
Just living is not enough... one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower. ~Hans Christian Andersen

Sunday, September 30, 2012


The caption for this picture was:
"Beyond this sign is chaos"
Philippians 4:6-9
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. 8 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable -- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy -- think about such things. 9 Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me -- put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you." (NIV)
We all want to live in peace.  Peace of mind, peace in our home, peace on the job, peace in church, peace in church, peace in church....no, there's no typo here....peace in church is often difficult to obtain.  It's of a truth:  that if a person has peace of mind - and peace with God - then there will be peace in church.
I found a A Peace Inventory - by Lloyd Ogilvie:
There are four possible responses to the questions: Never, Seldom, Frequently, Consistently.  Which of the four choices will  you use to answer the following inventory?
Question 1:
Do you have peace of mind? Is your mind controlled by the Spirit of God? Or is your mind filled with a jumble of unforgiven memories, unresolved plans, and frustrating disappointments? Right at this moment can you say that your mind is at peace?  Never, Seldom, Frequently, Consistently.
Question 2:
Are your feelings at peace? Feelings do matter. How we feel affects how we live and how we relate to others. Do you feel at peace right now? Are you free from smouldering anger, nagging fears, frustration, and envy? Never, Seldom, Frequently, Consistently.
Question 3:
Do you have a sense of peace about your desires? Are you clear about God's will for your life? Do you trust in His daily guidance? Are you certain about your goals? Are you free from conflict between what you want and what you sense God wants?  Never, Seldom, Frequently, Consistently.
Question 4:
Since your relationships with people have so much to do with how you experience peace, do you let others rob you of inner peace? Are you at peace with others?  Never, Seldom, Frequently, Consistently.

Question 5:
And what about circumstances? Do you allow circumstances to disrupt your ability to be at peace? Do you remain calm in the face of trouble?  Never, Seldom, Frequently, Consistently.

Question 6:
Finally, is your body at peace? Are you strained by stress, agitation, nervousness? Or are you free from tension, churning stomach, tight muscles, high blood pressure? Do you have a sense of calmness in your body?  Never, Seldom, Frequently, Consistently.
Peace of mind gives demons of depression fits. Peace blocks their opportunity to invade your mind. In fact, it gives other people fits!  Peace is powerful. It is defined as:  untroubled; tranquil; content.
We must have peace. God knows that! So, He provided a way for peace. He told us to not worry about anything - don't let your heart be troubled - cast your cares on Him - pray about everything.
His peace will guard your minds. His peace will give you strength.  There's nothing like it!

Remember that great hymn: Peace, Peace,Wonderful Peace?  
(1) Far away in the depths of my spirit tonight

Rolls a melody sweeter than psalm;

In celestial strains it unceasingly falls

O'er my soul like an infinite calm.
(2) What a treasure I have in this wonderful peace,
Buried deep in the heart of my soul,
So secure that no power can mine it away,
While the years of eternity roll!
Peace, peace, wonderful peace,
Coming down from the Father above!
Sweep over my spirit forever, I pray
In fathomless billows of love!

If you answered the six questions with Never or Seldom, then you have gone beyond the Passing Peace sign....and...

Your life is in chaos. It doesn't have to be that way.

Turn to the Lord...It will no longer be "Passing Peace"  it will be "Peace that passes all understanding!

Friday, September 28, 2012

Facebook: If My People - 40 Days of Prayer


This facebook page will assist you with praying for our nation.

Please go to this page and click 'Like' and receive their daily
prayer video.

Many of us want to pray for our nation but we need a handle,
someone to help us know what and how to pray as we should.

Today is Day 01. 

I typed the prayer from this video.  You may print it - carry it with you throughout the day and as often as you have opportunity - pray for our nation at this crucial time!

Today's prayer is by David Butts -
Author, speaker and founder of Harvest Prayer Ministry and chairman of America’s National Prayer Committee. 

Father, I want to thank you for our nation.  I thank You for the way you have used this nation from the very beginning, to raise up a standard of righteousness all around the globe and yet, Lord, we find ourselves sadly lacking in our day.  We’ve turned from Your Word, we’ve sought to do things in our own strength.  We’ve allowed pride to come in, not merely as a nation, Lord, but as a church in this nation.  So, Lord we turn from self, and we turn to You, and we ask you, Lord, to revive us once again.  Lord, we ask You to show up in the midst of Your people.  Lord, help us as a people of God to not be satisfied with anything less than You, Lord Jesus, living out Your Life in the midst of Your people.  Lord, change us, revive us, awaken us, that our nation might be changed.  Lord, we ask it in the powerful Name of Jesus.  Amen.
Amen .... and


Sunday, September 23, 2012

Speech Obama SHOULD'VE given in Cairo

The Speech Obama should Give in Cairo
Robert Spencer

(Today, 9/23/12: This is the speech that should have given in Cairo 3 years ago!)
(Robert Spencer  --As Barack Obama prepares to give his long-anticipated major address to the Islamic world from Cairo, as a public service I here offer the speech he should give...)

