
Just living is not enough... one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower. ~Hans Christian Andersen

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The Real Voice: We The People comments

There's no better way to express the sentiments of people than to publish exact words from Americans who voted yesterday.  As Fox News (online) Headline states this morning:  


We The People commented on Sarah Palin's post.  As I read may of their comments I see the heart of America in the words of We The People.  They are crying out with decency and wanting to return America back to the way it was before Obama!  Their voices were heard yesterday in the 2014 election.  Let no party forget that We The People know how to speak up - we are watching and we know how to speak up again...especially in 2016.   

Here is an excerpt from Sarah's post: 

If GOP leadership returns to business as usual, then this majority will be short lived, for We the People say, “once bitten, twice shy.”  So, establishment types, remember that you didn’t build this! This majority that swept you into power tonight is thanks to the rank and file commonsense conservative grassroots. That’s who built it. And they expect results. They deserve the best for America. 

Now hear from The People:

Shiirley O - America is finally waking up! Amen!

Judi W - Now, roll up our sleeves and undo, and or defund, everything that has Obama's name on it. Work tirelessly for the people! I want to see my American flag on a lapel pin, I want to see religious rights restored, I want to see my flag up on the podium, not some Musim "wantabe". Send a message loud and clear that REAL CHANGE is coming and Obama and his cronies aren't going to like it. Unfortunately, the destruction he has caused in America will take years to change, years, if ever. Republicans have to be just as devoted to quick change as he was. If they don't they will become irrelevant in the future.

Tina M. - OK Boehner, your ads said you are FOR OHIANS....now show us.....Most of us are FOR closing the border and against amnesty for the illegals. Show us, by voting FOR US, fight FOR repealing Health Care, and against allowing Obama having his own way, against Congress. Speak up for US more !!!! Stop Obama from destroying our beloved nation. I agree with Sarah - the man has abused his power too many times! He should be fired, before he does more damage.

Keith C.  In the first quarter of 2015....
1. Deliver a budget
2. Give the President a bill on the Keystone Pipeline
3. Get to work on tax overhaul and put forth legislation 
4. Deal with national security if the WH won't. 
DON'T SQUANDER the chance America has given us!

Cynthia B - I'd like to see my party get back to fundamentals. Teaching our kids that when America is at her best, we are phenomenal. Our Constitution & Bill if Rights makes our country healthy & strong. We are a nation who appreciates diversity, inclusion, free speech, family values, hard work, respect for our core values & each other. We have historically guided our actions by fairness & faith. The times when we have allowed others to sway us from this path, we have seen anger, divisiveness, lawlessness & disrespect for others. We're better than what we've become lately.

People of all races, ethnicities & party affiliations all over the country just let it be known that they're not happy with the "fundamental changes" that have taken over our once proud nation, I  hope both parties & especially the media get the true message. It's all about character, not race. It's about your actions, not speeches. Change it back to before it was broken.

Mike E - The republicans #1 priority ought to be to win back the confidence of the American people. Only when they do that the next 2 years will they be able to win the WH in 2016.

Barbara D - We the people have had enough so don't take over but start over. God is first n He will lead n guide u if u ask Him. My eyes n heart is crying to see the change in NC. Enough is enough. American land that I love stand beside her n guide her. Amen. Thanks Sarah love u for the goodness in ur heart for God n our America All I can say now weeping for how our God n America has been treated is PTL. Remember ladies n gentlemen Who won start over don't take over.

Laura J - Let's return America to her people, get the Shariah junk cleared out and return our country to her people and all this no flag,no Christian public displays etc ...returned to the people! Turn back the tide and clean out the junk!

Georgina J - Let's get to work and turn Our Country around. Thank you

Rhonda R - It is an exciting time in our country! For the first time, in a very long time, I feel like we have come together as a nation. This is the change we needed, and I feel like we are on the right track again. A strong message was sent to the White House yesterday, and the time is at hand to bring our great nation back to where it once was!!

Linda M - Well said, Sarah. We the people want smaller government. May the checks and balances of our Constitutional government work. May America be a welcoming country for those who enter lawfully and may the new immigranants abide by OUR LAWS.

Jerilyn G - My thoughts ran along this line all evening and well into the night. We must be united in our conservative issues. It is not business as usual. It is time to return to the desires of the founding fathers for a nation built on biblical principles and wisdom gained from history. Do what is right, Lead . Be serious about every issue. Do not waste time. Start today to bring America back to greatness.

