
Just living is not enough... one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower. ~Hans Christian Andersen

Friday, September 7, 2012

Churches Fiddle While Rome Burns?

Is there a turn of the tide in our country? 
Is it time to awake out of sleep?
Is there a voice sounding the alarm?
Is it safe to have church as usual?
Is it time to call it like it is?
Is there a pastor who will rise to the day?
Is there a church body that will listen?

Personal experience always makes a good testimony.
I have those years of memories to draw on as I type this blog.  Growing up in church - pastoring - sitting in the pew - joining in worship - loving the church family - counting on those that were supportive - recovering from those who were not.  I understand.

The phrase "Nero fiddled while Rome burned" is used to express both these meanings of the word fiddle.  First it presents the picture of an individual playing a musical instrument as he took a sadistic pleasure in the terrible misfortunes of others. Secondly it represents ineffectual effort. That is, Nero, who should have made himself useful, was fiddling.

It is the second picture of which I am concerned...and most believers share this concern.  As a church, we have a great commission.  Therefore, Go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.   -Matthew 28:19

Is our Rome burning while we fiddle?  What is happening to our America? 

I've watched dear saints sit in services with folded arms and a plastered look of disapproval on their faces - making a statement of resistance to a powerful move of God.  I hate that.  I really loved their potato salad.  I heard of members complaining about the young people who were brought in by van loads - kids who didn't know how to act in church - these same kids who were slain in the spirit in a revival, yet knew absolutely nothing about such things - but the paint on the wall becoming scuffed up by these 'kids' took priority in the minds of believers over the spiritual transformation happening in their young lives!

Is it just our four and no more?  Are we far too comfortable and secure within our walls?

Are we fiddling while Rome burns?  What is wrong with us, Church?  Are we going to awake from slumber?  We are sleeping Giants!!  We have the anointing and the power to Turn Things Around!

Is it easier to turn our heads while radical Islam infiltrates our government - our society?  I watched a video this week: Democrat Maxine Waters clip from February 19, 2012 at the Islamic Society of Orange County Town Hall - about how Republicans are trying to fearmonger hatred against all Muslims by ensuring that Shariah is never practiced in America’s borders.

Church!  Awake!  It's time!  Shariah law means you will lose your head!  Come on, church....God is depending on you!  Forget the potato salad, the color of carpet.  Forget whether we sing hymns out of the book or just worship choruses.  Forget the small stuff and get about the business of saving the lost!  Get out of the walls!  Rise up as the giant that you are!  With love and compassion greet the lost and dying world with the precious gospel of Jesus Christ.  The saving gospel. 

We can do it!

Research:  It is uncertain who or what actually caused the fire — whether accident or arson. According to Tacitus, some in the population held Nero responsible, as soon after he built himself a huge house in the center of Rome called the "Golden House".  To diffuse blame, Nero targeted the Christians. There were Christians who confessed to the crime, but it became known that Christians were forced to confess by means of torture,  and the passage is unclear as to what the Christians confessed to — being arsonists or Christians. According to Tacitus, Nero ordered Christians to be thrown to dogs, while others were crucified or burned to serve as lights.

If we don't speak up - stand up - wake up....we could be thrown to the dogs, or burned to serve as lights.  Jesus said that we are already the light of the world.  Shine, church.  Shine. 

I wrote earlier in this blog:  Personal experience always makes a good testimony.  You and I know what the church should be doing.  And what we are not doing.  And, what we are doing. 

We are a special breed of folks with a high calling.  There's none out there quite like us.  We are church folks.  We've fiddled long enough.  Time to get serious, here. 

Lay the fiddle down.  .   .  .  .  .  .  .  .

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  1. Not only are you right on I am still giggling over the potato salad.
    Bill Lanoue
