
Just living is not enough... one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower. ~Hans Christian Andersen

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Meet the Non-Binary Clergy

...the next wave of sex and gender revisionism... 

Some folks have lost their 'ever-lovin' minds.  What is the deal?  Why can males be content with being males and why can't women be satisfied being females?  

Let me tell you why!  They can no longer tolerate being made in the image of God.  

Genesis 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.  27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

God created them to be godlike, reflecting God's nature.  That's why I say that some folks have lost their 'ever-lovin' minds.  They are declaring God's design in creation is not good enough!  Satan is deceiving humanity into believing they don't have to be either male or female.  That is the same deception used on Eve in the garden.  "You don't have to believe God when he said that you couldn't eat of that tree. You won't die."  

Listen!  You cannot improve on what God has created!  Gender identity change  implemented by man only destroys, demeans, and diminishes that which God has created.  God created man and woman and it was announced as 'good' ... You can't improve on that!  Mankind can't improve on the God-created gender of male and female ... he only destroys it.

The LGBTQ has taken all of this a step further.  Non-binary humans now are making their mark on society.  To understand the term, non-binary, we first must understand the term, binary (bi'- nary)Bi - means two.   Such as white and black.  Dark and light.  Good and Evil.  Male and Female.  

So, what is non-binary?  This word describes a wide range of different identities which fall outside of the gender binary, and can be related to, or completely separate from male and female gender identities.

Who can be non-binary?  Anyone who doesn't want to be a male or a female! A trans non-binary person is someone who doesn't identify with the sex that was assigned at birth (trans) and also has a gender identity that can't be categorized as exclusively male or female (non-binary).   

It's bad enough that some churches are now ordaining homosexual ministers,  they are now going beyond the homosexual influx in our churches by affirming non-binary leaders. 

The article  "Transgender Passé, Meet the Non-Binary Clergy" found online, tells us that there is an increasing number of individuals who identify as 'gender non-binary' who are emerging in the clerical ranks in mainline Protestant denominations.  It's the next wave of sex and gender revisionism.  

There is a dangerous shift in some denominations to accept this wide scale perversion.  This shift will emanate in dysfunctional behaviors, spiritual death, and physical (as well as emotional and mental) problems for individuals.  

CHURCHES will experience confusion and unbiblical teaching by allowing non-binary clergy in the pulpit. Non-Binary clergy in the pulpit are guilty of leading people astray.  They themselves are irrational, unstable, demonic, and many are given over to a reprobate mind.  Their leadership indoctrinates the congregation with a false doctrine and gives a misrepresentation of values which goes against the Word of God and against nature.

So, what do you do when your pastor turns up in a new gender?  Yes.  It happened.  According to the Baltimore Sun, a few years ago, the Rev. Ann Gordon is now presented as Rev. Drew Phoenix.   Gordon/Drew received another year appointment at this church after the new gender was revealed.  She said:
......"This is about more than me... This is about people who come after me, about young people in particular who are struggling with their gender identity. I'm doing this for them."  

What she/he is doing is leading that congregation into an illusion and the denomination into an explosive controversy.

A key strategy in the LGBTQ agenda is to seek to legitimize perversion and to gain approval.  Tolerance is not enough.  They must be approved.  To do this, they are forced to see a rapid change in societal values.   These values are found in our day-to-day relationships and within the society of our churches.  They must make headway into our churches because they know that Christian ethics and values is the last bastion of defense holding back total acceptance and approval of a lifestyle that is an abomination to God.  

The greatest damage will be done to our congregations.  As Satan convinced Eve to eat of the forbidden fruit - the LGBTQ members have launched a propaganda campaign aimed at believers.  Shaking solid doctrine, Shredding Truth of the Word of God, and Sowing Seeds of doubt about God's commands is happening in order to overturn the current view of homosexuals and indoctrinate our children.

Political gain and transforming society is their goal.  Forbidden Fruit is the dish offered to people.  Forbidden fruit consisting of sexual perversion in every form.

Jeremiah 23:1 "What sorrow awaits the leaders of my people - the shepherds of My sheep - for they have destroyed and scattered the very ones they were expected to care for," says the LORD.

The Good News Translation says, "How terrible will be the LORD'S judgment on those rulers who destroy and scatter his people!"

Question:   What will you do if your church - your denomination - attempts to introduce a leader who is transgender, gay, or even ...  Non - Binary?  

Folks,  it's coming! 



