You know what I mean. One of those days when you've been busy, on the go, and you are hungry for solid, rib-sticking food. This is it. Today, we study, prepare for classes tomorrow ... so it's a stay-in and work day.
I'm teaching tomorrow on Revelation/Daniel. Tommy has two classes: Church Government (he says he really gets anointed on this one!) and Theology Five, the Holy Spirit, which is his favorite subject.
While the chicken is thawing, I'm wasting time writing a blog - Lol - and should be working on a study guide for Revelation. I'll get to it in just a minute!! It's good to take time to chat, sometimes.
It's a beautiful, sunny day in Belize. We have the windows open and the breeze is just enough to make the temp pleasant. Plus a fan! Our apartment is three stories up which provides a great view.
I've already read about world events, even posted some on my group, End Time News. Daily the awareness intensifies regarding our country, our world, and the events leading up to the Rapture of the Church. Scripture tells us (when we read of these things) to lift up our heads ... our redemption draws near. I've read enough about the last days lately to cause me to stand erect - stand tall - head held high - and celebrate. Mercy. I never thought this little Arkansas girl would EVER experience such a day. But, it's here.
Well, that's my day. And now I surely must get down to business with studying. Maybe I will put the chicken on to boil while I type a study guide. I'll think about you in a few hours ... while I enjoy my chicken 'n dumplins' - and a piece of cornbread.
God bless you. Have a great day! Love the Lord your God with all of your heart! Hug your family!
Luke 21:28 And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.
Just living is not enough... one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower. ~Hans Christian Andersen
Monday, February 17, 2014
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
ALL THINGS CHRISTIAN: Unconstitutional
Chipping away at anything to do with Christianity. News articles regarding our loss of freedom as Christians in our country and in other nations, are posted regularly on my FB group, End Time News.
(BTW: if you are not a member, you can join simply by contacting me.)
Minutes ago I turned on my computer. The first tab is set to load Fox News. Glaring from the screen are two titles: Federal court rules North Carolina 'Choose Life' license plate unconstitutional and Group wants Kansas elementary school to remove cross from top of building.
TWO! At a glance!
It appears that our liberal government system has picked up the pace. I can no longer say they are chipping away at anything to do with Christianity. They are using wrecking balls to bring about mass destruction of anything to do with decency and righteousness. A definite demolition is in progress and it is directed toward all things of value - and those are the things which this great nation was founded upon. Value. Decency. Good morals. Honesty. Integrity.
Well, well. When you thought it couldn't get worse, it just did! I switched to FB and the first post was Todd Starnes. American Humanist Association demands students stop feeding starving kids.
The American Humanist Association sent that message to a school in Robbinsdale, Minn., accusing them of violating the U.S. Constitution by allowing students to participate in a community service project at a church that involved preparing meals for impoverished children in Haiti.
The humanists got their britches in a bunch after the family of a student at the School of Engineering and Arts objected to the project being held at Calvary Lutheran Church.
The humanists took special offense to biblical terminology used to describe the mission to feed starving children.
“The packages involved were called ‘manna’ packages, after the edible substances that, according to the Bible, God provided for the Israelites,” attorney Miller wrote.
She was also dutifully offended that Calvary Lutheran Church – looked like a church, noting the “venue involved included extensive religious imagery and symbolism.”
I know. Right now you are saying, Really? Give me a break? We shake our heads with unbelief at the crazy actions taking place in our country. But.... if Christians don't STAND UP, SPEAK UP, AND REFUSE TO SHUT UP, we will be a crumpled pile of blocks filled with dust and debris, laying on a block in some city, the signs ... the remains ... of what ONCE WAS!
A small group of anti-Christ people are swinging the wrecking ball at Christianity and they are using our constitution to accomplish this feat!
What can we do about this, as believers?
1. Remember ... our help comes from the Lord.
2. Run ... to the altars. Cry out to the Lord.
3. Repent ... from our wicked ways.
4. Restore ... that which we've ignored and allowed fall by the wayside.
There's greater power in one little white-haired lady's prayer than the edic of a wicked king.
We know the road to restoration - it's time for believers to once again place their feet on Holy Ground and Shout a War Cry as a Trumpet Call to God.
~ That what I can't do in the natural, God will do for me in the supernatural.
~ Consistent praying gave Jesus consistent power. Active power enabled Jesus to demonstrate authority over situation.
~ We can't dominate until we can demonstrate. And we can't demonstrate until we are delivered!
~ When I position myself for a miracle... God gets violent with the enemy!
II Corinthians 10:3-5
3For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, 4for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. 5We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ,…
Amen ... and ... amen.
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