
Just living is not enough... one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower. ~Hans Christian Andersen

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Gum Can Be Dangerous

You should never chew gum and try to rinse your contact lens in your mouth at the same time.  Especially if you are on your way to church.  Especially on your way to church on a Wednesday night. 

Now don't tell me you have never put a hard contact lens in your mouth to rinse it when you eye feels as though it has a mountain of sand in it.  In an emergency, I've done this through the years.  I know it isn't the most sanitary thing to do - but sometimes you have to get the ox out of the ditch!

Tonight I did this.  We were on our way to church.  We hadn't driven far from the house when my right eye began feeling uncomfortable.  So, in the absence of lens solution, I do what I've done for years.  Pop the lens out...put it in my mouth to make it better. But this time I was chewing fruit flavored gum.  Not that the flavor of gum really matters. 

Here's the deal:

When you are chewing gum - and you put something else in your mouth - you automatically chew the gum . . . again. . . . without thinking. . . and when you do this . . . there is a high risk that you will also chomp down on the contact lens. . . just like I did tonight.  Thus, gum can be dangerous!

Now, my lens have served me well for some time. . . but I will tell you, that it is not wise to keep the gum in your mouth if you have a dire need to rinse your contact lens at the same time.  You will end up with a cracked contact!! 

Then. . . you have to turn around . . . rush in the house to search for that extra lens . . . hurry back to the car and head to church . . . while the other dear, compassionate saints in the same vehicle. . . laugh heartily at your, well I'll say it even though it hurts,  'stupidity' . . . there, I said it.  Stupid, stupid, stupid. 

Life has its ups and downs.  We are so human.  I would love to be perfect.  Unfortunately, I won't reach that level of living until I'm changed in the twinkling of an eye (no pun intended).  And when that time comes, I won't need contact lens!!

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