
Just living is not enough... one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower. ~Hans Christian Andersen

Tuesday, December 31, 2013


TODAY 12.31.13

I heard the rooster crowing in the back yard. 
Tommy was making my morning cappuccino. He says I can't make it as good as he can - and he's right.  He has his own special method which makes my usual mixture rather bland.  Well, anyway, we were standing at the kitchen window and the rooster crowed!  I informed him that I had NEVER lived where there were chickens ... a rooster crowing ... oh wait, let me add the two goats to the back yard population.  NEVER!  This is new.  But then, my marriage to Tommy is new.  My life is in a NEW season.  And it's all good.

We were married November 8, 2013.  A special Friday night.  The following Monday we boarded the plane for Belize.  By Wednesday we were on a water taxi (my first) headed to Caye Caulker for a few days!  After a week back in Belize, we flew to El Salvador for a Missionary Retreat.  THAT is a blog deserving attention all on its own!  Incredible people attended from Central America were there.  NEW for me, again.  Today finds me back in Arkansas where we attempted to put Christmas together in a short time - move a few pieces of furniture into Tommy's house in Little Rock - and create some semblance of  merging two houses of 'stuff'.  This has become a project needing to be completed this summer upon our return from Belize.

NEW is the word for the season.  Not only because of the calendar, but new because of the Lord's leading in my life.  After five years of widowhood and four years of praying for "purpose, place, people, and provision" God placed me in Tommy Carpenter's life and all four points of prayer have been answered.  My NEW season is far beyond what I could have caused to happen on my own.  I prayed often during those years for God to do something MIGHTIER for me than I could do for myself.  HE did!!

Ministering with Tommy in Belize, teaching, loving the people, and finding opportunity to work in ways that are yet to be revealed ... is my NEW season.  I'm excited about life.  I wanted to be productive.  I desired a purpose.  I didn't want my latter years to be wasted.  God heard me. 

What do you desire for your life?  Do you long for a NEW season?  God can create that season and it will be beyond anything you can ask or think. 

One week from today (January 7, 2014) we return to Belize.  I'm ready to see the precious folks I've already met and I am anxious to meet additional new friends.  It seems NEW is the word for today. 

Tomorrow begins a NEW year.  I pray it is also the beginning of a new life for you.

God bless you, richly ... and keep in touch. 

Tuesday, October 15, 2013


“Instruction does much, but encouragement everything."

“He is your Father, and His role is to protect you; He will comfort you and guide you. He will feed you; He will carry you when you are weak. He will seek you out when you go astray; He will help you in times of trouble. 

He will not let your enemies go unpunished; He will cherish you like a father cherishes his daughter. When you fall, He will pick you up; when you don’t understand, He will always understand. 

When you feel like life is weighing you down, He will lift you up. When you feel like giving up, He will encourage you to keep going. When you are sad, He will lighten your spirits. When you need advice, His line is open 24-7. When you feel unsafe, He will be your safety; when you are worried, He will be an ear to your concerns. 

When you feel burdened, offer your burden to Him and He will take it. Where you have been burnt, He will make you beautiful; where you hurt, He will heal. Whenever you feel lonely, He will always be with you. 

Where others have not supported you, He will support you. When you feel discouraged, He will be your encouragement. Where you don’t know, He will tell you when the time is right. When you feel unloved, remember that He has always loved you. 

You see limitations; God sees opportunities. You see faults; God sees growth. You see problems; God sees solutions. You see limitations; God sees possibilities. You see life; God sees eternity.”

― Corallie BuchananWatch Out! Godly Women on the Loose

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Some Days You Don't Feel Like Being a Victim

Charles Edward Parker didn't feel like being a victim that day. He said he actually wrestled the gun from his assailant and shot him in the leg.  The would-be victim said he jumped into action, wrestling the gun away from his assailant. Parker said he fired a warning shot at the ground, but that didn't deter the previously armed stranger.  So Parker put a round in Castaneda’s leg.

That's the story.  A thug with a gun intended to harm Charles Parker.  The thug soon discovered that Charles didn't want to be a victim that day!  

I don't feel like being a victim most days!       

A victim is a person who suffers from a  destructive or injurious action or agency.  It is also a person who is deceived or cheated by the dishonesty of others.  A victim is also someone who feels powerless, and is therefore unable to take appropriate action to resolve situations adversely affecting their well-being.

