This episode of My Little Pony, titled "The Last Crusade," introduces Aunt Holiday and Auntie Lofty, a lesbian couple who take care of the character Scootaloo.
Christian advocate Ken Ham notes, "It seems more and more companies are jumping on the bandwagon of the war against children to destroy them by drawing them into depravity. This is a reminder to parents as you consider TV programs, purchasing books, toys etc., for children, to keep this in mind at all times."
We are in a moral, cultural war. In every situation affecting society, the new 'myright' to sin, the call to normalize perversion, state legislation legalizing murder of children at birth and in the womb, legalize gay marriage, accepting drag queens reading to children in the libraries of our country, normalizing pedophilia.....
PERVERSION IS ATTEMPTING TO TURN MORALLY WRONG INTO A CIVIL RIGHT ! Appease the morally diseased! Cater to the twisted minds. Modify society's perception of behavior. Call that which is nothing more than a mental sickness, normal.
Today there is a strategic effort to Normalize Pedophilia by Recommending Workshops Instead of Prosecution.
The gay movement, whether we acknowledge it or not....is a moral revolution aimed at changing people's view of homosexuality. And they have moved from forcing acceptance among adults, to indoctrinating our children!
Do we have those in our nation who will go to such extreme measures to eliminate all things having to do with God; to denounce, deny, and destroy the natural order established by God; to eliminate God altogether ??? Yes. We do.
Their goal is to do away with guilt altogether. No guilt for sin. No guilt for pedophiles. No guilt for perversion. Anything goes. No penalties.
We can't legislate decency into society by legalizing every sinful perversion man can imagine! We are headed full steam down a road of destruction. If we continue on this path, only imagine, if you will, the mental state of such confused souls as they attempt to live a normal life in an abnormal and diseased society. Frightening to say the least.
Decency still comes from God Almighty! It will always come from Him. There is no other source.
How can we change the course America is on?
1. By Prayer.
2. By Standing up
3. By Speaking up.
That's what I am doing.
Our children deserve better than allowing a minority of people with a multitude of disorders push their agenda down our throats so that they can create a monstrous, evil future, a future in which our children cannot survive.
Amen ... and ... Amen.
Christian advocate Ken Ham notes, "It seems more and more companies are jumping on the bandwagon of the war against children to destroy them by drawing them into depravity. This is a reminder to parents as you consider TV programs, purchasing books, toys etc., for children, to keep this in mind at all times."
We are in a moral, cultural war. In every situation affecting society, the new 'myright' to sin, the call to normalize perversion, state legislation legalizing murder of children at birth and in the womb, legalize gay marriage, accepting drag queens reading to children in the libraries of our country, normalizing pedophilia.....
PERVERSION IS ATTEMPTING TO TURN MORALLY WRONG INTO A CIVIL RIGHT ! Appease the morally diseased! Cater to the twisted minds. Modify society's perception of behavior. Call that which is nothing more than a mental sickness, normal.
Today there is a strategic effort to Normalize Pedophilia by Recommending Workshops Instead of Prosecution.
The gay movement, whether we acknowledge it or not....is a moral revolution aimed at changing people's view of homosexuality. And they have moved from forcing acceptance among adults, to indoctrinating our children!
Do we have those in our nation who will go to such extreme measures to eliminate all things having to do with God; to denounce, deny, and destroy the natural order established by God; to eliminate God altogether ??? Yes. We do.
Their goal is to do away with guilt altogether. No guilt for sin. No guilt for pedophiles. No guilt for perversion. Anything goes. No penalties.
We can't legislate decency into society by legalizing every sinful perversion man can imagine! We are headed full steam down a road of destruction. If we continue on this path, only imagine, if you will, the mental state of such confused souls as they attempt to live a normal life in an abnormal and diseased society. Frightening to say the least.
Decency still comes from God Almighty! It will always come from Him. There is no other source.
How can we change the course America is on?
1. By Prayer.
2. By Standing up
3. By Speaking up.
That's what I am doing.
Our children deserve better than allowing a minority of people with a multitude of disorders push their agenda down our throats so that they can create a monstrous, evil future, a future in which our children cannot survive.
Amen ... and ... Amen.