"Republican leadership has the opportunity to put failed programs on the table for elimination, return to regular order, put these ideas on the president’s desk and force him to explain why he opposes good policy." -Matt Kibbe, president of FreedomWorks

Amen!  Start today to bring America back to greatness 
. . . and amen.


Thursday, October 30, 2014

'Their Tears Have Run Dry'

The rains are already starting. 
Winter is a huge challenge
It can get very cold there.  
It might even snow.  
And their tears have run dry.

Father Andrzej Halemba of the Middle East Section of International Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need, visited the displaced Christians of Iraq.  He said it was the most tragic thing that he had ever experienced.

You and I don't know any of these people personally.  We've seen few pictures, if any, of their plight.  It's not something that we think of often.  Yet, these Christians are our brothers and sisters, they are suffering ... and we aren't fully aware of what they are going through.   

They are deeply wounded.  They have lost their soul.  Father Halemba describes it like this:  In Iraq there are Christians who have had to leave everything and take flight three or four times.  They can see no light at the end of the tunnel.  They are all dry traumatized.  Normally in such situations it is the women who pull everything together.  But in Kurdistan I have seen women who are staring into nothingness and have closed in on themselves.  Their tears have run dry.  The men tend to aggressiveness.  This has to do with the fact that they are no longer able to fulfill their previous role as the breadwinner and protector of their family.  Now they have to beg for everything and they have no perspective.   

With over 120,000 Christians homeless and stranded in Kurdish Iraq ... how on earth can they get the help they so desperately need?  

What can you do?  What can we do?  As Christians, what are we supposed to do?  

When your tears run dry, you are in a state of extreme hopelessness, you feel nothing and you get to the place that there's just no reason to cry anymore.  It's a sad state of existence.  Sad.  And yet, that's where these folks are.   

In America we believe God can do anything - we declare His power in our services (and we are correct).  But ... we stop there.  We stop ... in the comfort of our churches.  We stop in the social enjoyment we gain from fellowship in our meetings  ... We stop short of bowing with the compassion of Jesus ... We stop ...  and we shouldn't ...

What can we do for these people?  We can do the most important thing, and that is to hold them up in prayer!  God still hears and answers prayer.  These people are desperate. We are all part of the body of Christ.  And those of us who are in less stress ... owe it to these folks to hold them up before the Father and plead for their safety and rescue.  

It is said that their greatest challenge is the mentality of the people.  If they leave (and they are leaving) there will be few Christians in the country.  The gospel must be spread and believers are the ones who will do this.  

Matthew 9:36  But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd.

Will you pray that God will give them hope?  

Their tears have run dry.  May God move on our hearts and pour compassion into the depth of our soul until we are driven to our knees and with broken hearts we shed tears for their deliverance.  Tears for our brothers and sisters.

I John 3:17 But if anyone has this world’s goods (resources for sustaining life) and sees his brother and fellow believer in need, yet closes his heart of compassion against him, how can the love of God live and remain in him?

Their tears have run dry ... Our tears must flow for them ...  