I was a victim one evening due to the action of a person who stole my purse.  I chased him but to no avail.  I was a victim of a purse snatcher.  My personal information was in the hands of a stranger.   (No, I don't know what would I have done if I had caught him)  It was an unforgettable experience.  

Suffering from a victim mentality can be as destructive as an encounter with a thug.  The victim mentality can be understood as a repetitive way of negative thinking ... and the victim believes that others are responsible for their experiences and fulfilling their needs.  The victim mentality is characterized by an attitude of blaming and complaining.   Blame and complain.  Blaming and complaining is one way to manipulate and control others.... making them responsible for you by rationalizations and excuses. 

In order to think like a victim you must feel like a victim.  To feel like a victim you must ignore the Truth of the Word of God.  You must abandon your faith in a living Christ.  You must fail in understanding the love that Jesus Christ has for you.

Some days I don't feel like being a victim.  To overcome this feeling I MUST stay connected to Christ.  I MUST keep the faith.  I MUST stay in the Word.  I  MUST be led by the Spirit.  

Yes, I could possibly form a victim mentality ... but it would ruin my day.  I prefer not to be a victim today or any other day!  I just don't feel like it!  


Friday, August 9, 2013

A FRIDAY PRAYER, Ephesians 1:19

and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe,
 according to the working of His mighty power
Father, Your highest desire for me is that the HOLY SPIRIT might work in me in a greater measure -- YOU want me to receive more wisdom, greater revelation, and increased knowledge of YOUR redemptive purposes...for my present life and for my future.  My salvation should reflect abundant "Power" manifested by the HOLY SPIRIT.
I AM NOT redeemed to reflect weakness.
I CAN AND WILL advance in grace.
I CAN AND WILL achieve victory over Satan and sin.
I CAN AND WILL witness effectively for Jesus Christ.
I CAN AND WILL inherit eternal life in a place called heaven... prepared for me by Jesus Christ.
This is accomplished by a continual MOVING of the HOLY SPIRIT toward me!  HOLY SPIRIT power is an ACTIVITY, MANIFESTATION, AND STRENGTH - Moving Toward Me !!
EVER Moving Toward Me !
MOVE toward me today, Holy Spirit! 
Let there be a fresh manifestation of strength, anointing, increase, Spirit activity in me, upon me...and

I love people who make me laugh. ETHEL did that.

Despite everything,
I believe that people
are really good at heart.
-Anne Frank
I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
-Audrey Hepburn 

I was working in an auto claims center for State Farm in Florida ... and ETHEL called:
Me:  The usual S F  greeting
Ethel:  I wish you’d speak up.  Is this a recording again?
Me:  No mam’, how can I help you?
Ethel:  I need to speak to Brian.
Me:  Do you have a last name for Brian?
Ethel:  No
Me:  Do you have a claim number?
Ethel: Yes, but he evidently doesn’t have it.
Me:  What is the claim #?
Ethel:  It is…………………..
By this time I was laughing so hard.  I had to put her on hold so I could enter the claim number…looking for Brian.
When I could contain myself, I picked up the call from Ethel again.
Ethel:  Oh, I finally got somebody!
It's true.  People are valuable.  Life would be empty without them.  Look for gems in the life of those around you.  They can make you laugh, weep, wonder, and love.  I saved my conversation with Ethel because she made me laugh ... and no doubt, she made my day!  
Without deep reflection
one knows from daily life
that one exists for other people.
Albert Einstein


Monday, July 15, 2013

A Widow Prayed For Her Church... God Sent D.L. Moody

If you have ever wondered about the power of prayer and whether or not your prayers make a difference, you must read this blog.  I receive via email a daily devotion/news from Worth News Brief.  I'll admit, I've gleaned daily from George Whitten's writings.

I am stirred by today's story of the little widow who prayed.   But, before I get to the story ... I must ask this question:  Are you in a dead church?  Have you visited a dead church lately?  Are you unhappy with your church?

Ok.  Now, you are thinking ... and perhaps you have formed your answer.  Next, read the following story.  It will change your thinking ... about your church ... and your prayer life.  Hang on, GOD IS ABOUT TO GIVE YOU PURPOSE !!

From Worthy News Brief:

Psalm 85:6-7 Will You not revive us again, That Your people may rejoice in You? Show us Your mercy, Lord, And grant us Your salvation.The revivalist D.L. Moody was on vacation in England from his ministry in Chicago. At one point during his sabbatical there, a local pastor prevailed upon Moody to speak at his parish church. So D.L. went to preach the next Sunday morning. That afternoon he recorded in his journal that it was the deadest crowd he had ever seen and the only thing worse than preaching to those people was that he had promised to speak again the same night.

