
Just living is not enough... one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower. ~Hans Christian Andersen

Monday, August 20, 2012

MONDAY, I will rejoice...

Psalm 118:24
This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.

Monday is the day of the week between Sunday and Tuesday.  It comes from Old English Mōnandæg and Middle English Monenday, which means "moon day". 

According to Wikipedia:

1.  In the Garfield comics and shows, the title character hates Mondays, and is frequently harmed during them.
2. Monday is the most popular day to commit suicide, call in sick,  and surf the web in the Netherlands.
3.  During July 2002, the consulting firm of PriceWaterhouseCoopers Consulting announced that it would rename itself to Monday, and spend $110 million over the next year to establish that brand.
4.  In the film Office Space (1999), character Nina says to Peter "sounds like someone's got a case of the Mondays" suggesting Peter is not in a good mood.

Anonymous wrote: Just once, I would like to wake up, turn on the news, and hear..."Monday has been canceled, go back to sleep."

Anonymous also wrote: It's awful knowing that one seventh of our life will be wasted on Mondays.

Poor Monday!  It's a dreaded day because we'd rather be doing other things than going to work.  Monday has a way of casting a shadow over our soul.  A dark cloud.  As though life is over.  We can't live or enjoy anything, because it's Monday. 

I read about one person who thinks Mondays are part of a vast right-wing conspiracy.  Could it be?

In our little world, our human existence, we live according to time.  Hours, days, weeks, months, and years.  God's dimension is different.  It is timeless.  Every breath we take can be aware of and spent in His realm - rejoicing in Him - no matter the day of the week.  Perhaps that is why He told us to rejoice.

Philippians 4:4  Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice.

This is the key to Paul's theology here.  Rejoice.  He is writing to Christians, giving  specific exhortations to individuals to rejoice.  It doesn't matter what day of the week it is!  Rejoice!   For in Christ Jesus our Lord, we are able to rejoice, we have cause for rejoicing, in any and every situation. Paul is writing to Christians here.

Some people believe Monday is punishment for what they did on the weekend!  But, could it be that Monday is a test to see if Christians are still joyful as they were on Sunday?  Just sayin'.

I'm convinced that God is thinking:  "If they can rejoice on Monday - then they will fly through the rest of the week with a decent attitude!"

Rejoice defined:  To be glad, take delight in.  To feel or express great joy!

By now, you are either mad at me or convicted.  I'm not sure which.  But, we can't get away from the Word which says to express great joy!

After all,  we don't know but what the rapture might take place on a Monday!  Even before you've had your coffee! 

Here, have a cup of coffee.

Now, go and rejoice...it's Monday.  This is the day the
Lord has made...for you to enjoy.

Go ahead .....smile. 

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