Dear friends,

I have said that in this speech I would offer my personal commitment to engagement with the Islamic world, based upon mutual interests and mutual respect. Establishing peace between the forces of the global jihad and America and her ally Israel is something that I would very much love to do. The first thing I must acknowledge, however, is that much as I would love to see this peace dawning over the world, it is not within my power to achieve this.

That may surprise many of you. You have grown accustomed to thinking that the tensions between Muslims and the United States - tensions that boiled over on September 11, 2001 and on the occasions of many other acts of jihad terrorism as well - are entirely the fault of the United States. Americans have been told that we are hated because of our support for Israel, and because of our attempts to bring freedom and stability to the overwhelmingly Muslim people of Iraq and Afghanistan. We are hated because we have spent American treasure to try to secure a better life for Muslims the world over, spending billions of dollars in aid for Egypt, Pakistan, and other Muslim countries.

I must speak honestly with you. It puzzles and pains Americans to see ourselves vilified and hated for trying to help others. Now, unlike the Islamic Republic of Iran and other Islamic entities, we seek no apologies, no restitution. We do not ask for a word of thanks for our numerous attempts to help Muslim societies become safe, prosperous places to live for all their citizens. We do not ask for your approval. But at this point we are going to cease efforts to build bridges of understanding with the Islamic world that have turned out to be fruitless, and even self-defeating.
We have showered billions on Pakistan to enable the Pakistani government to fight the Islamic jihadists, only to see a great deal of that money being funneled to those same jihadists, who are now stronger than ever.

We have tried to establish democracies in Iraq and Afghanistan, only to see non-Muslim minorities treated worse than ever, such that they have been streaming out of Iraq in unprecedented numbers, while the few that remain in Afghanistan are subject to increasingly violent persecution.

We have brokered peace treaty after peace treaty between Israel and the Palestinians - from Camp David to Oslo to the Road Map for Peace - only to see the Palestinian side again and again trample upon its commitments to recognize and respect Israel's basic right to exist.

I have offered you America's outstretched hand. In doing so I have followed a path blazed by my predecessors. But that gesture of conciliation has never been reciprocated. And so now, even as my good will is still extended to you, I must act more realistically.

Pakistan and other Muslim countries will not receive another penny of American aid unless and until they demonstrate - in a transparent and inspectable fashion - that they are working against, not abetting, the forces of the global jihad. This will include instituting comprehensive nationwide programs to teach against the jihad doctrine of Islamic supremacism, teaching that Muslims and non-Muslims must live together as equal citizens on an indefinite basis, without any attempts by Muslims to subjugate non-Muslims as inferiors under the rule of Islamic law.

I trust you will understand that we cannot continue to fund the cutting of our own throat.

Afghanistan and Iraq must immediately guarantee the equality of rights of women and non-Muslims, or American arms will no longer devote themselves to keeping regimes in power that do not guarantee those rights.

I will call upon Israel to make no further territorial concessions. The withdrawal from Gaza in 2005 demonstrated only that such concessions whet, rather than sate, the appetites of Islamic jihadists for more concessions. The assumption that territorial concessions will bring peace ignores not only recent history, but also the stated goal of the jihadist movements arrayed against Israel: the destruction of the Jewish state.

That state is an American ally - a more reliable one than any Islamic state has ever been. And we will do whatever is necessary to preserve and defend that ally.
Our hand is outstretched, but we are not unrealistic about the nature of the world. The animus between us is as much, if not more, the result of the doctrines of jihad and Islamic supremacism as it is a result of American policy. I am telling you today that we understand this, and will be acting accordingly. Ultimately a policy based on realism will be much better for both of us than policies based on the fantasies and half-truths that have hitherto prevailed.
Thank you, and may God bless you.
Robert Spencer is the director of Jihad Watch and author of the New York Times Bestsellers The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades) and The Truth About Muhammad.
Page Printed from: http://www.americanthinker.com/archived-articles/../2009/06/the_speech_obama_should_give_i.html at September 23, 2012 - 12:14:46 PM CDT


Lt. General William Boykin
 Pictured in this blog are 5 Fearless Men who shared the podium at a Memorial Symposium to honor the victims of the Ft. Hood Massacre and all the soldiers that have paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom with truth that our media will not expose.   "Diversity Starts With the Truth." 

This Memorial was sponsored by Forum for Middle East Understanding (www.ffmu.org) and the International Counter Terrorism Offercers association (www.ictoa.org). 

After hearing two of the five men, Lt. General Boykin and Major Stephen Coughlin, I am challenged to get into the fight for our nation. As men of this stature take a stand...and risk their lives to expose America's enemy...I have a responsibility to be do my part, as small as it may be.  Every American should do what they can to reach friends, neighbors, and family with a warning...how can we fight an enemy if we don't first identify him? 