But that night, midway through his sermon something happened. The people started to come to life, and Moody felt compelled to ask if anyone would like to become a Christian. Many people stood up. He was taken aback, "Maybe you don't understand what I am asking. So when we are dismissed if you want to become a Christian come over to this little room and meet with me." When the service was over, D.L went to the room and it was packed; and many became believers.

Now he was on vacation, and so next day, Moody boarded a train for Ireland...but the Lord had other plans. Disembarking in Ireland he found a message awaiting him, "Come back. Revival has broken out." So Moody returned to the church and preached for 10 straight nights and over 400 people came to the Lord. Moody was perplexed. How could he have known that an 80 year old widow named Mary Ann Adeland had read one of his sermons in the newspaper and begun praying every day that God would bring D.L. Moody to her church?          

We might well wonder what this thing is about prayer...especially prayer in the secret place. How does it work? Why does it work? A little old widow's love and concern for her spiritually dead neighbors inspires her to pray relentlessly and specifically, and the vacation plans of a great revivalist are adjusted for a local harvest, a God- orchestrated vacation revival for D.L. Moody, right in her home town! Believers pray because they love, and little passionate souls like Mary Ann Adeland are hidden gems in the Lord's crown. How many spiritually dead neighbors do you have? If you see them with spiritual eyes, and you truly love them, consider your sister Mary Ann, her deep concern... and how the Lord channeled one of His trusted servants right into her neighborhood for a local revival.

When you pray, remember:

1. The love of God that wants the best for us.
2. The wisdom of God that knows what is best for us.
3. The power of God that can accomplish it. 

Friday, June 21, 2013

The human race has only one effective weapon ... laughter!

This is Teddy.  He's a Yorkie and belongs to my granddaughter, Brooke. 
If you look closely, you will see a small yellow, plastic ball in his food dish.  Teddy puts it there while he eats.  This is his very ... most ... favorite toy.    If I sit or stand in one place longer than a second, here comes Teddy ... and his ball.  He drops it at your feet, backs up, looks at you ... and waits.   He expects you to throw the ball, thereby giving him the thrill of his little life as he scrambles with all fours sliding on the floor - chasing the ball ...  so that ... he can bring it back to you and play the game all over again! 

He knows in his heart that you have nothing else to do but play with him!

We don't take time to play as we should.

Play has been recognized as important since the time of Plato (429-347 B.C.) who observed, “you can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation." 

Why play? Because:  Freedom and spontaneity are accepted as our natural state. In this state we can allow our imagination and creativity to flourish.

There is an element of freedom in each of us that we have not yet tapped.  God created us to live free and happy.  Given the right setting, the opportunity, and even permission, I believe we would discover a joy within us which is yet to come. 

Galatians 4:31 says, 'We are FREE." Then in chapter 5, "Stand fast, therefore, IN THE FREEDOM wherewith Christ hath MADE us free, and be not ENTANGLED again with the yoke of bondage." We are
free! Christ made us free! Be not entangled again!

Freedom is the opposite of being bound, the opposite of bondage. Bondage means slavery. 

What a day it was when God sent Moses by His Almighty power and led Israel out of bondage into the freedom of God. No longer were they under the taskmaster's lash. No longer did the Israelite have to get up in the morning and do exactly what someone else over him wanted him to do and forced him to do all day long.

I remember (through the years of pastoring), hearing my daughter, Tammie, say: "Mom, you need to learn how to play."  She was right.  I had lost the ability to play!  Life had become far too serious. 

Life can be changed.  Burdens can be lifted.  YES, God uses joy to enhance our life and lift our load, as well as allowing us to bring our burdens to the cross.  What a Good God we serve!!

When Jesus bowed His head on the cross and said, "It Is Finished" - He paid the ultimate price for my freedom.  Freedom from sin and all bondages. 

Saints ....  it is not wrong to play and laugh and be just downright silly !!!   Try it! 
  • Your load will feel lighter
  • You will love more and hate less
  • Your health will improve
  • Your days will have value
  • Your creativity will flow
  • Your relationships will improve
  • Your children will laugh with you
  • You will be fulfilled
I pray that God grant you the opportunity to  experience this freedom, the freedom that is IN CHRIST, freedom from fear, freedom from the sense of guilt and sin, and freedom from sin's lash.  And...the freedom to play.

Play.  Enjoy life.  Just like Teddy does ... with his little yellow ball.

