What is her crime? She didn't want her name on marriage licenses issued to gays. You see, when a Christian is forced to do something that is blatantly wrong - that is an abomination to God (and we know it) - it grates against the spirit and gives us no peace within. We just can't do it. Kim couldn't do it. So, she stood her ground. Thus, she is jailed for her religious convictions.
Is she the first? Probably not. Who is next? You? Me? Will we stand for right? Or, will we cave to our politically correct guards? Who knows.
As one FB post listed:
1. Planned Parenthood violates federal law - Nobody is arrested
2. Sanctuary cities ignore the law - Nobody is arrested
3. DOJ runs guns to Mexican Drug cartels - Nobody is arrested
4. IRS illegally targets conservatives for audit - Nobody is arrested
5. Hillary Clinton lies, deceives, violates federal law on classified information - She is running for President
6. Obama ignores the Constitution - He's not arrested
But one lady refuses to issue a marriage license to a gay couple and she goes to jail. How can she accommodate a law which doesn't exist? Only Congress can make the law - not the judges! We have five godless judges forcing their opinions, immorality, and political preferences down our throats....and tell us to like it and line up with their lawlessness or go to jail.
The first words after the Preamble are these: "All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives." If ALL legislated powers have been vested in Congress, how many legislative powers does that leave for the Supreme Court? None, zip, nada, zilch. To paraphrase Martin Luther King, Jr., an unjust ruling is no ruling at all.
Some of our 'leaders' and politicians, mayors, should be required to face the music for their lawlessness! Start with our president and go on down the line!
I have to wonder what would happen if a Muslim, a Buddhist, or Hindu refused to perform a job function because of their religion? Bank on it, they would have been applauded and accommodated. When will Musims be held to the same rules? Will they be required to bake a cake for gays? A Muslim clerk at Target has a sign directing customers to get in a different line if they are buying pork. Why is she not forced to serve all customers as well?
The great German theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote: "Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act."
We must not remain silent. To do so is to allow the America we once knew slip right through our fingers!