Some will never read this blog or any article regarding the threat to our nation - some will never research Islam/Sharia law with a need to know. Unaware of the seriousness of events in our government, nation, and world...most will continue with life as usual on a daily basis...but they will listen if a friend or relative talks to them!  Someone will listen to you!  One-on-one contact does work.

Lt. General Boykin says, "Sharia Law is creeping into our society todayWe are up against an enemy that wants to die."   Imans are calling for implementation of Sharia law.  Because we are not submitted as a nation to Allah and Sharia law, they have declared war on us. 

Boykin lists three points that are code words for surrender:
1.  Political correctness
2.  Multiculturalism
3.  Tolerance

We are urged to get in the fight.  In the next blog I will feature Lt. General William "Gerry" Boykin.  I will also share information from his presentation at the memorial, such as:  Obamacare's provision for commissioning of officers in time of emergency that will work directly for the President

One thing I can do is to write a blog featuring each of the five men.  

I am thankful for these 5 Fearless Men and the many others which are not listed here.  Men with such impressive credentials deserve you have our 'ear to hear'.... Oh, one more thing, be sure to read the last paragraph -  below the photos....

Major Stephen Coughlin
Walid Shoebat
Robert Spencer

Kamal Saleem

"Islam isn't in America to be equal to any other faith but to become dominant.  The Koran, the Muslim book of scripture should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on earth."  ~ Omar M. Ahmad, founder of CAIR, Council on American-Islamic Relations

Awake, America!
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Thursday, September 20, 2012

Remember Psalm 23?

Psalm 23 reminds me of a favorite story that we heard and/or memorized when we were growing up.  Most everyone can readily quote it.  But it's also a chapter we tend to easily forget; knowing it's always there on the shelf, and occasionally we remember to dust it off and pick it up for a good read.

Matthew Henry commentary:
David knew by experience the cares and tender affections of a good shepherd towards his flock. He remembered what need they had of a shepherd, and what a kindness it was to them to have one that was skilful and faithful; he once ventured his life to rescue a lamb. By this therefore he illustrates God’s care of his people. 

Psalm 23  (New Living Translation)              A psalm of David. 

1 The Lord is my shepherd; I have all that I need.

2 He lets me rest in green meadows;
he leads me beside peaceful streams.

3 He renews my strength.
He guides me along right paths,
bringing honor to his name.

4 Even when I walk through the darkest valley,
I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me.
Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me.

5 You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies.
You honor me by anointing my head with oil.
My cup overflows with blessings.

6 Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me
all the days of my life, and I will live in the house of the Lord forever.
The days are tense.  We are in need of supernatural rest,  renewal of strength...and comfort which can only come from The Great Shepherd, Jesus Christ.
Take time to read Psalm 23 again.  Let the peace that passes all understanding flood your soul.  It's the best therapy you can ever experience.  And it's free.
Psalm 23.  It's in your Bible. 
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Monday, September 17, 2012

When Abu Islam tore and burned the Bible...

During the demonstration which was held in front of the American Embassy in Cairo on Tuesday, 9/11, a Muslim cleric named Abu Islam tore and burned the Holy Bible in front of thousands of Muslims. His action was met with applause and anti-Christian cheers from the demonstrators. Before leaving the demonstration and getting into his car, he told the crowds "next time I will urinate on it."

 The video —http://vladtepesblog.com/?p=52886----   shows the Muslim cleric tearing the Bible. (copy/past the link in your browser)  Or...search on google...you will find the video easily.

One chant that bothers me is:  "O Jews, the army of Muhammed is coming."

As I watched this video, I'm reminded of the words of Jesus while on the cross, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do."

Worthy News featured an article today (9/17)-- "Although America is on alert against terrorists every Sept. 11, on this anniversary, the threats are now coming from domestic atheists after the Christian Cross as well as Muslim clerics in Cairo burning Bibles.   Atheists and Muslims: strange bedfellows indeed. "

As Christians we are eager to hear the Word of God, seek to understand it, and proclaim that Word.  We hide it deep within our hearts.  I trust the Word and place my hope in the promises.  Without the Bible I wouldn't understand Jesus and His Father, God, nor the value of the precious third person of the Trinity, The Holy Spirit. The Word of God is Alive.  It is Truth.

The Cross speaks of Jesus giving his life for me.  He shed His sinless blood on that cross for my sins.

This old hymn by Isaac Watts says it best:  At The Cross

 Alas! and did my Savior bleed, And did my Sovereign die?
Would He devote that sacred head - For sinners such as I?

Was it for crimes that I had done, He groaned upon the tree?
Amazing pity, grace unknown - and love beyond degree.

But drops of grief can ne'er repay the debt of sin I owe:
Here, Lord, I give my self away, 'Tis all that I can do.

At the cross, at the cross where I first saw the light,
And the burden of my heart rolled away,
It was there by faith I received my sight,
And now I am happy all the day.

I have no feelings of murder in my heart for those that burned the Bible.  I hurt
for them because they do not know Jesus Christ as Savior.  I desire that all muslims become  believers in Jesus as Lord and Savior...and receive salvation. 

