
Just living is not enough... one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower. ~Hans Christian Andersen

Thursday, March 12, 2020



Your first response might be ... a recession.  Or, maybe terrorist attacks.  Surely it's a cyber attack.... or war in our streets .... or a world war, maybe.  Guess again.

Let me give you a hint. 

1.  A July 3, 2013 article from Christian Post.

"For several hours between Tuesday and Wednesday, the phrase "Hail Satan" trended on Twitter as word spread that abortion supporters had chanted it at pro-life Christians singing "Amazing Grace" amid mounting tensions over the pending passage of strict abortion laws in the Texas Capitol. 

Going from riotous to sacrilegious, they chanted "Hail Satan" while pro-life activists were singing, "Amazing Grace"  - "'Hail Satan!' was actually the compromise chant. The hot-heads wanted 'We Know It's Murder And We Don't Care!'"

2.  NEW: The St. Paul, Minn., city council adopted a controversial resolution this week declaring March 10 as Abortion Providers Appreciation Day and celebrating the “courage” and “dedication” of abortion doctors.

It passed, 7-0.  Let's read that again:  It passed, 7-0 !! 
Their resolution is to memorialize David Gunn, the abortion doctor who was killed on March 10, 1993.   So, on this date, they show appreciation for the high-quality care that abortion providers and staff provide, and they celebrate their courage, compassion, and dedication to their work."

3. Chuck Schumer's Rant:   If you pay even a small amount of attention to the news, you would have seen  the video of minority leader Democrat Chuck Schumer's rant aimed at intimidating two members of the Supreme Court of the United States.  SCOTUS.  The vocal rant on the steps of the Supreme Court was clearly a threat.  For this, Schumer should resign.  At least, he should be censored and fined.

The out of control Schumer threatened Kavanaugh and Gorsuch.  "I want to tell you Gorsuch. I want to tell you Kavanaugh. You have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price. You won't know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions."  Schumer continued: "We will tell President Trump and Senate Republicans who have stacked the court with right-wing ideologues, that you're gonna be gone in November and you will never be able to do what you're trying to do now, ever, ever again. You hear that over there on the far-right? You're gone in November."

In 2019, around 42.4 million pregnancies
ended in abortion worldwide.

According to "Worldometers," which tabulates global statistics on abortion procedures based on the most current available figures from the World Health Organization, 40 to 50 million abortions are performed annually worldwide.
The website notes that in the United States, approximately half of pregnancies are "unintended" with four in 10 ending in an abortion, amounting to over 3,000 abortions being performed every day. Not including miscarriages, 22 percent of all pregnancies end in abortion. 
Globally, around 125,000 abortions happen every day.
Now you know.  The Left's biggest fear is that they won't be allowed to legally murder babies in the womb and then allow them to die on the table should they survive the abortion.  

They simply cannot lose their rights
to the thing they celebrate the most.

I have scarcely skimmed the surface about abortion.  There's more to the subject than I have room to post on this blog.  

The Democrat leaders will stop at nothing to continue the freedom to kill unborn babies.  This is their main agenda for our nation, the heartbeat (no pun intended) of their political agenda.  

Remember the actions of the pro-abortion supporters back in 2013?  
"Hail Satan" 

If you look closely, the pro-choice crowd is also anti-God.  How do I know?  Easy.  Jesus came to give life, and more abundantly.  The enemy exists to destroy life.

John 10:10  "The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy:  I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly."

Those are the words of Jesus Christ.

Schumer encouraged the crowd to boo Kavanaugh and Gorsuch ... as he pointed at the Supreme Court building.  Do you remember the DNC convention of 2012? Their delegates voted against putting God back into their platform, and then booed... when the hierarchy ignored them, and did it anyway.     

The display on the steps of the Supreme Court was nothing more than Schumer's mafia at work.  Might we label the Democrat leadership as the devil's mafia hit men?  I think it suits them perfectly.  

The Democrat leaders serve as the devil's mafia hit men as they live to kill the helpless and innocent ... and they expand their assault on children by supporting indoctrination of our children into the LGBTQ movement by exposing them a life as a transgender, questioning their gender identity, and exposing them to the perversion of drag queens.