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

THEY ARE AFTER YOUR CHILDREN...indoctrination in our schools

America has approximately 98,817 elementary and secondary Public Education Institutions.  
Public elementary school students, K- grade 8, 2014, est. 35,062,000 .  Secondary students, grades 9 - 12, est. 14,689,000.  This does not include private or higher ed schools.
Approximately 49,751,000 children attend 98,817 public schools in America.   We can safely say that almost 50 million of our children are being exposed daily to the change in our country.  
The method of  "change" in America is being heavily introduced in our school system through a method called, "Indoctrination."  In other words, evolving into a Socialist America must start with our children.  Our society cannot become anti-God, unpatriotic, and government controlled unless the mindset of our children is changed.  Most of us in America were raised as patriotic, God-fearing people.  Most adults are set in this mold.  We were raised to know right from wrong.  We were taught by parents and teachers to be nice.  Our mom and dad instilled decency in us ... one way or the other ...  often over their knees, if necessary.  
In order to eliminate the American Decency Mindset, the government must reprogram your children.  They must change the way your children think.  Where else can this be accomplished on a massive scale ... but in our schools?  With parents absent from class and teachers having daily access to our children, an entirely different ideology can be instilled in their young minds.   
To determine the methods used to implement this plan, I reviewed the tactics used by Hitler in Germany.  I discovered a pattern that is obvious in our schools today!  For Hitler, the education system was an important tool for control.  As they infiltrated the schools they shaped curriculum to convey their own values and political beliefs.  You might say, they (the children) were trained to be politically correct!
CENSOR TEXTBOOKS AND LIBRARY BOOKS:  Schools played an important role in spreading Nazi ideas to German youth. While censors removed some books from the classroom, German educators introduced new textbooks that taught students love for Hitler, obedience to state authority, militarism, racism, and antisemitism.
INDOCTRINATION:  These boys and girls enter our organizations [at] ten years of age, and often for the first time get a little fresh air; after four years of the Young Folk they go on to the Hitler Youth, where we have them for another four years . . . And even if they are still not complete National Socialists, they go to Labor Service and are smoothed out there for another six, seven months . . . And whatever class consciousness or social status might still be left . . . the Wehrmacht [German armed forces] will take care of that.” 
Adolf Hitler (1938)
USING THE CLASSROOM:  Millions of German young people were won over to Nazism in the classroom and through extracurricular activities. In January 1933, the Hitler Youth had only 50,000 members, but by the end of the year this figure had increased to more than 2 million. By 1936 membership in the Hitler Youth increased to 5.4 million before it became mandatory in 1939. The German authorities then prohibited or dissolved competing youth organizations.
DECEPTION AND INTIMIDATION:  The Nazi leadership deceived the German population regarding their policy.  The regime practiced a propaganda of deception by hiding specific details about their "Final Solution" and press controls prevented Germans from reading statements by Allied and Soviet leaders condemning German crimes.

DEFINING THE ENEMY:  One Nazi method even defined who was NOT welcome in the new community.  Propaganda helped to define who would be excluded from the new society and also justified measures against the "outsiders."   They used Identification, Isolation, and Exclusion.

To accomplish CHANGE in our country (as in Hitler's Germany) the following steps must be taken:   Censor textbooks, Indoctrinate Students, Eliminate Gender Identity, Ban Christianity, Remove Parental Guidance, the Use of Intimidation, Control of Cultural Institutions, and Punishing Patriotic Activity.

1. Southern California: 9/27/14 - Book Bannning - Fox News commentator Todd Starnes said it's "hard to imagine that any school would have a problem with a book about a Christian family that helped Jews escape the Holocaust." Parents who protested called it a "Christian purging." A parent was told by one of the library attendants that the library has been instructed to remove all books with a Christian message, authored by Christians, or published by a Christian publishing company."

2. Tacoma, Washington: Wilson High School allowed posters and events for gays and refused similar posters and events by Students for Life. The Administration stated that the pro-life posters might "offend" but they allowed flyers/posters promoting homosexual relationships to students by showing conjoined male symbols and conjoined female symbols and stating, "Love knows no limits."

3. Lincoln, Nebraska: A Lincoln Middle school staffer gave teachers training documents advising them not to use "gendered expressions" by calling students "boys and girls" or "ladies and gentlemen, " but to instead use generic expressions like campers, readers, athletes or even purple penguins to be more "gender inclusive."

4.  Cleveland schools spent $395,000 "stimulus" funds to pay for Challenge Day - a program intended to "improve school climate."  The method promotes group-think (likened to the Stockholm Syndrome).  People in confined seminars can very easily and quickly be turned into a pack of sheep with a 'herd-like' mentality and emotional needs.

5.  California: Encinitas Union School District went too far when it had public school students (K-grade 6) "bowing to the sun god" and participating in "liturgical/ritual religious practices" aimed at having them "become one with god."   This is religious indoctrination.  Among the founders was Sonia Tudor Jones, an ardent devotee of yoga who wanted to "spread the gospel of Ashtanga through the country and even internationally."  Jones worked on a plan for a 3 year "scientific study" in the schools using the religious program.

6.  Britain's official education inspector has informed an independent Christian school that it is out of step with "British values" prescribed by the government and must invite someone from another faith, such as a Muslim Imam, to lead assemblies or it risks being closed. Teachers are required to "challenge" the religious beliefs of parents "in the name of equality."

