
Just living is not enough... one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower. ~Hans Christian Andersen

Saturday, January 30, 2010


Have you seen the commercial of the talking pothole? Sometimes we can identify with the pothole...in fact, we've hit a few of them in our lifetime. And then there are times I've felt like nothing more than a talking pothole! The pothole reminds me of times when our cars have hit them...with a thud...or something else has happened to jolt us and cause our cars to stall on the road.

Life has a way of bringing us to a place where we feel like a stalled car on a dark road between two locations: 1) where we once were and 2) wherever it is that we think we need to go. It’s difficult being stalled on the side of the road. You don’t know whether you need a mechanic to fix the problem under the hood, or if you just need a shove due to a dead battery. God forbid that you’ve only run out of gas. Either way, you’re going nowhere, fast. And you know it.

A stalled point in life is crucial. Anything can happen. Knowing you could rust while sitting on the side of the road causes you to be a little more sensitive in “hearing what the Spirit hath to say”...to you.

A daily regimen is then implemented to maintain life. It is a ferocious daily activity of gathering information from every source that could possibly produce some sound spiritual ministry. When it grabs your attention the wheels of your mind start to turn. Pen and paper quickly appear, for allowing words that resounded as a trumpet blast of intelligence to escape your memory would cause a rigor. Since this often the case, pen and paper are often easily accessible.

God must love it when people say or write words that affect humans in a positive sense. He knows humans need all the help they can get because they certainly don’t spend enough time listening to Him. So, the Lord graciously uses other humans to send a power-packed sentence just at the right time. There are a multitude of preachers on TV or the internet (or a blog) that have a message to share. Strangers or not, you listen. When they speak those words…those needed words…the ones that impress…the ones that jump up and down - within seconds those words take flight and somehow they end up on paper (or computer). Oh, how exciting this is! Now the words have a new owner. They were sent by God just for you. You read it over and over. Never mind if the words of wisdom are jotted down in every direction on a used piece of paper or an envelope. That scrap piece of paper is guarded with your life!

If you could only find someone else who valued those words as you …but alas, it’s your treasure, not theirs. Not until they are stalled by the side of the road, anyway.

Talking potholes can’t fix problems but at least they have something to say (according to the commercial). And if the ability to talk is all I have in my hand to use, then God expects me to be a talking pothole.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Sinkhole Faith

Lately there have been “sinkhole-happenings” due to underground water level changing. As I understand it, cold weather caused orange and strawberry growers to draw large amounts of water from underground and spray the crops in order to freeze them so they will not be subjected to lower temperatures. Thus, they save crops. But this results in a shift in underground water level which results in…the ground caving in. Wah-lah…a sinkhole.

(Jim Allen adds this info: Yes, the growers know that if they cover the plants with water, It will freeze and under the ice it will never get below 32 degrees F. this will save the strawberrys and will save the small citrus trees from dying. most citrus growers use micro jets to keep the wood protected, they just can't spray it too high though, or the weight of the ice will break the limbs off of the trees and cause a lot of damage that will take years to regrow.) Thanks, Jim!!

Research Reveals: Many of the lakes in Florida are relic sinkholes. Sinkholes can be classified as geologic hazards. ( I believe that!)

Large sinkholes can gobble up trees, houses, cars…anything that happens to be sitting where the earth wants to fall…down…in a hole. A sink hole can slow you down, swallow you up …

Spiritually speaking, I’ve experienced sinkholes in my life...more than once. When the foundation of my faith shifts I suddenly find I’m still human. Emotions of helplessness, fear, anxiety suddenly appear…you know what I’m talking about?

Even though I know what the Word says, I still have those sinkhole moments. I don’t act on the Word and my faith seems small. Just like the men in the boat when the storm came and they woke Jesus and cried, “Don’t you care that we perish?” They had a sinkhole moment. Jesus was rather weary with them. It was just a storm. Why didn’t they take care of it? He wasn’t though with His nap. He had already given them what they needed to handle things while He rested!! He rebuked them for their little faith. Sinkhole faith.

I read that recognizing indicators of potential sinkholes can reduce but not eliminate this risk. Here’s a few spiritual indicators that you are on dangerous ground.
1. Depression
2. Lack of prayer time
3. Negative talk
4. Physical exhaustion
5. Unbelief

Ouch. That’s enough. Stop. Maybe we need to do a check up from the neck up in order to avoid sinkholes.

James 2:14 says, “What good does it do you to have faith if you don’t show it by your actions…faith that does not result in good deeds is useless? Can that kind of faith save anyone?”

God told Abraham to offer Isaac as a sacrifice – Abraham trusted God so much he was willing to do what God asked. This could’ve been a huge sinkhole moment. But Abraham didn’t respond as I would have….he simply obeyed God without mouthing about it.