But if they put one step in my yard to force me to wear a burka (burqa), they've met their match.  If they try to enforce Sharia law in my town, they won't know what hit them.  If they touch one of my daughters, they will die a slow death.

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Saturday, September 15, 2012

Operation El Dorado Canyon,Reagan's response to Lybia

As Reagan spoke on television, American aircraft
were in the air.  Dubbed Operation El Dorado Canyon, the mission was the culmination of extensive and complex planning.

This was President Reagan's response to Libya's attack on Americans, April 5, 1986.  Libyan agents bombed the La Belle disco in West Berlin, killing two American soldiers and one civilian, plus injuring 229 others.

Libya's leader, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, had provided support for terrorist attacks and openly planned to continue in such actions.  Reagan ordered three carriers to enforce the standard twelve-mile limit to territorial waters after Gaddafi attempted to claim the entire Gulf of Sidra as territorial waters.  Thus, the reason for the bombing on April 5 at the La Belle.

Reagan had a reason to retaliate.  Americans were killed by terrorists and Lybia was responsible.  Addressing the nation on the night of April 14, he argued "Self defense is not only our right, it is our duty. It is the purpose behind the mission...a mission fully consistent with Article 51 of the UN Charter."

Around 2:00 AM on April 15, the American aircraft began to arrive over their targets. In action for approximately twelve minutes, American aircraft struck each of the designated targets though several were forced to abort for various reasons.  The attack damaged the terrorism infrastructure within Libya.
Four Americans were killed on 9/11....just days ago.  Two days after an act of war was committed against the United States in both Egypt and Libya, on sovereign American territory, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was in the Ben Franklin Room in Washington, D.C., celebrating the end of Ramadan (Eid Mubarak).

Clinton continues to harp on the poorly produced video which insults Muhammed as the reason for the attacks in Libya.  Now, many other countries are following the example of Cairo and Libya with demonstrations of hate against the US.

Clinton and Obama are side-stepping, evading, avoiding, and dodging the issue with the agility of an olympic competitor...they just can't seem to place the blame where it lies.  If they did so, it would damage their relationship to muslims. 

God-forbid that these rioters getting their feelings hurt.  If the movie is responsible for the murders, as Clinton continues to broadcast, then they (the muslims, rioters) are extremely immature people.   Let's face it.  Muslims don't like us.  And nothing Clinton and Obama can do will ever change that!

Reagan knew how to stand up for America.  And he did.  And did he ever!

Friday, September 14, 2012

JOHN HAGEE-40 Days of Prayer

John Hagee


September 28th - November 6th, 2012

We're calling for 40 Days of Prayer beginning Sept. 28 – Nov. 6 ending just before the election. America is in a tremendous geo-political and economic crisis. We are headed in the wrong direction. We must return to the God of our fathers.

Message to ALL Christians in America from Pastor John Hagee of Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas. Greetings to all of our Salt Covenant Partners and friends across the nation and around the world.

I have said it before and I will say it again: the election on November 6, 2012 for the office of President is the day of decision for America. Four more years of Obama will bring absolute socialism to America. Our children and grandchildren will never know the greatness of America that we have experienced. THIS MUST NOT HAPPEN:

I am asking the Christians of America to join us in 40 days of prayer for this Presidential election. These 40 days of prayer will begin on September 28, 2012. You can do it individually or in groups, but prayer is the most powerful force God has given us to bring our nation back to righteousness. I'll be saying more about this as the year progresses, but mark it on your calendar and start telling your family, friends, and church members NOW about the 40 days of prayer.
Pastor John Hagee

The 40 day prayer pack can be ordered from this link:
Click on this link to watch this video:


Pssst, Ms Clinton, Wake Up!

Try as I may... to remain silent during these fire-hot weeks and months...I just can't...and it's not that I'm driven by an inbred devotion to a certain political party.  I'm not.  I've had to make a choice according to biblical principles.  You see, I have to take a stand for the things God stands for (make sense?) -  and in doing so it sometimes calls for speaking up...in a time when folks are weary of  those who "speak up" .... 

They say, "I'm tired hearing about it."  I am, too.  But, it won't go away just because I'd rather not face it or deal with it.  I can't put my head in the sand and pretend life is a bowl of cherries.  Truthfully, I'd love to put my feet in the sand and stare at the ocean all day.

Yesterday I was troubled.  There was a nagging sense of "that's so wrong" after hearing Hillary Clinton's speech in response to the murders of Americans in Libya.  Late last night I finally found portions of the speech on my phone...searching and searching...I filled in the blanks of my earlier notes.  This is the part of her speech that troubled me:

"The US had absolutely nothing to do with this video.  We absolutely reject its content and message.  To us, to me personally, this video is disgusting and reprehensible.  It appears to have a deeply cynical purpose to denigrate a great religion and to provoke rage."