The sole purpose of this educational structure was to create a future generation that was blindly loyal to Hitler and the Nazis. - Education played a very important part in Nazi Germany in trying to cultivate a loyal following for Hitler and the Nazis. The Nazis were aware that education would create loyal Nazis by the time they reached adulthood. 
Enforcing a Nazi curriculum on schools depended on the teachers delivering it. 
Indoctrination became rampant in all subjects. At every opportunity, teachers were expected to attack the life style of the Jews (today we can insert 'Christians' in place of 'Jews')

We are giving the socialist exactly what they are denying us.  Freedom and the protection of the law.

America, all of this can be stopped.  But not until people are informed.  Not until people stand up and declare 'enough is enough' ...  not until ... but ... will they ??


Friday, October 10, 2014


"Ignorance is Bliss"
...is a term used to falsely justify apathy on any given subject.  It's a saying we use when confronted by a truth because we believe it's better not to know something than to know it and be upset by it.   

We believe "what we don't know" won't hurt us. That's not true.  What we don't know CAN hurt us. What we don't know IS hurting us.  America is no longer the country we once knew.  We are aware of Muslim influence in our government but we keep our head in the sand and pretend that their presence is non-threatening.   Keeping our head in the sand can lead to submission of our country to Islam!

Muslims are using four methods to gain inroads into our country.   These methods are described in four Arabic words.  FOUR ARABIC words you need to know:


Dissimulation about ones Muslim identity. 

Do whatever you have to do in order to conquer.  The word "al-Taqiyya" lmeans: "concealing or disguising one's beliefs convictions, ideas, feelings, opinions, and /or strategies ....In political terms it can mean direct deception and intentional concealment of key Islamic doctrines...in order to gain influence and deceive the so-called "enemies of Islam"...   In other words, if you can't reach your objective by telling the truth, it is permissible to lie. Just so you reach the goal !!  When it's possible to achieve an aim by lying, it is not only permissible but on occasions, obligatory."  

Creative lying.

One example:  if you wish a Muslim a "Merry Christmas" and he responds with a greeting of "I wish you the best" you could think that he is returning the holiday greeting.  Actually, he is only saying, "I wish for you to convert to Islam."  For when he wishes you the best, he thinks your conversion is best for you.

Telling half truths.  

Kitman results in telling partial truths and distorted truths.  They may relate a passage of the Koran which sounds harmless yet further passages reveal the rest of the meaning, which is not harmless but damaging to non-muslims.

Using flexibility of rules in order to achieve a goal.

Practicing deception as in:  blending in with non-muslims - appearing as a non-muslim.  Muslims show no signs of deception because there's no apprehension, guilt, or anxiety inside of them as they do whatever is necessary to achieve their goal.   

The following is taken from islam-watch.org: 
Muslims practice muruna in the same way a chameleon changes colors to avoid detection. Muslims will sometimes shave off their beards, wear western clothing, or even drink alcohol to blend in with non-Muslims. Nothing is more valuable these days to the Islamists than a blue-eyed Caucasian Muslim willing to engage in terrorism.
Another common way of using muruna is for a Muslim to marry a non-Muslim or to behave like a non-Muslim so their true agenda will not be suspected. The 9/11 hijackers visited strip clubs and bars during their off-times while taking classes in the U.S. to fly airplanes into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and the White House. Many Americans believe Hillary Clinton’s aide, Huma Abedin, married Jewish Congressman Anthony Weiner at least in part to burnish her security credentials so she could infiltrate the highest levels of the Administration.
Only through Muruna could a Muslim fundamentalist woman like Huma Abedin marry a Jewish man (Aanthony Weiner) and not suffer the wrath of her Muslim Brotherhood family.

Four Arabic words clearly show that the practice of Islam is about lying and deception in order to achieve majesty over non-muslims.  These four tactics help them make inroads into our nation.  This the same pattern used by Satan to bring about the defeat of a person.  If someone lies and deceives you - they are your adversary.  Everything about Islam is a counterfeit of God and His Word.  Thus, everything about Islam is of Satan.

These four tactics are used by Satan:

TAWRIYA - Creative lying.  The Word tell us that Satan is the father of lies and that truth is not in him.  John 8:44 "...He was a murderer from the beginning. He has always hated the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, it is consistent with his character; for he is a liar and the father of lies."  (NLV)  Satan conceals the plan of destruction he has for you as he leads you casually into a life of worldly pleasure.  