God said, “Abraham, because you didn’t let this challenge develop into a sinkhole moment, I’m going to declare you righteous….and oh, yeah, Abraham, I'm so impressed with your behavior I'll just call you “Friend.”

Well, there you have it. The sinkhole faith of the boys out fishin’ or the action faith of Abraham. Which will it be? It’s your call. It's your life.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Just Print it...

It's been a profitable Monday. The sunshine was beautiful, even though it was still rather chilly. Evening is now upon us and I find myself winding down. I took a break from chores and read one of my email devotions. As often happens, a paragraph or two flashed brilliantly with a message 'just for me'...I hang onto those kind of words...when they come. They're mine. I needed them. Is that what you do, too?

I copy/paste the portion that speaks to me -then print it - then I put it where I can read it over and over - until the next message arrives. I don't deliberately search for words of encouragement, I just read ... and it seems there's usually a sentence or two - from somewhere - that becomes energized and jumps from the page into my heart. When that happens, I grab it. It's a prize. And it's mine. The tidings from the writing fortifies my faith and I stand strong another day.

The author won't mind if I share my pargraph with you, I'm sure. After all, it was written for the edification of believers.

"You may have been going through some troubling circumstance or struggling with a certain situation for some time now. But the good news is that your days of struggling are over! If you want to experience the power of God in your life, it is critical that you find out what God promises in His Word. He doesn't want you to stay in your current situation; He wants to take you to new levels of glory every day! All it takes is your unwavering belief in what He says in His Word. "

I love this sentence: The good news is that your days of struggling are over! What a relief! That's so good to know. Like so many other people, I must constantly remind myself that I'm not alone. God cares.

I want you to know that you're not alone, either. God cares for you. He wants you to be encouraged - not discouraged. God will perform His Word over you. When I learned that the word encourage means to stimulate spiritually, I thought: SO THAT'S WHAT HAPPENS! That's how we become refreshed and restored when words leap from the page and land square in the middle of our spirit! We are spiritually stimulated!!

Is there someone you know who needs to be stimulated spiritually? Send an encouraging word to them...become a minister of the good news of the gospel. Tell them that their days of struggling are over!! You'll discover that putting action to your faith will cause you to be spiritually stimulated at the same time. Maybe that's the way God works.

How can you remember that special message from the Lord when you need it most? Print it! Just print it!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Do What??

I listened to Robyn Okrant just a minute ago as she shared her one year experience (2008) of living her life according to Oprah's leading...from what to wear to handling marital disagreements. Amazing. She searched Oprah's web site and magazines for advice pertaining to every aspect of life, what to wear, what to eat, what to buy....Amazing, again! She stated that (1) she adopted a pet (2) became active in hands-on charitable work - b u t - she concluded by saying: she felt lousy. Her lowest point came when she felt self-conscious...am I meeting up to standards...I felt paranoid...She admitted that it became 'weary' to always follow Oprah's advice.

From an article in USA Today, written by Craig Wilson: It wasn't easy. Okrant says she was "broken down, my tank empty" by October 2008 and thrilled when it was all over. "I got to revel in all my bad habits again," says Okrant, 37. So, does Okrant think she came close to her "best life"? "I think I eventually found it when I stopped working on it," she says.

Another online artice from the Detroit News stated:
Robyn was called the 'Oprah lady'... She spent an entire 365 days, 1,202 hours and $4,781.84 to determine she's her more "authentic self" without Oprah running her life so that we don't have to. What a relief.

I don't know about you, but I would fall short if I attempted to follow a celebrity. I can never do what they do - buy what they buy - look like they look - go where they go - dress as they dress...and the list goes on. I'm so relieved that I don't have to imitate them.

But there is another I'm to follow: Ephesians 5:1 (Amplified) THEREFORE BE imitators of God [copy Him and follow His example], as well-beloved children [imitate their father]. Mark 8:35 For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel's, the same shall save it.

Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Peter, Paul, James, Andrew, Thomas, Jude, Barnabas, Bartholomew...if I want to imitate a fellow-human, let it be one of these. There were also great women of the Bible, such as: Mary, Ruth, Esther, Deborah, Mary and Martha...and the list goes on.

Simplify your life. Look into God's Word. You'll know how to dress, speak, think, and behave. Jesus is the perfect model for living. He's the only model you need to follow.

If you want to know more about the Oprah follower and her new book...you can go to her web site. If you want to know more about Jesus Christ, just pick up your Bible.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Good Riddance !!

I barely caught the announcement of a "Good Riddance Day" to be held in New York around New Year's eve. This was the first I'd heard of such a happening. Where have I been? I could've used one of those special days about 365 times...every year of my life.

