - Here’s the first sentence on his page:

Whenever you aren't sure what to do it means only one thing, you have not found yourself. It is as simple as that. 

He continued to explain that we are happy and satisfied when we find ourselves, and we live a life that has a passion and a focus.

I agree with that! Now, make no mistake about it. I am not physically lost nor am I spiritually lost. I know where I am…geographically and spiritually…most of the time. But emotionally? Maybe there’s room for improvement there. There are times we could all join the “Now What” club, if only for a moment. Perhaps as parents you are coping with the empty nest syndrome. Or, that secure-for the rest of your life-job just turned into not for the rest of your life….but only for the rest of the week! Whatever the reason, you experienced a “Now What” moment.

now what moment loomed before me when my husband went to be with the Lord.   Now What?   Now Where? In my searching and talking to the Lord I remember asking Him for three things, Purpose, Place and Provision.

If you recall, Adam and Eve had Purpose, Place, and Provision

Adam had Purpose: God is all about purpose. He created the world and the heavens just to manifest His glory and His power. His creation exists to shout praise to Him. He gave Adam purpose. Adam was to keep the garden, name the animals, have dominion and the greatest purpose was fulfilled each evening when he walked with God. Adam and Eve had purpose. They were to be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth.

Adam had Place:  Genesis 2:8, The Lord planted a garden in Eden just for man. He placed Adam in that beautiful garden. A river watered the garden, Gen 2:10. Gold was found in the land. Listen, God knows how to provide a Place!

Adam had Provision:  In Genesis 2:16, 17 we read of the tree of life. They could eat all they desired from that tree. One study note explains the tree of life as provision for a kind of life which made death impossible. There were many trees in the garden and God told Adam to eat freely from the trees, except of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

In the beginning, God gave Purpose, Place, and Provision to humanity. Those three areas were met in the first couple's life and nothing was lacking. Adam and Eve knew what it was like to jump up every morning  and have Purpose. They were in the Place chosen by God. Their Provision was from the Hand of God.

Why do we have moments or days when we say, “Now What?” We have those times because of the fall of man. Adam and Eve sinned in the garden…they relinquished Purpose, Place, and Provision when they made a bad choice. They lost what they had for or something they did not need. They failed the test.

Now What? I know I need Purpose. With purpose, I will have focus. All of that is to bring fulfillment and lessen my ‘Now What’ moments. Purpose, Place, and Provision. Adam blew it for us – Now What?

In John 10:10 Jesus said that He came that we might have life and that we might have life more abundantly. The Message Bible states verse 10 like this: I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of.

Real and eternal life. More and better than we ever dreamed of. Jesus is the answer to Now What. Find Jesus and you will find yourself.  Find Jesus and you find Purpose, Place, and Provision. The old hymn, Try Jesus, says it all.

Try Jesus, He never fails
O’er evil, His love prevails
In sunshine, or stormy gale
Try Jesus, He never fails

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