So, what is the Left's greatest fear?  

Simple.  Their greatest fear is that 
they won't be allowed to murder babies. 

Christians, you stand in their way.  
You must be labeled as haters.
You must be destroyed.

~ ~ ~

But,  You Must Stand for Truth.
You Must Stand for Right.
You Must Stand for Biblical Principles.
You Must Stand against the devil's mafia hit men.
You Must Have a Voice.
You Must Speak up and Stand up.

The babies are depending on you. 

Tuesday, March 10, 2020


The phrase KEEP YOUR SHIRT ON has been used for years as a way of saying, "Just a Minute," "Be Patient,:"  Or, "Hold your horses."

It's an idiom ... the use of words or phrases that aren't meant to be taken literally.    It's a way to say, "calm down" ....  "keep calm."

Where did this phrase originate?  First used in the mid-1800s, keep your shirt on is an American term that most probably stems from the fact that at that time, most men only owned one or perhaps two shirts. Before taking part in an altercation, a man would remove his shirt in order to spare it from being ruined or soiled. The act of removing one’s shirt would serve as a signal that a situation was becoming heated. Telling someone to keep his shirt on indicated a de-escalation of tension.

Someone who is not interested in fighting would want them to literally keep their shirt on.

Sadly, today there is another reason to say, Keep Your Shirt On!  I just read an article (with pictures) about the topless Extinction Rebellion activist in London.  March 9th was International Women's Day, so these women went public, literally, except for their black slacks.

They took to the streets around the world as part of IWD, demanding their right to abort unborn babies.  The article states that the activist aim was to highlight the disproportionate impact of the climate and ecological emergency on women ??????

Really???  This method of protest could be dangerous if the climate was not agreeable on that particular day!    Lol (Laugh out loud), for sure!

Here's a statement from the group:
“The UK action is in solidarity with everyone on the streets for International Women’s Day with the message that ‘climate is a women’s issue’ and calls on women in the UK to recognise this is happening to our sisters in the global south now and will be a reality faced by all women if decisive action is not taken,” the group said.

Since when did climate become a "women's issue?"  I would rather think that nudity would be their "issue!"  

Cotton-pickin',  strippin' to the waist is not an intelligent action for ladies who are concerned with social issues.  

What they are contributing to is the expand of mental derangement.  They are displaying (no pun intended) a lack of modesty and a bad example for young girls to follow.  

Members of the radical feminist group Femen regularly strip down during demonstrations to draw attention to their stated mission of promoting women’s rights.  Listen ladies!!  What you are drawing attention to IS NOT A MISSION TO PROMOTE WOMEN'S RIGHTS!  

Cambridge University Lecturer Victoria Bateman has carved a unique niche for herself by fighting patriarchal institutions with nudity.  Her unorthodox approach to feminism to led international notoriety and appearances - in the nude - on nationally broadcast British TV programs.   (Are you surprised?)

Bateman attended a gala dinner in Brighton, at the annual conference of the Royal Economic Society, the largest gathering of economists in the UK.  Bateman walked into the dinner completely naked, but thankfully, she had on jewelry fitting for a gala event.  Her intent was to express a DEMAND FOR RESPECT FOR WOMEN and their place in economics!   

Bateman says that she is not afraid to use her body and her brain to deliver important messages.   I have to question that statement.  Especially the part about her using her brain. 

Maybe I can sum this up.  I'll try, anyway.  

Women, we do have influence.  The first and perhaps the greatest example of influence is found in Genesis chapter 3.  Eve influenced Adam to eat of of the tree - the forbidden tree with forbidden fruit.  Sin entered through this act of influence.   But....

1.  Godly influence is profitable.   

Matthew 5:13-16 ESV
"You are the salt of the earth, ...You are the light of the world... let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven."

2.  Godly influence is powerful.  Proverbs 27:17 "Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another."

I Peter 2:12  "Keep your conduct among the Gentiles honorable, so that when they speak against you as evildoers, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day of visitation.

There are many women mentioned in the Bible who influenced for good: 

Jochebed, the Mother of Moses.

Rahab, an unlikely ancestor of Jesus.