Denigrate a great religion?  Denigrate a great religion?!?   Let me get this straight.  "A great religion!"  I'm still trying to digest this.  I wonder, would she make the same statement about Christianity?

Where is her head?  Who brainwashed her?  Could it be her top aide who is muslim?  I saw clips of the video early on - and it was the most pitiful production ever!  How could this incite so many countries to commit indescribable violence across the span of miles...at the same time?  And it happens to be countries around Israel.  Countries dominated by muslims.   Nah....it takes something stronger.  Like Hate.  Pure Hate.  Hate for Israel and America.

Fox News Online posted an article today by Christian Whiton.  Read portions below:
Madam secretary, it is time for you and your boss to wake up and smell the global jihad.  Hillary also said that the attack was the result of a “small and savage group.”  Wrong again. 
Viewed correctly, the attack was perpetrated by a very large group. Terrorism as we have known it since 9/11 is but the violent vanguard of the Islamist political ideology. This ideology unifies diverse terrorists from Jemmah Islamiyah in Indonesia to Al-Shabaab in Somalia to Boko Haram in Nigeria to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt to the Haqqani network in Afghanistan and Pakistan.  

President Obama has thumped his chest about killing Al Qaeda’s founder and implied that Al Qaeda is our only real enemy.   On Obama’s watch, the Islamists have done very well.  They have taken over Egypt and are set to take over Syria and its chemical weapons arsenal without a change in US policy. They look ahead to the day U.S. forces leave Afghanistan—which Obama has conveniently announced to them.

Hillary ought to park the plane and understand that diplomacy—or more accurately statecraft—ought to be about recognizing and fighting these problems. Pageantry, apologies and photo ops are obviously not getting it done.

Bad grammar, here...but:  ANSWER ME ONE QUESTION.  Why on this green earth, can't Hillary and Obama understand Islam intent?  Sadly, I believe they do understand. 

Their platform and preaching amounts to tolerance of religion, namely the muslim religion.  I heard one person explain it this way:  You attack Christianity and nothing happens.  You make muslims mad and they kill.  To them, there is no religion but Islam.  All others must convert or be killed. 

Yep, tribulation period, here we come.  For those who are left here, anyway.  But for the redeemed, it's a good day.  Rapture is the key word.  The catching away of the church.  Those blood-bought saints, whose sins have been washed in the blood of the Lamb.  That Lamb is Jesus Christ. 

I'm studying to learn even more about Islam.  You should, too.  It is upon us.  No matter  how weary you are of hearing about it - it just won't go away.  The best thing you can do is to be informed.....the Word of God tells us to "Watch....watch and pray"....

Islam is a peaceful religion. Sure it is.  When it is not possible to overtake a country by war, they enter that area on the pretense of peace...while they grow in numbers.  Then they take over.

Hillary and Obama need to wake up - but then, they may already be awake...and they are simply attempting to rock the baby to keep him (muslims) from crying on their watch.

Sadly, there will probably be more days ahead of us that may bring unrest.  And, there will always be watchmen on the wall.  You will continue to hear about events - even though it robs you of life as usual.  Folks, life will never again be as usual.  None of us want to be uncomfortable, but that all changed on 9/11.

I can't think of a snappy ending here.......'cept I'm still trying to grasp Hillary's statement about Islam being a "great religion"....I'm still chewing on that one!
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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

YOU ...matter

Danny Kaye supposedly said,
"Life is a great big canvas, 
and you should throw
all the paint on it you can."

I agree with Danny Kaye.  I also believe life is the most valuable asset we have.  Yet, life painstakingly and relentlessly pokes and prodes at our self-worth with  intent to destroy.  It starts when we are young and  continues throughout our existence on this earth.   

Our struggle is this: to 'rise' from where we are.  Inside every human lie hopes and dreams, peppered with with oodles of emotions. Unfortunately, most of those desires go unfulfilled.  Wasted.  Canvases never painted.  Words never published. Songs never composed.  Poems never written.  Yet, it's in you.  Waiting.

If we are valuable, then why doesn't life contribute to our worth?  Why does it seem that life's only assignment is to hinder us from living while alive? 

There is an adversary to God's creation.  And that adversary came to steal, kill, and destroy.  But that is not the end of the story. 

Jesus placed immense value on humanity when he came to earth as a baby and lived with the cross in view... in order to redeem us, to buy us back...to His Father.  Every person is important.  You have value.  You have worth.  

One author wrote:  "Everything that happens to you is a reflection of what you believe about yourself.  We cannot outperform our level of self-esteem.  We cannot draw to ourselves more than we think we are worth."