The human race has only one effective weapon, and that is laughter!

It's that simple!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

RECALIBRATE your Ability, Motivation, Attitude.

CORRECT OR CHANGE your life by checking and adjusting your ability, motivation, and attitude.

"Doing Nothing" stems from thinking and believing
that you can't attempt and win at
 "Doing Something."   

Doing Nothing because you 'believe you can't  also results in emotions requiring energy.  Worry, dread, and anxiety are the result of  hopelessness.  The energy required to maintain this state of mind is draining.  The head is lowered, the countenance drops, and the eyes speak of despair.  We have mistakenly defined these traits as being a state of energy free emotions.

Worry or anxiety avails itself of your mental energy!  It takes the same amount of mental effort to compile negative thoughts resulting in a "Do Nothing" perception as it takes to gather positive "Do Something" thoughts which result in action.
ABILITY is what you're capable of doing.
     MOTIVATION determines what you do.
          ATTITUDE determines how well you do it.

Ability is the power or capacity to do or act, physically or mentally.  Motivation is something that causes a person to act in a certain way, do a certain thing. and motivation is incentive.  Attitude is a disposition of the mind.

Frank Zappa said: “The mind is like a parachute. It doesn’t work if it is not open.”   What would happen if we opened our mind to inspiration?  Not finite inspiration which has limits and bounds and is subject to conditions and circumstances, but the inspiration provided in the Word of God which is ongoing and limitless! The Word of God is alive.  It is Truth.  It has the power to keep us motivated and inspired.

As humans, we are often irrational and emotional. Without inspiration and motivation driving us forward, our day-to-day existence and motivation to become and accomplish will eventually die out.  A lack of motivation can easily set in.  Then, it's easy to lose hope.

The following is from Sun Stand Still, by Steven Furtick:

"Hope is a desire.  Faith is demonstration.  Hope wants it to happen.  Faith causes it to happen and acts as if it's already done.  Faith is not content to want it really, really bad.  Faith consults the drawings and gets busy building.  Hope is the blueprint. Faith is the contractor.  Some of the impossible things we're believing God for will never happen in our lives if we stand in hope instead of walking in faith."

Jesus came to give you that essential and distinctive character - a character respect to fineness, displaying a grade of excellence.  Rich in accomplishments.  A heart of fulfillment.  Attitudes exemplifying a can-do countenance.  Walking with your head lifted --  lifted in hope ... and hope coupled with the promise of His abiding love and concern. 

We can "Do Nothing" apart from Him - but, with Him, "All things are possible." 

Walk in faith.  But, walk in faith.....believing! 

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Gravity is messin' with one-third of ME.


GRAVITY is most commonly experienced as the agent that gives weight to objects with mass and causes them to fall to the ground when dropped.  Gravity is what you feel when you lift a backpack or heavy suitcase.  Gravity is a signal that tells your body how to act.  It tells your muscles and bones how strong they must be.

I get it.  I do.  My concern is not that my body doesn't know HOW TO ACT.  My concern is that gravity has gone too far - it has started meddling.  It's gone beyond telling my body how to act - it has taken over control as to how my body LOOKS! Gravity has involved itself with a pull on my body....and that without right or invitation; it has interfered officiously and unwantedly!  

That which was once fairly normal - has become the most obvious abuse of gravity ever known to man!  If possible, I would sue gravity!  After all, God made us as a triune being:  spirit, soul, and body.  Gravity is messin' with one-third of ME,  God's created being!  And it is constant, unforgiving, and monotonous!

Now, understand, I appreciate what gravity has done for me.  It has kept my feet planted firmly on this earth!  I don't take that lightly.  I am grateful!  It's true, the absence of gravity can be a problem.  Without gravity your muscles think you don't need them.  They go AWOL on you.  After some time, you would have to be carried around on a stretcher. 

Without gravity your blood would not pool in your feet.  The looks of you head changes drastically.  That might not be so bad, but pretty soon the blood goes AWOL, too.  Strange, how blood, muscles, and bone seem to feel needed or they don't hang around.

Why can't we meet half-way.  Gravity and humans.  Call a truce.  Find a way to keep us planted here, but be kind.  Please. 

For those of us who have been around for a few years, they say gravity may actually be pulling on us less.  In fact, they say that its not that gravity pulls our skin from our body, it is that our skin is no longer as strong as it once was and has started falling from our body!   Now that's encouraging!!  My skin is falling off.  How do I fix this?  I don't think I can.  This is just as traumatic as my muscles and bones going AWOL without gravity.  I am emotionally wounded! 