TAKLLYA - Dissimulation about ones Muslim identity.   Satan conceals his true identity.  He appears as an angel of light when we know he has come to steal, kill, and destroy.
2 Cor. 11:14  But I am not surprised; Even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. (NLV)

KITMAN - Telling half truths.  Satan is a master at half-truths.  He used half truths in his dialogue with Jesus in the wilderness.  Jesus knew the Truth and countered his deception with The Word of God.  Luke 4:4,8,10.

MURUNA - Using flexibility of rules in order to achieve a goal.
Satan  bends and blends in order to gain admission in your life or family.  He will appear non-threating in order to persuade you to become involved in 'not so bad'  behavior and activity.  You are convinced that what you are doing really isn't such a big deal!  Yet, he has infiltrated your thoughts, your home, and is now influencing your lifestyle.  He is working a plan while deceiving you.  

The deceiver's influence, oppression, and condemnation can be difficult to identify.  Our adversary is artful in conversation.  Genesis 3:4 “You won’t die!” the serpent replied to the woman."  Obviously, Eve believed him. She ate of the fruit and then offered it to Adam.  Result?  Sin entered the world.  

One battle we engage in on a daily basis is to believe what the Word says about us and reject the four methods used by our enemy to infiltrate our minds in an attempt to lead us to destruction.   

Four Arabic Words.  Only Four.  Yet, so damaging.  

Now we know...

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

PURPLE PENGUINS?? A World gone Krazy!

I'm on a soapbox! Yes, I am.  It's not the first time and I am certain ... it won't be the last.  I have never in my born days (and they are many), seen stupidity gone to seed as much as the kraziness happening in our society today!  

(The following excerpts are taken from an online article by Deena Winter, Nebraska Watchdog.org )


A Lincoln middle school staffer gave teachers training documents advising them not to use “gendered expressions” by calling students “boys and girls” or “ladies and gentlemen,” but to instead use more generic expressions like campers, readers, athletes or even purple penguins to be more “gender inclusive.”

Have you recovered from shock, or rolling in the floor laughing?  If so, let me continue!  

"A handout called “12 easy steps on the way to gender inclusiveness” advised teachers to avoid separating students by gender, but instead by birth dates or preferences. For example, they could ask students whether they prefer skateboards or bikes, milk or juice, dogs or cats, summer or winter."

 IT NEVER UPSET ME TO BE CALLED A GIRL, A LADY, OR A FEMALE!!  I never had the urge to black someone's eye because they referred to me as a girl!  I DOUBT our children are upset over being either a boy or a girl.   When parents have an ultra sound performed to find out if they are having a boy or a girl - how many of them have a breakdown if that baby is identified as a boy or a girl?  None!!  

THIS IS as·i·nine - ASININE defined: extremely stupid or foolish brainless, mindless, senseless, idiotic, imbecilic, ridiculous, ludicrous, absurd, nonsensical, fatuous, silly, inane, witless, empty-headed!

Yes!  All of the above!  What mindless, empty-headed, brainless PC human concocted this witless, absurd idea for our schools?? 

They are instructed NOT to instruct the boys and girls to gather on the rug - but they are told to ask the purple penguins to all sit on the rug!

For goodness sake, why can't our children be children?  Why can't they be girls and boys - and innocent ones, at that?  

There are those in our society whose minds have become twisted until they are absolutely imbecilic!  

Lincoln Supt. Steve Joel said he was "happy and "pleased" with the training materials because the school district wants all children to be successful and not feel like outcasts or be afraid to go to school... 

The training material:  "12 easy steps on the way to gender inclusiveness...can be viewed at the following website:

There are only three pages.  You might want to print them.  Reread them; you probably won't be able to believe what you are reading the first time through, anyway.  

Here is step #3:  

Provide an opportunity for every student to identify a preferred name or pronoun. At the beginning of the year or at Back-to-School Night, invite students and parents to let you know if they have a preferred name and/or pronoun by which they wish to be referred.

I really must add #8.  It is too unbelievable to ignore:

Be intolerant of openly hostile attitudes or references towards others EVERYTIME you hear or observe them, but also use these as teachable moments. Take the opportunity to push the individual on their statements about gender. Being punitive may stop the behavior, at least in your presence. Being instructive may stop it entirely. 

Really???  Really???  

Supt. Joel also said: "As for teachers who may be offended by the training material, they should meet with their principal and talk through that."    

Gotta love real people who comment on these articles!  
1.  Jerry wrote:  "Yes, you will discuss it publicly, you will tell me if you intend to try to force my daughter to share intimate facilities with someone who is anatomically male, then, give your soul to God."
2.  Patrick: All we learned in Human Biology is false!  