  • They are grotesque hypersexualized caricatures of women. 
  • They are often bisexual, transgender, genderqueer, or otherwise part of the LGBT community.  
  • Many are convicted criminals
  • Many moonlight in strip clubs and other adult related venues. 
  • Many are pedophiles, sizing up their opportunities in the local area.  

"Drag" an abbreviation of "dressed as girl" in description of male transvestism. 


A faux queen, bio queen, diva queen, hyper queen or female queen is a female performance artist who adopts the style typical of male drag queens. A faux queen may be playfully described as "a drag queen trapped in a woman's body".

Drag kings are mostly female performance artists who dress in masculine drag and personify male gender stereotypes as part of an individual or group routine. They are often lesbian, bisexual, transgender, genderqueer, or otherwise part of the LGBT community. They may also be straight.

Tucking is a technique whereby an individual hides the crotch bulge of the male parts so that they are not conspicuous through clothing. The practice is most commonly employed by transgender women in order to pass as cisgender female, as well as cisgender men that do drag.

Now, that you are a bit nauseous let's look into the history of DQST:


Michelle Tea created the Drag Queens Story Hour in 2015, in San Francisco.  She was born Michelle Tomasik, in 1971. She's an author and founder of several groups.  From 2012 to 2015 she wrote for XOJane (?) documenting the stress the difficulties she faced while trying to have a baby with her partner, Dashiell.   The stress of fertility treatments and artificial insemination..... including the gaps, or problems, existing for queer couples...because they live in a system which was established with heterosexual couples in  mind.    

This should explain her character, her morals, and her purpose.  Her work extends beyond writing.  You can read more about her on Wikipedia or other web sites.  If ... and only if ... you are interested.  Let's say this about her, she has contributed to the confusion and demise of a normal, healthy lifestyle for many. DQSH is now found all over the nation.  They have their own website.  
This is one example of what has gone wrong in America.   The far-left American Library Association (ALA) sponsored a workshop for librarians on how to stage the story hour for local libraries.  Thus, we may conclude that the ALA is aiding and abetting perverted presentations intended to indoctrinate our children in an environment that should be wholesome and safe.  Michelle Tea started a movement that is as dangerous as the atheist, Madalyn Murry O'Hair.


1.  Is to capture the imagination and play of the gender fluidity of childhood and give kids a glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models.

2.  To instill into our children, inclusivity and diversity of identity.  Nonsense.  Their want to subvert the young with their gender and sexual ideology.  If less than 2% of our population are homosexuals, this proves their need to capture children and indoctrinate them quickly.  This is their only method to keep the demonic movement alive.  And parents are cooperating.  

3. To teach tolerance. No. They are attempting to transform society into a deranged state of existence.  Tolerance for perversion is the best way to describe their actions.

4.  They desire to become role models for children.  Rather than promote their sick agenda, parents should advocate mental and spiritual help for these delusional people.  Why are parents and library officials celebrating such immoral and insane performances in an environment which totally affects our innocent children??

5.  They deny their indoctrination program of children, but rather declare the intent of providing a much-needed corrective to the gender norm pushed on kids from birth!

6.  The DQSH believe that children deserve to be exposed ...  and that children should follow their passions and embrace gender diversity for themselves!  

7. They label you and me, the normal ones, as guilty of misunderstanding LGBTQ experiences and we are the guilty ones.  We are guilty of homophobia and transphobia.

According to the LGBTQ, WE, the normal ones, should be ashamed for condemning their perversion.  WE should be punished for interfering with their agenda!!   We are guilty!!  Bad!! This contributes to their success....just pass their guilt from them, to you and to me.  


We understand that one small foot in the door by the LGBTQ only means they will shove the door open much wider.  Now the LGBTQ effort is espousing chemical and surgical castration of children ... and grooming them, effectively, with their DQSH held across our country.

Edie Pasek,  organizes story hour events in and around Milwaukee, Ms. Pasek said her group holds about a third of its events in libraries and a third in churches, where dozens of children sometimes show up.   They said that in the Midwest, "we do drag in churches."  

  • In a suburb of Seattle, June, 2019, a drag event was held for teens ... with the intent to raffle off a breast binder for young women who believe they are men. 
  • April 2019, Houston, TX one public library allowed a draq queen to assist during story hour.  This person was a convicted sex offender.  
And the list goes on.

500 Mom Strong is a group of women who "HAVE HAD ENOUGH" with the sexualization of our children and the mockery of our femininity.   On their web site you will find an article called, SATANIC DRAQ QUEENS ARE AFTER YOUR CHILDREN....

