
Just living is not enough... one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower. ~Hans Christian Andersen

Thursday, March 28, 2013

How to Make the World a Better Place!

The Duke of Wellington, the British military leader who defeated Napoleon at Waterloo, was not an easy man to serve under. He was brilliant, demanding, and not one to shower his subordinates with compliments. Yet even Wellington realized that his methods left something to be desired. In his old age a young lady asked him what, if anything, he would do differently if he had his life to live over again.  Wellington thought for a moment, then replied.
"I'd give more praise," he said.  

There are some things you have to do on purpose! We are not naturally equipped to praise people.  Our lives are busy, running in a fast pace, with rarely a moment to ourselves. 

I can remember....yes, I can...when life was slower.  A day seemed longer and years didn't fly by.  We had one phone in the house.  One car outside.  Communication was via snail mail.  It was rare to place a long-distant phone call and we hurried so as not to run up the bill.   Saturday morning was for raking leaves, doing the laundry, and getting ready for church the next day, then in the afternoon we went to town to do our shopping. The dime store was a favorite place to go on Saturday afternoon when I was a kid.  Life was slower and we had time for each other.  Not so, today. 

Lives are running on empty today because we don't have time for each other.  We have more people contacts than we can keep up with, yet less closeness ... we know a lot of people, yet lack a good friend.  We are humans in need of encouragement and praise from each other.  And we all need it.

Remember what Wellington said?  He said, "I'd give more praise" -  In other words, he would slow down and take time to notice those around him and give encouragement to the men under his authority.

Giving something of ourselves and reaching out are the real keys to success and happiness.   Einstein wrote, ‘Only a life lived for others is worth living.’ This idea can sometimes be called adding value.

You could be the one to impart purpose, courage, and value in a person simply because you spoke positive words at the right time.  I ran across a few points - a few ways we can put value in a life:

1.  Show genuine interest in a person.  Look at them!  Ask questions.  Talk to them...about them!!  Let them express their opinions without feeling you need to judge what is said. 

2.  Validate who they are and what they are doing by paying attention to what is important to them.  Let's face it, we all crave attention!  We want to matter!  We want SOMEONE to care!

3.  Tell them "You did really well" -  "You are awesome" - "You can do this"... Brag on them!  You will feel good when you do!  It might make the difference in whether they give up or gain momentum. 

4.  Send a card, email, or text.  Tell them how much you appreciate their friendship.  Tell them you are praying for them.  Simply let them know they are in your thoughts!

Take time - slow down - on purpose - focus - pay attention to someone around you!!  Find your project or priority for the day.  Put value in a person...intentionally.  On purpose!

If you do this now, you won't have to look back in your old age and WISH you had given more praise, because you did

You just made the world a better place for all of us.  And I think Jesus is pleased!

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