The purpose of this blog is simply to tell you that you matter.  Your life is important. There is part of you that is unseen by others.  The real you.  That part  knows you are created  special.   Each life is a story that should be written.  
But the battle remains down here.  The battle of those moments when we feel as though we don't matter or make a difference. 
Mark Twain said, "The worst loneliness is not to be comfortable with yourself." I might add, "The worst loneliness is  thinking you don't matter...allowing bondages to hold you back from fulfilling your dream -  living free."
I pray that you will begin to love living.  Because if you cannot value yourself and life, you will not be able to value anything else.
No, this is not a blog to build your self-esteem, while I hope it does just that, it's nothing more than a blog to tell you that you are important.  You have a huge part to play in this world. 
You and you alone can deny yourself the life God intended for you to enjoy.  Go ahead, break loose from the chains that bind - give yourself permission to live.   Sure, we are not perfect.  No one is!  We've all made mistakes.  But, our goofs did not abolished the grace of God.  God wants to give us a future...a hope...a reason for living.
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future"  (Jeremiah 29;11) . 
The Message Bible makes this verse very clear: I know what I’m doing. I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for.
There is a tract called: His One Mistake.
"A man is standing with a briefcase in his hand, and his suit on, and he's going to work, obviously.  He always made it to the office on time.  He kept up with the news.  The doctors examined him twice a year.  He knew a few jokes.  He ate lots of fresh fruit.  He played football on Sunday mornings.  He slept at least eight hours every night.  He never smoked.  He never drank or lost his temper.  He took healthy walks when he could in clean air.  He kept himself clean.  He exercised daily.  He was set to live to be hundred...the funeral will be held on Thursday.  His one mistake:  he forgot God."
Forgetting God is the biggest mistake any person can make in this life.  All other mistakes can be forgiven.
Remember, you cannot outperform your level of self-esteem.  Be encouraged.  You matter.
Here,  throw some paint on your canvas!  I've even provided the paint!  Is the color red alright?

Don't forget, you can post a comment by simply clicking on the "no comments" link below.  It will provide a blank box, you can write whatever you want in that box...but be nice.  :)

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Eastwooding Isn't New

Using the chair was a last minute decision by Clint Eastwood (at the RNC convention).  That last minute decision produced an unforgettable performance.  I can't remember all of the speakers or what they said - but I do remember the 'chair'.  

"There was a stool there, and some fella kept asking me if I wanted to sit down," Eastwood told the newspaper, which published the article Friday. "When I saw the stool sitting there, it gave me the idea. I'll just put the stool out there and I'll talk to Mr. Obama and ask him why he didn't keep all of the promises he made to everybody."

While Eastwood said his presentation was "very unorthodox," that was his intent from the outset and he had plenty of people giving him advice on what to say. "Everybody had advice for me, except the janitor," Eastwood said.

Using the empty chair was a bit unorthodox.  But, unorthodox isn't always a bad thing.  For a clearer understanding, let's get a bit unorthodox here and define unorthodox:

Unorthodox: not conforming to rules, traditions, or modes of conduct, as of a doctrine, religion, or philosophy.   

I rather tire of constantly conforming to man-made rules and traditions.   Nothing changes.  No variety. And before I know it, my enthusiam is gone...and I'm in a rut.  We know that a rut is a grave with both ends knocked out. 

Because of his unorthodox feat that night, a new term was birthed: Eastwooding. 

But talking to an empty chair isn't new. 

I have a precious friend whom I love with all my heart.  She is often unorthodox and that's why I enjoy talking to her.  She is real.  Her expressions are not according to the rules of spiritual jargon.  As to mode of conduct?  She is her own person.  I recall her saying that when she prays, she talks to an empty chair - but to her, it's not empty.  She places Jesus in that chair while they have a very real conversation.

Unorthodox?  Yes.   She unquestionably breaks traditions and modes of conduct when she talks to God.  I've heard her use terms of endearment...that you and I wouldn't use.  Or, "Golly, gee, Lord" ...

Do you want to know why this lady is so special to me?  Because she is truly genuine.  She is so stinkin' real.  I can trust her.  I prefer her unorthodox prayers over the prayers of one following religious tradition and worn out jargon any old time!  The Lord might well share my opinion.

Eastwooding isn't new.  Try it.  You may discover that Eastwooding can add a little spice to your life.

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Friday, September 7, 2012

Churches Fiddle While Rome Burns?

Is there a turn of the tide in our country? 
Is it time to awake out of sleep?
Is there a voice sounding the alarm?
Is it safe to have church as usual?
Is it time to call it like it is?
Is there a pastor who will rise to the day?
Is there a church body that will listen?

Personal experience always makes a good testimony.
I have those years of memories to draw on as I type this blog.  Growing up in church - pastoring - sitting in the pew - joining in worship - loving the church family - counting on those that were supportive - recovering from those who were not.  I understand.

The phrase "Nero fiddled while Rome burned" is used to express both these meanings of the word fiddle.  First it presents the picture of an individual playing a musical instrument as he took a sadistic pleasure in the terrible misfortunes of others. Secondly it represents ineffectual effort. That is, Nero, who should have made himself useful, was fiddling.

It is the second picture of which I am concerned...and most believers share this concern.  As a church, we have a great commission.  Therefore, Go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.   -Matthew 28:19

Is our Rome burning while we fiddle?  What is happening to our America? 

