society is that of the Rapture of the
Just as sure as I'm sitting here writing this blog, the trumpet will sound - Jesus will appear in the skies...the dead in Christ will arise first, then we which remain will be caught up to meet them in the air and so....will we forever be with the Lord.
This will be the greatest event of your life. It will affect you for eternity. It means bliss and happiness for eternity. Can you imagine that?
1 Cor. 15:51-52 - The Rapture will take place in the twinkling of an eye. A blink of the eye has been times at 1/50th of a second. A twinkling is even faster than that!
There's no time to decide if you want to 'go' when the trumpet sounds....you have to be prepared ahead of time.
Perhaps because of this fact (the twinkling of an eye) we should give more attention to the Rapture.
One sermon said: There will be no announcements made, no advertisements posted, the Lord will come and go for His church in a split second of time. (Ill. In the computer world, there is a division of time called the "nano-second". This is a span of time equivalent to 1/1,000,000,000 of a second. If mankind and his technology can achieve this, what can the Lord with His infinite power do?
This is one event I don't want to miss. Why on earth would I want to stay here for the seven year period of tribulation that will follow the rapture?
I'd much rather spend that seven years with the Lord and the redeemed....celebrating the Marriage Supper of the Lamb and receiving crowns promised to the faithful. I can just imagine the scene now - the multitude of those who received salvation through the blood of Jesus Christ, take our crowns and bow humbly before the Majestic King Jesus - and then carefully and lovingly - lay our crowns at his feet....and worship Him. That's something I don't want to miss. Not for the world (literally). I look forward to it. I will be free from problems, free to live....I'll be in great company for eternity. No devil will be allowed entrance! It will be greater than my human brain can imagine.
D L Moody was asked, why did he look up when he prayed? He said, because heaven is up...where my Jesus is.
While on a South Pole expedition, British explorer Sir Ernest Shackleton left a few men on Elephant Island, promising that he would return. Later, when he tried to go back, huge icebergs blocked the way. But suddenly, as if by a miracle, an avenue opened in the ice and Shackleton was able to get through. His men, ready and waiting, quickly scrambled aboard. No sooner had the ship cleared the island than the ice crashed together behind them. Contemplating their narrow escape, the explorer said to his men, "It was fortunate you were all packed and ready to go!" They replied, "We never gave up hope. Whenever the sea was clear of ice, we rolled up our sleeping bags and reminded each other, ’The boss may come today.’"
The question is, what will happen to you? If Jesus came right now, would you go to be with Him, or would you be left behind to endure the Tribulation? Would your future be in Heaven, or in Hell? If there is the slightest hint of doubt about your relationship to the Lord Jesus, today is the time to give Him your heart and get right for the flight.
I THESS. 4:17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
A tourist in Switzerland visited a beautiful mansion surrounded by well-kept gardens. How long have you been the caretaker here? He asked the gardener. The answer was twenty years. How often does the owner of this property come here? The answer was only four times in the twenty years. And to think, said the guest, you keep this property in superb shape just as though he might come tomorrow. The caretaker replied, No, I look after these grounds as if I expected him to come today.
Ready or not - He is coming!
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