1. The God Ask
2. It is His nature to be supernatural
Even during this season of 'shut-down' and crisis ... these folks are reaching out. They are touching lives. They are still working to send a needed message of encouragement to people - or - working to raise their monthly budget in order to reach various countries with the knowledge of the Word of God. I'm reminded of the chorus we used to sing in church:
God's got an army marching through the land.
Deliverance is their song and healing in their hand,
With ever-lasting joy and gladness in their hearts,
And in this army I have a part. . .
As I read the post from the missionaries, the phrase ... the God ask ... So, there it is; the God Ask. Missionaries need to continue raising their monthly support during this time when churches are only holding online or parking lot services. I was impressed with the phrase: the God ask. Why? Because, we are told in the Word of God that "... we have not because we ask not." James 4:2.
It's time to consider that verse once more! "...we have not because..." It's obvious that God can supply abundantly (more than we can ask or think) that which we have need of. Matthew 6:8 "your Father knows exactly what you need even before you ask Him!" Often the problem of receiving is that we haven't asked!
If we only realized the abundance available in the Hands of the Lord. If we could grasp the willingness of our Creator to bless us with plenty. If we could comprehend the power available to us from the Throne of God. It's a source of which the likes of man has not yet seen. A source from which we are instructed to tap, to draw from, to receive of the fullness of the Godhead. We've been offered it all through the blood of Jesus Christ. Yes, I could shout here!!! This is powerful. This is a message to you today from the Spirit of God. Go for it. Don't waste another day. Remember, the God ask!
How much have I forfeited in life simply because I did not ask - I didn't put it out there in prayer. I neglected "the God ask" ...
This phrase was in the pastor's post. Oh, how we forget the supernatural actions of God! Everything He does is supernatural. Read in Genesis chapter one about His supernatural ability. It took a supernatural act to create the heaven and the earth. The second supernatural act was when the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters because the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep.
It is His nature to be supernatural when He speaks! In verse 3 God spoke and commanded light to appear. He saw that His supernatural act was good - the light was divided from the darkness. Then God spoke and named the light, day. He spoke supernatural words once more and renamed the darkness, night. His supernatural words continued until the waters were divided, heaven was named, and the days of His creation were numbered.
His supernatural words called the dry land earth - the waters He named, seas.... note that when He speaks, it happens according to His words and He is pleased! Everything mentioned in that chapter reveal the supernatural power of God's Words. Creation was abundant. God's creation brings life. Because, it is His nature to be supernatural.
When you do the God ask .... It is His nature to be supernatural in His answers!
Write this on paper and post it around the house.
When you do "the God ask,"
"it is His nature to be supernatural" in His answers!
Here are a few ways that God shows His limitless love for us:
1. He created us.
2. He sustains us.
3. He sent His Son, Jesus, to be the blood sacrifice for our sins.
4. He saves us from our sins when we accept Jesus as Lord and Savior.
5. He allows us to become a part of the family of God.
6. He has prepared a place for us in heaven.
7. He will take us to heaven to live eternally with Him.
But ... before we are raptured at the sound of the trumpet ... before we leave this life on earth ... be assured that you can "ask" and receive from a "supernatural God" because it is His nature to be supernatural.
God bless !!!