
Just living is not enough... one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower. ~Hans Christian Andersen

Saturday, August 17, 2019


It is said that Nero wanted to change the face of Rome and that he used the devastation of the fire to institute new rules throughout the city.  He wanted to clamp down on the Christians and then he could build a bigger and better society.  In fact, he decided to just blame Christians for the fire.

Sounds like today.  In America.  We have a political party looking for scapegoats to blame for the lack of tolerance, for a anything-goes lifestyle.  Remember, Christians believe the Word of God.  The Word speaks against homosexuality.  God says it is an abomination to Him.  The Word tells us that God created man and woman.  We have a strong movement today pushing a wild, weird, agenda ...  that you can be whatever gender you choose  ... and society had better accept it or they will be punished.

As citizens of the good ole' USA, we have always taken a stand for freedom of speech.  Our speech is now labeled 'hate speech' unless it is in line with liberal thinking.   We are also for capitalism, which has made our country great.  

Let's face it.  We "Christians" are the problem.  There are greater freedoms of expression granted to anti-christian groups than those of us who believe and adhere to the Bible.  Now we are considered "out of touch" - "old-fashioned" - not with the changing "culture" ...   really? 

Christians must be silenced.  How?  Call us names.  Deplorable.  Communist.  Just to name a few.   Academic establishments cater to anti-christian policies.

Like Nero, the far left uses the pretext that we are to blame for whatever ...  and we must be lowered and classed as the minority in assessing social standards for society  - we must be presented as a group or class of people who are 'less than' - this mentality serves to raise the importance and relevance of those who desire socialism and government control.

Nero's persecution of Christians was the first that the religion would endure.  History says that it resulted in the martyrdom of two apostles.  Peter and Paul.   

By the way, don't feel sorry for Nero. History paints him as fiddling while Rome burned.  Maybe he did, maybe he didn't.  We do know that he loved playing the harp-like cithara. I read that Nero's mother killed his uncle, then Nero could ascend to the throne, and later, like mother/like son,  Nero had mom killed.  Seems somewhat that history is repeating itself in our nation.  A long list of 'suicides' follow some of our politicians.  

Yep.  We Christians are being used a scapegoats.  We are to blame.  There are those in our country who want to TRANSFORM America.  Into what, may I ask?  We've done well these 200 + years.  Transform us, how?  Into a country most of us no longer recognize?  Into a nation promoting a thousand genders, until no human has any inkling in their brain of an identity?  They become simply an 'IT' - walking through life in a stupor - confused as a termite in a yoyo.  Eventually suffering psychiatric disorders unknown to man.

Blame the Christians.  Go ahead.  But, there will come a day when the fire of anti-christ actions will bring you down!   Nero was eventually declared to be a public enemy ...   and rather than face execution, he took his life by pushing a dagger into his throat.  And that, only four years after Rome burned.

A system / society without godly-morals, without a godly-compass, without godly-leadership, and without godly-thinking ...  will destroy itself.  And those who defy the Almighty God will go down, just like Nero.

Don't forget.  For Christians there will come a day when we are caught-up, raptured, out of here.  Then what will the Nero-like leaders do with a country in chaos? 

Today is the day of salvation.  Today is the time to accept Jesus Christ as Savior.  Today is the time to become strong believers.  Today is the day to speak up, stand up....and spread the good news of the Gospel.  

Christians, you are the hope for America.   The only hope.  You are not the tail, you are the head!  