Look them up:  500momstrong.org.   Yes, there are women who have had enough.  Enough is Enough.     If you think the DRAG QUEEN STORY HOUR is just a phase, or simply a small movement making a lot of noise, think again.  This is a demonic movement from the pits of hell and they are after your children!  They intend to "groom" your babies into an unhealthy lifestyle ... which will eventually include HIV and AIDS.   

God forbid that we 'right-winged', morally decent, biblically based citizens reveal that these deranged draq queens/kings are actually sexual predators and pedophiles.  Any exposure or opposition to their agenda is labeled as HATE, AND RIGHT-WINGED FEARMONGERING.

Read this paragraph from the above blog posted on 500 Mom Strong:  

Researching the Drag Queens who read to the children at libraries has revealed that many of them are sexual predators and their “art” is full of blood and fecal play and many of them declare “Hail Satan” on their social media profiles.  At the DQSH and tween/teen Drag 101 events being held at libraries across the country, the children are encouraged to follow the Drag Queen’s social media profiles which are filled with Satanic pornography.  Drag was born out of sexism and racism and was raised in satanic pornography and it feeds on mocking and dehumanizing women and destroying the innocence of children. 


1.  WE HAVE FORSAKEN THE BIBLICAL VIEW OF HUMANITY.  Face it, the government won't help.  One political party is actively pursuing a Marxist-LBGT ideology.  They don't dare call out demonic activity because they are deep in it themselves.  We have an anti-christ spirit going full speed ahead with rapid growth aiming destroying all things biblical in our society.  It seems our government has become cowards in opposing the demands of this small percentage who have declared war on Christianity and the values we hold dear.

How disgusting and sad that their main objective is in destroying children.  Abortion is their first objective.  If children happen to actually be born in our country - then their next objective is to indoctrinate them into a lifestyle void of being made in the image of God.  

We have arrive at a place in America where any defense of our children's innocence ... results in death threats and obscene slander from those promoting a degrading lifestyle.


VOTE.  Vote from office those who promote/allow/congratulate such activity.

One Republican lawmaker introduced a bill which would jail librarians who host a Drag Queen Story Hour or let kids check out 'inappropriate' books.  Ben Baker's bill is called: Parental Oversight of Public Libraries Act.  

Of course, a Washington Post article  has come out against this Act.  This is what they say about it:

"A conservative Republican legislator in Missouri has introduced legislation that would create "parental library review boards: with the power to decide whether books in pubic libraries are too sexually explicit for young people.  The five-member panels - elected by community members - would hold hearings to gather suggestions from the public on what books are inappropriate for minors.   Also, Library personnel could be fined up to $500 or jailed for up to a year if they 'willfully' violate any provision of the legislation, should it become law, and libraries could lose all of their funding."

What they are actually saying is: they do not want responsible adults in a community to have any say about their liberal/LGBTQ agenda.  They fear suggestions (a voice) from the public, knowing that they are a minority and that they would be kicked out by the larger percentage of decent Americans!

Now you know.  Hopefully, you are better informed about the DRAG QUEEN STORY HOUR.    

Call your congressmen, senators, community officials, and your local library. 

Guard our nation.  Guard our families.  Guard our children.

Saturday, February 8, 2020


While politically correct schools are shoving their agenda down the throats of our youth ...  there are some who will not be shoved !!!  

A high school in Virginia told the students that they could not fly the American flag from their vehicles because it might be offensive to some.   SO... they did what every Red-Blooded American should do.  THEY FLEW THE FLAGS.  


They drove through town with OLD GLORY flying in the breeze.  Ah, I wish I could have been there!  My heart would have been proud!    

Thank the Lord for students with a backbone who will not be pushed around by some meathead, snowflake of a idiot.  Yes, that's what I said.  

It's HIGH TIME we stood up to these anti-American and take our country back.


Hear me, if we don't stand up to them, there soon won't be an America.  

I've seen some of the weirdest people in the past few years.  They parade down our streets in protest of decency.  Honestly, they look like something from outer space ... a realm not recognizable.  

You may not know it --  but -- there are some really great youth in this nation.  They honor their parents.  They go to school.  And many of them attend church.  Believe it or not, some of these good old boys would knock the block off of a sissy boy if approached to join the 'gay' activity.  