I don't think the good Lord intended for all of this to happen to me.  He created everything and said, "This is Good."  What happened?   Here's what happened.  Sin entered our world. Perfection left.  Thanks a lot Adam and Eve!    What now?

Jesus is my answer!   I am redeemed.  My skin may fall off - but my spirit is looking good!  I am ready for the rapture.   The greatest thought is that I will look awesome for eternity.  My life is as a vapor (thank God) but I am an eternal being.  I would rather look good for all eternity than look like a super-star on this earth. 

He is coming again!   I sure hope He hurries.  Age is finishing off what gravity started!  Come, Lord Jesus!

Are you ready for Him to appear?  If not, you will have to stay here - with gravity and ageing.  Sorry.  I'm leaving ! 

Monday, June 3, 2013

God rejoices over you with joyful songs!

Ben is my 19 month old grandson.  His mom bought him a new bed today.  We watched closely while he climbed into his little bed for the first time.  We were shouting, "Yea!" and clapping and smiling at his great achievement!  This was a really big deal!  Well, it was to his mom and to me, anyway!

I watched with admiration as this little guy (who won my heart at his birth) accomplished a brand new feat. 

As Ben climbed in and out of his little bed my heart was struck with a question:

Is this what God does for us ... as He watches from heaven ... each time we conquer something? 

Does the Lord clap and smile and say, "Yea, Jane, you did it!"  Just when it seemed that I couldn't ...  and I did ... does He clap for me?

I think He does! 

Each time I managed a 'comeback' after the enemy attempted to steal, kill, and destroy ...  I am sure Jesus was watching and clapping!  When temptation came to influence ungodly behavior and I didn't yield  ...  I am sure He was smiling.

God loves each of us as if there were only one of us.  The child in us yearns to be loved.  The youth in each of us longs for acceptance and approval.  Our adult years experience a renewal of youth and hope because He applauds our efforts and deposits value in our lives.  It's so good to know that The Lord Our God Rejoices Over Us! 

Zephaniah 3:17 The LORD your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing. 

He rejoices over you with joyful songs.   Let's say it again:  He rejoices over you with joyful songs! 
1 John 3:1 See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are.

I'm thankful to be called a child of God.  I'm grateful to the Lord ... that when I climb one more step up the ladder of maturity and righteousness ... He smiles ... and claps for me. 

The magnitude of God's love is greater than our minds can comprehend.  It's the love of a Heavenly Father!    Perhaps you couldn't hear it, but He applauded your faithfulness today. 

Life is clearer, easier, and fuller ...  because of the love of Jesus in our hearts!   The love of God comes to cultivate righteousness in us. 

Someone said, "Love is a friendship set to music." 

God is your friend ...  and He's singing your song.  

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Do you want a GREATER life than you have right now?

From Steven Furtick:
Most Christians are not in danger of ruining their lives - they're in danger of wasting them.  Are you unsatisfied with the kind of Christian life you've settled for?

"We roll up our sleeves, put our best foot forward, and try to achieve our goals and dreams through our own effort. We make promises and commitments. We set up rules and regulations. But no matter how hard we try, we still fall short. We end up disappointed. We never find true success and fulfillment. We fall short of the expectations God designed for His creation. But there is another way. A way to freedom, hope, and reconciliation. In this clip from our series Greater, Pastor Steven uses the story of the prophet Elisha to show how our lives can be fulfilled in one perfect way.

In this series we come to the life-altering understanding that God is ready to accomplish a greatness in your life that is entirely out of human reach - but is exactly what God has seen in your all along."


I'm watching this message right now.  Within the first few minutes it is obvious to me that this sermon is relevant for all of us.  I had to pause the message and share this information with you.  There is greatness in every person - and through God's touch on our life - there is even "greater-greatness" ahead for all of us.   For, who among us can limit the intelligence or vision in the mind of God? 

No one! 

Take a few minutes to hear and receive from the Word of God as Pastor Furtick presents this timely message.

At the beginning (or the seconds leading into the message) Pastor Furtick made this comment:

Today I want to send you out of here with inspiration, motivation and  instruction.
This should be the goal of every minister.  At the end of each message send your congregation away from the service having received all three:  Inspiration, Motivation, and instruction.
 The following illustration may ring all too true in some churches:
Some preachers are like the Chinese jugglers. One stood against a wall and the others threw knives at him. They'd hit above his head, close by his ear, under his armpit, and between his fingers. They could throw within a hair's breadth and never strike
Steven Furtick will strike where it matters in this message.  You will be struck with Inspiration, Motivation, and Instruction.
Hope you will watch.....it will bless you! 
And we all know - We need all the blessings we can get! 
Oh, yes.  I almost forgot to say it.  God Bless You!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

GOD, I'vE gOtTa TaLk To YoU!

