It's wise to live with Eyes Wide Open.
The China Communist Party Corona Virus put our nation into a tailspin. The first sign of catastrophe was the rush on toilet paper, of all things. People panicked. Then they cleared out the shelves of tp like a herd of five to six foot tall locusts. That was the beginning.
Next came fear. After that, came government rules. Stay home. Wear masks. Use gloves. Wash hands. Social distancing. Stores marked people walking instructions on their floors. "X" marks the spot. Stand here. Arrows at the end of aisles. Do not enter. Enter here.
Later, there came lawlessness, but not from common citizens. Lawlessness, or, overreaching, came from a random few of those in authority. I viewed a video of one woman who was handcuffed and wrestled to the ground by police because she didn't have her mask on correctly. Of course, she had much resistance, but, I might not have been so happy about the encounter, either. A governor revoked a seventy-seven year old barber's license because he didn't obey her command to NOT open his shop for business.
A Power surge (along with major ego's) manifested openly among a few state governors and city mayors. It's their time to shine! And they grabbed the opportunity to be in charge. Albeit, some leaders took protective measures to slow the spread of the virus, yes, but still, far too many used the crisis and became nothing short of a tyrant.
There are three steps used to remake a culture.
1. Problem
2. Reaction
3. Solution
1. PROBLEM. The world has a problem. The China Communist Party Corona Virus. If we open our eyes, we will see that SOME in our nation discussed a crisis that could happen. Is it a coincidence that it did happen? Nah. OK. SO WE HAVE A PROBLEM. A world-wide ... nation-wide ... problem. Never waste a crisis. Next move?
2. REACTION. Watch how the people will respond to the problem. Fear? Good. That's what we want. Let's feed it with exaggerated statistics. Their reaction to the problem gives us an open door called, control.
3. SOLUTION. Lockdown! Close businesses. Quarantine healthy people. Release criminals from prisons. Close churches! Arrest pastors who attempt to have church - even if the people are isolated in their cars in the church parking lot.
Churches must close but abortion clinics may remain open. Abortion is essential, after all !! Do what we say, how we say it, for as long as we tell you ... to ... do what we say! After all, We know what is best for you, because we are the leaders and we are above you and we are in charge! Take note little people, as they tell you that this is your New Normal.
The mayor of Los Angeles said that his city will "never be fully open" until there is a cure for the novel coronavirus. Bill Gates says we should stay ... stay ... in lockdown ... for 18-24 months, and wait until everyone is tested and vaccinated - with his vaccine.
Dr. Fauci mentioned that we may not be able to open our public schools in the fall !! Really ? It's mid May of 2020. I don't have room in this blog to list all if this man's connections with liberals. But, they are many. Scary.
WITH EYES WIDE OPEN ... This is the day that we must be "wise as serpents and harmless as doves." Matthew 10:16
WITH EYES WIDE OPEN ... We recognize the signs of the times. We're in the last of the last days. We are seeing, with our own eyes, daily events ushering in last days prophecies. We are seeing changes in our world and in our own country that never, never would have been thought of before.
Christians, we are in the early throes of struggling for freedom of worship. Our freedom of expression is being attacked by a select number of people called Facebook's Supreme Court. Recently, a new member appointed to the court is an Islamist with allegiance to the Muslim Brotherhood. Liberal posts on Facebook and Instagram have free reign, but if a conservative dares to post opinions or revealing information opposite of the liberal agenda - katiebarthedoor! That post will be removed because it goes against their standards. What they really mean is: your post does not agree with our agenda - so you are wrong - and we will take it down, because we can!
Here is the real truth: Facebook’s “Supreme Court,” the independent oversight body has been tasked with making decisions on controversial content issues, including online extremism, hate speech, harassment, and user privacy and security related to Facebook and Instagram. Once assigned to this position, they stated that they cannot be removed until their term expires. Zuckerberg is in agreement with this policy.
LET'S GET OUR EYES WIDE OPEN, FOLKS. Take a good look at a plan for Socialism. Prepare for persecution Christians and conservatives.
I shared a meme on my group page, End Time News, stating, "If people were told to get into boxcars to be taken to 'virus protection camps' many of them would rush to get in line."
Regrettably, it's true. Again, it's the formula for cultural change. Problem. Reaction. Solution.
WITH EYES WIDE OPEN - we are watching one certain political party move with determination to lead us into a New World Order. They repeatedly declare they are working for the good of The American People. Not so.
WITH EYES WIDE OPEN - We see clearly that the stage is being set quickly for the coming of the Lord. The Rapture of the Church. Our Blessed Hope.
As one pastor/author wrote: If you see these things occurring commonly or on a widespread basis, you are to take it as a signal that we have passed across the line and have entered into the final chapter of history as we have known it...hurtful, harmful, dangerous, unpredictable, uncontrollable, high-risk periods of time will come.
WITH EYES WIDE OPEN - It's time to live with an eternal perspective. Life in America as we have known it ... is changing.
WITH EYES WIDE OPEN - Our children must be taught Truth. We cannot allow them to be swallowed up in the world system proclaimed by progressives.
WITH EYES WIDE OPEN - Let's dig our heels in the dirt and say 'NO' to liberal pressure. Let's rise and sound the alarm. Let's pull our children into our arms and lead them into the ark of safety ... before the door shuts and the strong rains of an anti-christ mentality come upon us suddenly.
Today, we may proclaim as the minor prophet, Habakkuk, in chapter 3 ....
17) Even though the fig trees have no blossoms,
and there are no grapes on the vines;
even though the olive crop fails,
and the fields lie empty and barren;
even though the flocks die in the fields,
and the cattle barns are empty,
18 18) yet I will rejoice in the Lord!
I will be joyful in the God of my salvation!
19 19) The Sovereign Lord is my strength!
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