Google provided the missing details...(what doesn't goggle provide?) along with a picture.

Today in Times Square, bring it all: Photos of your ex, your “separation letter” from your employer, the iPod you tried to get repaired seven times – you name it -- and prepare to shred, flatten, decimate and otherwise destroy it all. Shredders and sledgehammers will be provided, along with a dumpster to house it all when you’re through. And the most creative entry even nets $250.

Humans were given a flyer with the heading: Out with the Old, in with the New! upon which they listed whatever they wanted to say Good Riddance to. One...listed...sorrow, guilt, loss, regret, lack of hope. This event was held, as one stated, because sometimes you need to just let go.

The apostle Paul said it this way: forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, Philippians 3:12-14. Easy said, hard to do, Paul! But he didn't say it would be easy. I have a question??? why is it: doing wrong things is easy - doing right things is not so easy. Another question??? why do I carry inside of me the things I need to get rid of???

Suppose I created my own flyer - one per month for 2010. If I write on the flyer the things I need to forget...to let go of...at the end of the month I can have a celebration and shred, flatten, decimate and otherwise destroy it all. Ok, I'll go first. I know what needs to be on mine. Loss, grief, regret(s). But wait, it wouldn't be fair to simply place this one flyer on my wall....God is a God of balance. I should also create another flyer with the heading: My future destiny, planned by God. Oh, this is getting somewhere...am I leaning toward a positive approach to life, here? I certainly pray it's so!
Where are you in all of this? Do you need to have a Good Riddance Day at your house? Do you need to say Good Riddance to family problems, resentment, harbored hurts, lack of confidence or lack of a healthy self-esteem...I'm convinced that we are very hard on ourselves - much harder on us than our Lord wants us to be - He loves us - He loves you...and wants the best for you. That's why He died on the cross - to give you a Good Riddance Day...the best flyer was created by Him. The heading reads: Romans 10:9. That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
Saved from what? Sin...transgressions...old carnal nature...death...
Saved to what? Righteousness...eternity with God...forgiveness...add joy, peace and a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Now, go schedule your Good Riddance Day...you'll feel much better. You will win a prize that is out of this world! :)

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Don't Forget the Holy Spirit

A couple of weeks ago, a friend asked a question about the seven Spirits of God (Revelation 4:5). I love an opportunity to research  and I'm not bothered by the fact that I don't know everything. Furthermore, I don't feel badly when I admit I don't know.  Perhaps it's the challenge that I love! Who knows. Anyway...I researched the seven Spirits of God. The information revealed what I've been forgetting to do.

First, I'll post the answer...then explain insight gained from the answer.

Seven is God's number for completion. The seven Spirits of God represent the presence of the Holy Spirit at the throne of God. The Holy Spirit is like a burning fire filled with judgment against sin and with the purity of God... Isaiah 11:2, “The Spirit of the LORD will rest on him — the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit of counsel and of power, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD.” This could possibly explain the seven spirits of God…(1) Spirit of the LORD, (2) Spirit of wisdom, (3) Spirit of understanding, (4) Spirit of counsel, (5) Spirit of power, (6) Spirit of knowledge, (7) Spirit of the fear of the Lord.

The "Sevenfold Spirit of God" is terminology used by the Bible to describe the Holy Spirit, who is Deity, Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscient. He is full, complete, and lacks nothing. His sevenfold aspects show the fullness of His perfection, character, and might!

Now, I'll tell you what I have been forgetting to do:

I have not been calling on this complete... perfect... Holy Spirit... utilizing His Wisdom - His understanding - His counsel - His power - His knowledge...as I should. He's perfect and Omniscient and I'm obviously not. I flail around...relying on my humanity to survive...while all of the time, He is there. I've forgotten to ask SPECIFICALLY for SPECIFIC wisdom, understanding, counsel, knowledge...from the only One Who can supply specific information...so that I can live an abundant life. Maybe the word here is: Specific!!

If I need wisdom, why have I not taken my request to the Spirit of Wisdom? If I am in need of knowledge, why have I forgotten to call out to the Spirit of Knowledge? At times I should inquire of the Spirit of Counsel. As a child of God I have been given the privilege to cry out to Him in these seven areas, then listen for His voice and receive instruction (via the Holy Spirit). I need everything He has to offer.  I need to know what the Spirit of God knows and freely shares.

Ok. By now you've got the picture.  You may be in the same boat...because we're all humans created by God and we just can't make it without assistance from the One Who created us. Hopefully, we won't forget to call on the seven aspects of perfection - God's precious Holy Spirit.

Thanks, God, for reminding us of what we have forgotten.