I've watched dear saints sit in services with folded arms and a plastered look of disapproval on their faces - making a statement of resistance to a powerful move of God.  I hate that.  I really loved their potato salad.  I heard of members complaining about the young people who were brought in by van loads - kids who didn't know how to act in church - these same kids who were slain in the spirit in a revival, yet knew absolutely nothing about such things - but the paint on the wall becoming scuffed up by these 'kids' took priority in the minds of believers over the spiritual transformation happening in their young lives!

Is it just our four and no more?  Are we far too comfortable and secure within our walls?

Are we fiddling while Rome burns?  What is wrong with us, Church?  Are we going to awake from slumber?  We are sleeping Giants!!  We have the anointing and the power to Turn Things Around!

Is it easier to turn our heads while radical Islam infiltrates our government - our society?  I watched a video this week: Democrat Maxine Waters clip from February 19, 2012 at the Islamic Society of Orange County Town Hall - about how Republicans are trying to fearmonger hatred against all Muslims by ensuring that Shariah is never practiced in America’s borders.

Church!  Awake!  It's time!  Shariah law means you will lose your head!  Come on, church....God is depending on you!  Forget the potato salad, the color of carpet.  Forget whether we sing hymns out of the book or just worship choruses.  Forget the small stuff and get about the business of saving the lost!  Get out of the walls!  Rise up as the giant that you are!  With love and compassion greet the lost and dying world with the precious gospel of Jesus Christ.  The saving gospel. 

We can do it!

Research:  It is uncertain who or what actually caused the fire — whether accident or arson. According to Tacitus, some in the population held Nero responsible, as soon after he built himself a huge house in the center of Rome called the "Golden House".  To diffuse blame, Nero targeted the Christians. There were Christians who confessed to the crime, but it became known that Christians were forced to confess by means of torture,  and the passage is unclear as to what the Christians confessed to — being arsonists or Christians. According to Tacitus, Nero ordered Christians to be thrown to dogs, while others were crucified or burned to serve as lights.

If we don't speak up - stand up - wake up....we could be thrown to the dogs, or burned to serve as lights.  Jesus said that we are already the light of the world.  Shine, church.  Shine. 

I wrote earlier in this blog:  Personal experience always makes a good testimony.  You and I know what the church should be doing.  And what we are not doing.  And, what we are doing. 

We are a special breed of folks with a high calling.  There's none out there quite like us.  We are church folks.  We've fiddled long enough.  Time to get serious, here. 

Lay the fiddle down.  .   .  .  .  .  .  .  .

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Thursday, September 6, 2012


Taken in Florida at sunset...
If God had a facebook page,
I think the profile section would read something like this:

I Am that I Am. 
I am Spirit.
I am the self-existent One 
I am the Lord thy God. 
I am God and there is none other.
I  am eternal and unchangeable.
I have all knowledge.
I am everywhere at once.
I am all powerful.
I am Creator.
I am love. 
I am holy.
I am without measure and I know no boundaries.

I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end.   I am also known as : Elohim, strength or power.  I am:   God of the Beginning.  God of Justice.  God of forgiveness. God of Heights.  God who is near.  God of your strength.  God of  your praise.  God of your salvation.  God of forgiveness.

I am God Who is near.  I am the Living and Holy God.  There is none like Me.

   Birthday:  None.  I have always been. I am from everlasting to everlasting. I do not have it in me to not exist.  I was in the beginning.  I will always be.

   Religious Views:   Believe in Me, the Great I Am, God your creator.  Believe in My Son, Jesus, who shed His sinless blood on the cross to redeem you from sin.  Believe in the Holy Spirit who draws you to Me.  Believe that Jesus is coming again to gather His church unto Himself. 

   Political Views:  My Son, Jesus, is King of kings and Lord of lords.  All authority under heaven and earth is given to Him. 

I speak and it becomes. I created the heavens and the earth.  I rule all of my creation.  I am reigning over all the nations.  I am causing the words proceeding from my mouth to accomplish that which I please, and to prosper in the thing for which I sent it.   Without ceasing I am calling and drawing humanity unto me.  I appear in the praises of My people.  I bring all things forth in fulness of time with a plan and a purpose...orchestrating the last days of the book of Revelation. 

I am omniscient.  I have complete and unlimited knowledge. I perceive all things.   I have no need of learning.  I am the source of all knowledge. 

   City:  I fill both the heaven and earth - I cannot be contained withn the universe.  My Throne sits in heaven, not within the physical universe.   My throne is in the heavens; and My kingdom rules over all.  My throne has never been vacant and never will be.  Heaven is My throne, and the earth is my footstool.  Revelation 22:1 Then he showed me the river whose water give life, sparkling like crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb.

    Future home:  The Holy City, the New Jerusalem. I will dwell with My people, I will be with them, and be their God. 

That city will have My Glory.  Her light will be like unto a stone most precious, even like a jasper stone, clear as crystal; And there will be a wall great and high, with twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels, and names written thereon, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel:  On the east three gates; on the north three gates; on the south three gates; and on the west three gates.

