"Beyond this sign is chaos"
Philippians 4:6-9
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. 8 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable -- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy -- think about such things. 9 Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me -- put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you." (NIV)
We all want to live in peace. Peace of mind, peace in our home, peace on the job, peace in church, peace in church, peace in church....no, there's no typo here....peace in church is often difficult to obtain. It's of a truth: that if a person has peace of mind - and peace with God - then there will be peace in church.
I found a A Peace Inventory - by Lloyd Ogilvie:
There are four possible responses to the questions: Never, Seldom, Frequently, Consistently. Which of the four choices will you use to answer the following inventory?
Question 1:
Do you have peace of mind? Is your mind controlled by the Spirit of God? Or is your mind filled with a jumble of unforgiven memories, unresolved plans, and frustrating disappointments? Right at this moment can you say that your mind is at peace? Never, Seldom, Frequently, Consistently.
Question 2:
Are your feelings at peace? Feelings do matter. How we feel affects how we live and how we relate to others. Do you feel at peace right now? Are you free from smouldering anger, nagging fears, frustration, and envy? Never, Seldom, Frequently, Consistently.
Question 3:
Do you have a sense of peace about your desires? Are you clear about God's will for your life? Do you trust in His daily guidance? Are you certain about your goals? Are you free from conflict between what you want and what you sense God wants? Never, Seldom, Frequently, Consistently.
Question 4:
Since your relationships with people have so much to do with how you experience peace, do you let others rob you of inner peace? Are you at peace with others? Never, Seldom, Frequently, Consistently.
Question 5:
And what about circumstances? Do you allow circumstances to disrupt your ability to be at peace? Do you remain calm in the face of trouble? Never, Seldom, Frequently, Consistently.
Question 6:
Finally, is your body at peace? Are you strained by stress, agitation, nervousness? Or are you free from tension, churning stomach, tight muscles, high blood pressure? Do you have a sense of calmness in your body? Never, Seldom, Frequently, Consistently.
Peace of mind gives demons of depression fits. Peace blocks their opportunity to invade your mind. In fact, it gives other people fits! Peace is powerful. It is defined as: untroubled; tranquil; content.
We must have peace. God knows that! So, He provided a way for peace. He told us to not worry about anything - don't let your heart be troubled - cast your cares on Him - pray about everything.
His peace will guard your minds. His peace will give you strength. There's nothing like it! Remember that great hymn: Peace, Peace,Wonderful Peace?
(1) Far away in the depths of my spirit tonight
Rolls a melody sweeter than psalm;
In celestial strains it unceasingly falls
O'er my soul like an infinite calm.
(2) What a treasure I have in this wonderful peace,
Buried deep in the heart of my soul,
So secure that no power can mine it away,
While the years of eternity roll!
Peace, peace, wonderful peace,
Coming down from the Father above!
Sweep over my spirit forever, I pray
In fathomless billows of love!
If you answered the six questions with Never or Seldom, then you have gone beyond the Passing Peace sign....and...
Your life is in chaos. It doesn't have to be that way.
Turn to the Lord...It will no longer be "Passing Peace" it will be "Peace that passes all understanding!