TODAY I picked up a small book belonging to my granddaughter, Chloe.  The picture on the cover page caught my attention.  Actually, the title of the book caught my attention.  God, I've gotta talk to you!.

The first thought that entered my head was, "Yes, God, I do need to talk to You!  I certainly do."

It wouldn't have surprised me if God had shouted: "I know.  I've been waiting.  What took you so long?"  He didn't say it...but I am sure I deserve it! 

I flipped through the pages and discovered that this is a book of prayers for children with each prayer presented in poem form.  Each poem has a title which could easily apply to GrOwN-uPs.

Prayer/Poem titles included:   In the Morning, About the Seasons, About Forgiveness,  About Being Forgiven, About Forgiving Others, When I'm Happy, When I'm Lonely, and When I'm Afraid, About Friends, About Sick People..

There are times in my life when I feel like shouting, GOD, I'VE GOTTA TALK TO YOU!   I can visualize the Lord shaking His head and thinking .... Will that girl ever learn?   :)

If you have a strong urge or maybe a desperate cry swelling within your heart .... to talk to someone who cares and understands....why not talk to God?

Here are a few points to assist you in your visit with our Creator.

1.  Find a place to pray
2.  Set a time to pray
3.  Make a prayer list
4.  Use a prayer guide, if needed
5.  Keep a notepad handy with your Bible
6.  You might want to start a journal of your prayers
7.  Now, simply start talking to God. 

It's much easier to keep your focus if you pray aloud.  When  I pray silently my thoughts scatter a thousand directions.  If you feel the need to talk to God and you are not alone,  you can certainly pray silently.  God still hears you.

Our God is an awesome God.  He loves to hear the sound of our voice as we talk to Him.

Take a lesson from a child's book.  Whatever you are facing in life,  just say, "God, I've gotta talk to you!"  He will answer, "Go ahead, I'm listening."

God, I've gotta talk to you!  (written by Anne Jennings, Concordia Publishing House)

Monday, April 22, 2013

"In His Image" (For ladies)

In His Image
Jesus, did you know me, too
When I was formed within the womb?
Did angels even care
To know that I was there?
At my birth, did they rejoice
Did they say, “Let’s have a holiday?”
And as I grew, were you there, too?
Now that I’m mature
Everything I do, every day I live
Does it really matter to you?
Jesus said,
“Daughter, yes, I know you…
Formed secretly in the womb.
We spread the heavens
With scarlet streams
And rejoiced and rejoiced and rejoiced
When you were birthed.
I saw you grow
A woman of creation, a creation of mine.
And now that you’re mature
There’s a secret I must whisper in your ear.
You’re a woman of worth
I attended your birth.
I found you so special,
So very unique.
You’re made in my image
Go quickly, bring forth the sheep.
I’ve a Kingdom you’ll soon see
Then you will know
Of your value to me.
I’ve paved your street
With purest gold
Your mansion is one you’ll like
All new, with everything bright.
Arise, daughter
Let me share
That when you’ve hurt
I’ve been there.
Touched your cheek …
Stroked your hair.
And when your babies came
I knew.  I saw your pain.
You’re a woman of worth,
I attended your birth.

Your force and your power
Knows no limit
When you, only you
Set your mind to it.
Now, go quickly, daughter
With head held high
And look while you work
For Gabriel … poised in the sky.
Know today the value of you
There’s no one else like you
That’s the secret
I whisper in your ear.
You are loved, my daughter
Made in my image
You are my child
And, yes …
I am your Father.”
                     ~ Jane Powell