I discovered an article on Youth and Patriotism.  Here is an excerpt from that article:
When it comes to the flag as a symbol, a public opinion poll conducted by the Foundation for Liberty and American Greatness suggests that young people see the flag less as a symbol to be proud of and more as a symbol of what is wrong with the country. If more students are associating the flag with flaws in the system, it would explain why some students opt out of standing for the pledge of allegiance or other celebratory acts.
I don't know how the author came to this conclusion!  But what I do know, is that if youth see the flag less as a symbol to be proud of and more of what is wrong with our country - it is because some liberal nut has indoctrinated their minds!  Parents, take your young people back and redeem them from this devastating influence and send that nonsense back to hell ... where it came from! 
The missive has another paragraph worth noting:  It’s likely that the very students who are refusing to stand for the pledge are exhibiting their patriotism by demanding a better tomorrow...  MY ANSWER TO THIS IS:  HOGWASH.
AMERICA has been a GREAT Country for all these years  - WHY DO SOME LIBERALS THINK IT NEEDS TO BE CHANGED NOW?  I wish some of them would go and get a decent job and enjoy the blessings we have in this country!!  
Let me say it again, we have some really great youth in our country.  You just don't see them on tv.  Why?  Because they are not out there trying to promote stupidity and anti-God agendas!

I APPLAUD these great young people.  I WISH YOU GREAT SUCCESS IN LIFE.

AND.... I pray you can remain strong during these crazy government days.

If I see you driving through town with your American flags you can bank on it - I will wave back and take your picture and put it on Facebook and tell the world how proud I am of you!!!

Go and take a stand ... you strong, patriotic young folks!  We older ones are behind you all the way!


It started in the Garden of Eden.  The battle between good and evil did not exist until Eve was tempted of the serpent (Satan) and, believing his lies, she succumbed to eating the forbidden fruit.  Eve then shared that piece of fruit with Adam.  This is what we refer to as "the fall of man" - it's the moment when sin entered the world...and into the hearts of humanity.

We have arrived at a place in the United States where we now call evil good and good evil.  Good and evil in our society is a battle that is rapidly rising.  Evil has a loud voice ... to convert good to evil these voices must distort and twist the Word of God.  Evil declares that God doesn't mean what He says.  Evil denounces the Word as Truth.  Evil says you can do as you please ... you have 'rights' after all.  

Immense pressure to conform to these worldly standards openly emanate from the Liberal political party.  The Democrats.   

I'm watching disturbing scenes happening in our country.  Today, we have a homosexual candidate seeking the highest office in our nation.  He stated that his husband would be the future first gentleman of the United States Yet, crowds follow and cheer him at rallies.  No one denounces his sin.  We are told to accept this lifestyle or we will be labeled as haters.  

Hate is the norm for responding to opposite views.  Let's call it what it is,  extreme hate, with violent voices preferring death and pain to conservative voices.  Here is what one teacher tweeted upon hearing of Rush Limbaugh's announcement of advanced cancer: "Limbaugh absolutely should have to suffer from cancer.  It's awesome that he's dying, and hopefully it is as quick as it is painful"  says Travis Sarandos, who teaches in Milwaukee. 

A recent poll was taken of primary Democrat voters in New Hampshire ... they were asked a question regarding preferred outcomes at the upcoming November 3rd election ... below lists the percentages to each answer:

38% Donald Trump winds re-election
62% A giant meteor strikes the earth, extinguishing all human life.

The majority of Democrat primary voters in New Hampshire prefer to see everybody on earth die -- than see Trump re-elected president in November.  That's extreme hate.  That's not just political preference - we've gone beyond political preference ... we've moved into a fight between good and evil.  

HATE was on display this week as Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, literally showed her backside --  her rear -- as the President delivered a constitutionally required address to the nation.  Nancy the Ripper premeditated her performance as she ripped the pages of the speech in front of the camera and the world. She demeaned her office - she lost all dignity and respect as a leader - she should be censored, better yet removed from office.  But, then again, she does not fear consequences for her actions.  

AS THE WORLD TURNS to wickedness - we pacify our actions, and any guilt associated with our behavior, by convincing ourselves that there will be no consequences for our disobedience.  People are deceived and blinded by an anti-christ spirit.  

Tony Compollo, professor of sociology at Eastern College said this regarding homosexuality:  "Evangelicals have been undeniably cruel and mean.  I feel that the way the Church is behaving toward gays is an embarrassment to Jesus."

Liberal agenda requires destroying Truth ... believing a lie, just as in the Garden of Eden ... and quenching the Church from speaking Truth.

It's a battle between good and evil.  It is raging.  It is gaining momentum.  For the Liberal platform to rise to control, they must push the opposite platform (conservatives) down to the dirt.   And they will stop at nothing to accomplish this goal.

They won't admit it, but HATE is their theme.  HATE has become norm.  SIN is abolished.  That which is an abomination to God has become that which is now worshiped. Abortion, homosexuality, transgender ... all have become the 'forgotton sin'.