Is your blood boiling yet?  This is happening in our schools and our children will suffer.  Honest, real, good folks ... must step up and say, enough is enough!

Oh yes ... one other instruction given is: Avoid using "normal" to define any behaviors.  And to think, I've worked hard to be considered "normal" all these many years.  

But, then... I still think I'm a female, so what do I know?

Saturday, October 4, 2014


When we stray from the Word ... 

it is like stepping in deadly quicksand.  

James 1:14-15  14 But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed.  15 Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.

Now, let's read the same verses from the Amplified Bible:

14 But every person is tempted when he is drawn away, enticed and baited by his own evil desire (lust, passions).  15 Then the evil desire, when it has conceived, gives birth to sin, and sin, when it is fully matured, brings forth death.
Why am I starting a blog using this particular portion of scripture?  Because I noticed a video about a "Christian Couple" (?) starting a swinger community in Florida.  I watched the video then I started doing some research.  Oh, My! This couple has taken up their cross to start a Christian swinging website to spread the gospel and share their interest with other devoted (?) Christians???  Really??
The couple?  Dean and Christy Parave.  Dean says, "So far today, God hasn't told me, Dean stop that, it's a sin.  I don't want you to do that."  Until he does that, I'm going to keep trying to help as many people as I can.  His "wife" Christy ( a bisexual mother of three) says, "God put people on earth to breed and enjoy each other.  I feel God is always with me and he has put us here for a reason."  She goes on to say ... "Dean and I are both in agreement with this lifestyle, so we're not committing adultery." 
HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?   Dean explained that after conversion, he built a 40-ft cross in his backyard and committed to doing God's work for the rest of his life. And he found his ministry in swinging and exercise.  "If I can go to the next swingers event and get 10 people to believe in Christ, my job's done."  
He is deceived into thinking he is spreading the Word by hosting a wife-swapping, swingers event.  

Here is what one article wrote about this couple:
A Bible-thumping couple in Florida is changing the way people think about their faith — with a hookup website for devout Christian swingers!
Cristy Parave and her husband, Dean, are the unashamed bodybuilding Jesus lovers bringing couples together and introducing them to their wild lifestyle of swapping sex partners and Bible verses, Barcroft Media reports.
When the fitness gurus got sick of finding swingers online who couldn’t meet their standards, they decided to set up their own swinging network -------- They have been touring the US ever since, meeting couples who want to join in and indulge in their holy promiscuity.

Yes, he has the freedom to live his life as he sees fit.  BUT....slapping a "FOR THE LORD" label on what they do to make themselves feel better is DANGEROUS DECEPTION!

DANGEROUS DECEPTION - TEMPTED, ENTICED, AND BAITED by your own lust - FOLLOWING THROUGH with that emotion and allowing it to CONCEIVE SIN  is enough. But, to JUSTIFY your choice by saying that God approves of your sin is a lie from hell.  God never approves of sin.  

BUT THE ULTIMATE DECEPTION is to declare that you are living this lifestyle FOR THE LORD!.  

Dear Believers, Keep your eyes and ears open.  We do not live in a spiritually safe environment!  Spiritual deception is on the rise.  Unless you discern, recognize, and run  - your life can be ruined.  


Do not join a herd and form your spiritual beliefs by group influence.  Think for yourself.  Search the scriptures.  Find a Bible-believing, devil-stomping, Holy Ghost filled church and be a faithful student of the Word.  


There are counterfeit Christian leaders and twisted minds professing to understand God. They believe they are working for the Lord and they will attempt to convince you of their spiritually as they preach in His Name.  They deceived themselves, first ... and  they are so positive of their belief that they are determined to convince you, as well.    


Don't stop there.  There's more.  You must have a greater faith than demons.  You need a relationship with Jesus Christ.  In these last days believers will be required to act on His Word... they will be required to know HIM on a personal basis.  It's time to anchor our soul on the Rock, Christ Jesus. 

It's dangerous to play church!  We deceive ourselves if we think singing in the choir, teaching a class, or sitting on a church pew ... alone ... will get us to heaven.  In these last days the church will only come ALIVE by 'christians' becoming Dedicated instead of Deceived!  It's time to become immersed and saturated with TRUTH from the Word of God!  

