Some folks have lost their 'ever-lovin' minds. What is the deal? Why can males be content with being males and why can't women be satisfied being females?
Let me tell you why! They can no longer tolerate being made in the image of God.
Genesis 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. 27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
God created them to be godlike, reflecting God's nature. That's why I say that some folks have lost their 'ever-lovin' minds. They are declaring God's design in creation is not good enough! Satan is deceiving humanity into believing they don't have to be either male or female. That is the same deception used on Eve in the garden. "You don't have to believe God when he said that you couldn't eat of that tree. You won't die."
Listen! You cannot improve on what God has created! Gender identity change implemented by man only destroys, demeans, and diminishes that which God has created. God created man and woman and it was announced as 'good' ... You can't improve on that! Mankind can't improve on the God-created gender of male and female ... he only destroys it.
The LGBTQ has taken all of this a step further. Non-binary humans now are making their mark on society. To understand the term, non-binary, we first must understand the term, binary (bi'- nary). Bi - means two. Such as white and black. Dark and light. Good and Evil. Male and Female.
So, what is non-binary? This word describes a wide range of different identities which fall outside of the gender binary, and can be related to, or completely separate from male and female gender identities.
Who can be non-binary? Anyone who doesn't want to be a male or a female! A trans non-binary person is someone who doesn't identify with the sex that was assigned at birth (trans) and also has a gender identity that can't be categorized as exclusively male or female (non-binary).
It's bad enough that some churches are now ordaining homosexual ministers, they are now going beyond the homosexual influx in our churches by affirming non-binary leaders.
The article "Transgender Passé, Meet the Non-Binary Clergy" found online, tells us that there is an increasing number of individuals who identify as 'gender non-binary' who are emerging in the clerical ranks in mainline Protestant denominations. It's the next wave of sex and gender revisionism.
There is a dangerous shift in some denominations to accept this wide scale perversion. This shift will emanate in dysfunctional behaviors, spiritual death, and physical (as well as emotional and mental) problems for individuals.
CHURCHES will experience confusion and unbiblical teaching by allowing non-binary clergy in the pulpit. Non-Binary clergy in the pulpit are guilty of leading people astray. They themselves are irrational, unstable, demonic, and many are given over to a reprobate mind. Their leadership indoctrinates the congregation with a false doctrine and gives a misrepresentation of values which goes against the Word of God and against nature.
So, what do you do when your pastor turns up in a new gender? Yes. It happened. According to the Baltimore Sun, a few years ago, the Rev. Ann Gordon is now presented as Rev. Drew Phoenix. Gordon/Drew received another year appointment at this church after the new gender was revealed. She said:
......"This is about more than me... This is about people who come after me, about young people in particular who are struggling with their gender identity. I'm doing this for them."
What she/he is doing is leading that congregation into an illusion and the denomination into an explosive controversy.
A key strategy in the LGBTQ agenda is to seek to legitimize perversion and to gain approval. Tolerance is not enough. They must be approved. To do this, they are forced to see a rapid change in societal values. These values are found in our day-to-day relationships and within the society of our churches. They must make headway into our churches because they know that Christian ethics and values is the last bastion of defense holding back total acceptance and approval of a lifestyle that is an abomination to God.
The greatest damage will be done to our congregations. As Satan convinced Eve to eat of the forbidden fruit - the LGBTQ members have launched a propaganda campaign aimed at believers. Shaking solid doctrine, Shredding Truth of the Word of God, and Sowing Seeds of doubt about God's commands is happening in order to overturn the current view of homosexuals and indoctrinate our children.
Political gain and transforming society is their goal. Forbidden Fruit is the dish offered to people. Forbidden fruit consisting of sexual perversion in every form.
Jeremiah 23:1 "What sorrow awaits the leaders of my people - the shepherds of My sheep - for they have destroyed and scattered the very ones they were expected to care for," says the LORD.
The Good News Translation says, "How terrible will be the LORD'S judgment on those rulers who destroy and scatter his people!"
Question: What will you do if your church - your denomination - attempts to introduce a leader who is transgender, gay, or even ... Non - Binary?
Folks, it's coming!