Friday, April 12, 2013


Jonah didn't want to preach
So he ran far away
His courage was just like jelly
And he wound up in the fish's belly.
He stayed there for
Three nights and days
And decided he'd
Just better pray.
"Oh, God...I'm about to drown
With sea-weeds all around
Lord, can't You see...
You've really made a believer outta me."
The Lord and the fish
Had a heart-to-heart talk
And Jonah was freed
To get out and have another walk.
God said, "Jonah, I think
You'd better go
And preach as I told you
A long, long time ago!"
So, off Jonah went
As fast as he could
Anxious to preach
The Word of the Lord.
And would you believe...
the People Believed,
Repented and prayed through
Turned every one from his evil way.
God rested, relaxed
And that made Jonah mad
When mercy is shown ...
It sure makes some so sad.
Jonah pouted
As some of us do
When Ninevah survived
He said, "I could just die."
So, God make a gourd
To cover his head
Jonah was glad
For the shade of the shed.
Then God sent a big worm
To eat at the gourd
An east wind and hot sun
Old Jonah was gonna burn.
Jonah said, "It's so hot
At the top of my head...
Better for me
If I were soon dead.
God said, "Jonah,
Why are you upset?"
He answered, "I grieve for the gourd
Why, I even fret."
Well, God told Jonah
Quite a thing or two
"Never you mind
'Bout what I decide to do.
If I spare Ninevah
And all the people there
More than 120,000 youngsters
Who've not yet heard their share
Of preaching and the good news
That I really, really care.
Jonah, it's a good time
For you to
Have a heart!
Or the next time
I come
I'll bring
An even bigger worm!
That ole worm
Will want more
Than just a plain
Ole gourd.
I'll let 'em
Eat on you ...
A Dry. Dead
Spiritual Bore."
~ ~ Jane Powell

Saturday, April 6, 2013

When I left my mark on a tree....

Notice the picture of the tree on the right?  It's a tree on Mt Nebo.  It's one of two trees at the end of the driveway as you are entering  a campsite...

I passed it when I entered the parking space....but not when I left the parking space.  I was SURE I was clear - and suddenly....WHOP! I was jarred and surprised at the same time!   I hit the tree.  Yep.  I left my mark on the tree.  Can you see where the bark is rather flattened inside the red circle?  That's where I slammed the back of my car into it.  I did it.

I got out of my car ... not believing what just happened!  I finally notice the rear quarter panel was a little out of line....but basically not too much damage.  All the way home I struggled with thoughts of  the deductible....how to get it  fixed...and what will it cost?
Upon arriving at my daughter's house, I pointed out the damage to my car.  Suzette looked at it and before I knew what happened she popped the panel back into place!  Wow.  What a relief.  I couldn't believe she did that!!  My problem was solved!  Man, was I happy.
My car is fine.  But, I certainly left my mark on that tree.  Of course, no one will ever know!  Each time I go to Nebo I see that tree and remember the time I knocked the fool out of it.  I didn't hurt the tree.  But it scared me.  I am very careful now - I watch for skinny trees on the mountain.  Lol.

Every life leaves a mark....somewhere.... or on someone, good or bad.  

Jesus certainly left His mark on this world.  It was never the same after He came, died, and rose again.   He left His mark on my life, too. 

As I watch society attempting to erase all signs of God and His Son, Jesus, my heart is grieved.  They will never be able to eradicate Jesus.  Never!  It's too late.  He has already left His mark on this world.

Around the first coming inscribe the word HUMILTY in letters large and bold. Around His second coming inscribe the word GLORY so that all the world may see. Nothing could be more natural than a triumphant return of our victorious Lord. Though He was once “despised and rejected of men,” He will one day return “in power and great glory,” heralded by angels and accompanied by his saints.

He is....
The Messiah - The Son of David (Matt 1:1)
The Son of God (Matthew 2:15).
The Miracle Worker The Holy One of God (Mark 1:24)
The King of Israel (Mark 15:32)
The Son of Man The Horn of Salvation (Luke 1:69)
The Son of God The Only Begotten Son: (John 1:14,18)
The Lamb of God (John 1:29,36)
The Bread of life (John 6:35)
The Light of the World (John 8:1)
The I AM! (John 8:58)
The Resurrection and life (John 11:25)
The Way, the Truth, the Life (John 14:6)
The True Vine (John 15:1)
The Ascended Lord The Prince of Life (Acts 3:15)
The Judge of the living and the dead (Acts 10:42)
The Hope of Israel (Acts 28:20)
The Deliverer (Romans 11:26)
The Lord of the dead and the living (Romans 14:9)
The Last Adam (1 Corinthians 15:45)
The One Who Sets Us Free The Lord Jesus Christ (Gal 1:3)
The Christ of Riches The Head over All Things (Ephesians 1:22)
The Cornerstone: (Ephesians 2:20)
The God Who Meets Our Every Need The Name above all names (Philippians 2:9)
The Fullness of The Godhead The Image of the Invisible God (Colossians 1:15)
The Hope of Glory (Col 1:27)
The Soon Coming King The Lord of Peace (2 Thessalonians 3:16)
The Mediator Between God And Man The King of Ages (1 Timothy 1:17)
The Great God and Saviour (Titus 2:13)
The Friend, Closer Than a Brother The Lord Jesus Christ (Philemon 3)
The Faithful High Priest (Hebrews 2:17)
The Author and Finisher of our Faith (Hebrews 12:2)
The Great Physician The Lord of Glory (James 2:1)
The Judge at the door (James 5:9)
The Chief Shepherd The Living Stone (1 Peter 2:4)
The Chief Shepherd (1 Peter 5:4)
Everlasting Love The Eternal Life (1 John 1:2)
The Righteous (1 John 2:1)
The God our Saviour The Only Wise God our Saviour (Jude 25)
The King of Kings and the Lord of Lords! The Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last: (Revelation 1:17, 22:13)
The Lion of the Tribe of Judah (Rev 5:5)
The Word of God (Revelation 19:13).
The King of kings and Lord of lords (Revelation 19:16)
The Bright Morning Star (Revelation 22:16)