Deborah, an influential female judge.

Ruth, a virtuous ancestor of Jesus.

Hannah, the mother of Samuel.

3.  Godly influence is preserving.

Esther saved the Jewish people from destruction, protecting the line of the future Savior, Jesus Christ.  Ester stepped out in courage, proving that God can save His people, even when the odds seem impossible.

Mary, the Mother of Jesus, displayed courage when she was approached by the Angel, Gabriel, announcing that she would be with child.  His Name would be called Jesus.  She bore the Son of God.  Then, she saw Him nailed to an old wooden cross ... for our sins.  She was a devoted women of God.  

Ladies, Keep Your Shirt On.  You don't have to reveal yourselves - you don't have to embarrass the rest of us by indecent exposure.  The greatest influence any woman can have is to be a godly woman.  

To all women: if you desire to be a catalyst for change in society then act like a lady.  Dress like a lady.  Talk like a lady.  Behave like a lady.

To the feminist movement ... please ... just "Keep Your Shirt On!"   


Saturday, March 7, 2020


Come and Dine the Master Calleth, Come and Dine
You may sup with Jesus all the time
He Who fed the multitude, Turned the water into Wine
To the hungry calleth now, Come and Dine

Do you remember this old hymn?  It was written in 1907 by Charles Widmeyer.  I can't tell you how many times we sang this in church.  I don't hear it anymore.  The hymns have been placed on the shelf, mostly.  I sure miss some of them.  Here's the first verse (just in case you forgot).

Jesus has a table spread
Where the saints of God are fed,
He invites His chosen people, “Come and dine”;
With His manna He doth feed
And supplies our every need:
Oh, ’tis sweet to sup with Jesus all the time! 

After singing this first verse we would take off with a hearty and rousing chorus: Come and Dine the Master Calleth... Come and Dine....

There was something comforting about sitting in a congregation with familiar folks - who became like family. And week after week we enjoyed the music, the worship, the sermon, and especially the greeting time before and after service.  It was our strength.  The hugs, handshakes, and smiles put a boost in our souls like nothing else.  We gained strength to go another day.  Another mile.  

By now you're probably trying to remember verses 2 and 3.

The disciples came to land,Thus obeying Christ’s command,For the Master called unto them, “Come and dine”;There they found their heart’s desire,Bread and fish upon the fire;Thus He satisfies the hungry every time.
  1. 3.
    Soon the Lamb will take His bride
    To be ever at His side,
    All the host of heaven will assembled be;
    Oh, ’twill be a glorious sight,
    All the saints in spotless white;
    And with Jesus they will feast eternally.

Hebrews 10:25, “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.”

I read a devotion this morning and the author was expounding on this verse. He explained the Greek meaning of the word “forsaking”  egkataleipontes, which is a compound of three different Greek words: ekkata, and leipo

These three words compounded pictures a person who feels out, down, and behind.  He feels discouraged, depressed and as though everyone else has surpassed him.  He may feel left out and defeated.  

We were created for companionship.  You may not enjoy huge crowds, that's ok.   Churches come in all sizes.  The important thing is that you find a church that preaches the whole gospel.  A church that praises the Lord.  A congregation that can become your family.  

I remember the feelings of the potluck dinners.  A meal shared with those of like precious faith!  I can recall searching for a particular dish that one certain lady would bring to every gathering ... and that bowl held food that I thoroughly enjoyed!  Are you remembering those times?  I'll bet you can name one of those women and the dish she brought, right now!  Of course, you can.  Because it was part of your life.  

What a fellowship, what a joy divine.   That's another great hymn we used to sing.  

Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together ... but exhorting one another ... and so much more ... as we see the day approaching.  

I love this illustration:

-One winter day, a gentleman riding on horseback along a Kentucky road met an old coloured slave plodding on through the deep snow to the house of God, which was four miles from his home. "Why, uncle," cried the gentleman, "you ought not to venture out such a distance on such a day! Why in the world don't you stay at home? .... Ah, massa," was the answer, "I darn't do dat! 'Cause, you see, I dunno when de blessing twine to come. An' 'spose it 'ud come dis snowy mornin', and I away? Oh, no! dat 'ud nebber do."

