Your first response might be ... a recession. Or, maybe terrorist attacks. Surely it's a cyber attack.... or war in our streets .... or a world war, maybe. Guess again.
Let me give you a hint.
1. A July 3, 2013 article from Christian Post.
"For several hours between Tuesday and Wednesday, the phrase "Hail Satan" trended on Twitter as word spread that abortion supporters had chanted it at pro-life Christians singing "Amazing Grace" amid mounting tensions over the pending passage of strict abortion laws in the Texas Capitol.
Going from riotous to sacrilegious, they chanted "Hail Satan" while pro-life activists were singing, "Amazing Grace" - "'Hail Satan!' was actually the compromise chant. The hot-heads wanted 'We Know It's Murder And We Don't Care!'"
2. NEW: The St. Paul, Minn., city council adopted a controversial resolution this week declaring March 10 as Abortion Providers Appreciation Day and celebrating the “courage” and “dedication” of abortion doctors.
It passed, 7-0. Let's read that again: It passed, 7-0 !!
Their resolution is to memorialize David Gunn, the abortion doctor who was killed on March 10, 1993. So, on this date, they show appreciation for the high-quality care that abortion providers and staff provide, and they celebrate their courage, compassion, and dedication to their work."3. Chuck Schumer's Rant: If you pay even a small amount of attention to the news, you would have seen the video of minority leader Democrat Chuck Schumer's rant aimed at intimidating two members of the Supreme Court of the United States. SCOTUS. The vocal rant on the steps of the Supreme Court was clearly a threat. For this, Schumer should resign. At least, he should be censored and fined.
The out of control Schumer threatened Kavanaugh and Gorsuch. "I want to tell you Gorsuch. I want to tell you Kavanaugh. You have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price. You won't know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions." Schumer continued: "We will tell President Trump and Senate Republicans who have stacked the court with right-wing ideologues, that you're gonna be gone in November and you will never be able to do what you're trying to do now, ever, ever again. You hear that over there on the far-right? You're gone in November."
In 2019, around 42.4 million pregnancies
ended in abortion worldwide.
ended in abortion worldwide.
The website notes that in the United States, approximately half of pregnancies are "unintended" with four in 10 ending in an abortion, amounting to over 3,000 abortions being performed every day. Not including miscarriages, 22 percent of all pregnancies end in abortion.
Globally, around 125,000 abortions happen every day.
Now you know. The Left's biggest fear is that they won't be allowed to legally murder babies in the womb and then allow them to die on the table should they survive the abortion.
They simply cannot lose their rights
to the thing they celebrate the most.
to the thing they celebrate the most.
I have scarcely skimmed the surface about abortion. There's more to the subject than I have room to post on this blog.
The Democrat leaders will stop at nothing to continue the freedom to kill unborn babies. This is their main agenda for our nation, the heartbeat (no pun intended) of their political agenda.
Remember the actions of the pro-abortion supporters back in 2013?
"Hail Satan"
If you look closely, the pro-choice crowd is also anti-God. How do I know? Easy. Jesus came to give life, and more abundantly. The enemy exists to destroy life.
John 10:10 "The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly."
Those are the words of Jesus Christ.
Schumer encouraged the crowd to boo Kavanaugh and Gorsuch ... as he pointed at the Supreme Court building. Do you remember the DNC convention of 2012? Their delegates voted against putting God back into their platform, and then booed... when the hierarchy ignored them, and did it anyway.
The display on the steps of the Supreme Court was nothing more than Schumer's mafia at work. Might we label the Democrat leadership as the devil's mafia hit men? I think it suits them perfectly.
The Democrat leaders serve as the devil's mafia hit men as they live to kill the helpless and innocent ... and they expand their assault on children by supporting indoctrination of our children into the LGBTQ movement by exposing them a life as a transgender, questioning their gender identity, and exposing them to the perversion of drag queens.
So, what is the Left's greatest fear?
Simple. Their greatest fear is that
they won't be allowed to murder babies.
Christians, you stand in their way.
You must be labeled as haters.
You must be destroyed.
~ ~ ~
But, You Must Stand for Truth.
You Must Stand for Right.
You Must Stand for Biblical Principles.
You Must Stand against the devil's mafia hit men.
You Must Have a Voice.
You Must Speak up and Stand up.
The babies are depending on you.