Yes, indeed.  Jesus has already left His mark on this world.  And He is coming again.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Part II - How to Diminish Your Struggle Time in Every Trial

Luke 8
22 One day Jesus said to his disciples, “Let’s cross to the other side of the lake.” So they got into a boat and started out. 23 As they sailed across, Jesus settled down for a nap. But soon a fierce storm came down on the lake. The boat was filling with water, and they were in real danger.
24 The disciples went and woke him up, shouting, “Master, Master, we’re going to drown!”
When Jesus woke up, he rebuked the wind and the raging waves. Suddenly the storm stopped and all was calm. 25 Then he asked them, “Where is your faith?”
The disciples were terrified and amazed. “Who is this man?” they asked each other. “When he gives a command, even the wind and waves obey him!”

Psalms 32:6  "For this shall every one that is godly pray unto thee in a time when thou mayest be found:  surely in the floods of great waters they shall not come nigh unto him."

Amplified:  "...surely when the great waters [of trial] overflow they shall not reach [the spirit in] him."

Your spirit can remain free regardless of the situation or circumstances you face.  You need not be overwhelmed.  There is victory because of your belief in the Word of God.  Speak the Word in prayer.  Release the Word, along with the power of the Holy Spirit, in prayer.  God will move for you, He will give you understanding and thus, break all bondages.

Psalms 77:10  "...but I will remember the years of the right hand of the most High."  11 - "I will remember the works of the LORD:  surely I will remember thy wonders of old."  12 - "I will meditate also of all thy work, and talk of thy doings."

Mark 5:39  "And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace be still.  And the wind ceased, and there was great cam."  40 - "and he said unto them, Why are ye so fearful?  how is it that ye  have no faith?"    or ...  "Where is your faith?"  Luke 8:25

In Prayer Times, Jesus was Awake
Disciples slept.
In Times of  Storm, Jesus slept.
Disciples stayed awake.
Jesus was consistent in His prayer life.  Accounts are written in scripture of Jesus praying all night to the Father.  Luke 9:18 says, "...as he was alone praying."  Luke 55:16 reads, "He withdrew himself into the wilderness and prayed."  Jesus was consistent in His relationship with the Father through prayer.
Power was evident in the life of Jesus before the storm arose on the sea.  He didn't have to stop and pray through after the storm appeared. 
Consistent praying gave Jesus Consistent Power!
Active Power Enabled Jesus to Demonstrate Authority Over Every Situation!
The disciples were in bondage to fear.  They could not demonstrate domination until their spirit was delivered.

Once you are delivered from bondage, you can demonstrate authority.  Then...you can dominate situations and circumstances.  Frustration comes from attempting to dominate and  demonstrate when we are not delivered.  Our spirit is in bondage.  We have unbelief.  Our prayer life is weak.  We are still struggling in the storm.
Jesus took everything away from Satan, stripping him of his power.  Then, He turned around and gave you that same power which was given to Him by the Father.
When you are in a storm or a trial:
  • You do not argue with the trial ... you speak to it.
  • You do not attempt to persuade the storm ... you command it.
  • You do not plead with the enemy ... you rebuke him. 
Get a dialogue going with Jesus and He will tell you about a miracle that is on its way.
Activate your faith. 
Stand firm on the Word. 
Speak to the storm. 
Diminish Your Struggle Time.
Live an Abundant life.
"Don't leave life as it is ... anyone can do that."