That would never do.  No, sir.  That would never do.  You don't know when the blessing might come ... and you could miss it.  

We need the fellowship of other believers.  We need the house of God.  We most certainly need to feast at the table spread with food for our souls by the Master, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.  He prepares a feast of all good things... and piles it with good gifts from above.  Ah, there's nothing like quenching your thirst and feeding on heaven's bounty as you take in all of the blessings from the hugs, smiles, and encouragement given freely from other brothers and sisters in the family of God.

C. H. Spurgeon said, "You and I know that it is one of the sweetest things outside of heaven to talk to one another, and to exchange notes of our experience. As nations are enriched by commerce, so are Christians enriched by communion. As we exchange commodities in trade, so do we exchange our different forms of knowledge while we speak to one another of the things of the kingdom.

In these, the closing days of time, What joy the glorious hope affords,  That soon -- oh, wondrous truth sublime!  He shall reign, King of kings and Lord of lords.    This is the first verse of the hymn, "He's Coming Soon" ...  the chorus reads:

He's coming soon.  He's coming soon. 
With joy we welcome His returning;
It may be morn, it may be night or noon,

We know...He's coming soon.

The grains of the hour glass of this church age are gliding steadily out.  It's time to come and dine at the Master's Table.

We need each other.

We need fellowship.

The Master is still calling: Come and Dine.  

Wednesday, March 4, 2020


I read this morning that many nations around the world now suggest we are facing a loneliness epidemic.  They further state that increased efforts and resources are needed to combat this important issue.  This isn't new.  It's always been a problem for humans.  But, you would think it would be lessening, rather than becoming a widespread problem, now that we live in an age of social technology.  
Could this be the reason we spend time on Facebook?  Is this why we scan FB for hours?  Instant access to people.  Social life appears in front of our eyes.  Just pick up your phone, ipad, laptop.... bingo! People!  Communication!  And yet we still suffer from loneliness.
Loneliness can hit anyone - at any age.  Anywhere, anytime, anyplace.  What is this thing called loneliness?  It is a feeling.  Funny thing, you can feel alone in a crowd.  Loneliness causes a person to feel empty, alone, unwanted.  
This feeling has high risks, physically.  One article said, "Health risks associated with prolonged loneliness and social isolation are equal to the dangers of smoking and obesity, and may increase mortality risk by up to 30%.  It can increase the risk of death by 26%. (AARP 12.17.16)    
Your feeling of loneliness (when prolonged) will cause negative consequences physically, mentally, and spiritually.
Chronic loneliness is far different than choosing to have 'alone time' ...  Often, having a few close friends (3 or 4) is a cure and will chase away the negative effects and consequences that accompany this state of mind.
We've all experienced loneliness at one time or another.  Usually, it flees when we have people contact or become focused on our duties, family, or jobs.
There's one cure for loneliness that is overlooked by society...in all of their research.  It's found in the Word of God.
Psalm 68:5 gives the answer.
"A father of the fatherless.....is God in his holy habitation."
Footnotes of the Full Life Study Bible explain:
The fatherhood of God for the believer is emphasized in both the Old Testament and the New Testament. God delights in protecting the weak, the disadvantaged, wronged, and LONELY among His people.  If you feel alone in the world, you should ask God to put you under His special care and protection.
Luke 7:13 A great expression of love and the heart of God is obvious in the words spoken by Jesus to the widow in this verse: weep not.
Today, perhaps all you and I need is just to experience the tender love and compassion of a Savior.  Our friend, Jesus Christ.  
If you are lonely, pray.  Ask.  Receive Jesus into your life.  If you are already a believer - then go to Him and open your heart to accept his tender love and his wonderful protection.
Jesus desires that his children live life abundantly.  John 10:10  says, "I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. Jesus wants you to enjoy life and live it to the full, till it overflows.
The Word of God has answers for life's problems.  I pray you receive the answer you are looking for and draw from God's protection and boundless love.
Remember, there are some things we don't have, simply because we have not asked...  
What a companion is He!  What fellowship He gives!  What love He bestows upon his own!  He loves you with an everlasting love!  
May you never feel alone again.  
God bless you!