
Just living is not enough... one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower. ~Hans Christian Andersen

Thursday, November 14, 2019

TEN YEARS AGO, December 28th


Titled:  THE NEW YEAR.  It was short. Three paragraphs.  Here is the middle paragraph from that first blog:

Blank pages. Something will be written on the pages of our life. Perhaps we can control the content with just a little more focus and effort on our day. What if we did some things on purpose! Such as: start a journal - tell a joke - compliment one person a day - laugh at least once...well, you can create your own content...and you can fill in the blank pages. 

Since that first effort to put expression into words ... I've published about 230 blogs.  Oh, I should have written twice as much, but we easily let days go by and then we get way to busy to sit and think ... write ... communicate.

Today, I'm all too aware of the changes in the past ten years.  Blank pages have been filled with life.  Life for us a individuals, families, churches, towns, large cities, states, and nations.  Life changes for all of us.  

Now, we are approaching the close of 2019.  Ten years ...  ten ...  years ... I look back at some of the earlier blogs and think:  Wow, those are pretty good!  :)   Then I view recent writings and realize that my thoughts are now filled with concern for our nation.  Morals have flown out the window for some groups.  Politics are raging with socialism and division.  We are in a war.  A cultural war.  Daily I feel challenged to take a stand for biblical principles against degradation in our society.   The issues are many and I won't list them here.  

I understand how easy it would be for the saints to become weary.   Even if you are not a professing Christian, a believer in Jesus Christ, weariness can settle on your soul due to the unrest in our nation and the perversion flung in our face, demanding acceptance even though it is against all that is decent within us.

So what do we do now?  How do we maintain a calm, healthy, and steadfast life ...  holding the ship steady in a storm?  

We return to the Word of God.  We stand on it - declare it - proclaim it - teach it - pray it - and believe it ... Because:

1.  God never changes.
2.  His Word does not change
3.  He will never leave us nor forsake us

The Word of God is our stabilizer, keeping us steady through life.   A stabilizer prevents one from wandering helpless in the midst of pressure to compromise.  We maintain our testimony.  We remain secure in the fact that Jesus Christ is our Rock.  Our emotions are healthy.   Our clear vision carries us forward.  Stable.  Healthy.  Secure.  Steady as she goes.

Yes, there have been serious changes in society these past ten years.  But, the inner man is steadfast.  We can identify with Abraham in Hebrews 11:10:

For he was [waiting expectantly and confidently] looking forward to the city which has fixed and firm foundations, whose Architect and Builder is God.

Abraham realized the greatness and glory of that divine, eternal city.  The city whose builder is God.

Your purpose in life is eternal.  You won't leave here with regrets.

Look for this city today.  Gaze through the window of your soul.

That's what we do.