Luke 21:8 And he said, Take heed that ye be not deceived......

Rest assured, God will not deceive you about your spiritual condition, about remedy for sin, about right service for Him.  He will not deceive you about righteousness, holiness, moral living or anything else!  Also, God will deliver you from the clutches of evil men.


Friday, October 3, 2014

UNTIL THESE THINGS HAPPEN...I can't believe Islam is peaceful

When I see these things cease, only then will I believe Islam is a religion of peace:
1.  Beheadings and Executions
2.  Bombings
3.  Threats
4.  Murders
5.  Wars
6.  Moderate (?) Muslims rising to stop and oppose the radicals
7.  Inhumane treatment of women and children
8.  Cease implementation of Sharia Law
9.  Repent
10.  Accept  Jesus Christ as Messiah and the Word of God as Truth
11.  Renounce Muhammad as prophet
12. Cease looking for Mahdi to come and take over the world and  instead, look for the return of Jesus Christ as Messiah.
Make no mistake:  I want all Muslims to be saved!!  They are in need of a Savior.  But, make no mistake in that they DO follow the Koran.  They will follow their imams - they will follow their Mahdi when he arises.  Until they are converted - we face the threat of their loyalty to Islam!  Yes, many have excellent friends and business associates who are muslims - and they have great relationships with many of them!  But, in the end, never take for granted where their loyalty lies!
FROM ISLAM-WATCH.ORG:  "ISLAM is not a religion of peace - the core of Islam is filled with unbounded hatred of the unbelievers - is unbelievably intolerant toward them, and is extremely cruel and merciless to Muslims who dare to deviate from its doctrine.
ISLAM is beyond alteration, because Muslims- who attempt to modernize and reform its unremitting bigotry, irrational rituals and its cruel and draconian punitive measures - are targeted for annihilation.
We tell the world that the ongoing terrorism, unleashed by Islamic militants, is not an aberration from the so-called 'peaceful religion of Islam'' instead, it is the real Islam preached and practiced by its founder, Prophet Muhammad.  A thorough study of the Qur'an and prophetic tradition (Hadith, Sunnah) makes that obvious.  We, therefore, have launched this website to expose the "real Islam" - the Islam that is determined to replace the modern civilization with the 7th century Bedouin barbarism, peddled by Muslims as the true Islamic Civilization.  Let the world watch Islam through www.islam-watch.org and be warned."
I would like to believe Islam is a religion of peace - but they can't have peace 
or bring peace until they know the Peacemaker!  
Never forget that Islam is a man-formed religion expanded via military efforts.  
Every point about Islam is in direct contrast (copycat) of the Word of God and Jesus Christ!  
So, now ... where does that leave me ... and other believers ... other christians ... other church-goers?   The following article gives wise counsel - read and take heed:
EXCERPT FROM a 10/2/14 ARTICLE by James Robison: 

When Beheading Comes to the Heartland of America

God have mercy on us! If Christians don't wake up, it will be devastating to everything sacred. Terror will win when our God should be reigning through His people. Wake up, believers, before you meet the horror intended for those who love faith and freedom! Stand up! Choose His righteousness and shelter from this terrible storm. Don't give the enemy an inch, much less your mind, family, freedom, children and future! Christians who love God and their neighbor as commanded are the only ones who can lead the charge against the enemy of life and liberty. We need God's wisdom. In our own power, we lack the insight and strength necessary to stand against the gates of hell.
The trend can be reversed if Christians, prophets and priests sound the alarm and lead the charge. Crises and catastrophic events always bring together caring, faith-filled people to make the necessary difference. I'm praying that all Christians who have been on the sidelines will come to the aid of the family, country and freedom. In faith and courage, we can crush the enemy's head—the old serpent that makes people mindless and heartless. It's not too late, but soon it will be. Freedom will be lost if believers don't join together on common ground to correct our course.
"Therefore, thus says the Lord, 'If you return, then I will restore you—before Me you will stand; and if you extract the precious from the worthless, you will become My spokesman. They for their part may turn to you, but as for you, you must not turn to them.
"'Then I will make you to this people a fortified wall of bronze; and though they fight against you, they will not prevail over you; for I am with you to save you and deliver you,' declares the Lord.
"'So I will deliver you from the hand of the wicked, and I will redeem you from the grasp of the violent"(Jer. 15:19-21, NASB).
James Robison is the founder and president of LIFE Outreach International.