I wish I could say we are only in a political battle in the U.S. - but that is no longer the issue.  We are in a spiritual battle.  A battle between evil and good, right and wrong.  A battle with spiritual influences ... Jesus Christ vs. the anti-christ spirit.  

Watch which political party promotes evil - or good.  Watch closely.  That should determine your stance, your vote, your desired outcome for our nation.

It's a battle between good and evil.  

I choose 'good' for my children and grands/greats.....I choose a decent America for my babies.  I choose decency, biblical standards, and right over wrong.

Where do you stand?  Your vote come November will clearly reveal your choice in the battle between good and evil.


Saturday, February 1, 2020

USA & ISRAEL are in the way...

Two Nations.  The USA and Israel.  Two strong nations. Two nations with freedom. Two nations where all religions are welcome.   Two nations not under socialist rule.  Two nations not under Sharia law.  

They are in the way.

Of what, you ask?  Two things.

1.  A One World Government.  2.  A One World Religion.

What is a One World Government?  One definition states that a OWG refers to the idea of a central government whose authority extends across the entirety of this planet. 

There are numerous viewpoints depicting this scenario.  

A)  A stronger UN.  "Liberal Internationalism" ... a strengthened United Nations which would evolve into a world government.  Given authority independent of member states.

B) The European Union.   Organizing the world into regional/continental governments so that a world government can be established.      

C) One World Government under the rule of the Antichrist.   This is the view premillennialist Christians believe because it is revealed in the Book of Revelation.  The One World Government will be established under the rule of the Antichrist.  This also involves One World Religion.

Some believe there are conspirators at work today heading us toward a New World Order, a One World Government.  These organizations/leaders are not necessarily religious groups - but are usually of a non-religious form.  They are often linked to anti-Semitism ... Sharia Law ... Socialism ... and other anti-democracy ideologies.

It's no longer an outside threat in America.  Today, this movement is inside our country. They are in our government, working in our schools to indoctrinate and promote socialism and anti-God agendas.  This agenda is popular with the Left: Liberals, Globalists.   A One World Government is the goal of the Left.  To obtain this goal, America must turn into a Socialist Nation.  

To become a Socialist Nation, our rights as citizens must be removed.  Our history must be removed.  Our guns removed from homes and individuals.  To accomplish the goal of the Left, we must be deemed as a population of ... or better described as a basket of deplorables.  Liberal commentators use various terms to demean the intellect of citizens not on their Left-Level.  To the Liberal Left, we are mocked as mere ignorant, uneducated fools. Or as recently noted, those of us who are not in the Liberal Camp are labeled as "Illiterate Credulous Rubes." 

In case you were not insulted as the CNN guest intended, let me define a Rube for you.

RUBE: An insulting word for a person considered uneducated or uncultured.  An Average Country Bumpkin.  An idiot who doesn't know what they are talking about.  A person who lacks sophistication, manners, education, and culture.  Gullible hicks.  

President Trump declared recently that American would NEVER become a Socialist Nation!  To the Liberal Left (Democratic Leaders) Trump is in their way.  He must be destroyed at any cost.  

So, you see,  It's not just Trump.  It's not just you and me that they are after!  It's a Socialist Nation they desire.  And we are in their way.  


One pastor recently delivered a sermon noting this fact: "The sole goal of Globalist is a New World Order, playing into the hands of the anti-christ who will arrive on the scene and control the world system which involves the government, economy, religion, etc.  Can you see why Trump and Netanyahu are being attacked?  Can we say it's a demonic effort to remove these men from their position?  They are the ones going against this agenda."


NOW:  Look again at our government.  Recall those who are vocal ... loudly vocal.  They are known as "the Squad" ...  Reps. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota (MUSLIM) , Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York (SOCIALISM) , Rashida Tlaib (MUSLIM)  of Michigan and Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts.

What do these four have in common?  Islam, Socialist, Anti-Israel. Progressive Agenda. Abolish ICE. Open Borders. Medicare for all. 


Sad to say, these two leaders are in the way of our Democrat leaders who demand rulership of America.  


I admonish all of us deplorables, rubes, uncultured folks on the Right, to rise from our sleep and take note of what is happening to our nation.  This has been a free and good America.  If we continue to sleep and refuse to take a stand and raise our voice, we will cease to be a good America.  

Socialism is the next step on the path to a One World Government.  This path leads to a world system ruled by the anti-christ.  

Awake America.  Rise America.  Speak up America.

Philippians 2:9-11   (Speaking of Jesus Christ)
9) Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a ae which is above every name:  10) That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;   11) And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
