Lately there have been “sinkhole-happenings” due to underground water level changing. As I understand it, cold weather caused orange and strawberry growers to draw large amounts of water from underground and spray the crops in order to freeze them so they will not be subjected to lower temperatures. Thus, they save crops. But this results in a shift in underground water level which results in…the ground caving in. Wah-lah…a sinkhole.
(Jim Allen adds this info: Yes, the growers know that if they cover the plants with water, It will freeze and under the ice it will never get below 32 degrees F. this will save the strawberrys and will save the small citrus trees from dying. most citrus growers use micro jets to keep the wood protected, they just can't spray it too high though, or the weight of the ice will break the limbs off of the trees and cause a lot of damage that will take years to regrow.) Thanks, Jim!!
Research Reveals: Many of the lakes in Florida are relic sinkholes. Sinkholes can be classified as geologic hazards. ( I believe that!)
Large sinkholes can gobble up trees, houses, cars…anything that happens to be sitting where the earth wants to fall…down…in a hole. A sink hole can slow you down, swallow you up …
Spiritually speaking, I’ve experienced sinkholes in my life...more than once. When the foundation of my faith shifts I suddenly find I’m still human. Emotions of helplessness, fear, anxiety suddenly appear…you know what I’m talking about?
Even though I know what the Word says, I still have those sinkhole moments. I don’t act on the Word and my faith seems small. Just like the men in the boat when the storm came and they woke Jesus and cried, “Don’t you care that we perish?” They had a sinkhole moment. Jesus was rather weary with them. It was just a storm. Why didn’t they take care of it? He wasn’t though with His nap. He had already given them what they needed to handle things while He rested!! He rebuked them for their little faith. Sinkhole faith.
I read that recognizing indicators of potential sinkholes can reduce but not eliminate this risk. Here’s a few spiritual indicators that you are on dangerous ground.
1. Depression
2. Lack of prayer time
3. Negative talk
4. Physical exhaustion
5. Unbelief
Ouch. That’s enough. Stop. Maybe we need to do a check up from the neck up in order to avoid sinkholes.
James 2:14 says, “What good does it do you to have faith if you don’t show it by your actions…faith that does not result in good deeds is useless? Can that kind of faith save anyone?”
God told Abraham to offer Isaac as a sacrifice – Abraham trusted God so much he was willing to do what God asked. This could’ve been a huge sinkhole moment. But Abraham didn’t respond as I would have….he simply obeyed God without mouthing about it.
God said, “Abraham, because you didn’t let this challenge develop into a sinkhole moment, I’m going to declare you righteous….and oh, yeah, Abraham, I'm so impressed with your behavior I'll just call you “Friend.”
Well, there you have it. The sinkhole faith of the boys out fishin’ or the action faith of Abraham. Which will it be? It’s your call. It's your life.
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