The wall of the city will have twelve foundations, and in them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.  The city is foursquare, and the length is as large as the breadth...The length and the breadth and the height of it are equal.  And the building of the wall of it was of jasper: and the city was pure gold, like unto clear glass.  The foundations of the wall will be garnished with all manner of precious stones. The first foundation is jasper; the second, sapphire; the third, a chalcedony; the fourth, an emerald; The  fifth, sardonyx; the sixth, sardius; the seventh, chrysolyte; the eighth, beryl; the ninth, a topaz; the tenth, a chrysoprasus; the eleventh, a jacinth; the twelfth, an amethyst.

The twelve gates will be twelve pearls: every several gate was of one pearl: and the street of the city  pure gold, as transparent glass. And  the gates of it shall not be shut at all by day: for there shall be no night there. 

You shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart...and I will be found of you.  My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to prayer.   Come into My presence with thanksgiving; make joyful noise with songs of praise!  Cry to me, and I will hear you; and I will show you great things, and sure things which you know not. 

The heavens declare my handiwork.  If you've seen my Son, Jesus, you have also seen Me. 

The Godhead:  For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily...I am the Father...My Son is, Jesus, and also my precious Holy Spirit.  We are three in One.  My extended family includes all those who are adopted by a new birth through faith in my Son.  They are heirs and joint-heirs with my Son, Jesus Christ.  I am the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. 

This is my beloved Son, hear ye him.
Ye must be born again.
Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
If God be for you, then who can be against you.
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.
Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.

Glorify the Lord as much as ever you can, for he will yet far exceed, and his magnificence is wonderful. Blessing the Lord, exalt him as much as you can: for he is above all praise. When you exalt him, put forth all your strength, and be not weary: for you can never go far enough.

(If you post...in prayer...He will comment) 

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and thanks...

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Zoe, age 11 - This is her story

11-year-old Zoe Griffin

Zoe is 11 years old and she  has a story to tell.  I hope you will take the time to read it.

by Bryan Kemper , LifeSiteNews.com

She joined her mother and friends to lay thousands of roses outside the site of the Democratic convention and pray for the babies, the politicians and this generation.

While Zoe was praying, pro-abortion activists who claim to stand up for women began to belittle and scream at Zoe for her stand for life. What is so sad is that one of the women who did this to Zoe, Sunsara Taylor, is a well know anti-porn activist who claims to be against the degradation of women. I guess just not 11-year-olds who believe that women should not be dehumanized by the abortion industry.

Here is Zoe’s account:
“Hi, I’m Zoe. Something happened Friday night that a friend wanted me to blog about. I don’t have Facebook or Twitter or anything like that so I’m borrowing my mom’s page for now.
“What happened was a pro-life rally. We had showed up when only 4 people were there. I guess we were supposed to get there early. As more and more people came, a car arrived. A woman came out and opened the trunk. There were 3,300 carnations in the back of that car. We started to unload and unwrap the flowers. Lily, Bella, and I started to write pro-life statements with chalk on the sidewalks when some pro-abortionists came. They were holding signs and chanting: “A baby’s not a baby till it comes out, that’s what birthdays are all about!” They were blowing whistles and jumping around acting like 5-year-old children. I was so sad that these people were so blinded I started crying. Then we started laying down the flowers all across the sidewalk. When we finished, the line of carnations was probably a mile long. A pro-life woman let me hold a crucifix that she had. I started clutching it close to my heart. My knees were shaking, so were my hands.
“The pro-abortionists turned to us and started pointing at different people, saying, “You’re a person! You’re a person! Fetuses are not!” Then the woman saw me crying and said,” You are making this girl cry with your bull____”. I couldn’t stand any more of those lies. They pushed it too far. In the highest-pitched voice I have ever spoken in, I screamed, “THEY ARE NOT THE ONES MAKING ME CRY! YOU ARE! WITH YOUR DARK HEARTS, YOUR DARK MINDS TURNED AGAINST GOD!” My mom ran over to me, put her hand on my shoulder, and calmed me down. Then she went up to them and said, “HOW DARE YOU ATTACK A CHILD LIKE THAT!” While she was yelling, pro-lifers came over to me to calm me down. My whole body was shaking. Our friend, Mrs. McKinney, took me, Jack, and Bella to a CVS that was nearby. We got water and chips and went back. I sat down on a bench when a man from the Charlotte Observer came over to me and started interviewing me. Once he was done, a man came over and gave us ice cream. While I was eating, the pro-abortionists left. Then we started to clean up.
“On the way home I felt sorry that I yelled at those people. I told my mom, and she said, “Do you know why you feel that way? It’s because you have a heart. You have a conscience, and you know what’s right and what’s wrong. Those people attacked you like that because they don’t have a heart.”
I will never, ever forget what happened last night. I had a dream that night that they all converted to pro-life activists. I hope that dream becomes a reality.”